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I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

It's been a while since I drew...

What's your OC's name, how do they act, and what do they look like? I'm going to try my best to draw them with my shaky hands.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Name: 03 (oh-three)
Sex: No thanks!
FavFood: The Souls of the innocent Bagels
Age: 15 years (human)
Species: Demon, Wolf, Goat
Mate?: Wat?

Snake tongue, eyes constantly bleed, got stitches on my mouth and 4 green toe beans on mah feetz.

Yes: Spooky Stuff, Twenty One Pilots, MCR P!ATD, Tumblr, FlowerCrowns,Cats,Sushi,DOORKNOBS <3

No: Anime, Coffee, Celebs., Boogers, Dogs, Sunlight, Sandpaper, Buttons, People.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

Here's 03! The 4 green toe beans look like a green flower, lol.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

Name: Apple Outlaw

Appearance: A literal apple wearing a brown duster coat with black cowboy hat. Said apple holds two silver chrome revolvers in its white gloved hands.

Also shades.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 6/24/2020 10:48:56 AM

Here's a timelapse of me creating this masterpiece:

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Well I'm not supposed to commend ironically, it says it right there by the button. But I suppose if you were to also share an entire series about Corgi and Cricket interacting somehow you will deserve this.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

I was going to finally comment, acknowledging the no doubt countless hours you spent on this, but with the video removed, all I can say is:

Pathetic, and thanks, I suppose. 

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Old Man Zerka: A grouchy old penguin who looks ready to wallop some fool with a shovel.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
I second!

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 6/24/2020 10:45:52 AM

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
This is so perfect, damn.


I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Wow! Hillarious, haha!

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Name: Bob the Turtle

He is a turtle god who created the universe who can shapeshift into bigger or smaller turtles at will.

He is also very cute ^-^

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 1/23/2021 8:20:08 PM

He brings great wisdom.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
this is amazing

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

Name: Chibi Hitler

He looks like Hitler... Only adorable! ^_^

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

On it!

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Maybe don't let your mom see that one.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

That's gonna be hard.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

It's a little sloppy, but I tried my best.
Also, if you're wondering: when I looked up "hitler", most of the images were in black and white. So, I based the color palette off of that.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

He's beautiful! ^_^

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

my character is a cowboy crab that says "yee-claw"

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

I apologize if it's a little messy. I do these around nighttime now, due to school.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Please draw me a snail that grants wishes.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
1920x1080 | magic snail | grants wishes

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
I’m struggling to decipher this. Perhaps that’s where the profundity lies...

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
The snail head and eyestalks are on the left. The shell is the lamp.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 1/22/2021 7:34:29 PM
Here's the timelapse

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Oh damn I was blissfully ignoring this entire thread and missed this. Cosmic Genie Snail is very epic, thanks!

I may need to come up with another storygame to never finish just so I can intend to use this as cover art.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago
Heeey waitaminute, the video is by someone who makes a specific point of not being Ford. Very suspicious.

I Make Your OC's!

4 years ago

Oh snap.

I Make Your OC's!

one year ago
Are you still doing this?

I Make Your OC's!

one year ago

She's dead.

I Make Your OC's!

one year ago

Wait... She was a girl? o.o

I Make Your OC's!

one year ago