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7 years ago

I've been around here before. Several times, but I forgot my old user name and password and stuff, so I'm just using a new profile. So I guess I'm back??? I doubt any of you remember me, but I sure remember you... I guess.
Anyways. I do have a question for the community, as I have changed greatly. I must know.
How is Homestuck viewed on here? 


7 years ago

Hello and welcome back to the valorous kingdom of CYS!

I've never seen it mentioned on here or anybody show a particular like or dislike towards it, so I'd have to guess the website is mostly neutral towards this piece of media.


7 years ago

Thanks Banner.

And that's good. I can freely be my trashy self.


7 years ago
I have a lot of contempt for people who have internalized the act of reading a badly written web comic to the point where they treat it like a religion if that helps.


7 years ago

Since they banned freeform, creative freedom is a bit less...




7 years ago

Well, It's not like I'm gonna write smut or anything.


7 years ago

Since they banned roleplaying entirely, creative freedom has been a bit more...


focused towards the entire purpose of this website: storygames!


7 years ago
Amazing, who could have imagined that years later we'd still have people around here being sad about their inability to make threads dedicated to pretending to be cats.


7 years ago

Welcome back I suppose though I do not remember your other account. I suggest you'd want to change your profile's text if you want to make a good first impression.


7 years ago
He's just being his trashy self. Don't oppress him. He read a web comic once and liking it is an important...perhaps the most important part of his identity now and represents everything he is inside or ever will be.

E: I'd be curious to know what the original account was too. Though, I doubt anyone would remember it if he can't remember it himself.


7 years ago

Maybe this one? The account has homestruck as a storygame, and it's excessively crappy.


7 years ago

Lol, no. That just looked like crap. But, I am making a Homestuck game with @Taylor_Boulet


7 years ago

Oh. Yeah. We are.


7 years ago

Well, there's a few problems with your story.

1. It's Homestruck.

2. It's co-authored...

3. ...with a retard.

Unfortunately, those three reasons mean they'll never be a game worth playing of this.


7 years ago

Probably. I agree with you whole heartedly. It is trash. I am trash. It only makes sense to continue it.


7 years ago

Welcome back


7 years ago
Hello again


7 years ago
Hi, I suppose!


7 years ago

Hi....*suspicious face*.


7 years ago

*blank face. the face of one who gives zero fucks about life*


7 years ago

Well that escalated quickly.


7 years ago

Escalation. I love it. It's the same thing my head does when I'm high. Like Lesser Dog from Undertale or something.


7 years ago

Homestuck is... Eh, it's okay. The visuals are nice, and the music/gameplay/whatever is a nice touch. Everything is too matter-of-fact and instantly trippy that after a certain point the next layer of surreality he lays on, and the next one, and the one after that, all end up feeling sort of samey and increasingly dull, until the "Magic" of the setting was lost, and I could really read it for the jokes, the puzzles, and the desert hobo section of the story. I guess as long as it's not the only thing you talk about, it should be fine, though I am pretty curious as to what it's awakened in Mizal.

Oh wait, no, if that's gonna be your voice and typing style, then we will have problems. I forgot about that part. Goddamned fandoms mrfhrmlsnrff...


7 years ago

I never really pinned Mizal as one to have read Homestuck...

As for that 'magic', I agree. It takes a true fan to complete the entire, shit webcomic. Even then, there's still so much more to learn. God, It's horrible. But also amazing. I hate it and I love it. I love how you called the exiles 'desert hobos'. Beautiful. There's legitimately a tear of joy rolling down my cheek. I mainly enjoyed Act 5 with the Trolls, but that didn't last long, sadly. 

I just realized just exactly how trashy I am. Who the fuck reads Homestuck 5 times in a row? 
Homestuck? More like 'Hoestuck'.


7 years ago

No. That's not how trash or sucking works. There's a difference between liking things ironically and just insecurely insulting things that you like just so that other people can't immediately criticize you without saying things you've already said. Homestuck is good, it's interesting, and some legitimately good choices are made, that's why people like it. Of course it has its flaws, but the fact that it does have flaws, contrary to the binary notions of goodness and badness on the internet, you can enjoy something and believe it's good while still acknowledging things that are wrong with it.


7 years ago

It's just...


It's corrupted me. And I fucking love it. But, in all honesty, I'm getting sick of it. I want to finish this storygame and be done with it for a little while.

Besides dear, sweet Nepeta. I can always have time for dear, sweet sweet Nepeta. :3


7 years ago

notions of goodness and badness on the internet, does not mean it's bad.*


7 years ago

I tried reading Homestuck some years ago. It was...okay, at first, but then it just dragged on. And on. And I didn't find it very funny, and new characters kept crawling out of the woodwork, each with their own unique style of annoying chatroom jargon.

