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Favorite video game

8 years ago


what's ur favorite video game 


Favorite video game

8 years ago

Oh... Oh no...

Favorite video game

8 years ago



Favorite video game

8 years ago

warrior cats dating sim is liek my favorite videdo gaem :3

Favorite video game

8 years ago


Favorite video game

8 years ago

Mine is trouble in terrorist town 

Favorite video game

8 years ago

That is not a video game. That is a game mode for a mod of a video game.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Fine...Gary's mod

Favorite video game

8 years ago

U play

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Yes. I do play Garry's Mod. It is a fun game.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Yeah. What's ur favorite mode

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Btw,I'm doing this in history class 

Favorite video game

8 years ago

You will find that the edit button is a very useful way to add things to your posts without spamming the forums.

Favorite video game

8 years ago


Favorite video game

8 years ago

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Can't watch,I'm in school

Favorite video game

8 years ago

It's Persona 5 c:

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Easy. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for the Sega Genesis. Most fun I've had shaking anything.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

In all seriousness, I have a lot. Fallout, Titanfall, and Battlefield are just some examples of games I enjoy. To be honest I'll play nearly any video game as long as it's not crap.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Oh, that's hard. 

Currently, I would say  Star Ocean....

Favorite video game

8 years ago

That's hard.

But Battlefield, Dark Souls, and Metal Gear series were always my favorites, especially Metal Gear.

For RTS games, I like Company of Heroes and Men of War, but prefer Men of War due to the more realistic mechanism, ability to organize a soldier's stuff, and mostly, the ability to direct control a unit, thus making it to be like a hybrid between RTS and third-person shooter.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

It's either between Dragon Quest 8 or Mount & Blade Warband.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I'd put my money on Mount & Blade Warband. This Game is pure awesomeness.


Favorite video game

8 years ago


Favorite video game

8 years ago

Rough around the edges in visuals and execution, but pure awesomeness indeed. I hope Bannerlord fixes its issues and expands upon its less explored/poorly executed mechanics.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Until then, we have Viking Conquest and a lot of the other mods fleshing things out instead. I hope Bannerlord's obligatory Napoleon DLC has a campaign, like the other games. Or a multiplayer campaign!

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Dwarf Fortress. c:

Favorite video game

8 years ago

i liek teh cindrla luv gaems

But in all seriousness, it's a tough choice. Favorite RPG? Without a doubt Fallout 2. Favorite FPS? Black Mesa. Favorite adventure game? A tie between The Wolf Among Us and Tales From The Borderlands. Favorite simulation game? Game Dev Tycoon. Favorite licensed game? Tie between Blade Runner and Knights of the Old Republic. Favorite game of all time? Super Mario Sunshine (mostly due to nostalgia, as it was the first game I ever played).

EDIT: Also noticed that someone said Dragon Quest 8; that's also an old favorite of mine, but definitely doesn't topple Fallout 2 (at least not in my opinion).

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I have never finished Dragon Quest 8: Sentinel of the Starry Skies.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

That was actually the ninth one; I'm talking about Dragon Quest 8: Journey of the Cursed King.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

That's the joke.

9 was the only one I ever played.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Not a very funny joke, obviously.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Oh, oh! Tales From the Borderlands was AMAZING! I had no idea anyone else on here played it. It was a perfect blend of emotion, comedy, and action.

By far my favorite scene in that was when Rhys tears his cybernetics out to get rid of Handsome Jack. There's nothing cooler than seeing the character who was the pushover for the entire game tear out his own arm and then disconnect his eye with a piece of glass.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

My favorite scene was DEFINITELY the battle with the Traveler. It's even more kickass if you let Felix live, choose him as part of your team, get the 9 million dollars (he won't join you, but he'll let you have the money), then hire the secret Vault Hunter.

You know who it is? Mother. Fucking. Claptrap.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Eh, didn't like the secret vault hunter. I loved him in Borderlands 1 and 2, but in Tales he just comes off as... obnoxious. He was cute in the last two games, but in Tales he just swore a lot and detracted from the scene for me.

I agree with you though, that scene was definitely cool. The fact you can pick which cliche, action movie line for Rhys to say at the end of it was even cooler.

Oh, and the ending! Don't get me started on the ending! Rhys and Fiona disappearing like that, right after a heart to heart? The race leading up to it was fun too, because it solidified the brother-sister dynamic they developed. I'm betting you they disappeared like that because they're going to be vault hunters (dlc or otherwise) in Borderlands 3, since the Eridian at the end of the pre-sequel said something was coming, and they'd need as many vault hunters as they could find.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Eh, I was too happy to let how obnoxious he was detract from the experience. If I replay it, then I probably won't enjoy it as much because I already know what's going to happen.

But yeah, the ending was really anti-climactic. After all that, they just disappear? Hopefully they'll appear in a future game in the main series, or maybe TellTale will give us a second season of the game.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I hope they appear in Borderlands 3, like I said. I mean, they took all the same solidifying Fiona's vault hunter power in specific. If she appears as a vault hunter in another Borderlands game, she'll probably have the ability to slow down time and target enemies like she does in Tales. Basically I'm envisioning a mechanic similar to dead eye in Red Dead Redemption.

