
A puzzle / games storygame by Prost

Player Rating2.05/8

"Too few ratings to be ranked"
Based on 10 ratings since
Played times (finished )

Story Difficulty2/8

"Walk in the park"

Play Length5/8

"Not going to lose any sleep"

Maturity Level4/8

"Need to be accompanied by an adult"
Contains content that may not be suitable for persons under age 13. If this were a movie, it would probably be PG.

Our protagonist finds himself trapped inside a pure white room, with seemingly no way out. After days spent there, he eventually finds a path, causing him to encounter a strange group of people. Which path will he choose to take? And how many of the group will survive? \\Inspired by games like 999, yeah mainly 999 inspired I suppose.

Player Comments

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Mizal on 10/14/2022 2:39:01 AM with a score of 0
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Mystic_Warrior on 10/4/2022 7:00:04 PM with a score of 0
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Celicni on 10/4/2022 12:24:45 PM with a score of 0
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Ford on 10/4/2022 10:39:52 AM with a score of 10000
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Yummyfood on 10/2/2022 2:42:17 AM with a score of 0
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Sherbet on 9/30/2022 6:20:37 PM with a score of 0
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TharaApples on 9/30/2022 5:14:26 PM with a score of 0
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