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9 years ago

Don't really want to say anything, but I feel I ought to.

My name's Avery. I'm some dumbass who lives in England.

And yeah, that's pretty much it. I don't like people knowing too much about me. I've just always been a loner. Jus' who I am. Deal with it.

Although I would like to say that just from reading through the titles of some of the "story-games" onsite that this seems like an ok place. My younger brother plays on here a bit and recommended it. I can't very well turn down my little bro, can I?

I'll give this place a shot. I don't typically interact with people like this, so I'm a bit nervous, but if you really are good people like Damian says, then I don't see anything wrong with playing a few games and making a few of my own.

So... thanks for having me and have a nice day... I guess...


9 years ago

Wrong subforum. 


9 years ago

Ah, well. Thanks for pointing that out. Now don't get mad if I'm wrong, but is your avatar a... hamster? Anyway, thanks again Malkalack. It seems as though you people are quite nice....


9 years ago
We're all horrible people who consume the souls of children. Welcome to the club.


9 years ago

Great! That sounds more my speed! *chuckles lightly*


9 years ago



9 years ago

I said not to get mad....


9 years ago
Capybara are not the most reasonable of creatures.


9 years ago

Yeah? How would you feel if someone kept calling you a furry ape? How would you feel? 


9 years ago

I believe that I am done talking to you...


9 years ago

May your children be born hermaphrodite gerbils. 


9 years ago

-says bitterly- Same to you, sir.


9 years ago
I had a co-worker who called me "Gorilla Arms" once. Not because I'm jacked or anything, but because my arms are so long. I found it rather amusing, actually.


9 years ago

It is? I thought is was a hamster too. :D


9 years ago

Just don't make Warrior Cat games and we'll get along fine. It's cool to have more Brits on the site though, we can begin to colonize and take over soon.


9 years ago
The Brits lost most (all?) of their colonies. I imagine you have a few stranded islands in some places left.

EDIT: Bring it on!


9 years ago

We still have the commonwealth. It's not much but it'll have to do.


9 years ago

*smiles slighly*

Thanks. I'll consider that.


9 years ago

BTW: What is "Warrior Cats"? I've never heard of that...


9 years ago

Good, it's best to keep it that way.


9 years ago

Warrior Cats is a book series. They have a fandom that seems to be taking over this site.


9 years ago

Welcome, enjoy your stay. Introduction threads go in newbie central.


9 years ago

Thank you. I'll remember to double check where posts go in future. 

Is there a way to move this thread to its proper place? Harvey mentioned something like that when he read what I posted. 


9 years ago

Only Admins can do that. (jjj, madglee, seth are the currently most active)


9 years ago

Harvey mentioned 3-J (as he calls him). Seems like a nice enough guy, but then again, I've never directly talked to him. I'll see if I can get a chance to ask him. Thanks.


9 years ago

You can always tag them! @Sethaniel

(Tagged since it needs to be moved).


9 years ago

Profile. Best forum game on this site, and done by him.

So wait, what's your siblings username?


9 years ago

I think it's something along the lines of, SnackAttack401? At least that's what I think he said. His mouth was full of cheezits when I asked him. Lolz. 

I never really cared what my brother did onsite. I mostly just played Minecraft and The Sims and Ruin Scape.Then one day he wanted to show me a game he made and, well, I guess I kind of got hooked on the flow of the links and such. Mind you, it was not a very good game, but I said it was good and he suggested I try it. I refused, and he's been bugging me ever since:

"But Avery! You're so talented, you'd be great at it!"

"I bet your story-games will be the best onsite!"

"You've got A's in English! Put that big brain to work!"

So. Annoying. 

So just to get him off my back, I joined. It seems ok so far. I'm at school right now, it's free period. My brother doesn't have free period, since he takes a language and I don't. French, I believe. I'm sick and tired of waking up to "Bonjour, monsuier!" every morning. He thinks it's funny. It's not.

He's really become more of my coach rather than being on the site himself. I think the last time he was on was a year and a half ago? He's been giving me (unhelpful and unneeded) suggestions. Siblings can be so irritating.


9 years ago

Yep. I've got one of all three kinds. (full, half, adopted.) The most annoying is my little brother.

Of course, I've been doing the same thing to my older sister. XD


9 years ago

Heh. Glad to find someone with whom I can relate. 

I'm currently working on a game called The Violet City. Basically, I did a little digging around site for inspiration. I'm not the most original person per se, but if I combine a bunch of different things together, I can get something that's at least half-decent.

