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Call-out thread

6 years ago

The team shitshow over in the over thread reminded me of something I wanted to do. There's a great deal of site members who, as far as I can tell, contribute literally nothing to the site. Like, I just don't see how they're in any way useful to anyone. Fuck it, in most cases, they're not even likable on any level. I'm going to call these people out in an attempt to encourage them to write/see if they actually do anything/benefit the site/just be kind of a dick.

I'd encourage others to call out the lazy fucks of the site in order to encourage them to do shit, or alternatively, to find out what they're doing and to see if there's anything interesting going on. As I've already seen with Zake, there's at least some level of effectiveness to this, and if not, well, I'll have had fun.

For reference, there's loads of ways you can contribute to the site, be it writing, reviewing, critiqing, making contest treads, prompt threads or really anything that makes this place suck less. In fact, it's such a broad category that any of you who fail to justify your existence should really be ashamed.


Zake, from what I've seen, seems to be a competent writer given what I saw in the Superheo Academy thread. He's certainly not retarded, that's for sure. However, as far as I can tell, his contributions are pretty much non-existent. He doesn't write, I can't say I've noticed him help anyone much besides the one already mentioned thread, or giving reviews, or anything. Maybe I'm wrong, it's up for him to justify it, but he's a failure and waste of oxygen.


While Zake might do somtehing I never thought about, like a honeybee or some shit, Thara definitely doesn't. I cannot for the life of me think what she does besides suck End off and make bitchy comments. She's like a Mizal if Mizal was twice as much  of a bitch, didn't actually help people write and had never started her writing binge last year. I don't know what she does, and I honestly don't think anyone besides EndMaster likes her, so she doesn't even have the usefulness of a basic human in conversation.


Zag's an old relic, a champion of the forum games who has fallen intoo obscurity with the death of them. Unfortunately, despite being attached to the site, without forum games he's just shrivelled up into a useless cancer cell that fails to help anyone out or do much of use. 


Look up, read what I said about Zag, apply it all to Tim. The only problem is, Tim's not even as good, because he's been upshined by Chris, who has broken out into the writing scene and got himself a featured spot. So in comparison, Tim's even more of a useless faggot.

So please, help me whip the lazy into shape and get them some purpose and meaning. Together, we can berate our way to a better future.

Call-out thread

6 years ago

Related image


I exist solely for head pats from EndMaster and couldn't care less about the happenings of this site or most of it's occupants. Also I see you've ignored my earlier advice of seeking sunlight it seems. 

Call-out thread

6 years ago

See, that's another thing. As I understand it, you seem to be a teenage girl who spends at least a fair bit of time trying to get approval of a middle-aged man, which would just be another Kiel situation if the dude had a sexuality rather than just a genocidal desire to rule a land of bones. That's quite worrying that that's where your time goes. 

In regards to your "advice" from whenever, I'm actually outside as we speak, and it's quite a sunny day, and being criticized by you, a basement dwelling frigid virgin infatuated with a married sociopath from Detroit, who will never know friendship, happiness or the touch of another human being, is some strange cross between insulting and amusing.

Call-out thread

6 years ago

I dunno, I think there's a good chance that you're a friendless Irish fag sitting in his mother's home with nothing to do but to tag a bunch of people to a gay thread because you have nothing going on for yourself. My sunny days spent outside does not involve CYS forum posting and tagging people to get their attention to my threads. 

That's neither here or there, so all I have to say is that you have been acknowledged by your favorite beloved Thara. I hope you'll treat this properly as a good highlight to your day because future interactions may cost you a fee of some kind. That is still being hammered out by my team as we speak.

