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CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

CYS Lords O War!

War Brackets

Tier 1 ----- Tier 2 ----- Tier 3 ----- Winner!

















Do you have what it takes to command your armies to overwhelming victory? CYS Lords O War is your chance to prove your strategic prowess and earn your place at the top of the heap!

A Tournament-Style undertaking, you battle one-on-one, gaining more power with each opponent you defeat, until there’s no one left to challenge you.

COST TO ENTER: 50xp (Refundable After Full Participation Only)

BONUS XP: +10xp will be awarded for each Win!

The Ultimate Winner will also receive a PDF copy of the Mutants & Masterminds Deluxe 3E RPG.

(Requires a 1 Post Per Day Minimum Participation Commitment)


Start Each Contest With $150~ and…

land sea

Phase 1 (Build)

  • Purchase Units, Towers, Repairs, and the like.

Phase 2 (Battle)

  • Choose your Banner.
  • Array your Units and send them out over Land, Sea (or both) to repel invaders and attack the enemy castle.
  • Assess the damage and reap the spoils of war.
  • Repeat Phase 1 & 2 until someone’s castle is rubble.


CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Main Keep

$$~ $50~ $80~ $60~ $15~ $30~


$85~ $20~ $10~ $30~ $30~


$80~ $30~ $45~ $45~ $55~

Guild Hall

$55~ $25~ $40~ $40~ $50~


$85~ $50~ $10~ $30~ $50~ $40~ $50~ $50~ $45~


$50~ $55~ $40~ $55~

Mage Tower

$80~ $20~ $40~ $50~ $40~ $40~ $40~ $45~ $30~ $40~ $30~ $*~

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Symbol Key

Hit Points
Chance in 1d6 to Break/Slip Through enemy lines
Income (+$25~)
Upkeep (-$25~)

Red/Blue Boarder = Advanced Unit

Tower Unit Info

Main Keep: Placed in Center of your Castle Formation; You lose if it is destroyed. Costs $100~ to Repair with War Forge. Generates $50~/turn.
Church: $50~; Automatically Heals all Surviving Units after Each Battle Phase. Generates $25~/turn.
War Forge: $80~; Allows the purchase of Advance Units and Castle Repairs; Repairs cost half of each Repaired Tower’s Original Cost and restore all Stats to full. Costs $50~/turn to maintain.
Cannon Batteries: $60~; Advanced Unit; You may have 2; Placed one each to right or left of your Main Keep.
Spy Info: $15~; Allows a look at 1 enemy Lane Prior to Battle Phase. Can be Countered with a $20~ bribe.
Wall: $30~; You may have 3; Placed to your outer Land Side, and to the adjacent right or left of your Main Keep.


Barracks: $100~; Allows the purchase of Pike Barricades and Infantry Units.
Pike Barricade: $20~; You may have 3; Placed one in front of each Wall; Produced by Barracks.
Foot Soldiers: $10~; Produced by Barracks.
Shock Troopers: $30~; Produced by Barracks.
Heavy Infantry: $30~; Advanced Unit; Produced by Barracks.


Stables: $80~; Allows the purchase of Cavalry Units and required for Summoning Giant Monster.
Cavalry: $30~; Produced by Stables.
Heavy Cavalry: $45~; Advanced Unit; Produced by Stables.
War Riders: $45~; Produced by Stables.
Giant Monster: $55~; Produced by Summon Monster Ritual.


Guild Hall: $55~; Allows the purchase of Ranged Units and a single Saboteur. Costs $25~/turn to maintain.
Crossbowmen: $25~; Produced by Guild Hall.
Mercenary Rangers: $40~; Advanced Unit; Produced by Guild Hall.
Catapults: $40~; Advanced Unit; Produced by Guild Hall.
Saboteur: $50~; Advanced Unit; Ignores Banners; When the Saboteur slips past enemy lines, he does 10 Damage to any chosen Tower and then returns to base; Counters Ship Mines, if the Transport carrying the Saboteur is the one targeted.


Shipyard: $100~; Allows purchase of Sea Units and required for Summoning Sea Monster. Generates $50~/turn.
Ship Mines: $50~; Advanced Unit; Set in Sea Lane to Damage the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Sea Unit; Limit 2 per Battle Phase; Produced by Shipyard.
Longboat: $10~; Produced by Shipyard.
Frigate: $30~ Produced by Shipyard.
Man-O-War: $50~; Advanced Unit; Produced by Shipyard.
Troop Transport: $40~; Can carry +1 non-Sea Unit; Produced by Shipyard.
Armored Transport: $50~; Advance Unit; Can carry +2 non-Sea Units; Produced by Shipyard.
Harbor Chain: $50~; You may have only 1; Placed to your outer Sea Side; Produced by Shipyard.
Sea Monster: $45~; Produced by Summon Monster Ritual.


Hanger: $50~; Allows purchase of a single Air Ship and required for Summoning Small and Large Flying Monsters.
Airship: $55~; Advance Unit; Ignores Banners; Can only be attacked by Anti-Air; May target any Tower (see Using Air Units below); Produced by Hanger.
Small Flying Monsters: $40~; Ignores Banners; Can only be attacked by Anti-Air; May target any Tower (see Using Air Units below); Produced by Summon Monster Ritual.
Large Flying Monster: $55~; Ignores Banners; Can only be attacked by Anti-Air; May target any Tower (see Using Air Units below); Produced by Summon Monster Ritual.


