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Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
Does anyone give a fuck?

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago


Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
Okay, because I heard some other site was arguing about it.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
Not even one of those South American countries sort of close to places that matter.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
Do they have oil there?

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
What's a Bolivia?

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
I think it's related to a boll weevil.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
So it's part of Mexico

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
No, that song is about a cockroach.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
Oh, I see. We don't have a whole lot of either here. So I get confused.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
This reminds me, whatever happened to the gay pride cockroach? Was that a Nitro only thing? I long to see it again.


5 years ago
Oh, wait, this is where I'm supposed to post this. Yes it's a Nitro thing, because animated and presumably from another server.


5 years ago
Yes very good thank you.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
I was told to post this

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
TWO dancing epileptic-hating gay pride cockroaches?? You are the hero the forum needs.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
This just in from Latin World: they don't give a fuck either.

Source: some Mexican, some Brazilian.

What do Spaniards count as? Not Latino so...Hispanic? Because she didn't care either.

Well anyway there you have it folks, getting mad about Bolivia is a privileged white first worlder thing. (And presumably a Bolivian president thing, but that guy's a retard and nobody likes him.)

But I'll do more research after work and come back with a full report on all the Boluvia facts you could ever need to know.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago

Butch Cassidy and Sundance didn't think much of Bolivia, either. At least not after they got there.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago

Bolivia is a landlocked country lost in the mountains poor that barely any Latino country has real relationships that people care. The ruins will be there to be visited whoever is the ruler.  I have noticed that the only people who is talking about Bolivia are American.  In Spain, nobody gives a shit. And my friends for other Latino countries exactly. We care about Venezuela or Cuba... Bolivia? No, much.

However, I know this is not political correctness.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
Even the people arguing about Bolivia don't try to pretend like Bolivia matters, it's just another thing to claw each other's eyes out in the endless left/right political catfight everything in the world has to be about now.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
Oops, it looks like I'll have to turn my research project in a day late. I hope I can still get a B minus.

Death to Anez

5 years ago

The coup in Bolivia is a right-wing takeover of the country. There is now a lunatic theocrat in office who must be removed immediately at any cost and beheaded on the steps of Bolivian Congress, to show the reactionaries of the world the cost of the revolutionary terror that will come as a result of their foolishness. 

Clearly, steps must be taken after the collapse of the coup. Morales was much too liberal, gulags need to be established throughout the country and purges must be undertaken to remove the foreign agitator/conservative elements of society. The mistake of mercy must not be repeated. 

Death to Anez

5 years ago
I applaud the Bolpvian people for not letting the guy who had been ruling for fourteen years already rig an "election" again.

Although it's not a real coup anyway if they quit before you take over.

Death to Anez

5 years ago

Coins, you've supported nazis and fucking Bolsonaro. Your opinion on right-wing takeovers isn't important. 

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago

Trust coins to be a faggot about this topic. Given that Fazz is back, I’ll be expecting him to cry fascism like a faggot as well.

In any case, Bolivia is a third world landlocked shithole country. In fact it’s the shittiest of that whole shitty continent, which is saying something.

They got their asses kicked by Peru and Chille a long time ago, lost their access to the coast and their COJONES in the process.

Their current situation is typical of most third world shitholes. They had some guy that did some okay things for the country, got drunk with power and then refused to leave and cheated in order to try to stay. Then on top of everything else, he was too incompetent to keep the military happy enough to defend him when the people rightfully wanted his ass gone.

Keep the military happy and supplied. It’s like dictatorship 101 man.

Had he just stepped down for a little while, he probably could have gotten himself re-elected again next time around since it wasn’t like he didn’t have a large following. Instead, he’s been fucked by his own petard.

Anyway, whether you want to believe it was the will of the people that demanded change or be an idiot and believe it was a coup, it doesn’t change the fact, Bolivia is still going to be a corrupt shithole regardless if it’s commies or fascists in charge.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago
You'd think even in a shithole like Bolivia, a guy with that much power could get access to the Tropico series and learn how to do it right.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago

Evo was anti-American videogames are a capitalist crap that goes against old indigenous customs. I am not kidding they defended stuff like that.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago

If he got access to video games, the press and the internet would be all over him, and that's not what any corrupt politician wants.


I mean, think of the videos already out there farming millions of views. "REAL COWBOY PLAYS RED DEAD REDEMPTION", "REAL SHAOLIN PLAYS MONK IN FOR HONOR". If "REAL LATIN DICTATOR PLAYS TROPICO" ever became a thing, he'd never hear the end of it. Tourists and memelords would be arriving by helicopter to steal roadsigns and try to take selfies with him.

Bolivia is still a shithole

5 years ago

LOL, that's hilarious. Man, people are so stupid.