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The Backrooms

2 years ago

I was thinking about making a storygame about exploring the backrooms. Hopefully I'd be able to make this as in-depth as possible and maybe even have some sort of survival in it. Was just wondering if anyone on here would be interested in reading/playing something like this or if it's not worth the effort.

The Backrooms

2 years ago
Don't write with other people in mind, write for your own enjoyment! That's the principle behind all the best stories. But for what it's worth, I'd probably read it anyway.

The Backrooms

2 years ago
The Backrooms are cool and, most importantly, the setting is pretty vauge regarding details. If you do the most important thing to keep in mind is to make it unique and not just copy what is already known. Make up new floors, new creatures, ect. You have an edge on my fan fiction because you are mainly just using a setting. Also, make sure you put it in fan fiction, because that's what it is.

The Backrooms

11 months ago
Yes, add more please!

The Backrooms

11 months ago
Have you lost your marbles?

The Backrooms

11 months ago
what makes u think that?

The Backrooms

11 months ago
You're a weird noob talking to yourself from a year ago

The Backrooms

11 months ago
We're different people but with the same pfp 💀

The Backrooms

11 months ago
Lol, my bad. I never read his username and since yours has "backrooms" in it, I drew conclusions. I wouldn't get my hopes up for the story to be written though. Unfortunately, if there's a story idea you like, the best bet is to write it yourself :(

The Backrooms

11 months ago
Lol, it's alright. I am actually making one myself and I started yesterday! If you want me to, I can tell you once it is published and you can read it!

The Backrooms

11 months ago
Sure, sounds alright by me

The Backrooms

11 months ago

Have you lost your marbles?

The Backrooms

11 months ago
I will chew the marrow from your bones

The Backrooms

11 months ago
Delicious. Finally, some good fucking food.

The Backrooms

11 months ago
So, in 1 - 5 minutes the story will be published. Right now there is only 1 level you can be in and you can win the game by two things. It will take a bit to make level 1 but I will start creating those pages as soon as possible.

The Backrooms

11 months ago
I just realised the time was 11:07 in EST, not ET. Another three hours :(

The Backrooms

11 months ago
You should probably wait to publish until you're finished. I'll let you in on a little secret. I could still read it unpublished if I wanted to since you have it in sneak peek mode. Unfinished stories are frowned upon 'round here

The Backrooms

11 months ago
How is it you weren't sure whether your story was going to be finished in five minutes, or three hours?

Doesn't sound like it's finished at all in any case. But bring on the free point I suppose.

The Backrooms

11 months ago
You sound insane.

The Backrooms

11 months ago
how come?

The Backrooms

11 months ago

What are backrooms?

- I forgot to answer your question. Well, 93 people have read that story about being a forest manager, so you don't have to worry about the potential dullness of your subject material. There are so few publications in this site (minus contest season) that readers will sink their teeth in about anything with words. Your only worry is to make the story good enough that it won't get unpublished after a few days.

-addendum: Before you publish your work, please consider posting some of your writing first on the writing workshop for feedback. You can also toggle on the sneak peak mode if you want people to critique your storygame. I highly recommend that.

The Backrooms

11 months ago
Someday, I may even read Duke of Winslow!

The Backrooms

11 months ago

Please focus on your supervillain story, your graphic killing sprees and your feud with Suranna instead.

Fun fact: only one person so far has completed all the quests in this story game, which is mad impressive if they did that without a guide. (Their score would be a 3) I take it back, it would also be pretty cool if they did it with a guide. 

The Backrooms

11 months ago
Lol "focus"

The Backrooms

11 months ago
what is the forest manager story. low key kinda sounds cool tbh

The Backrooms

11 months ago

It really isn't.

The Forest Manager

User also made a sequel

The Backrooms

11 months ago
The backrooms are one of those creepypasta things like Slenderman that became popular enough that people made games about it and obsessed about it to uncomfortable levels the way only zoomeroid internet autists can. You really should play a video game or look at a video of a person playing a video game on Youtube sometimes, this is not the first time you've been confused and clueless about references that even very casual 40 year old gamers are at least vaguely aware of. Look beyond your femboy dating sims and you'll find a vast world of content out there.

The Backrooms

11 months ago

Owh, I thought about backrooms as another word for backstage, a place where musicians hang out and such. I was confused why this would be scary, but good to know that I'm not a zoomeroid internet autist.

Edit: its origin is from a 2019 4chan thread? Explains why I haven't heard of it before.

The Backrooms

11 months ago
Not a zoomeroid internet autist, just a Dutch, Ching Chong, fake gay autist

The Backrooms

11 months ago
You literally can't look at a horror game of any kind on Youtube without getting a thousand recommendations for people playing the Backrooms or some other SCP game.

The Backrooms

11 months ago

The only possible explanation for Darius not knowing about The Backrooms is that he lives there.

The Backrooms

11 months ago
Commended by Sherbet on 8/15/2023 7:54:51 PM

Mizal explaining backrooms is so funny to me

The Backrooms

11 months ago

The Backrooms sucked as soon as they started expanding it into levels like a fucking video game.

The Backrooms

11 months ago

Yeah, it was at least interesting when it was literally just an infinite, musty office space with a formless entity only lurking in your peripheral. Now that everyone and their mother started adding creatures and levels, the common sentiment seems to be that the concept has lost all its mystique. Now it's just a bad SCP clone.