Mage Tower: $80~; Allows the purchase of a single Mage, a Magician’s Apprentice, and corresponding Rituals. Generates $25~/turn.
Magician’s Apprentice: $20~; becomes a new Mage of any type when his mentor is killed; Produced by Mage Tower.
Fire Mage: $40~; May cast a Ritual from inside Mage Tower; go out in Battle Lanes, or be placed to protect a specific Tower; When casting a Ritual or defending a Tower, the Mage takes no damage, but dies if the Tower is lost; Produced by Mage Tower.
Meteor Swarm: $50~; Ritual; Targets any enemy Tower directly, but goes off in the next Battle Phase (provided the Mage is still alive then).
Ice Mage: $40~ May cast a Ritual from inside Mage Tower; go out in Battle Lanes, or be placed to protect a specific Tower; When casting a Ritual or defending a Tower, the Mage takes no damage, but dies if the Tower is lost; Reduces all Attacking Units Range to 1; Produced by Mage Tower.
Ice Storm: $40~; Ritual; Targets any enemy Tower directly, but goes off in the next Battle Phase (provided the Mage is still alive then).
Lightning Mage: $40~; May cast a Ritual from inside Mage Tower; go out in Battle Lanes, or be placed to protect a specific Tower; When casting a Ritual or defending a Tower, the Mage takes no damage, but dies if the Tower is lost; Produced by Mage Tower.
Lightning Barrage: $45~; Ritual; Targets any enemy Tower directly, but goes off in the next Battle Phase (provided the Mage is still alive then).
Necromancer: $30~; May cast a Ritual from inside Mage Tower; go out in Battle Lanes, or be placed to protect a specific Tower; When casting a Ritual or defending a Tower, the Mage takes no damage, but dies if the Tower is lost; May create Undead versions of defeated enemy Units (during Build Phase), purchasing them each at a $5~ Discount. Produced by Mage Tower.
The Dead Rise: $40~; Ritual; Targets any enemy Tower directly, but goes off in the next Battle Phase (provided the Mage is still alive then).
Summoner: $30~ May cast a Ritual from inside Mage Tower; go out in Battle Lanes, or be placed to protect a specific Tower; When casting a Ritual or defending a Tower, the Mage takes no damage, but dies if the Tower is lost; Produced by Mage Tower.
Summon Monster: $*~; Allows the purchase of Giant Monster; Sea Monster, Small Flying Monsters; or Large Flying Monster (provided all requirements are met), but goes off in the next Battle Phase (provided the Mage is still alive then).

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Phase 1 (Build)

In the Build Phase, each player purchases additional Towers, Units, etc to add to their forces.

Your Castle Configuration

land sea

This is your starting Castle Configuration (with the Land Lane on one side and the Sea Lane on the other). During the Build Phase, any Towers or Defenses you purchase are added to the Castle Configuration, by placing them in the lineup between Land and Sea. Once a Tower or Defense has been set, it cannot be moved from its placement in the line, except by the natural expansion, caused by inserting even more Towers and Defenses into the Configuration.

Note that You do not have to put your Main Keep in the center of your Castle Configuation, but having a buffer to either side is probably best. Of course, leaning your Main Keep to one side, or the other, might create a strategic gambit, where you temp the opponent to go against a particular Lane more predictably.

War Funds

For the first Four Rounds of play, each player receives $150~ at the beginning of each Build Phase, to go towards the purchase of new Towers, Units, Repairs, etc. The War Funds run out after the fourth round however, so you'll want to make good use of them while they last.

Certain Towers also generate income (indicated by the moneybags symbol at $25~ per) which is awarded with each new Build Phase. Note that some Towers cost money to maintain as well. If on a Build Phase, you do not have enough to pay for its Upkeep, you lose the Tower.

Spoils of War

Also awarded with each new Build Phase, is a Bounty (of 1/2 the Build Cost) for each enemy Tower and/or Defense that you manage to destroy during the last Battle Phase.

As well as a potential RPS Bonus (see below).


Each Build Phase is handled via PMs, in order to keep things from prying eyes. You must PM me a list of everything you want to Purchase (or Repair if applicable) for that round (including Towers, Defenses, Units, etc) and where new Towers and Defenses will fall in your Castle Configuration (listed left to right).

I will also need to know which Battle Standard you intend to fly (see Battle Phase below), and all Units you plan to send into each of the two Lanes (Land and Sea) and the order they will go (from first to last). All Units that you do not assign to a Lane are considered Withheld (see Battle Phase below).

And, if it is your turn, you must let me know if you want to purchase the Spy Info of not (see below). If it is not your turn, then you must let me know if you want to put money up to bribe the Spy, should your enemy try to use it. If you do not provide this information to me, then you will not get to employ either option.

Once I have received everyone's PMs, I will update all the Castle Configurations and corresponding War Fund totals. Then, it's on to Phase 2 (Battle)!

Spy Info

Players alternate having the Spy Info option each round, beginning with the player that has the oldest CYS join date.

When opting for the Spy Info on your turn, you purchase it (see Spy Info card above) and then get to choose either your enemy's Land or Sea Lane to spy on. If the enemy has not set aside a Bribe (see card), then you get to look at the enemy Units in that Lane, prior to the Battle Phase, and may then rearrange or Withhold your Units for a tactical advantage.

If the enemy player has elected to prepare a Bribe, then he is charged the fee and you get squat. If you have prepared a Bribe, but the enemy has not purchased Spy Info, you get to keep the funds.

The Complete PM

To reiterate, your PMs must include each of the following:

  • All Purchases for this round (including Towers, Defenses, Units, Repairs, Spy Info, Bribes, etc).
  • Where new Towers and Defenses will fall in your Castle Configuration (listed left to right).
  • Which Battle Standard you will fly.
  • Which Units will attack by Land and in what order.
  • Which Units will attack by Sea and in what order.
  • Which Units you will Withhold.
  • Other Strategic Info, such as when Ship Mines will go off, what your Mage is going to do, which Towers Flying Units will attack, etc.

Missed PMs

As noted above, this tournament Requires a 1 Post Per Day Minimum Participation Commitment. Failing to provide the required daily PM will result in a free assault scenario for your opponent. In other words, you will not make any purchases or repairs or battle plans or the like for that Phase - while your opponent will get to send whatever they like down the Lanes to wreak havoc on your Castle!

*The 1 Per Day post requirement will be relaxed on the weekends however; and you will not be penalized such on Saturdays or Sundays.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Phase 2 (Battle)

During the Battle Phase, armies clash, towers fall, and legends are made.

