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Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

The new Shadow Guard path can easily be accessed through the very first choice in the story! When Mistress demands an answer, just pick Die and you'll be on the path of the shadow!

What's available in this expansion:

Two Chapter 2s!
Two Chapter 3s!
3 New Epilogues!
A deeper look at the shadows and their god Dendrin!
New characters including a new Eternal called Talia!
Twice as much swearing!
A chance to be a relative "good guy" if for some strange reason you're into that sort of thing!

And more!

(Anyway its been updated and reposted now)

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

The last two of those new features are hilarious.

I've only read up to one of the epilogues so far, but I'm planning on reading more now. It's really impressive. Thanks for adding new paths!

Edit: No sooner have your plans been put into action, Kane begins speaking again and this time he stands upon a windowsill completely naked.

“What the fuck…” you say to yourself.

That part cracked me up hahaha

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

"Anyway, someone named Zeke left a comment saying they tried to do the "right thing" and got punished. I sort of wonder what part they were referring to." (Original Thead)

I think he was talking about the beginning where you can either clean the fort or leave one of your Eternals with the gay captian. 

   *(Now to talk about this thread)  I don't remember any refrences to a Shadow God and I get to be a good guy surrounded by rebels, eternals, and corrupt goverment officals? 

            Edit: I'll give my report once i'm done reading to at least one of the offical ending.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

I think a few others complained about leaving Gerald, but originally that incident was even worse. I ended up changing it so you subtly suggest to him that "accidents" happen and he kills Captain Pollo rather than just ...uh "taking it."

The shadow god was briefly mentioned during the confrontation with Cyrus. Not by name though.

And I said a chance to be a relative good guy which means you're only doing slightly less horrible things than you are as an Empire soldier and in certain branches that's still debatable. 

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Haha, I loved that choice. "Hey, take one for the team buddy, bye".

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Alright I finally decided to take a break from Eternal and have found two of the three Epilogues! 

(Spoiler Alert)= I found the Eternal Survivor & the Eternal Terror, I personally like the Survivor but Eternal Terror was a much better ending. Still I'll have to find the third ending. =(Spolier Alert End)


   Has anybody found all three yet?

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Eternal terror was my first ending. It is the first time I've gotten through an endmaster epic without dying.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

I was really torn at that ending because i wanted to tell the truth but I knew it was going to get me killed.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

As a reward for his careful decision making (or just being really lucky) Uglick has unlocked a sneak preview of the True Eternal path for all of you!


The pain is great and you want it to be over with as quickly as possible, but you know to beg for mercy would be shameful and you don’t want to die so you desperately try to push her boot off of you. Naturally you are unsuccessful and this response only enrages her further.

“Insolent fool! I said beg or die! Those were your choices and you dare defy my orders?” Mistress exclaims and takes her boot off of your chest, only to begin kicking and stomping on you. You try to escape, but she bends down and roughly picks up by the collar. “Don’t you dare try to run while I discipline you! YOU… WILL… O… BEY!” Mistress says while slapping your face at intervals of her verbal abuse. Finally she throws you to back to the floor.

“Now get back in your seat and never defy me again! Your life is nothing! ALL of your lives are nothing! Your lives will never be anything more than warm bodies to serve the Emperor! And you will not even be able to live up to that honored status, if you do not learn obedience. Remember this.”

At this point you stagger back in your seat, aching all over. It hurts a lot, but despite the beating, you don’t feel fear, instead you feel anger. Anger at Mistress certainly, but more at yourself for being so powerless.

Time passes by under the harsh guidance of Mistress. She teaches you all that she promised she would and then some. Your lessons are not only that of a combat nature, but of an academic one as well. You wouldn’t be aware of it, but you and your classmates are probably much better educated than other children your age.

As for you, Mistress rides you the hardest for defying her. There are more than several times where she basically pits the rest of the class against you during the combat training sessions. You suffer horrible beatings most of the time, but eventually you adapt and manage to hold your own until Mistress finds yet another way to make the fight unfair. You are obedient and follow the orders of Mistress, but internally you are harboring thoughts of resentment, hatred and defiance towards her. And so what if you are? She isn’t the Emperor. That’s the only person you really have to revere.

Your personality doesn’t go unnoticed by your instructor and watchers, they make note of it and decide how you should be handled in the next step of your training.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Will it be possible to kill her in the TE path?

