mr.xcentrix, The Wordsmith

Member Since


Last Activity

4/27/2024 12:08 AM

EXP Points


Post Count


Storygame Count


Duel Stats

18 wins / 25 losses





Hello everyone. I am mr.xcentrix. just call me X, a huge movie and television fan and a big sports fan. Good to meet you all, and welcome to my page, PM whenever you please. :)




Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points


The Murder Mystery

  Meet Mike, a twenty-seven year old. He was a happily married husband, with a great job, until one day, his wife is discovered dead, nobody knows how. Mike must now go through different possbilites with the situation, any way he can. It could go from one extreme to the next, easy or hard as it is, to find out the truth about the death to his wife, Karen

  This was spell checked, right before the release... It is my first story. So I'm just adjusting to make stories. Everyone who sees this, please read, and enjoy!


The chopping block

It is the year 2150, every first world country has suffered from a major plague killing off over 80 percent of humanity. The remaining 20 percent has been taken in by several different third world countries to live, though the third world countries showcase the remaining 20 percent as a way to gain publicity, fame and most importantly resources & a strong economy. Your name is Walden Zander, your located in northern Africa, in a growing but yet disheveled community of Tunisia. Your goal is to survive the “chopping blockâ€Â a contest of 16 individuals who are put to the physicial task of having To showcase there strengths & weaknesses for the whole world to see.

Recent Posts

OUTBREAK FEVER! Have a Corona! on 3/21/2020 8:57:25 AM

Thanks, yes. New York is swarmed with cases of covid-19 and it's not slowing down yet, my sport fanatic friends and other film friends like me are so upset with nothing to record and nothing to watch but hey, it will being a better value to life in the end, I guess?

OUTBREAK FEVER! Have a Corona! on 3/21/2020 8:14:46 AM

These are stressful times, that's for sure. I just want to see how people handle the regular enjoyable entertainment in life when, assuming so, it does return by (hopefully) June. After my mother died I decided to move up to Long Island New York to be with my remaining family last August. I cant believe the chaos and the stress in every day life. I got a job here and were considered essential so I'm grateful to still be making money. At first I thought I would go stir-crazy but it doesn't seem like that, at least for now

Loss of a parent on 9/4/2019 8:40:40 PM

Hey I know it’s been a while but very recently I lost my mother at 61 years old to a we believe to be a heart attack, just awaiting the autopsy, it’s the hardest thing losing a mother & basically within  half a night. I’ve become seriously depressed & sensitive  I don’t know what else to say besides I feel helpless and always depressed 

Just another comment to the history of this site on 7/25/2018 1:01:06 PM

I noticed now that I’m using my free time not to gamble but to spend my time checking out posts from this site from a decade plus ago I learned that there was many different looking versions of this site, much less rules and not to mention trolls on this site even before trolling became a word like in 2006, 2007 or so lol. Has anyone ever archived the sites forums & found members who are no longer active or got banned in the past. I mean like 10 years ago or so not the last couple years 

My battle against recent gambling addiction on 7/24/2018 7:33:05 PM

I appreciate the support that everyone has shown in a situation that really nobody can control on here. I’m looking into support groups for gambling so I can go there on my free time when nothings planned after work. But just thanks for caring honestly 

My battle against recent gambling addiction on 7/24/2018 5:05:18 PM

ive fell under certain tough circumstances the last few months in terms of my personal life my job status & most importantly my home status. Let’s just say I took on too much at one time, between moving to a new $1,800 a month apartment with a family member & I started to desperately look for ways to make more money. So I started gambling in the hopes I could make more then I played in blackjack. I got myself so badly screwed with losing more money then I won that I really upset my family in spending thousands, I still live in the same place & im still working good hours with my new job. But does anyone have some serious information to add to this 

Florida School Shooting on 2/16/2018 2:47:10 PM

I have a 9 year old cousin & when sandy hook happened he was too young to know what happened really but the realization that a family member of mine could have been killed in an elementary school shooting makes me sad & angry. Just like the fact that I attended the dark knight rises premiere & at the same time we were enjoying the movie someone else was shooting up another threatre. I feel a lot does have to do with not just gun control but the mental illness in people 

Taking vacations alone (sometimes) on 2/14/2018 5:37:28 PM

My long absence from the site separated me from knowing a lot of the new members in the post 2013 time period. Since I’ve been on the site since 2007

Taking vacations alone (sometimes) on 2/14/2018 5:36:33 PM

Yea I guess I misread your messages because of the cursing. But yes I look to travel all over 

Taking vacations alone (sometimes) on 2/14/2018 5:09:42 PM

I don’t understand why your cursing at me over a question I had regarding vacations & turning it into a opinion on continental differences. What does one have to do with the other