Battle Standards

Each Battle Phase, you send your Units out under a Battle Standard (chosen during the Build Phase PM). Battle Standards represent one of three fighting strategies for your Units to follow in that turn.

STONE: Defensive Formation. All Units stay in their Lanes and do not advance against the enemy's Castle Formation after clearing the Lane.

RIBBON: Strategic Objective. Units in each Lane withdraw after destroying the first Tower in their path.

SICKLE: All out assault. Units don't stop until everything falls or they get wiped out.

RPS Bonus

Certain strategies have an advantage over others. In the case where your Battle Standard 'Rock-Paper-Scissors' your enemy's, you get a $25~ bonus at the start of the next Build Phase.

  • Sickle cuts Ribbon
  • Ribbon traps Stone
  • Stone smashes Sickle


The order that you send out your Units, is the order they will travel down their Lanes (Land & Sea). The Enemy Units, will do the same, coming at your Units from the opposite direction -- and clashing in the middle!

For example, Red vs Blue in the Land Lane:

Before they meet however, all Units roll to see if they Slip/Break Through The Lines. Those that do, are taken out of the Lane and set against the Enemy Castle directly (see below).

Remaining Units battle it out in the Lanes, until one side or the other is defeated and the winning side advances to the enemy's Castle. The battles in each Lane are broken down into rounds. Every round, all Units within Range of each other take damage simultaneously. When the damage they have taken equals or exceeds their Hit Points, they are removed from the Lane and the gaps are closed. The battle continues round to round, until there are no longer any enemy units left in the Lane to fight.

Sea Lane Constraints

Ships can only go as far as the Shipyard position in the Sea Lane, meaning they can destroy the Shipyard and then sit there in that position to attack the next Tower over (with Range 1) and the one after that (with Range 2). Bringing Troops over with the Ships allows pushing farther into the enemy's Castle Configuration.

Troops brought over are deployed on the enemy's Castle Configuration side, in front of the Ships (even if the Troop Transports were at the end of the Ship lineup.

Troops do not deploy from Troop Transports at the Harbor Chain however, doing so only after that obstacle is surpassed.

No matter how many Towers there are/were in the Castle Configuration, the Sea Lane is always considered directly adjacent to the first Tower at its edge at the start of every Battle Phase.

This means it is possible to attack the Main Keep with Ships, when enough interposing Towers have fallen and not been replaced (because at that point, the Main Keep will be considered against the Sea.

Using Air Units

Air Units pose a unique situation, where if treated the same way as other Units, would be OP in one situation and completely useless in the next. To rectify this, air Units are handled in the following manner. Like the Saboteur Unit, Air Units are always assigned a specific Tower to attack. When they successfully Slip/Break Through The Line, they head directly to that Tower and bombard it from above. Once the Tower is destroyed, the Air Unit heads back to base (even if their army is Flying the Sickle Banner).

If the Tower in question has Anti-Air capability (or an adjacent Tower or Defense does and is in Range), it gets to trade damage with the Air Unit as normal.

When an Air Unit fails to Slip/Break Through The Lines, it flies over its Lane (be sure to assign it one in the PM) and stops over any Anti-Air Units in the enemy array, one at a time, and trades a single round of damage with each. If it is still flying by the end of the Lane, it heads onto its original target and continues from there.

Note that Air Units must be resolved first in each Battle Phase, before any of the Units in each of the Lanes make their Slip/Break Through The Lines rolls.

Withholding Units

You don't have to send any troops out to the Lanes in every Battle Phase, though it can be risky not to do so. You may withhold any Units you like, saving them perhaps for a mass attack later.

Withheld units remain in their Base Tower (Barracks for Infantry; Stables for Cavalry; Guild Hall for Ranged; Shipyard for Ships; etc) during the Battle Phase, but are destroyed if the Tower is lost.


Units that make it through the Lanes (or Slip/Break Through The Lines) go up against the first Defense or Tower on the side of the Castle they approach from (unless their specific type says otherwise). Battles between the attacking Units and the Castle are handled the same as when the armies clash in each Lane.

The Banner an army is fighting under, will determine how far an attacking army will push itself against the enemy's Castle Configuration (see above).

Once a Main Keep is destroyed, the winner is declared.

10th Phase Stalemate

If, after 10 Battle Phases, both Main Keeps still stand, then a Winner is determined by the total value of all holdings (Towers, Defenses, Units, etc). Whoever has the most wins and moves on to the next opponent.

Continuing Contests

Castles retain all surviving Towers and Units, when moving on in the bracket tiers - allowing greater and greater forces throughout the tournament.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Sample Land Lane Battle

Using the lineup from above...

Round 1 - the Red army will deal 7 damage to the first Blue Heavy Infantry Unit; While the Blue Heavy Infantry Unit will deal 3 damage to the Red Foot Soldiers. This will take both Units out.
(X) (X)

Round 2 - the Red army will deal 5 damage to both the first Blue Heavy Infantry Unit and the Blue Crossbowmen; While the Blue army will deal 5 damage to the Red Cavalry Unit. This will take the Red Cavalry Unit out as well as the Blue Crossbowmen - leaving the first Blue Heavy Infantry Unit with 1 Hit Point left.
(X) (1) (X)


Round 3 - the Red Mercenary Rangers finish off the first Blue Heavy Infantry Unit and deal 2 damage to the second; while the first Blue Heavy Infantry does 3 damage to the Red Mercenary Rangers; Leaving the Red Mercenary Rangers with 1 Hit Point and the Blue Heavy Infantry Unit with 4 Hit points.
(1) (X) (4)

(1) (4)

Round 4 - the Red Mercenary Rangers will deal 2 damage to the Blue Heavy Infantry Unit, while the Blue Heavy Infantry Unit will take out the Red Mercenary Rangers; Leaving one Blue Heavy Infantry Unit with 2 Hit points left.
(X) (2)


That Unit will then move on to face the enemy's Castle Configuration (unless the player is flying the Stone Banner), where it will deal 3 damage to the Red Wall, before being taken out in the first round.


CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Sample Sea Lane Battle

In this example, a Red Frigate, and Armored Transport (carrying Catapults and Mercenary Rangers) has made it down the Sea Lane and past the Blue Harbor Chain. Upon coming up against the Blue Ship Yard, the Armored Transport deploys its troops and they all attack.

Round 1 - the Red Mercenary Rangers and Catapults will deal 6 damage to the Blue Shipyard and Barracks; While the Blue Shipyard does 2 Damage to the Red Catapults.
(4) (10) (10)

Round 2 - the Red Mercenary Rangers and Catapults will deal another 6 damage to the Blue Shipyard and Barracks; While the Blue Shipyard does 2 more Damage to the Red Catapults.
(2) (4) (4)

Round 3 - the Red Mercenary Rangers and Catapults will deal another 6 damage to the Blue Shipyard and Barracks - destroying them; While the Blue Shipyard does 2 more Damage to the Red Catapults - taking them out.
(X) (X) (X)

Round 4 - the Red Frigate and Mercenary Rangers will deal 5 damage to the Blue Main Keep; While the Blue Main Keep does 2 Damage to both the Red Frigate and Mercenary Rangers.
(2) (2) (55)

Round 5 - the Red Frigate and Mercenary Rangers will deal another 5 damage to the Blue Main Keep; While the Blue Main Keep does another 2 Damage to both the Red Frigate and Mercenary Rangers - taking them out.
(X) (X) (50)


Note the inclusion of the Ruins Icon (Blue Barracks) at this point, to clearly show the Blue Main Keep's relative position to the end of the Sea Lane (the previous Blue Shipyard location - now occupied by the Red Armored Transport).

As deployed Land Units can freely move across land, the Ruins icon was not previously needed as that position was being occupied by the Red Mercenary Rangers.

Rounds 6 - 9 - the Blue Main Keep will batter the Red Armored Transport with impunity for four rounds, before it is finally sunk (as it can reach them with Range 2, while they cannot reach it with Range 1).
(X) (50)




Unless new Towers are purchase in the next Build Phase and placed between the Main Keep and Sea Lane, the Main Keep will be considered Adjacent to the Sea Lane at the start of the Next Battle Phase.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Sample Air Units Battle

Some examples of Air Units failing to Slip/Break Through enemy lines:


Here, the Red Air Ship stops over the Blue Crossbowmen and they trade damage for a single round (taking out the Crossbowmen), before the Air Ship moves on to its original target.



Likewise, the Blue Air Ship stops over the Red Mercenary Rangers to trade a single Round before moving on.




Here the Blue Air Ship first stops over the Red Man-O-War and trades a round of damage...

(3) (5)

Then stops over the Red Armored Transport to engage it's Ant-Air Units on board (1 at a time) - where it will be taken out by the Catapults, before it can even get to the Mercenary Rangers.


Unlike the Lanes, the Air Unit does not fly over or engage any other Tower in the enemy Castle configuration, once it gets past the Lanes. Here are three sample targets:

land sea

land (13) sea
Round 1: The Blue Air ship is attacking the Red Shipyard, which is being protected by the Red Lightning Mage. The Air Ship will do 3 damage to the Shipyard, while the Lightning Mage does 3 damage to the Air Ship.

land (10) sea
Round 2: The Air Ship will do another 3 damage to the Shipyard, before the Lightning Mage takes it out with 3 more damage.


land sea

land (57) sea
Round 1: The Blue Air Ship is attacking the Red main Keep. It will do 3 damage to the Main Keep, before taking a total of 7 damage from the Main keep and its Cannon Batteries - which will be the very quick end of the Blue Air Ship.


land sea

land(X) sea
Rounds 1 - 5: The Blue Air Ship attacks the Red Wall, which has no Anti-Air defense within range to protect it. The Air Ship will completely destroy it with 15 damage over 5 rounds.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
I'm in. The plan is to flail around at random without really understanding how anything works.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Awesome! That means you won't see how many times I screw up arbitrating each round! ^v^

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

So do we start the game with barracks and a shipyard? Or do we have to purchase one? 

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Start Each Contest With $150~ and…

land sea

Looks like they're included (though you would have to purchase new ones if they get destroyed during play).

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Screw it, I'm in. Do we PM you now, or will you announce when the game starts?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
I'll PM everyone Friday or Saturday, when we officially start :)

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

This looks super fun! I wanna sign up!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Awesome! I bet you'll kick butt with this haha!

Look for a PM at the end of the week to start.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

I bet you'll kick butt with this haha!

Yes, indeed! >:3

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Also, I saw a notification saying I got docked 50 points. Is that part of the game or did I not have enough points?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Yeah, it is the entry fee. You will get it back as long as you don't drop out.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Ah, makes sense.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

I'd like to do some warfare, myself!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Welcome Aboard!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

I guess I'll join.

Several points of clarification (okay, maybe more than just several):

1. Does everything automatically heal between games? Does money carry through between games?

2. You said that if we don't have enough money to pay for upkeep, we lose the tower. Say I have 2 tower that cost upkeep and enough money to maintain only one of them. Do I get to choose which tower to keep, or is it random?

3. The war forge allows the purchase of advanced units, but it also has a red border, so it's also an advanced unit. How do you purchase the war forge?

4. You mention that units with red and blue borders are advanced. I don't see anything with a blue border. Am I blind?

5. The inner walls have to be placed to the "adjacent right or left" of the Main Keep, while the cannon batteries have to be placed to the "right or left" of the main keep. Does that mean that cannons can be anywhere to the right or left of the main keep?

6. The War Forge allows "castle repairs" and repairs "towers". What is considered to be a "tower"? Is it everything under the main keep category? Is it every building that isn't a "defense"? Is it just any building? Do cannon batteries count as buildings? What about harbor chains? Is there any functional difference between buildings that have a "defense" symbol and buildings that don't?