Now, Problem Sleuth, that was a webcomic which I could keep reading. Drawn by the same author, fiendishly clever and entertaining throughout, and much more to my preference. I wish it got more attention than Homestuck, really.


7 years ago


Yeah, Problem Sleuth was rather enjoyable. I loved how John was obsessed with it in the beginning of Homestuck. I really do enjoy it when authors add their creations into other creations. Like the immediate Undertale reference at the end of Act 6 of Homestuck.

Fucking kill myself, mate.


7 years ago

Oh, yeah, Problem Sleuth was spectacular. (And, unlike Homestuck, had actual good pacing with its whole game/universe rules gimmick. It's the first comic I read from start to finish on the internet. Not the first one I read, actually. That was 1/0, but 1/0 kind of petered out for me when I reached the late 800s.


7 years ago
Problem Sleuth I'll happily recommend to anyone, yes.


7 years ago
It kind of needed to be experienced as it was being created to have any real impact. I the early Acts when it was this experiment full of fun and energy being updated daily, before the endless delays set in and more and more characters were crammed in to go through the same tired motions, along with the dozens of plotlines that would be introduced and then just abruptly dropped without explanation while the author became a joyless shell of the man he'd once been and the entire thing just crawled up its own ass to die.

If Hussie had just wrapped it all up at about half the length, or had the willpower to stick to his original ideas and not pile on the endless layers of bloat, it could be something I'd genuinely recommend to people. As it is, if it comes up I'll recommend the music (because the music is phenomenal) or a few random chat logs as something amusing to read, but always with the caveat to not attempt to get the comic itself because it goes on forever and ultimately nowhere.

That's the strip. But the fans? The sort of people who come to unrelated sites a full year after it ends and introduce themselves as 'Homestuck trash' and have made a web comic a major part of their personal identity and treat the fact they've read it like some kind of badge of honor?

I mean, I had some convoluted Warrior Cats analogy I was going to make here involving fur suits and a scat fetish, but I guess it's simpler to just say that they're basically bronies.


7 years ago

Well, my friend made me read it. As for a badge of honor... is there one? But yeah. Trash. Garbage. Me. They're all the same. 

Also, Homestuck apparently isn't over, because Hussie is going to seemingly add something else to it. Why he may? I don't know.

And for the original idea of Homestuck (To simply finish the SBURB game), this is exactly what I'm doing for my story game with Taylor. It's simply the actual game of SBURB. No dimensional crap. No time shenanigans.
And as much as I hate to say it, no Trolls. 


7 years ago

I don't get the deal with the trolls. Is it just the concept of Cthulhus trolling people through time and space? I thought the whole Felt/Midnight Crew shenanigans were infinitely better in that regard and more creative. If this whole process wasn't slowly depleting the man's soul, I'd have liked to see more of that mobster rivalry instead of adding gaming abstracts to gaming abstracts to time loops to gaming abstracts to silly words from the 1800s to gaming abstracts to time loops, but I suppose Problem Sleuth was long enough to never need a sequel ever. And I mean that sincerely.


7 years ago
The trolls weren't even supposed to have been such major characters, it's just that they touched something deep in the heart of autists and Tumblrites everywhere and became a Thing, and from that point on they were so huge the comic basically became almost entirely about them. (Not so much Hussie would give any of them any kind of resolution in the story itself, though.) It really is a shame all the characters and ideas that were dropped completely so that he could cram in more and more trolls. And then Caliborn and Calliope, which...some day there will be entire classes taught on how not to write a continuing thingy and Homestuck will be the only example needed.


7 years ago
Here I went back in time and found a man on another forum using entirely too many words being angry about Homestuck and specifically the trolls and the point the pacing went to absolute shit, but a lot of them make sense and save me from having to type things:


7 years ago

Image result for homestuck dave approves


7 years ago

Wait a second, as it was created created? Was the community engaged in stuff? Were people actually, like, choosing the choices back then? On the one hand, if he doesn't he does an uncannily good job of imitating the nonchalant not-give-a-fuckness and the ability to take short breaks to randomly mess around with inane joke choices and funny GM-Chastisement, which really creates the feeling that players were suggesting all this.

At the same time, I don't think it's quite random enough (He always manages to get the in-joke choices at the beginning in, makes obscure puzzles seemingly happen on the first go, it always seems to be going somewhere despite ending nowhere, etc.) that I'm not convinced he didn't take the helm at some points. I've never actually touched the forums, because tbh everything I've clicked on MSPaint adventures other than the links is an entirely different Webcomic structure than I'm used to and therefore it is entirely unusable for anyone with my attention span.


7 years ago
A lot/most of it was preplanned. The author goes a little into how the whole process worked in Problem Sleuth and Homestuck here.