My idea: Combine elements from "Legend" (a book I really like and the first in a trilogy), Wild Adventures (originally intended for laughs, but has interesting parts that I find intriguing. You can find it on Youtube.), and a storygame I found called "The Other World" (brilliantly done, I'm a bit jealous! And to think it's not even done yet! -slyly smiles-) 

Mash them all together into one big organized mess and (hopefully) I've got a story-game to delight. Of course I don't hesitate to add my own elements t it, just to put the cherry on top of the sundae so to speak! :D 


9 years ago

Maybe you could also take a lesson from Becoming Legend (WIP) and 1st and the Last of the Ninja (Published WIP). Quiller knows how to play with the players feelings, and nmelssx has an incredible/unbelievable skill in scripting & tricks.


9 years ago
Yeah, nmelssx actually showed me one of his battle scripts. It could easily take up several pages.


9 years ago

I'm not surprised. There must be hundreds of variables as well. What I am surprised about is that some people have rated it a 1 or 2. 


9 years ago

I took a look at that. Bonus points to nmelssx for being a naruto fan! :D

It was rather awesome. This place seems like it has a lot of potential. 

I've been asking around for some tips and help with features I'd like and I think with those bits I've gathered, my first storygame will be a hit! (hopefully)


9 years ago

Yeah. There are still a couple bugs here and there, but can you imagine just how much scripting and variables that would take? I mean, you got a full page long thing of 

%ROLL := 1D6


%ROLL1 := 1D2
%C1 := 1D21
%ROLL2 := 2

(One section of about 17)

...and that's only for a random name generator. Of course, to actually put the name into the text would be a whole lot more scripting. If that's how much it takes for a name generator, then just how much would it take to account for all the possibilities in battle?

I'm rambling aren't I? '>_> Well, he's a scripting goddess. XD


So, what genre is your story?


9 years ago

Uhhhh. Post-apocalyptic, with some fantasy and horror and a bit of romance. Pretty much the Hunger Games genre, only an entirely different story of course!


9 years ago
Welcome to CYS, and enjoy your stay.


9 years ago

It's not you being a loner that bothers me, but the phrase "Deal with it" has been getting rather grating lately. But other than that, YAY! New guy! Prepare to get hazed!


9 years ago

... You know, one day some poor soul who is actually the sibling of a site member is going to join and be like. "Hellos! I'm brand new here and I've never been on CYS before but I gots a brother and/or sister who uses the site and they say it's super awesome!" And nobody's going to believe them. cheeky


9 years ago
I've had friends and family members join, and there are still people who have a hard time believing they're not me.


9 years ago

*Gasp* Troll! cheeky


9 years ago
Granted, one of my friends did do some trolling, my cousin got into a hardcore argument with coins, and the only one of my friends who is still active on here just comes on a few hours every other day without saying, reading, or writing anything.


9 years ago

Wow... You're a very subtle troll. ^_^


9 years ago


9 years ago

You're welcome ^_^


9 years ago

What about jjj's sister? She said pretty much the same thing when jjj introduced her to the site. No one doubted them then.


9 years ago

In case you didn't know about his sister, here.

Edit: Sorry, wrong button. Meant to press edit on the post above.


9 years ago

hah, I love her username. It's kinda what I did with mine.


9 years ago

What do you mean?


9 years ago

Years ago when I was still a lil kid of eight summers old, I used to use my Brothers usename. Madluke. But I decided to change it to suit me, and allow me to create my own accounts.

Her username is a modification of JJ's. It just gave me a chuckle is all.


9 years ago

I think 'Madbrad' has a bit more ring to it than 'Madluke'. 


9 years ago


I believe he uses MadlukeLCM now. LCM being his initials.


9 years ago



9 years ago

I remember those days. Of course I was popping ants with sunlight aimed through a magnifying glass and filling the ditch in our yard with water and rolling in the mud, but -shrugs-


9 years ago

Wait, you can pop ants with a magnifying glass? 0.o


9 years ago

Never tried it myself.. I had assumed they just shrivel up on the spot but causing them to "pop" is infinitely cooler and less humane!


9 years ago

Yeah, just lean a little to the side so the sun's light hits the lens and it'll be magnified and focused in a single beam. Aim this beam over an ant, and the heat will eventually cause it to explode with a satisfying "pop" and smoking gut spray! (I'm very strange in case you haven't noticed)


9 years ago

Yeah, I almost got banned for that a few years back.


9 years ago

Welcome to the site, enjoy your stay!


9 years ago

My brother is only a year younger than I am, and quite talented. We'll be co-authoring something in the future, though he won't tell me what it is. I just agreed to get him off my back. He saw what Malk said and apologized for not warning me about Malk's "abusive temper" and "denial of relation to guinea pigs" along with his "crude sense of humor in all terms of the word". Might I ask what Malk did to piss Harvey off? -innocent smile-

P.S sorry about the "deal with it". I was just a bit irritated because of the Park testing coming up. My Geometry grade is at an all-time low, and I SWEAR I turned in all the assignments on-time and complete. Stupid school system...


9 years ago

Hey, welcome to the site.