7. Does the spy info last for only 1 phase, or does it last until your opponent bribes your spy?

8. A saboteur damages "any chosen Tower". Again, what is a tower? Also, what is 2/10 attack? Why not 1/5?

9. Is the chance to break through enemy lines based on a 6-sided dice?

10. Do ship mines self-destruct after destroying an enemy ship? What happens to ship mines that don't get used during a battle phase? Do they carry through to the next battle phase? There's a limit of 2 per battle phase but not 2 per build phase. Does that mean we can build more than 2 ship mines during the build phase and just not use all of them? Can enemy units target and kill ship mines? Do you even need to place ship mines? Do you place it as a defense or as a unit? Do you get spoils for "destroying" an enemy ship mine when it blows up? Does the mine go off before the unit battle phase or before the castle battle phase? If I set the mine to blow up ship #4, and the opponent only sends 3 ships, does the mine still blow up, or does it survive to the next battle phase?

11. What happens when a mage protects a tower? What does that do?

12. All the rituals go off in "the next battle phase". By that, do you mean the battle phase that comes after the next build phase?

13. Does the ice mage reduce the range of your own attacking units?

14. Can the necromancer only purchase enemy units killed in the last battle phase or any previous battle phase?

15. Is this based on a real game, or did you make it up from scratch?

16. Can buildings produce units the same turn that they're built?

17. If a unit breaks through enemy lines, and you chose to use the stone banner, does it just do nothing?

18. Do units that break through attack the castle together with your other units if they win the unit battle, or do they attack the castle alone ahead of your other units? How would they be ordered? Perhaps the battles would happen simultaneously, and if the unit battle ends before your units that slipped through are dead, your remaining units could join up with the castle battle?

19. How does a naval attack on the castle work? How far can ships sail? Can they sail up to the position of the harbor chain? The shipyard? How does unloading land units work? When and where would they be placed? What if you have other ships in front of your transports? Maybe you could show an example?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Nice to see someone actually read through the rules haha! All good questions~

1. Does everything automatically heal between games? Does money carry through between games?

Nothing automatically heals and everything carries through to the next Tier as is. So money, your current Castle Configuration, all Units, and Damage carry over (meaning you may need to Repair Damage and/or Heal Units if you like, during the next contest’s first Phase).

2. You said that if we don't have enough money to pay for upkeep, we lose the tower. Say I have 2 tower that cost upkeep and enough money to maintain only one of them. Do I get to choose which tower to keep, or is it random?

You will get to choose which one to keep.

3. The war forge allows the purchase of advanced units, but it also has a red border, so it's also an advanced unit. How do you purchase the war forge?

The Red Boarder around the War Forge is just there to easily associate it with all the Advanced Units. It can actually be purchased at any time.

4. You mention that units with red and blue borders are advanced. I don't see anything with a blue border. Am I blind?

You are not blind (probably)…

During the PvP Battles, one player will use Red font cards with associated red borders, while the other player will use Blue font cards with blue Advanced Units boarders (see the Land Lane Battle Phase example above for a look at Blue cards).

5. The inner walls have to be placed to the "adjacent right or left" of the Main Keep, while the cannon batteries have to be placed to the "right or left" of the main keep. Does that mean that cannons can be anywhere to the right or left of the main keep?

No; Cannon Batteries must be right up against the Main Keep. They are the only thing that can go between the Main Keep and any Walls used directly with the Main Keep.

6. The War Forge allows "castle repairs" and repairs "towers". What is considered to be a "tower"? Is it everything under the main keep category? Is it every building that isn't a "defense"? Is it just any building? Do cannon batteries count as buildings? What about harbor chains? Is there any functional difference between buildings that have a "defense" symbol and buildings that don't?

A Tower is any building or Defense – pretty much everything in your Castle Configuration. Units are everything else with Hit Points (including Ships).

7. Does the spy info last for only 1 phase, or does it last until your opponent bribes your spy?

The Spy Info only lasts one Phase.

8. A saboteur damages "any chosen Tower". Again, what is a tower? Also, what is 2/10 attack? Why not 1/5?

The Saboteur does 10 Damage to a pre-selected Tower, only if it makes it through the Lane. While in the Lane itself, it does 2 Damage.

9. Is the chance to break through enemy lines based on a 6-sided dice?

Yes, the Chance in six to Break/Slip Through the Line.

10. Do ship mines self-destruct after destroying an enemy ship? What happens to ship mines that don't get used during a battle phase? Do they carry through to the next battle phase? There's a limit of 2 per battle phase but not 2 per build phase. Does that mean we can build more than 2 ship mines during the build phase and just not use all of them? Can enemy units target and kill ship mines? Do you even need to place ship mines? Do you place it as a defense or as a unit? Do you get spoils for "destroying" an enemy ship mine when it blows up? Does the mine go off before the unit battle phase or before the castle battle phase? If I set the mine to blow up ship #4, and the opponent only sends 3 ships, does the mine still blow up, or does it survive to the next battle phase?

Ship Mines go off in the Battle Phase, before the roll to Break/Slip Through the Lines. They are lost once they go off. One that does not go off, remains in the same position in the Sea Lane, carrying over to the next Battle Phase (counting as one or more of the two mine limit).

Mines can be stockpiled, by Withholding them in the Shipyard.

Mines do not contribute to Spoils of War, being a rather unique Unit Type.

11. What happens when a mage protects a tower? What does that do?

The Mage adds his personal attacks to the Tower’s fight against the invading enemies. The Mage does not take damage during this time, but is lost if the Tower falls.

12. All the rituals go off in "the next battle phase". By that, do you mean the battle phase that comes after the next build phase?

Yes, there is an entire Full Phase delay with Rituals.

13. Does the ice mage reduce the range of your own attacking units?

Nope; just the enemy’s.

14. Can the necromancer only purchase enemy units killed in the last battle phase or any previous battle phase?

Only those most recently killed.