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

I thought that might be the last choice. Most people who play for the first time will probably pick it. (at least I think so) Looking forward to seeing it when the time comes.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Actually I think i would pick Die. I've always tried to play with the Eternal Character's personality in mind. He seems reserved, bloodthirsty, strategic and survivalist in the story.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

than silently perishing isn't his style. :P

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Nope but I did get the third ending. It's really good.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

What's it called so i can get a hint.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Eternal Messiah, though to me Eternal Survivor is more of the "good guy" path or at least the most moral out of all the potential epilogues.

Eternal Terror is probably the least moral out of all the potential epilogues so far.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

That was the first shadow epilogue I got, it's much more of a moral high ground.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Alright, I've finished reading all of the new paths. The Eternal Survivor path was written beautifully. They were all great.

Anyway, it's my new favourite storygame on the website (didn't think I'd read something better than Death Song for years).

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Since real life might be keeping me busy in the near future, I've been writing a bit of the True Eternal path now just so I can get some of it done.

So far I'm only into first few pages writing the path and its already pretty messed up. Like I had a vague idea of what I was going to write and how the events would play out, but when I started actually writing it, I kept coming up with a few minor ideas just to make it a little more twisted.

Don't worry though, its still in line with the rest of the content of the story. (It isn't LS obviously)

Besides, I imagine by the time every does read it, they'll be like, "Oh was that all? End writes messed up stuff like that all the time." Lol.

I do have other parts of the story planned out, even wrote dialog out between certain characters the Eternal will meet at some point, and background stuff, just because I didn't want to forget it while I was writing the SG path at the time. Most of the major characters in this one are going to be ones you only briefly came in contact with in other paths (One of them wasn't even named). A few new major characters will pop up and maybe some not so new ones too.

The last two epilogues are already planned out, just have to write ALL that stuff that comes before it, but as always there are always the possibility of changes.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

I really hope during the True Eternal path you figure out who/what the Emperor is and if you can take his place.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

I've just wanted to know what happened to Mistress this whole time. You know what happened to all of your teachers except her,and she's the most memorable :P

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

So I just found all three epilogues, and I must say they are all great. My favorite though would have to be Eternal Messiah. Great job as usual EndMaster, and continue the great work!

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

I personally like Eternal Survival.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

^Agreed, but Eternal Terror was quite good.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Just found that one at around midnight last night, and it was my favorite ending as well. My favorite all-around story would be Eternal Survivor, but Messiah holds my favorite ending.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

I've found those two, but I've yet to find eternal terror :( still looking though

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Same here.


I assumed that it would take place where it splits into eternal messiah (at least where I thought it did) where you choose to go to Delerg instead of killing Flog, but all those branches get you killed. Now my guess is that the split occurs where you can choose to kill or spare Cyrus during your ascent to Shadowmaster.

Edit: Nope, that wasn't it. Maybe something after you already move to Delerg?

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago
Going with Theo's plan or sticking with your own plan. It's like the first choice after you get to Delerg.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Found them all now. Out of them all I really liked Eternal Messiah. Out of the three endings it was a sort of "balance" between the extremes of the other two. For the sake of spoilers, I won't say what they are, but I thoroughly enjoyed them all.

One last thing: I died laughing at "Uncle Shadow's home for lost girls."

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

I Think The Shadow part of the story was good, But It just lacked emotion, also the ending where to simlar and it all seemed to focus on one thing the shadow guard.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

You didn't expect the Shadow Guard Path to focus on the Shadow Guard?

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Gee, the Shadow Guard section focuses on the Shadow Guard? Damn Endmaster, that's just terrible writing.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

Herp da derp derp derp.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago
Well, at least I can't be accused of false advertising.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

To hell with the fucking shadows, I want to safe the Empire and marry the Emperor's hot blonde daughter!

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

She's actually has black hair. Didn't you read the report soldier? :P

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago
Given that the Eternals are practically "born" of the Empire, you technically already did marry the Emperor's hawt daughter when you got either with Brenda or Talia. They didn't have blonde hair though and you can only sort of save the remnants of the Empire if you get with Brenda.

(The only other way is to save it, is to stay loyal to the Empire while still being a shadow.)

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

I did that, but was disappointed that I didn't have an epilogue about the success of the Empire in the future. It was interesting though.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

I did that too, I was supprised that it ended without an epilogue but i guess that's what the TE path is for. 

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago
Yeah sometimes I like doing the "long dead end" path mainly because on 99% of the pages in any story of mine you only get two choices. If the "wrong one" always leads to an immediate dead end its almost like making a linear story, so I at least try to have a few long branches that don't always pan out to a major win.