I suggest that you don't play the "depressed loner" on this site, especially since most of us tend to be blunt to the other users (not out of animosity, it's just simpler that way). Just enjoy the site and leave the more tedious details out (i.e calling yourself a dumbass is not necessary, you'll probably be judged by us later anyways ^^).

Feel free to explore the forums a bit and converse with the others. As long as you're mature, have a decent grasp of English and can actually spell, you'll get along fine. Oh and discussing about Warrior Cats is almost grounds for a heated forum war; I wouldn't call it a debate, seeing as how there isn't much in the WC fans defense. 

I do find the sudden influx of new users to be quite peculiar. After all.. 180 is oddly specific :P Why not UmbraKnight0-10? Unless 0-10 were taken...


9 years ago

UmbraKnight: Umbramancers are Darkness Elementals. The "Knight" is a play on that. 

180: The first trick I ever did while snowboarding. Quite a signifigant memory, so I put it in my name. 

I'm not really depressed, just a bit.... nervous... around other people.... when they're staring... at me... LOOK THE OTHER WAY GODDAMMIT! Ha.... My brother says my sense of humor is a bit dry. Is it?


9 years ago

I don't know you well enough to say ^ Don't mind too much about my mad ramblings for it's just paranoia speaking. And I have to say you put a lot more thought into your username than I have.

Oh, and there's not really any reason to be nervous while you're online. Though I never really had a bout of anxiety while I was around others, so I can't say.



9 years ago

Yeah, it doesn't help that I'm claustrophobic too. It's like I was born to be a loner.

Anti-social, claustrophobic, a bit of a temper, and the tendency to get very bored with mere conversation very quickly. 

My brother, on the other hand, is the total opposite. I think he's on his fifth girlfriend by now, the little git.


9 years ago
It sucks when you need social interaction but can't stand to be around other people, doesn't it?


9 years ago


So true! Anyway, free-period just ended. I've got to go. See you all around some time!


9 years ago

"calling yourself a dumbass is not necessary" ... Hmm. You may want to look into human psychology a bit more. Honestly, eco, a majority of people tend to be more forgiving or at least more tolerable to people who are occasionally (but not constantly) down on themselves. I'm not necessarily recommending it or advocating it, but it is nonetheless true. (Constantly, on the other hand, has the opposite effect because it makes it sound like you're whining or it's false modesty.)

If you want it in a simplistic and easily relatable form, "I'm new and I have no idea what the hell I'm doing" is always received better than "I just got here, but I'm going to blow you all away, 'cuz I'm awesome like that."


9 years ago

It seems like I might be in the minority towards that kind of attitude. I agree with you on your points, but that line in the introduction seemed like Umbra was just talking him/herself down for the sake of looking like a loner.

I'd rather some say "I'm the best blah blah..." and than have that proven wrong (or right, who knows?!) than to someone who's always talking down on oneself for the sake of "internet pity". Of course, both in the extremes I dislike, but than again, first impressions are strong. 

"I'm new and I have no idea what the hell I'm doing" > "... and I'm a dumbass"

EDIT: Of course everyone has their own way of interacting with others, and there's really no need to conform with my ideas vs. others or your own.


9 years ago

:P Again, I never said I condoned it, I'm just making a point that there are people who either consciously or unconsciously disagree with you for reasons that have statistical merit. But yeah, internet pity is a tad ... ... bleh, let's not. 

True, there's a difference between the two statements, but the sentiment can be exactly the same.

In response to your edit: Yeah. That might be why I'm pointing it out in the first place, to provide a different view, even though it isn't mine. That, or I'm horrifically bored. No idea.



9 years ago

Nothing wrong with that at all ^^

I'm sitting here foruming when I should be studying for upcoming exams, so that's that...


9 years ago

I know.

Been there, done that.


9 years ago

Never really thought about that, honestly. I wasn't looking for pity. I was just stating the facts. My brother says I'm smart, but that's only in English when I'm writing. I suck at everything else, though I'm working on bringing those grades up. 

I'm not saying that you two are wrong, I totally agree with you. I'm just explaining my reasons for talking myself down. The only times I'm not modest is when I'm super excited or something, which doesn't usually happen unless the Queens Park Rangers have a particularly good season. I say "particularly good" because they usually do well anyway. Awesome plays are likely to get me riled up. But other than that, I'm just uber modest.... probably because I don't like to draw attention to myself.

Or maybe it's because I scare the shit out of everyone and have never had a reason to be modest...


9 years ago

Again, nothing really wrong with that ^ And the ramblings from me above were not specifically targeted at you more towards people in general (even if you were the subject of interest). False modesty is just very unappealing to me, or people who talk themselves down to the point of being pathetic (I'm familiar with a few). Either way, nothing is wrong with being modest. I've just learned that if you don't value yourself, no one will value you :P



9 years ago

Totally agree. Thanks!