15. Is this based on a real game, or did you make it up from scratch?

It’s based on Commander, which the Admin 3J once ran, though it has some entirely new elements, such as Towers.

16. Can buildings produce units the same turn that they're built?


17. If a unit breaks through enemy lines, and you chose to use the stone banner, does it just do nothing?

If you are using the Stone Banner, no Units will attempt to Break/Slip Through the Lines (there is no Roll).

18. Do units that break through attack the castle together with your other units if they win the unit battle, or do they attack the castle alone ahead of your other units? How would they be ordered? Perhaps the battles would happen simultaneously, and if the unit battle ends before your units that slipped through are dead, your remaining units could join up with the castle battle?

Units that Break/Slip Through the Lines, wait for the rest of the army to attack. They are lined up in the order they get there, so line-slippers will be first, with the rest following behind them.

19. How does a naval attack on the castle work? How far can ships sail? Can they sail up to the position of the harbor chain? The shipyard? How does unloading land units work? When and where would they be placed? What if you have other ships in front of your transports? Maybe you could show an example?

Ships can only go as far as the Shipyard position, meaning they can destroy the Shipyard and then sit there in that position to attack the next Tower over (with Range 1) and the one after that (with Range 2). Bringing Troops over with the Ships allows pushing farther into the enemy's Castle Configuration.

Troops brought over are deployed on the enemy's Castle Configuration side, in front of the Ships (even if the Troop Transports were at the end of the Ship lineup.

Troops do not deploy from Troop Transports at the Harbor Chain however, doing so only after that obstacle is surpassed.

No matter how many Towers there are/were in the Castle Configuration, the Sea Side is always considered directly adjacent to the first Tower at its edge.

This means it is possible to attack the Main Keep with Ships, when enough interposing Towers have fallen (because at that point, the Main Keep will be considered against the Sea.

Added this bit to the Battle Phase Info above.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Thank you. That answered most of my questions.

A Tower is any building or Defense – pretty much everything in your Castle Configuration. Units are everything else with Hit Points (including Ships).

6. Is there any functional difference between buildings with a "defense" symbol and other buildings?

The Mage adds his personal attacks to the Tower’s fight against the invading enemies. The Mage does not take damage during this time, but is lost if the Tower falls.

11. Would the mage's range be based on the tower's range or the mage's own range in such a situation?

It’s based on Commander, which the Admin 3J once ran, though it has some entirely new elements, such as Towers.

15. Do you have a link to this previous game?

Troops are always deployed on Land in front of the Ships (even if the Troop Transports a att he end of the lineup.

19.1. How would the 2 units in an armored transport be ordered?

Troops do not deploy from Troop Transports at the Harbor Chain however, doing so only after that obstacle is surpassed.

19.2. So the troops from the transports would participate in an attack on the shipyard?

A couple more points that I didn't consider earlier:

(Requires a 1 Post Per Day Minimum Participation Commitment)

20. What time zone is your day? Would posting once at 8 AM and again at 5 PM the next day count as posting once per day?

21. How do flying units work if they get past enemy lines? Do they attack your chosen enemy tower once or until the tower or the unit dies? Can nearby ranged anti-air towers assist in the defense or only the tower being attacked. If nearby anti-air towers can assist, where would your air units be considered placement-wise? Would they stack with the tower they're attacking? Do the air units attack your chosen tower(s) before the rest of your units begin their attack on the castle? If so, would your air units also join the rest of your units in their frontal attack?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

6. Is there any functional difference between buildings with a "defense" symbol and other buildings?

Nope; Other than distinguishing Towers from Defenses.

11. Would the mage's range be based on the tower's range or the mage's own range in such a situation?

The Mage uses its own Range and Damage, calculated from the same spot of the Tower it is considered to be “inside” and protecting.

15. Do you have a link to this previous game?

No; It was removed in a general forum clean-up a couple of years ago.

19.1. How would the 2 units in an armored transport be ordered?

In whichever order you set them in the PM.

19.2. So the troops from the transports would participate in an attack on the shipyard?


20. What time zone is your day? Would posting once at 8 AM and again at 5 PM the next day count as posting once per day?

I’ll be updating each day around 7:00pm EST USA, so as long as your daily post is somewhere between the new update and the last one, all should be fine.

21. How do flying units work if they get past enemy lines? Do they attack your chosen enemy tower once or until the tower or the unit dies? Can nearby ranged anti-air towers assist in the defense or only the tower being attacked. If nearby anti-air towers can assist, where would your air units be considered placement-wise? Would they stack with the tower they're attacking? Do the air units attack your chosen tower(s) before the rest of your units begin their attack on the castle? If so, would your air units also join the rest of your units in their frontal attack?

I’ve actually got to hash the Air Units out some more, so I’ll be answering this set of questions later this week.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Thanks for all the clarification!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Sure, I'll destroy some people.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
That will be fun to watch haha!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
AL is going to win.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago


CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

i'd like to join :)

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

wait what if i don't have enough points? is it okay if i go negative until this event is over?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Go rate some games. There's plenty of tiny shitty ones you can click through in two minutes.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

thanks for the tip

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

also, when is the money generated by buildings received?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
At the start of The Build Phase.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
You still up for this @fork070317 ?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
You're in! Hope you show up lol!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

thanks, and sorry for not replying on time, i was busy

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
It's not a problem, but you are officially signed up now; so you will only get your 50xp Entry Fee back, by being able to post once per day till the tournament is over (which probably won't even take a whole week).