Call-out thread

6 years ago
I'm going to be nice for a change, just because I know it'll annoy you.
It's weird you say that about Zake. I've seen him reviewing things on the forum several times and I believe he has written some very good comments.
While Thara isn't as active now, she and Minnie were the ones who reviewed the most stories a while ago. She posted a story for the last contest, but took it down so quickly it hardly matters.
Tim was a proofreader for all of Chris's recent stories. It's not much, but since proofreading is basically the only thing I'm useful for, I'm going to pretend that's a huge contribution. :)

Call-out thread

6 years ago

Did you have to remind me of that endeavor? I think that only Orange and End played with rave reviews! The storygame is coming soon, Mayana. My soon may just be different than your soon, however. :) 

Call-out thread

6 years ago

Not particularly annoyed, seeing as this allows for mentioned people to secretly be doing shit I just hadn't noticed. I left the door open with Zake for being an actual contributor, so maybe he isn't shit. I don't think I've ever seen Thara do any reviews that were actually good, all I really remember her doing is recommending other people's work, which is such a bleh job Minnie did it while also pumping out terrible games. Tim's proofreading is nothing note worthy, since I've seen no evidence there was amazing work done there in proofreading. 

Call-out thread

6 years ago


Write your contest entry, you lazy fuck. You're only a third of the way done with one path and you didn't even bother finishing your theme entry. 

Call-out thread

6 years ago

Oh yes, good point. Orange, you're also a failure, do better.

Call-out thread

6 years ago
I'm still really interested in the talking bear story.

Call-out thread

6 years ago
Zake does things all the time and is more useful than most of you combined.

Call-out thread

6 years ago

I can't really see how thara fits here. 

And if she fits here, then you do too steve. She's more useful than you are it seems.

Thara: EXP Points 3,353
Steve: EXP Points 2,436

1 MinnieKing Ordained 306
2 TharaApples Lauded 259
3 mizal Lauded 184
4 Steve24833 Lauded and Exemplar 174

Call-out thread

6 years ago
Points and commendations are a bad way to judge usefulness.

Call-out thread

6 years ago

The only way to earn them now is by being useful though. 

Is there any way you can earn a commendation without being useful...?

As far as I know, you can only earn them by actually contributing. Useful forum posts, stories, reviews and critiques, ect.

Call-out thread

6 years ago
Correct, but you don't *always* earn them for being useful, and you don't earn a fair amount. Featured comments always get 3 commendations and admins see nothing wrong with featuring comments. The amount of commendations a story gets is very random however, and admins don't like giving them out because there's no way to remove them. And as good as reviews are, I'd say that stories, unless awful of course, are more important than reviews. Steve has featured ones too, does Thara have any?

Call-out thread

6 years ago
I wouldn't say stories are more important than reviews, you need reviews if you want people to continue writing stories, but everyone knows the commendation situation is completely unbalanced in terms of effort vs reward.

I was going to go into it in detail again but why bother, the exact same discussion has happened a dozen times.

Call-out thread

6 years ago

Or, just recommending other people's good work, which is pretty much as close to doing nothing as you can get and still get commendations.

Call-out thread

6 years ago
Ford got one for changing a few words in a noob's poem to make fun of him... I don't think usefulness is a requirement.

Call-out thread

6 years ago
Stories and especially featured stories trump everything else in terms of effort, this doesn't have to actually be explained to you right? As someone who struggled for like a month to write less than 8000 words split up over 15 pages it really shouldn't have to be.

Reviews are important too of course and Thara was useful back when she was competing with Minnie. She doesn't do much anymore however.

Call-out thread

6 years ago

Never fear, more of my time is getting freed up, so as long as I don't waste it watching crap YouTube videos, I should be able to contribute more.

Writing a story would be pretty great, but there are plenty of hurdles I need to get over. Will probably be posting in the Writing Workshop when I get something more substantial written up, since I doubt anyone wants to read two pages that can't stand up on their own.

Anyhow, I thought about trying to read and comment on every storygame on the site, but thinking about the effort that goes into just reading through and finding all the paths, I tend to discourage myself. I did leave one comment following this scheme tho, and it was way too long. Hmm, now I think maybe I should pm authors rather than commenting.

Oh, also, I now wonder if making a 4th pseudo order would count as contributing. I'm sure I can find two people, how hard can it be!

I'll try writing something, someone wise told me it is easy.

Call-out thread

6 years ago

Zake is officially released from the Call-Out Thread's list of faggots who do nothing.