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this website was part of my childhood,now i am an

3 months ago

old man....  :(


i still can't believe i created this account 10 years ago!?! that can't be right!?!? .... it feels like i've first been on this site like 4 or 5 years ago, but no.... it's already been 10 years!!!! a decade!!! wow!!! 

i think i've first been on this website a few years before i created this account. so, probably even before i was a teenager! 

when i was in my early teens, i for sure thought i would have gotten a nobel prize in medicine when i am in my 20s... lol

it took a while to find out, but i was nothing special. i now live  a very normal and a not-exceptional-in-any-way-whatsoever(?) life 

now i'm sad...

but i'm happy this website and community still exists (although i pretty much never used the forums) 

thank you to everyone who made this website and to the authors

this website was part of my childhood,now i am an

3 months ago

I've been around for I think like eight or nine years at this point. It's crazy how whole eras of your life go by and CYS is always here. 

this website was part of my childhood,now i am an

3 months ago

You haven't learned punctuation and capitalization in that time? 

Edit: Ah, wait. South Korea.. Yes, this website is a part of many childhoods. Very cool stuff.

this website was part of my childhood,now i am an

3 months ago
when i was in my early teens, i for sure thought i would have gotten a nobel prize in medicine when i am in my 20s... lol

Funny how I would've guessed you were Asian just based on this even if I hadn't seen the rest of your posts lol. You in Korea still? That's kind of cool. We have a long time site member visiting his family over there right now. He is also not doctor yet :( (but sends pictures of really good food)

Anyway, it's always nice to see someone with a really vintage account suddenly remembering the site exists. You might want to poke around some of the storygames, quality levels have on average improved massively since back when everyone was 14.

this website was part of my childhood,now i am an

3 months ago

it's great to hear that! What I appreciate about this website is that its design seems to have remained unchanged over the past decade, just as I recall.


And yes... I am living in Korea, not really how I expected my life to turn out, but oh well lol...

this website was part of my childhood,now i am an

3 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 7/11/2024 5:57:20 PM
Not being exceptional is nothing to be ashamed of my man. The overwhelming majority of everyone in the history of mankind haven't been exceptional in the way you envision. They did just fine and simply led a good life, or struggled and died from hunger or something. Just make the best of the 80 years you're given and enjoy the ride.

this website was part of my childhood,now i am an

3 months ago

Hey, thanks for leaving that comment. I hope you have a good day, kind person. 

this website was part of my childhood,now i am an

3 months ago

Unless you have koinophobia (the fear of being ordinary). 

this website was part of my childhood,now i am an

3 months ago

I'll also add that most people throughout history who were considered "exceptional" have the importance of their achievements overhyped in order to tell a more compelling story...

Yadda yadda, everyone is special in their own unique way and has worth, yadda yadda...