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Got The Air Units and how they work sorted out, but will have to post that and a Sample Air Unit Battle tomorrow-ish.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Sounds good!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

After seeing your sample sea lane battle, I think I may have misinterpreted the sea lane constraints. When you said that the sea side is always considered directly adjacent to the first Tower at its edge, I thought that you meant that the first tower at the beginning of the battle phase is adjacent to the sea. However, as far as I can tell from the sample battle, the closest tower is always adjacent to the sea. Otherwise, the armored transport would have no way to reach the main keep, which started the battle phase 3 spaces away from the sea. However, that seems to make another rule obsolete. Namely, "Ships can only go as far as the Shipyard position in the Sea Lane, meaning they can destroy the Shipyard and then sit there in that position to attack the next Tower over (with Range 1) and the one after that (with Range 2)." If the closest tower is always considered adjacent to the sea, what difference does it make that the ship can only go as far as the shipyard? The main keep started out 2 spaces away from the shipyard, but the armored transport (range 1) was still able to attack it. In what situation would the shipyard rule ever come into play?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Ah, I see what you mean.

In the sample above, I was trying to show a full out assault by sea and was treating it like I would a full out assault by land.

I think it does make more sense to limit the sea side to what ships can reach from the shipyard position (the exception being any troops they deploy) - at least in the same single Battle Phase.

So I'll have to adjust the sample to show it better (and will by tomorrow sometime).

In each New Battle Phase however, the Tower closest to Sea will always be considered Adjacent, so in that case, the Main Keep can and will continue to get closer to the Sea with each successful sea battle, unless new Towers are subsequently placed interposing, to replace the ones previously lost.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
^Sample has been fixed haha!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Looks good now! That's how I originally envisioned it, and it does make the most sense to me as well.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Air Units Battle Samples are up.

Also think we got nearly all the bugs out now and will be ready to Bring It On when we start Saturday! ^v^

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

I feel bad, but here's some more questions:

1. Can mages defend a defense such as a cannon or a wall or a harbor chain?

2. If there are two mercenary rangers right next to each other, would they both fire at an airship at the same time, or would the airship engage them one at a time?

3. If both sides send an airship down the same lane, and neither of them breaks through, would they fight each other, or would they ignore each other?

4. In the sample battle where the airship targets the shipyard, why don't the cannon batteries fire on the airship? The cannon batteries have range 2, so they should be able to target the shipyard. Does it take an extra range to fire on air units?

5. Are the $150/turn war funds for the first 4 rounds only for the first game or for the first four rounds of every game?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Don't feel bad haha! These questions are helping me get a better grip on the game, by bringing up some things I hadn't considered yet :)

I'll try to answer this batch tonight.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

1. Can mages defend a defense such as a cannon or a wall or a harbor chain?

Not directly. While Mages can only be set in Towers, they can indirectly protect adjacent Defenses if they have the Range for it.

2. If there are two mercenary rangers right next to each other, would they both fire at an airship at the same time, or would the airship engage them one at a time?

One at a time, each for a single exchange.

3. If both sides send an airship down the same lane, and neither of them breaks through, would they fight each other, or would they ignore each other?

Air Units ignore each other, while passing down the same Lane.

4. In the sample battle where the airship targets the shipyard, why don't the cannon batteries fire on the airship? The cannon batteries have range 2, so they should be able to target the shipyard. Does it take an extra range to fire on air units?

“Up” counts one towards Range; So Range 1: can target directly overhead; Range 2: Up and Over 1; and Range 3: Up and Over 2.

5. Are the $150/turn war funds for the first 4 rounds only for the first game or for the first four rounds of every game?

The first 4 Build Phases of every Game.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Air Units ignore each other, while passing down the same Lane.

 Then why do they have an anti-air symbol on their cards?

Start Each Contest With $150~

That's a quote from the first post. Is that $150 in addition to the $150 war fund for that turn? Also, what do you mean by "start each contest"? If this is in addition to the war fund, do we get this extra $150 at the start of every game or only the first game? Do we also get $200 from the main keep and shipyard on the first turn?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Air Units ignore each other, while passing down the same Lane:Then why do they have an anti-air symbol on their cards?

It's just a way to visually associate them with the Units that can defend against them.

Start Each Contest With $150~: That's a quote from the first post. Is that $150 in addition to the $150 war fund for that turn? Also, what do you mean by "start each contest"? If this is in addition to the war fund, do we get this extra $150 at the start of every game or only the first game? Do we also get $200 from the main keep and shipyard on the first turn?

It just means 'start your first battle against your first opponent with $150~ and the following Towers' (and is considered the first of your 4 round War Funds).

Since everything you have carries over to new opponents, it only applies to your first very first contest (meaning you don't get any new free Towers at the start of every new opponent).

The $50~ Income from the Main Keep and the $50~ Income from the Shipyard kick in after the first Battle Phase.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago


1. Can we fly a different banner for each lane, or does it have to be the same banner for both lanes?

2. If we don't send out any troops, do we still have to fly a banner for RPS purposes?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

1. Can we fly a different banner for each lane, or does it have to be the same banner for both lanes?

No, 1 Battle Standard covers both Lanes.

2. If we don't send out any troops, do we still have to fly a banner for RPS purposes?

Yes, you always fly a Battle Standard (regardless of troops). If you do not, then you are just giving your enemy the RPS Bonus each round.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Say I target a single tower with 2 airships. Will the airships engage the tower at the same time or one at a time?

What about 2 airships that don't break through? Will they engage the land units one airship at a time or both at the same time?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Ah, but you can have only 1 Air Ship at a time. But you can have multiples of the Summoned Creatures, in which case stacked Air Units attack one-at-a-time just like the rest of the Units.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Come on guys! We need two more solid signups to have a proper Tournament Bracket!

Invite your friends!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago



CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Hey Berka why don't you compete? Or at least face whoever wins this for an extra xp reward?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
I would conscider something like that after the Tournament, if another Admin was up for arbitrating it.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
I can arbitrate.

I haven't read anything in this thread so I'm completely impartial.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Also do we get our generated income in addition to the $150 war funds? For example the main keep creates $50, and the shipyard generates $25, adding up to $75. So would we get that $75 in addition to the $150 war funds once we start our build phase?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Yes, that is correct.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Last but not least, do we get to attack from land and sea at the same time?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Yes, you can sent troops down both Lanes each Battle Phase if you have them.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

1 more day! :]

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

This looks awesome! Can I still sign up? ^_^

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
It is awesome ^v^

You're in!