9 years ago
Hi. Welcome. Have a nice stay. :)


9 years ago

Always good to see new people, especially when their spelling is decent. If you need any help with your future story games, let me know. I'm a busy person, granted, so my replies can be a little slow, but I know my way around fairly well.


9 years ago

Hi Avery. Every day I'm hustling. It's very nice, in case you're wondering. Avery. A very nice name. 


9 years ago

Why thank you nmelssx! My mom was going to name me Gil, but my Dad's cousin Avery died that year and so they named me to honor him. I'm quite proud of it.  


9 years ago

Why, we were just talking about you! All good things, I promise. 

Also, what's the pic of? It looks a bit like a giant flying monkey bat. :D


9 years ago



9 years ago

I like giant flying monkey bats.

But your giraffe avatar is better.


9 years ago

It's a vampire. ;P


9 years ago

A vampire? I don't see any sparkles.


9 years ago

All Twilight fans and Twilight books must be purged with holy fire.


9 years ago

Just because I make a twilight reference doesn't mean that I actually like the series. 


9 years ago

*Puts away holy fire* Then you shall not purged...


9 years ago

Even I knew that one. I've spent more than one lazy Saturday on the computer, Google Imaging random things. Last week was "supernatural creatures". The week before that was "celebrities as goats" and before that was "when stuff happens". It's quite entertaining! 


9 years ago

Hello, glad to have you here!

The more people the merrier!(unless you talk about WC in which case the less the merrier). And don't worry most of the people here are a bit weird, but they're nice!


9 years ago

Pleased to meet you. If you're planning on going on the forums a lot, then you'll bump into me more than a few times.


9 years ago

If you're a girl: "Can I touch your naughty bits?"

If you're a dude: "Welcome to CYS!"


9 years ago

Stop trying to sex with new (Female) members!


9 years ago

Ummmm. I'm a dude. What made you think I was a girl?

(It's my name isn't it? Avery can be both. Damn it)


9 years ago

Ah, it's alright, m8! I know how you feel! My name, for example, is Alex, which can also be interpreted as both male and female. Let us find the beautiful women of this site together!


9 years ago

Ok! Though I don't think my girlfriend would approve....... -sly smile-


9 years ago

I am Firemaker and I approve this message!


9 years ago

It's Delta's thing to attempt to sex new members.

And yeah, I actually know a few people named Avery, and most of them are girls, so...


9 years ago

-nods- Same here. A girl who I had no idea who the hell she was asked me out a few years back. We talked without either of us introducing ourselves and by the time we got on the subject of names, we found out we were both Avery. She stopped talking to me after that, apparently a little embarrassed to have asked out a guy with the ame name as her. I felt a little awkward too....


9 years ago

Thank God there are never any attractive girls named Chris.


9 years ago

I know someone whose nickname is Chris. Her name is Christina. And she also has been told that she is rather attractive. 


9 years ago

I've met a few, but my friend is just one of those unlucky Chris females....


9 years ago

Well, then it doesn't count.

Wait, then my name doesn't count because it's just shortened from Christopher... Fucking shit.


9 years ago

One of my "she-friends" is named Chris. I agree, she's a little pudgy and her voice is high and annoying, but she likes Batman, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Sonic, Creepypastas, The Marble Hornets, My Little Pony....... yeah so I kind of became her friend because of the things we had in common.

(And before you ask, yes I am a brony. A pretty hardcore one too, so please don't judge!) 


9 years ago

We have no chance of being friends now.


9 years ago


That is if Pinkie Pie doesn't bake you into a cupcake first. I'm only a brony for the ponypastas. That's what I meant by "hardcore". I recently listened to someone read "Sweet Apple Massacre"... disturbing, murderous, gorey, nightmarish, screams echoing in the background as it was read..... yeah, my kind of bedtime story! lolz


9 years ago

I'm going to play Minecraft now. I play on my cousin's account because I don't have my own as of yet, but I made new world recently and I JUST FOUND DIAMONDS! Now if I can only get back through that skeleton spawner without dying.....


9 years ago

Put a torch on top of the spawner. That should stop the spawning in that area.


9 years ago

Only problem is, I ran out of torches and have been going by light of lava (i'm in a rather large cave with lava all around) and I CAN'T FIND ANY FRIGGIN COAL ANYWHERE!!!!!! AUGH! When I want to find diamonds, I usually only find coal and other crap. Now that I have diamonds and actually NEED coal, I can't find any. Crap. (my hand kept mysteriously wandering over to the "S" key. I guess I wanted to say something else, but stopped myself...)


9 years ago

Cook wood. It makes charcoal which you can use for torches.


9 years ago

Thanks. I'll try that. I think I might have enough wood to do that actually.... Peace out, guys!