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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago
If you're reading this, then you survived the first half of 2020! Here's some suggestions for what you might have to look forward to in the second half: (Cheer up! I think some of these already happened!) Have any of you developed any pro tips or survival strategies to share with the rest of the site? Although to be completely realistic, it's unlikely many of you will survive to ever have grandchildren. Or children. Or sex. But good luck out there anyway! Maybe do some more reviews while you're waiting your turn!

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago
I plan to run toward the giant wave when it hits, rather than away.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago

Easy for a penguin to say...

I have a tip: If you encounter an infected, shoot twice! Wait, this isn't a full-on zombie apocalypse... yet. Never mind, I have nothing to share.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago

The mayans were eight years off.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago

I never thought I'd survive the apocalypse. I'm shocked that I made it this far, honestly.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago

Pro Tips! Spend every cent you have saved up and make from now on on supplies, and at the first tiny sign of any danger what so ever completely panic and hide in your bunker till you feel safe. Also shoot everything on sight...e v e r y t h i n g

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago
I've been doing that for years. Got anything else?

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago

Hmm. Only other thing i know is in case of true emergency then make sure your sexural skills are on point.


You know,  just for negotiation reasons of course.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago
Plains of the Purple Buffalo That's the music over the second video. I kinda dig it, it's good everything descending into madness music. I could totally see this played over the rise and fall of any of any of my Dwarf Fortresses.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago
According to a website here is how you
start a fire using a cell phone or smartphone battery. For survival.

"To do this you will need foil paper and a cell phone battery. The foil paper can be found from cigarette/chocolate packaging and various other products. Then you will need to cut or tear a thin long strip of the foil and make the ends so they can easily make contact with the phone battery. Carefully crumple the strip, so that the flame will not easily be blown out. Remove the battery from the phone and attach the ends of the strip to the positive and negative terminals on the battery. As the current passes through the foil, it heats up and ignites the foil paper. The phone battery has a built in protection circuit so the foil strip should be as thin and long as possible. This is so it won’t prevent the fire from starting. This can also be done with an AA battery and a foil gum wrapper. But when using an AA battery cut the foil paper strip to have a narrow spot in the center."

Good trick to use if you cant do it with stones or sticks like a pro or dont have matches.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago

Personally, I would just write on the paper. If it's anything like the previous stories I've written, it should just catch fire on its own...

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago

... Oh shit! The pigeons! So many fucking pigeons! O.O

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago


Congrats everyone!

4 years ago
Photo taken pre-Space Force.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago
Cause fark those cows!

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago
I hate cows worse than coppers!

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago
If you have lost your belt, shotguns have a higher success rate than rifles and handguns.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago

Posted this recently in the Discord, but this seems to fit here.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago
I'm so confused by the lumpy back muscles of the guy on the right.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago

That's just Kuato.

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago

I saw this just the other day on cinemassacre 

Fantastic cover art

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago

Like how the first video used the 28 day/weeks later theme. Got to be one of the creepiest songs ever made

Congrats everyone!

4 years ago
Survival tip: Always wash your fruits and veggies!

Apparently there are some nasty people out there who don't do this, since billboards all over my town are now covered with this helpful information in both English and Spanish.