Rhys, though... he's trickier. They could probably do something with his echo-eye (or whatever software he uses in his replacement), or maybe even something to do with calling Loader-Bot or summoning holo-Jack. (of course, the last one would solidify Rhys keeping Jack alive as the canon choice, which would piss a lot of people off including myself. I want Jack to be dead, dammit! :c)

Favorite video game

8 years ago

So, what's your opinion on Telltale's Batman? I haven't played it myself (I got no monies), but from what I've seen over the internet, it looks pretty good.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Haven't played it, either. I definitely want to, though.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Y'know that time where the writers said Batman was the world's greatest detective? Well, in this game, he is the world's greatest detective, and there's action, too!

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I've played the first two episodes so far and it's very good, they've taken some interesting liberties with elements of the core story of Batman which actually work well, and getting the chance to make a difference as Bruce as much as Batman is appealing. The supporting cast are well acted too, as most Telltale games are.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

This site likes tacos apparently? 
Zelda twilight princess is my favorite.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Fallout: New Vegas.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Well done. You picked the only correct answer.

Favorite video game

8 years ago


Favorite video game

8 years ago

Eyy, Finally another proper game!!

Favorite video game

8 years ago

mine too

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Blue Dragon or Super Smash Bro. Brawl.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen.

Also Vall Halla.


Favorite video game

8 years ago

How could I forget Dragon's Dogma. This Game is really good and at some places friggin hard.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

The Crew Wild Run!! on PS4.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Crusader Kings 2 or Victoria 2.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is probably the game I consider my all time favourite, between the cold war storyline, the array of colourful characters and the fact it made me like Big Boss far more than Solid Snake.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

How do you feel about The Phantom Pain?

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Haven't gotten to play that yet or Ground Zeros, on account of not having quite finished Peace Walker yet. It's on the to do list anyway, next to catching up with the Assassin's Creed games...

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Assassin's Creed is not worth.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I agree with the Scourge of God, here. Don't bother with AC. The innovation gets smaller and more samey every time, you shouldn't be spending $60 for each new shiny experiment they crank out every year. Just pick out the ones that look interesting to you and get the Cliffnotes plot off wikia.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I have gathered they vary in quality, people said to me that the Eizo games, Black Flag and Syndicate are the better ones. Unity not so much.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Syndicate is shinier Unity that trades variety in approach, appearance, and combat for a grappling hook and the long awaited protagonist with a vagina. I guess it's nice if you're into the whole Industrial-Age aesthetic, but Dishonored is a superior steampunk assassin game for less than half the cost. (That is, assuming you actually play the game and not masochistically deprive yourself for the sake of getting "The good ending".) Unity just gets a bad rep because of the multiplayer bugs, and because it happened to be the one that had to break the news to everybody that boats weren't going to be a permanent staple in the series. Well, that and people say combat feels "Sticky" because they removed the ability to slow down time during fights, but it's just a tad more realistic, I feel.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

AGHH I wish the Low Chaos ending was as climactic as the High Chaos ending! The High Chaos ending has perfect atmosphere, nice conflict, and a feeling of your quest for revenge coming full circle. The Low Chaos ending is like... is that it? That was it? That was the final level? Havelock just lets me free Emily, tries to shoot me anyways, and I shoot him with a sleep dart?

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Wait, I wasn’t supposed to kill everyone in Dishonored?

Oh well, at least my daughter became a strong Empress.

It would be cool if they let you pick the low or high chaos endings from the first game at the beginning of the second game and that slightly changes the difficulty level or what abilities Emily starts out with.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Pssh. Strong empress? She mentions that she wants to fill two ships with men and have them crash into each other for her amusement.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Well yeah, what's the point in being an empress if you can't have your giggles?

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Yeah, I never got half of the things that were supposed to be bad about high-chaos. Good ending? So, I still die in the end, but nothing else notable happened and the world is still a crapsack. More rats? Those stopped being a problem when I learned how to possess shit! And since when are more weepers a bad thing? That's more slaughter and more glory for me! Might I go down in history as the villain? Sure, but at least I'll fucking go down in history as someone with actual evidence of their existence!

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Keyword: Syndicate. #LoveThatGame

Didn't know you meant AC: Syndicate at first


Is it bad that I like Daud better than Corvo or Emily?

