
Forums » The Lounge » Read Thread

A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

Really funny... then annoying... then funny right at the end... then lame.

Feel free to add yours. :-)

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

On the off chance I can get somebody around here to laugh (and, in honor of the World Cup) :D


Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

It may be the shots of whisky, but I liked this one.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

I won't lie, Scott Sterling's a classic.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

xD Ouch, now I don’t want to be a goalie.

It takes me ages to look at even very short videos because of the slow data speeds on this phone I use [it rivals the dmv in slowness!]; so I actually saw this, at first, out of order, in slow-motion, & without sound, and it looked pretty brutal. It became comedy to me, after skipping around the already loaded part of the video, when I realized it was too absurd to have actually happened.

This reminds me of that (2000) Australian comedy called “Mr. Accident.”

P.S. laughHow do you get the video links to show like a picture?

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

On youtube, click "share"... then "embed"... then copy that code... then click "source" on here... then paste it... then post. Easy. ;p

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

xD Oh, thanks! I don’t know what I’m doing; I don’t know, is it working?

P.S. Your profile pic is awesome xD

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

god die 

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

Now that's comedy!

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

Ridicule, banishments, insults... Necessary for times of war, perhaps... but counterproductive in times of peace, and certainly not the best way to inspire peaks of creativity or a flowering of the arts.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

This place is never at peace.

Besides, I’m encouraging Malk in his comedic creativity which is obviously an inspiration to many.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

You have some of the makings of an enlightened dictator (you are an accomplished artist yourself, and you remain highly engaged with the populous)... a form of government under which the world has seen many of its golden artistic ages... but there needs to be more openness to criticism and feedback, less banishment and rage quitting (two sides of the same coin really - a closing off of communication, a brain-drain), and even more direct spontaneous encouragement of all of us who are putting in the time (myself included). 

Eternal war has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, we are continually haunted by the supposedly-dead... their grievances are not treated with respect, even when delivered politely... and so they never really die... and the place does not avail itself of feedback that could improve it. 

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago
You should make a suggestion box thread where you encourage people to vote on ways to improve the site and the community :^)

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago


There hasn’t been any of that though.

Seriously nobody of importance is getting driven off and the only people getting banned are the idiots that are generally spamming in the first place.

There’s plenty of openness and criticism:

There always a few people greeting the noobs in a polite manner in the noob section. Even Steve and Mizal manage to do it.

People like Fluxion, corgi, eric and others are all relatively newer writers with a lot of promise and they’re still providing/working on stories. Hell even guys like Will and Ogre are still around. So there hasn’t been a “brain drain” either. It’s not a large site, so it’s not going to get a lot of people regularly writing anyway. Most just like to read. That’s true even at a place like CoG which is bigger. If anything the amount of quality writers has expanded here.

As for criticism, fairly certain that’s what people like Ogre, Mizal, Mayana and others are doing all the time with people in the Writing Workshop. I don’t see much “bullying” going on there either.

So the encouragement and positivity is already there.

As far as less bannings and rage quitting, well can’t help you with that one. People rage quitting because they don’t like the site for whatever reason is something nobody really has any control over.

Banning someone for being disruptive to the community, well yeah that’s going to happen like it does with any site. Can’t really be helped that this place tends to attract the young and foolish. (Or sometimes just plain old foolish) There’s only so much idiocy that can be tolerated and people get more than enough warnings.

This place is probably MORE lenient than most with what you can get away with. If someone has a retarded idea we at least let them try to explain themselves rather than just immediately banning them for 200 years.

If you’re referring to the recent WC guy bitching and complaining, he really brought that on himself. He could have easily been like Crescent and actually been a contributing member of CYS (Hell even becoming like Bluefur would have been okay) but no he decided to throw a fit with his return. Given that WC was banned long ago, he’s not being useful and he deserved to get mocked for being a douchebag.

So again “old offending members” DO get second chances and not banned on sight assuming they’re actually showing signs of change. Patar, Slasher, that Van guy, a bunch of others I’m probably forgetting. (But not DrkPhoenix, because just fuck that guy)

Hell NEW offending members get second chances sometimes. Just look in the mirror as far as that’s concerned given how some feel about you here, fairly certain some would want you banned for being creepy and/or constantly trying to play net nanny.

If I actually went around banning everyone I didn’t like and/or had minor disagreements with on occasion, it would pretty much just be me and Thara holding endless conversations with each other on here.

And besides all that The Lounge isn’t where the “Serious Business” is supposed to be taking place. The Lounge is where people go to basically fuck around in between writing. You said this thread is supposed to be about comedy anyway, I laughed at Malk’s comment and then I laughed at your responses.

So great success I guess.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

Cow's really going for all of the gold at the turbo faggot olympics. 

