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Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago

I don't want to get all dramatic and take myself way too seriously (I think I've had more than enough of that), but I feel I owe it to a few people to give them credit and I do think I have had a few positive contributions to this site.

Things have made me realise, this is not fun anymore. I did all the things I wanted to do when I started out here like write a LOTR and MLP open world story, create a ridiculously over-thought story that got people thinking about interesting ideas. But just now there's nothing really left here any more. A lot of the magic has gone.

I believe (and hope!) that the vast majority of people reading this won't really care either way, and that there will be people who'll be mildly amused by this (and I'm glad this could brighten someone's day in that case). You won't have to put up with my absurd self-aggrandisement any more after this.


But in all seriousness, I want to give all the credit that I can to the members Mizal, RKrallonor and Mystic_Warrior who are, in all honesty, some of the nicest, smartest people I've ever interacted with on (or off!) line. Read their stories instead of my blathering, like "Down By The River" which just came out a few days ago. 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago
Banished to the moon for 1000 years. 😔

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago
I will admit I was a little surprised reading this because in our last interaction you seemed like you liked staying here and even wanted to write an article, but I won't begrudge you, because I completely and totally understand if writing here just doesn't feel the same for you. I would encourage you to stay for selfish reasons, because you're a great writer, a nice and genuine person, and someone who makes the most passionate forum points generating a crazy amount of controversy and intrigue, so you're a huge net positive on this site, but you got to do what you got to do, and if that means leaving the site, so be it.

Dude you've had some really amazing contributions to the site. I think everyone around here, even the harshest critics of some of your ideas, will feel some sort of absence with you gone because you've created 17 storygames, with some amazing gems. That amount of games puts you in the top 10 percent of CYS users in productivity because you have so many games to your name. The fan fiction category in particular has been enriched by your stories, because based on the one I played(the MLP one), there's a lot of details you add to make the world seem livable, and like an open world exploratory video game, which is cool

I really hope you stay and continue to write on here, if possible, because you bring a unique blend of genuineness in your beliefs and crazy amounts of effort in your story game, including amazing descriptive writing that really makes the reader feel like they are there, I've only read 2 of your stories thus far, but that's an ever present theme. I looked on the description for sundered kingdom and you included a day and night cycle, puzzles, various items, and it's a 6.64/8, which is amazing.

Clicking on to your profile, it's clear within 5 seconds that ideas from my little pony, lord of the rings, and Star Wars are ideas you hold near and dear to you. Considering that these are some of the best works of fiction, it's really cool that your very straightforward and proud about what inspires you, it takes a lot of guts to point blank say "this is who I am and this is all I'm about" and then integrate those ideas in your stories.

You will be definitely missed, by more people than you suspect probably, and I hope this isn't a permanent departure but rather a break where you come back and write again, because I'm sure whatever your next story is, it will generate a lot of interest after your highly thoughtful and controversial "secrets of gods and satan" story game. Whatever your next writing endeavor is, whether its on this site or not, I'm sure it will be made with quality writing,lots of effort and lots of passion bordering on the cusp of insanity and madness, but hey, aren't we all a bit mad and insane at the end of the day?

Thanks for the name drop and story game rec, that's seriously one of the nicest things ever and it really means a lot to see my name in the same sentence and alongside Mizal and Mystic, because Mizal and Mystic have been some of the more long term really consistent encouragers of great writing on this site, commenting on even the most low effort noob storygames with the hopes that they improve and become good writers.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago
Eh, nobody who makes a post breaking up with the forum like it's their girlfriend ever stays away. These are always a bad idea for precisely that reason, it's lame to make such declarations but even lamer to go back on them. But regardless, seems he did need a break. I will say though, dude made some very bold claims putting a lot of spotlight on himself, and then seemed to not want to engage with any criticism of the ideas or of how they were presented. It led to a really interesting thread though with ideas and thoughts put forth by others that wouldn't have otherwise been posted, so I still see it as an overall positive thing. But there's a lot of people here with a love of a good debate and some pretty deep knowledge of ancient history, I would guess that it was realizing he couldn't sidestep those things and then change the subject without continuing to draw some ire for it that made it "not fun anymore." If I can sort of paraphrase some of Malk's comments to me, he was pretty rankled I know because he saw Flutter's whole stance as a smugly dismissive and simplified depiction of ancient humans not based in any real fact, coupled by a refusal to engage with any debate and other mental gymnastics that all seemed disrespectful. And I'm guessing others making genuine effort to discuss these various ideas in the thread felt similarly. I'm not saying Flutter did any of this intentionally but I do think he's REALLY bad at debating lol. Like claims that everyone else's points only "made him righter" regardless of how he had to contradict his own prior statements to arrive at that, and that it was weird or wrong somehow to focus on debunking his supporting arguments. So I can understand his last few posts in the thread leaving others with some ill feeling after they put a lot of thought into their own responses. I don't think he was prepared to deal with that, so here we are. (Not that there was THAT dramatic of a response even from Malk, but I figured he knew he was going to be the target of some memes and little jabs for awhile at that point.) I will add though that however anyone thinks of how that all went down or Flutter's interpretation of life, the universe, and everything, the material from Marshall McLuhan that he got all the acoustic/literary stuff from is a lot more complex than that and looks to be some pretty interesting stuff dealing with right brain/left brain thinking. McLuhan was a pretty influential thinker who coined terms like "the global village" and "the medium is the message" that you might ha/ve heard referenced here or there, and he predicted some of the psychological impact of the internet decades before it existed. Notably he saw cars, trains, planes, all these things suddenly on the scene as being primarily vectors not just for fast travel but for control and spread of information, and talked about how the world around humanity being made into an increasingly artificial environment meant it could be programmed by man to emphasize certain ideas and create the framework of the ways we have to interact with them. So if the end result of all this is piquing interest enough that some of you going to the source material, I think Flutter would be happy with that. (Some of his other arguments, Jesus and the moneychangers et al, I traced back to making the rounds among Redditoid vegans, and can't advise going to them for wisdom, sorry.) Malk was also so annoyed he started talking about reviving the CYS book club soon with a slow walk through the Iliad, so that would be awesome too.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago
Good luck in your future endeavors. I hope everything works out well for you.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago

My Little Pony fucking sucks. You weird cartoon pony loving faggot.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago
You had a 300+ post thread and a 35k linear infodump worth of material to draw from, and that's what you went with? Do better.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago
Sorry, I meant to say, "you weird cartoon pony loving faggot" is the most insane, weird, controversial, risky, potentially deeply offensive, spiritually serious, scientifically upending, philosophically inspired, personal, politically charged and mind-melting insult I have ever seen.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago

Thank you.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago

F to pay respects

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago
Lol, fag.

(Can't believe I'm really the first.)

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago
Well, fluttershy's been a prolific writer with some good contributions, and he's obviously going through some things. He just rolled a 1 on his Persuasion check recently and generated some lasting memes in the process, I don't think anyone is really feeling moved to throw tomatoes after him on his way out though.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago

Meanwhile his last three threads have still been active.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 1

2 months ago
And now I see fluttershy is back to posting. I'm still catching up on the last couple days of posts and messages but, really wondering what the point of this one was.