"We have to take over Dvarak, or like the puny apes like to call it, Earth" the thin, faceless cloaked otherling says in its distinctive deep growl.
"Get that frightful asassin to get rid of the London Mayor: he is the most strong willed leader those apes have. Mind control wont work on him. Hire him now," the green skinned, ogre looking otherling says in his snarling, commanding voice.
"Working on that, sir," one of the enslaved, handsome, slender elves stutters out.
"Our revenge will finally come, for the humans banished us from their world, we shall banish them to this unertheal plane Muahahaha" a female looking, short, ugly, mustached otherling says in her high pitched voice.
Guess who is which user. This is mostly the actual first page of my story. The third line is edited a bit.