
Forums » Writing Workshop » Read Thread

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Crisis Contest Progress Thread

19 days ago

It wouldn't be a proper contest without one of these; go ahead and use this thread to talk about the writing you're doing, talk about the writing you're not doing, make excuses, form grudges, talk about how you have it all mapped out in your head and just need to get it typed out, etc etc.

Crisis Contest Progress Thread

19 days ago
Commended by Sherbet on 6/6/2024 10:57:53 PM
Shut your whore mouth

Crisis Contest Progress Thread

19 days ago


Crisis Contest Progress Thread

19 days ago

Sometimes my hand cramps up while writing. Is that relevant?

Crisis Contest Progress Thread

19 days ago
I have the format in my head but no story to go with it so maybe I'll use an existing story but a lot of my stories that fit the theme don't fit really well. they're kinda slow survivey not panic actiony

Crisis Contest Progress Thread

19 days ago
Can't wait to see individuals with 9000 words of anxiety posting followed by nothing being turned in.

The interesting thing about this contest, is that I'm betting over half the contestants didn't read the fineprint; I'm looking forward to the butchering of these credulous lambs.

Crisis Contest Progress Thread

17 days ago

Trying to challenge myself by getting into the basics of scripting at least. My last storygame didn't have much in the way of "game" elements, so I feel that this will be a good way to engage the player.

Crisis Contest Progress Thread

17 days ago

Other than the obvious 'write something of quality to not get banned,' another goal of mine for this is to at least write 10k words. Once upon a time, little Suranna wrote a 10k fanfiction in about 2 weeks, and that's the longest story I have written to date. Considering its been some years since then, and I have seemingly matured, I should at the very least be able to reach that. 

As for the story, I've been playing my way through Fallout 4 for the first time and got some inspiration, so I think I'll write about the outcome of a nuclear war. All I know is that I want it to be pretty gory, and focused a lot on my main character's trauma from being irradiated from the bombs.


Crisis Contest Progress Thread

16 days ago
The hope is that with a simple 500+ words a day consistently, I will be able to finish writing with plenty of time to spare.