Edit: I also have new wireless headphones, and so these videos hit me harder than expected. What a nice sense of humor. 

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

See Thara gets it. I laughed at her comment about MCB.

In any case, I'm currently trying to fatten up the Reading Room with some more book reviews, so that's what I'm focused on at this moment rather than Lounge antics.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

May you have favorable fortune in this task. 

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

I'm glad you liked those videos Thara (just gonna assume you are not trolling me on that one ;-))

Well, EndMaster, if I may use "faggoty-psychology-lingo", I must say that I certainly feel heard by you (even though you didn't agree with me), and I appreciate it. I suppose, for completeness, I should add that the "brain-drain" I noticed were Stryker and EZUnMaker... They seemed like good, smart people... a solid contributor with a long history (in Stryker) and an eager up-and-comer (needing a bit of training perhaps) in EZ... They didn't like being insulted, brow-beaten, or personally attacked for their mistakes and/or opinions (and told me as much)... Neither do I, but my thin-skin is getting thicker all the time, and that largely due to sticking it out around here... Anyways, (again with the psycho-lingo) I appreciate you taking the time to hear me out.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

Really EZ made a dumb thread that got deleted and could have easily stuck around, nobody was actually all that pissed at him. A few days would have passed and it would have been forgotten.

And given the other occasional direct insults he laughed off around here (mostly by Malk), not sure why he got upset by that one thing.

As for Stryker, he has a tendency to disappear and come back again anyway.

Bucky was waiting for his input for his character for a week or so and the guy just bailed, so if anything people were more pissed by him holding things up rather than at least saying “Hey I officially quit.”

In any case the Atlas game is pretty much dead now anyway, so if he left because of some arguing in that thread, that was a pretty silly thing to do.

Personally? I was fine with EZ and even Stryker. I don’t think EZ was all that hated since he didn’t really do much that was terribly annoying. At worst he was seen another “dumb noob” but fairly harmless.

Stryker on the other hand, well there’s people who are usually on the nicer side here that get annoyed by Stryker due to his posting style. I mean it never really bothered me, but holy shit it REALLY annoys some of the other people on here.

I mean even JJJ said he found the guy annoying at one point.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago
Who fucking cares. Just lol that these are constantly your two examples of exemplar members driven away by the meanies, while you completely ignore their own behavior. None of this shit happens in a void. Yes, when people post things on a public forum, the things they post will be responded to by the public. If the things they post are stupid they may not LIKE the response but it was still their choice to invite it.

Although EZ was never around much I never minded him much either and honestly I'd rather have him hanging around being a shitposting idiot any day than you or Stryker randomly dropping cringy text walls.

Stryker at least has autism as an excuse, but I'm not sure what explains your continued complete inability to pick up on context or tone or any of the other things you have in common with him.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago
Wait, "turbo faggot olympics?" Is that a real thing? It sounds hilarious.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago
Might be a speedwalking event...?

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

Oh hey, I got mentioned. Cool. Still a legend for getting banned on 4/20.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago
You could have made a joke of it or responded with a funnier or more creative insult or just not replied at all, interesting choice to instantly launch into humorless lecture mode in an attempt to shut down one of the only people who even bothered to click on this thread. Comedy indeed.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago
You are overblowing this. Malk's comment was harmless, if you find tiny things like that offensive perhaps the problem's on your end. He wasn't insulting some story that some author put a lot of effort into, he just posted an amusing comment, which probably made more people smile than your videos. The best reaction to such a post is to just smile and move on.

You're like a guest complaining about the decoration in the host's house. You could be a professional house designer or know nothing at all about what looks nice, it won't matter to the owner of the house. Those skulls have been there longer than you, they won't be going anywhere. You have already voiced your opinion about this site not being nice enough, and noone cared all that much, so you can either be ok with that or leave. If someone's a good writer but finds The Lounge too toxic, it's not hard to avoid it.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

My comment wasn't directed at Malk, it was to EndMaster; and, to be honest, I gained even more respect for him because of his reply.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

If at first you don't succeed, don't try again. :P

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

Third time's the charm? This is just amazing.


Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

Due to a request from Ford and Mizal, I will leave this here and slink back into the depths of hiatus.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago
Really Ford should have done it, he's MCB's favorite comedian on the site.

But better you than me. If I'm going to go through the effort of setting up a poll it's going to be an actually funny one.

Congrats on keeping your place as back-up Leora though.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago

Just got back from my 3-year-old's delightful birthday party, and then (after reading this) am suddenly dreading when she becomes teen (Ford and Minnie are 19 as I recall?).

Anyways, this is highly offensive and I am rage quitting.

Comic Relief (with critique)

6 years ago
A feminine penis is a real thing. If anything Morgan should come here and get offended at YOU for implying there's something wrong with it.

tfw Ford is more woke than you are