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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago

I wanna draw something for Pride Month but I don't know what. .>.

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago
How about a man in medieval clothing making out with the taxidermied corpse of his gay lover in a field somewhere?

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago
I second this.

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago

Are you forgetting this?

Where the fuck are my OC drawings at? It's rude to ignore people!

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago

Oh shit, I forgot. My short-term memory loss got the best of me.

I'm Dumb

4 years ago

I haven't been on CYS much and so I forgot about the thread. Apologies. D:

I'm Dumb

4 years ago
I am still waiting on my penguin as well, although I am not as rude and lacking in class as to demand it with swears, like SOME people.

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago
lol fag

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago
Personally I don't believe the alphabet people have anything to be proud of. They took all the spotlight of the civil rights movement away from the more deserving minorities who began it. They distracted our society away from the dangers of racism so much it was allowed to grow and fester.

So if you think about it, they're actually almost completely responsible for the death of George Floyd. And I for one will NOT be hosting my block's gay orgy this year. I've already informed the two clowns I hire, Blinky and Floyd, that their services will no longer be needed.

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago

Happy Pride, everybody! ^_^

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago
Just why.

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago

Because true love must be celebrated! ^_^

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago
Seems accurate.

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago
This never gets old.

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago
The OP is a ten year old, you depraved weeb. Let's not have her search these terms. -M

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago

Happy Pride Month, everyone!

Why don't you draw a picture of your favorite queer people? You're not going to post it online, though. In fact, don't post it anywhere online. Stay inside and just enjoy the good moments. Don't make it a party. Don't get too drunk and high, OK? That is not how you need to celebrate Pride! You don't have to share every chance you get, either. And don't forget the reading! Your day is about celebrating Pride, not judging.

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but your English has really improved.

Happy Degenerate Month!

4 years ago

I didn't even know I could do anything right.

We all need a lot of encouragement these days.