I did consider making a "loyalist shadow" path, but I really wanted to save the whole Empire survives path for the last branch I'm working on.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

12 years ago

"you technically already did marry the Emperor's hawt daughter when you got either with Brenda or Talia"

?In the end you "technically" commited incest lol.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

I didn't like it because you can not choose to stay a virgin


Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

Well that's gotta be a first in a long list of complaints I get. Glad to see there is still some variation.

Not entirely true though. You can stay a virgin, just die before you have sex. Easy.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago
Who chooses to stay a virgin...except for Isaac Newton...IAP...myself...?


Okay, so the first two are true.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

End master can you make a path to stay a virgin or like choose to do it or not you did make this right because I love the game but I would like to have that decision I mean no offence it's just I want to complete but be a virgin sorry. By the way the work is great and written buetiffuly and I quite like survivor keep the good work and make more for the future it would liven up Christmas for my family in New Zealand 




Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

The reason why I put up the post is because I am 13 and don't like girls never had a gf or a kiss and think (the thing it) is uncomfortable sorry for wasting your time.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

No need to apologize. It's actually kind of refreshing to interact with someone who took the time to mention what they didn't like about a story on the forums directly rather than the usual drive by "You suck LOLOL." that's left in the comment section.

As for additions to the story, well it's finished and I didn't have any plans to add on to it. So you're out of luck there. I'm not surprised you liked the "Eternal Survivor" epilog the most since that's probably the most "chaste" out of the paths.

You probably should avoid the struggle path altogether if you haven't already.

If you want a story of mine that involves no sex or kissing whatsoever you should read Imagination, you stay a virgin in that story.

Hope that sort of helps.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

So you're telling me you don't like the story because of those icky cootie girls!? And you're thirteen!? God forbid you start playing God of War like all the other 13 y/os... Or the new Wolfenstein for that matter.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

Or Dragon Age...or Mass Effect...

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

In his follow up post he sort of said he didn't mind the story in general. Just the whole girl kissing/sexing up part he didn't like.

I mean I get the complaint, since some people want to play as a protagonist more similar to themselves,(Female, gay, virgin, tranny, whatever, etc.)

But since that's not really how I write stuff, one would probably have to read a story by another author that tends to offer those options.

Still, I figured I'd point out the Imagination story since that one would suit the preference to play as (and remain) a virgin.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

I dunno, when I was that age, I almost violently defended the shipping of Link and Zelda. I don't care so much now, but believers and non-believers in the romance were at each other like Montagues and Capulets until 8th grade when people stopped caring. I actually remember a dude who completely rejected Twilight Princess from his pet canon because it showed a main character other than Zelda expressing their feelings for Link 2 seconds before the ending. But then again I never understood the big deal circling around sex, so I'll probably never understand that guy.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

Thanks endmaster I think I will play it now. I just don't like girls never have never will I guess. Oh and 1 more thing what does LOL mean. Eternal great story I liked the plot of the things your a really good writer.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

LOL just means "Laugh out loud"

Surprised you've never seen it before, unless you're new to the Internet.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

I am a little I have been on just this year and a how do I make a story because I have a urge to.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

Better ask your parents or someone else about that one. I never use it. This site and maybe a couple of others are about as "social" as I ever get.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

Thanks mate and also I have a lot of questions

1. Do you do this often

2. And are a adult that is about.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

Lol, you ninja edited your post to talking about making a story when before you were asking me how to use Facebook.

Anyway, I'm sure someone else might be better able to give writing tips. Probably should avoid writing anything related to Warriorcats though.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago


Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

What is god of war or wolfienstein or dragon age or mass effect. To the other 2 guys before

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago
God of War- You play as a guy who loses his family and goes on an insane quest, killing a bunch of shit and becoming the literal god of war.

Wolfenstein- You play as a guy who goes around killing Nazis and a cyborg Hitler. Not much else to it.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

God of War: A game where you kill things and have sex with women. Sometimes more than one at once.

Wolfenstein: A game about Hitler-Hunting. In the new one you don't actually kill Hitler, but you do kill someone just as evil. You also have sex with a Polish woman.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

That is terrible and gross only 20 year olds should play somrthing like that Eeek. (The thing it) is just gross and girls they have cooties.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago


not the brightest, are you?

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

The trolling possibility aside and the asexual Internet newbie possibility aside, it's possible he's gay and just hasn't realized it yet.

I don't have any stories where you play as a gay male protagonist though, unless you count one path in AVSCYS, but I doubt if he'd like that one.

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

That was one seriously kinky story. 

Eternal: Shadow Guard Expansion is now available!

10 years ago

Oh it's not just me every friend I know does the same thing like not liking girls so I think I am normal but it's just a lot of girls in my area are bully's.