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Daud is a badass with a cool voice actor. We hardly meet Emily, and Corvo has all the characterization of Gordon Freeman (Although, sometimes, that's all you need.) so it's not unusual, I'd say.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I guess we'll hopefully get some better sense of character for them both in Dishonored 2.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I don't actually think they should characterise Corvo too much. It's better if he remains a silent protagonist. Superficial and gameplay-ruining as they are, Dishonored is a game of moral choices, so to give Corvo any sort of voice would make him feel leaned one way or the other. When it's wholly your decision, or rather, the decisions of an inscrutable mute, it feels just as natural that the guy who killed 200 people and a zombie horde to get to his target would then shoot them with a sleeping dart and pacifistically bring them to the base, or that he could play hide and seek with the princess one minute and then Fish-possess his way straight into an orgy the next. It makes him multi-facetted, opens up your playstyle to something more ambiguous, without a limitted script struggling to explain and justify everything that you're doing to everyone else. I think Corvo with a voice or a personality would be a bit like making Link talk, or making the Fallout Protagonist talk, ruining everything that made him great as a protagonist to begin with, robbing me of certain liberties in the story, and overall just becoming something I desperately struggle to ignore throughout the entire game.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Ah the nostalgia...

Phantom Pain is good, but it should have been better.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I gathered that the removal of Kojima from Konami and the incomplete final mission likely had something to do with that. But hey, at least we have a Metal Gear game about zombies and multiplayer incoming, right?


...Hello? cheeky

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Sure, sure. While we're at it, why don't we kick Bruce Campbell out of the finale of Ash vs. Evil Dead and cast Keanu Reeves instead!?

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Oh... I'm not sure...

Nothing violent or anything...

Favorite video game

8 years ago

So having replayed both of them on my PS4 I'm torn over whether I think Wolf Among Us or Tales From the Borderlands is the best Telltale game. I certainly enjoy them both more than the Walking Dead seasons, even though I still do enjoy them. But I like the 80's detective noir of Wolf and the humor of Borderlands.

I'm also debating if to play Game of Thrones, since I haven't seen any of the TV show yet and I suspect I will be terribly confused. frown

Favorite video game

8 years ago

GoT is pretty shitty.

I don't think you can compare TWAU and TFtB. They're two different genres and have two different tones. The Wolf Among Us always had the tone of you being powerful but unable to let it loose, while TFtB had pretty wimpy protagonists that acomplished amazing things over the course of the entire story. One is a humorous growth story and the other is an action noir.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Well technically I already own it since I grabbed the Telltale Collection when it was on sale and it was included, but I'll bear that in mind.

True, they're vey different games, but it it does seem like on the TT forums people bemoan why neither have had sequels so far. I liked how neither required you to be utterly in-depth in the lore of Fables and Borderlands to play them. I agree with the concept of Bigby locking up that power, made it all the more fun when you get to let it out against Bloody Mary and the rest. And it had a great range of characters most would have heard of in fiction. Borderlands had great characters too, and I was surprised how well having two protags worked, though I liked Fiona much more than Rhys.

I think if I had to pick I'd go with Borderlands, since comedy and sci-fi are two of my fav genres. Still think I'll try and grab the Handsome Collection when it's on sale again.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I'm disappointed that The Wolf Among Us doesn't seem to be getting a sequel. As for Tales from the Borderlands, though, it seems to me that the ending was clearly a cliffhanger explanation for possible inclusion into Borderlands 3. I'd love to play Rhys or Fiona in Borderlands 3.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Don't do Game of Thrones. Just don't do it. Just say no. In fact, don't watch the show. If you want to hear the story, just read it, or audiobook it. There's no way to translate everything that's going on at once into an observational format that requires a budget to show without falling on gross generalizations and mistranslated bullshit. Characters become mercurial and heel-face-turn back and fourth as they please. Instead of being a stern leader with measured actions, Stannis becomes irrational, and they even try to sell him off as evil and callously power-driven near the end of his campaign in order to simplify things. Third-person narration and the time to cover everything is a necessity, which the other formats don't have.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I have been reading the books, albeit very slowly, so that I've just started the third book of seven after about two years of owning them. I think it's fair that no TV show could match the amount of detail and world building a book series can, although I know that HBO are going on about possible spin offs...

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Don't listen to HBO. What they've done is a valiant attempt, but the only thing they've achieved is mass book-spoiling with a side of insipid adaptation. Watch the show for cliffnotes if you're unsure of what's going on in a scene whenever his narration gets too out-there or you're not sure what tone they're speaking in, nothing more can come of it.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is my all time favorite, I also like indy games like Her Story and To The Moon.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I luv indie games


Favorite video game

8 years ago


Favorite video game

8 years ago

Oh my! There are so many. Hmm...

Undertale. I go with Undertale, but I do love Metal Gear...

Favorite video game

8 years ago

I love Batman: Arkham City, I've beat it over 12 times and bought all the dlc. I only play on new game +, or hard before that. Once I lost the game, and played the 15 min demo about 6 times. I've memorized the story and it never gets old.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Arkham City is definitely my favouite of the main Arkham Trilogy, and I'm excited to get to play Return to Arkham when it's out so I can have Asylum and City on my PS4 at last. Mind you I love all the Arkham games, because they actually know how to make a solid super hero gaming experience.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Skyrim and Fallout game series.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Oh hey you're alive.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Technically he's dead.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

Lol. True.

Favorite video game

8 years ago

The Legends of Zelda : Twilight Princess

Favorite video game

8 years ago

7 days to die or fallout