I was hoping to get Aman and Forge in this for old times sake, but I doubt they'll see the notifications in time :(

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Oh God, if the mustache returned, I'd be the happiest girl in the world. ^_^

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

War has been declared! The Forums tremble! Who will emerge THE CYS LORD of WAR?!?

Alright! Sending initial PMs out shortly. As this is the weekend, you technically have until early Monday Morning to reply - but I will move forward with the battles as the information comes in!

Good luck Commanders!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
All right, let's do this.

Although why did you even bother with options that didn't let you summon hell creatures and raise the dead?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
The Tanner has now been CURSED.

The Tanner has now been MARKED FOR DEATH.


CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Never did anything like this before, but I hope I'll catch on!

Let's do this! >:)

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Sorry, I probably missed something somewhere, but I'm really unsure about the War Funds.

1. You get $150 War Funds at the first four rounds, but there are buildings like the Main Keep and the Ship Yard that generate income. Is the $100 income generated from the Keep and the Ship Yard included in the War Funds, or do you get it additionally, brining the total spending money to $250 per round (until the war funds run out.)

2. Once the first four rounds are over and the War Funds stop coming in, do you still get the money generated from other buildings like the Keep and Ship Yard?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
I believe it's an additional amount, but none of the buildings have had a chance to generate income yet. Everyone's funds are listed by their names anyhow so we all start with the flat $150.

Buildings will generate income every turn.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Oh! Okay, so we start with $150, then on the next round we'll get $150, plus the additional loot from money generating buildings?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Also, just to clarify, as soon as something is destroyed, you can just... Build a new one again? 'Cos all the important stuff seems super cheap. Is there a limit to how many times you can rebuild stuff?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
No limit until the monies run out hah!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

So... Uhh... What happens if two people are in a battle and one of the guys just doesn't show up? 'Cos the idea of miz just chillin' and building up all her resources whilst occasionally sending out a giant monster to pester an unresponsive Ben kind of seems like she'll have an unfair advantage against her next opponent. :p

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Well, Ben has till Monday morning to post, so I doubt he'll sit out the entire battle.

Other than that, it's just luck of the draw I guess.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
I see nothing wrong with this scenario.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Oh wait, forgot to ask, can you only have one monster out at a time, or can you have one of each type of monster, or can you have multiple of all different kinds of monster? ^_^

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Monsters Unlimited!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Yey! ^_^

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Drats, I checked my email a day late.

I hope this is a huge success.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Maybe BZ will let you swap with Ben since he never showed up. :p

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
You're still alive? And yes please, Ben sucks.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Hey yeah, I can make room for ya, if you can spare a week of 1 per day posting ^v^

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

I am very sad I saw this too late :( 

Gl all!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
You sure you don't want in? We already had a player flake.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Sorry, dude, I had to go into the hospital under suicide watch. Since I didn't get out until yesterday afternoon, I'm guessing I'm disqualified?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
In light of this, I guess I will withdraw my demand to take all your points and any other assorted unkind things I might have said here or elsewhere.

Hope you're doing better, and fwiw you're technically still in the game, I'm just in the process of dismantling your empty castle.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Oh shit! Damn, I'm super sorry. Didn't know you were going through that crap. Are you doing any better now?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Lots better actually. Got a job interview tomorrow and finally got the rights to see my child. I've been in and out of hospitals for the last few months, but I'm hoping to stay out now that they're threatening me with a state facility if I go in again.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Not sure what state facility is but I'm really glad you're doing better. ^_^

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

A state facility is essentially a hospital funded entirely by the state government. So instead of going to a hospital that's covered by my insurance, where I get smoke breaks, cable tv, and flavored water dispensers, I'll get sent somewhere that's basically prison for crazy people. And thank you!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

... Yeah, that does not sound like fun. >.<

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
It happens, don't worry about it.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Sadly I am also working very messed up shifts so wouldnt have a good chance to play this week :(

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Certainly understandable; Nice of you to reply though!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
No updates tonight...

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago


CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

I'd genuinely love to play, since games like this are a thrill to me, and it would be nice to reintroduce myself to the newer members. I've been quite successful at these kinds of games in the past, but there are days where there just aren't enough hours in the day right now.


I'd have to take a deep dive into the rules and such. I spend 12 hours a day either in class or doing homework. That's my trajectory for the next year and a half. I'll probably bob in and out to see who comes out on top of this.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Nah, you didn't miss anything but a catastrophic implosion of the game haha! (see below)

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
Hello all, there seems to be some major issues with the way I set up the rules of this game, most notable is the length it takes to update and how utterly confusing it is to all keep track of.

So, after a week long mental slog, I am going to call this.

My apologies to all who entered, but it has ballooned beyond my capacity to properly arbitrate, and I am not having any fun trying and failing to keep up.

That said, I will be Refunding all XPs +10 and offering the Grand Prize to all players who are interested in it (Just let me know via PM).

I will also be deleting the Announcement Thread in the News and Info Board, and burying all the evidence under the floorboards.

We can leave these Creative Corner Threads however, as warning to all - never to try something like this ever again.


CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
After doing a few mock simulations my self I was like "damn this takes so long to do", so I can see that lol.

Out of curiosity did you automate this at all or was it all by hand?

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
It was all manual.

I think I just went too far on the adjustments from our original test of the mechanics.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago
It was a lot of fun, but yeah, running it manually for multiple players looked like a nightmare. In any other format it'd be fun to pick up and play against someone though. Time to turn it into an app? Lol.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

So, what I am seeing is a re-try in 2 weeks then?


CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Sign me up! ^_^

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Thanks again for hosting! It was fun while it lasted.

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

It's fine! I'm actually kinda sad it got off, though. At least I tried something new!

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

Awh! That's a shame. But thank you for putting this all together anyway. It was loads of fun! ^_^

CYS Lords O War!

4 years ago

it was wonderful while it lasted :)