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Losing my hair...

8 years ago
I am 18 and have been confirmed with Male Pattern Baldness. It is the most depressing thing in this world. You can get over someone you loved, you can get over someone's death but you cannot get over baldness. It stays with you throughout your life and tells you that you suck. Honestly, It would have been okay if it would have happended in my 30s but at this age, it is freaking unbearable. I know I have posted some stupid shit here at this site but this is actually true. Just wanted to remind you all that there is so much pain in this world and if you are not experiencing it then you should be fucking happy about your life. If this make someone value their own life then I guess I have served my purpose on this world. Bye.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago
Make it work. Just shave your head and tell people you want to be bald because it's /comfy/ or some shit - then no one will ever know you're "going bald" they'll just be like "it was his style choice - he makes it work"

The more people see you bald the less it looks unusual.

And get a tattoo on your head of a dragon or some shit cause that's fuckin awesome.

Also, get buff. Buff bald guys are in. This would be tragic if you were going bald as a teen in the 80s - not anymore though. Bald is a style man. All you gotta do is make this your choice - not your handicap and you'll fuckin rock being bald.

Be warned: skinny bald guys don't work that well. Also if you got an odd shaped head (unlikely, but some people do) then this might not work out depending on your persona.

If you're not already buff you should work out anyways otherwise you'll feel like a loser regardless of the hair on your head (or lack thereof).

Losing my hair...

8 years ago
You do know that 99% of those who shave their heads do it because they're going bald, right?

Losing my hair...

8 years ago
Well, no, I didn't know that; but that just goes to show that it works out xD

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

You're a real drag, pal. 

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

"You can get over someone you loved, you can get over someone's death, but you cannot get over baldness."

Seriously dude, either get the stick out of your ass or stick one up there if you swing that way. Go eat a literal dick, man.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago
Am I missing something here? Is Negative the new TSR or are you guys just being assholes for giggles? o-o I thought that was just hyperbole...

I don't doubt malk being an ass for no reason but 2 people in a row is sort of concerning

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

The dude said baldness is worse than someone close to you dying. Surely that shows you he's being a teat?

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

Have you considered the possibility of him being sarcastic?

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

His general tone is "I am super depressed", so if it was sarcasm either the whole post would be sarcastic, or he's being sarcastic in part of a post and then saying things that border that level of stupidity, in which case I've made a mistake. Still, his stupid thing is still well within the "What stupid people say" department that stupid is the more likely answer.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

People can get over someone dying (generally), but baldness kind of sticks with you for life. I'm not saying you can revive someone from the dead, but people can get over things including baldness. I hate my hair short. They make my hair short. I mourn it a few weeks and suck it up. You can't change the fact.


Full bodied luxurious hair

8 years ago

Negative has always been a shitposter. Granted not TSR level since he hasn’t posted child porn, but he’s claimed he’s going to commit suicide on several occasions, has posted advertisements like an spambot and 90% of the time his threads always get deleted by the mods anyway.

Full bodied luxurious hair

8 years ago
Ah that explains why I've never seen any threads by him... good job mods.

Full bodied luxurious hair

8 years ago
Don't remember when I posted ad like a spambot lol, but I may be wrong. Xd.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

Meh, there's nothing wrong with baldness. Just make it look good. On the bright side, you have one less step in your morning routine (assuming you actually brushed/combed your hair). Just look at Vladimir Putin! He's bald, and he's a very successful man! You also have Julius Caesar, Mr. Wonderful, Floyd Mayweather, Voldemort, Hulk Hogan, Walter White, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Agent 47, Lex Luther. The possibilities are endless!

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

There is nothing good about Strawberry Putin...

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

1: Do what Ford says, he's right this time.

2: Also, grow a beard when you're older. If you're buff and bald and wearing a beard,  you'll be covering only the lower part of your face while everything else is revealed. This makes you a reverse-Batman, which essentially makes you magnetic. Make sure you only grow a beard when your facial hair is thick and you can't see as many spaces in between. A good indication of this is the ability to cultivate a convincing 5 o'clock shadow. Try not to grow a beard until then, because then you'll suffer from Tarantula-face, like the guy who played Steve Jobs, which is worse than baldness.

3. Don't get too many tattoos or too pale a complexion. There's a certain spectrum of ways to rock the bald head, and you have to avoid the ones that make you look like a fucking racist.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

Wear a hat.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

Did you just compare losing your hair to losing a person.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago
I...don't know what to say. I am 5'4. Going shaved only works for tall guys. I live in a third world country called India where people are not generally that free. Here having hair is generally seen as a sign of youngness. I have been called 10 years older than my age multiple times in schools and even by my family. I am also quiet emotional and suffer from social anxiety. Which is pretty depressing, because from the outside I look like an orc (in a bad kind of way, like he has beards and big round head so he will not feel emotional pain). Morever the last two times I did post here, I was genuinely sad. The first was when I lost someone close and the second time I realised that I was too hideous to be loved. If I was a shit poster I would not have cared to stick to this site from the past 5 years. Is posting three stupid thread in 5 years that bad? I am 18 so maybe I am a bit too overboard with all this emotional shit. So I guess it is only my fault that I am not hardcore enough to deal with all this. I know I sound like a bitch. But do we really have to be at the bottom of the pit to begin the climb up? I know it was wrong to compare someone dying with baldness but when you watch everyone around you having awesome hair, looking so good, then it is a bit hard seeing your hair fall off. I knew posting on internet wouln't be worth it as people wouldn't be reacting positively (pun intended), as BerkaZerka had advised me, but I just wanted to share it with someone. Sorry if it seemed like a troll post.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago
1: get pompadour wig
2: wear it
3: post pics
4: ????
5: profit???

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

I don't have anything against you, but you should have expected for strangers on the internet to not be able to help you. As far as I know, there's no cures for balding + I don't really know any ways of comforting people if they're balding anyways. Not like I can help.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago
offer to polish their head

Losing my hair...

8 years ago
Grow a handlebar mustache and wear fedoras and top hats! :3 Oh, if anyone asks just tell them that you're a hipster.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

Move to America

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

I'm sure he'll be able to find a great wig in America. :D I mean, technically alot of people here already wear them.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

If Trump can make it to near-presidancy with whatever that is on his head, then the sky's the limit in good old 'murica.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

I believe it is a squirrel

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

Shave your head and grow a goatee. At least then you can join a biker gang

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

You betrayed Shiva!

8 years ago

Negative could try to pull off this look. It’s from his native homeland.

 photo molaram_zpsko10miqo.jpg

You betrayed Shiva!

8 years ago
Holy fck! He is dead Endmaster. He used to play the role of villian in many Indian movies lol.

You betrayed Shiva!

8 years ago

He's probably the most memorable villain out of all the Indiana Jones movies. Liked him way more than any of the mundane Nazis.

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

Hold on, I'm pretty sure modern medicine can fix baldness. There are plenty of treatments available to restore hair. Why not get one if you hate being bald that much?

Losing my hair...

8 years ago

I know I'm late but I just want to point out that there is a statistic saying that women are generally more attracted to men who are bald. So it may be looking bad now, but in like 20 years, you will be such a fucking playa...