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my coding question was deleted

3 years ago
I literally left for 2 hrs, and my coding question was deleted. Not sure who did it, but lemme guess- hetero malk? Guy deletes everything i write, and kicks me for literally no reason.

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago

You're dense as hell.

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago
Not as dense as your mom's asscheeks, JizzCat.

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago

Savage burn! O.O

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago
I deleted it because you asked it already; just continue on the existing thread since it's the same topic. You probably won't get any different answers since we're not really focused on general Q&A about code, which is what Quora and StackOverflow are for. You'd have better luck asking over there.

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago
Sorry about that. I did do some research, and overall, I couldn't find what I'm looking for. Thanks for your help

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago
Kicks you from where?

I'm pretty interested in this burgeoning feud Malk apparently has with some random noob he's not even aware of.

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago

I only delete awful low effort shovelware games, and you seem pretty illiterate. It's entirely possible I have deleted one or several of your games without remembering them. 

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago
Ohhhh, this was the guy who came here to ask how to code a forum

I wonder why the new account, and why the old grudge..

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago
Illiterate? At least I'm not a 35 year-old unmarried disrespectful f*ck that spends my time playing fictional games. You're the unsuccessful illiterate retard. Go marry your cousin or some sh*t. F*ck outta here. Yes, I did censor cursing, so the forum can let me post this bull. By the way, "I only delete awful low effort shovelware games." Games? It clearly says "question." Talk about literacy. C'mon, kick me or something, since I don't have any use of this site. Too bad it's being run by douchebags like you.

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago

Damn Malk, he fucking destroyed you 

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago

Very thoughtful of you to censor your cursing on our wholesome, family friendly website. Much appreciated. ^_^

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago

Also should probably note that none of the people who actually made this website are even active on the forums anymore, so...

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago
So let me get this straight this guy asks a coding question 2 months ago about how to code a forum for a CYS like site hes making and asks if he can use this sites forum code as a reference. The coding experts on this site respond that he should just look it up himself and that no, he cannot use this sites forum code as a reference since its owned by a company. He then proceeds to return 2 months later asking the exact same question (Worded a bit differently) this makes me wonder 3 things...

1. He hoped we had forgotten about the last time he asked and that now he would get a different answer
2. He never looked at the answers he got
3. Hes a troll

Personally I'm leaning towards the 3rd option since kids nowadays rarely have the patience to actually code and make a functioning site especially something as complicated as a CYS site

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago

I assume it's some combination of all 3, as well as crippling stupidity.

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago
1. No, I forgot myself.
2. Number 1 explains that.
3. Kids? I'm closer to a child than an adult, but again (same as hetero_malk)- I take advantage of time, and try to make the most out of it. I'm not sitting on a $2k pc, as a 40 yr old, sh*tting in a pail, whilst yelling at my wife (if you actually can manage to get one), and catfishing 13 year old girls. Go f*ck yourself. I censored these so I can post this without trouble from the forum, you pedophile. Now go jerk off to your mother, or something.

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago
Alrighty so bye bye then, I think it's time for your nap kiddo.

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago

This guy has an interesting idea of how forum censorship works... So, "Go fuck yourself" is apparently off limits, but "Go jerk off to your mother, you pedophile" is a-okay?

.... Also a massive contradiction. Why the fuck would a pedophile jerk off to their mother?

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago
At a glance, this thread is still every bit as confusing to me now as it was last night.

my coding question was deleted

3 years ago

OP was a faggot.

How it began and how it ended.