Easy for a penguin to say...
I have a tip: If you encounter an infected, shoot twice! Wait, this isn't a full-on zombie apocalypse... yet. Never mind, I have nothing to share.
The mayans were eight years off.
I never thought I'd survive the apocalypse. I'm shocked that I made it this far, honestly.
Pro Tips! Spend every cent you have saved up and make from now on on supplies, and at the first tiny sign of any danger what so ever completely panic and hide in your bunker till you feel safe. Also shoot everything on sight...e v e r y t h i n g
Hmm. Only other thing i know is in case of true emergency then make sure your sexural skills are on point.
You know, just for negotiation reasons of course.
Personally, I would just write on the paper. If it's anything like the previous stories I've written, it should just catch fire on its own...
... Oh shit! The pigeons! So many fucking pigeons! O.O
Posted this recently in the Discord, but this seems to fit here.
That's just Kuato.
I saw this just the other day on cinemassacre
Fantastic cover art
Like how the first video used the 28 day/weeks later theme. Got to be one of the creepiest songs ever made