Player Comments on Test Your Knowledge: The Fellowship of the Ring

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JohnX on 3/24/2025 3:34:55 PM with a score of 2250
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— SB on 2/17/2025 3:12:49 PM with a score of 850
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RKrallonor on 1/30/2025 10:37:22 PM with a score of 801
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— Londynn E. C on 1/30/2025 11:04:06 AM with a score of 1750
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— CJL on 1/11/2025 10:31:25 PM with a score of 2399
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Fire_Of_The_Universe on 1/4/2025 6:28:37 PM with a score of 600
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— Silmariel2 on 11/18/2024 1:57:02 PM with a score of 2799
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— kit on 11/17/2024 2:48:37 PM with a score of 1799
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— imnotsayinhmyname on 11/14/2024 12:10:17 AM with a score of 1400
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— Luke on 11/2/2024 6:57:54 PM with a score of 1450
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— rose on 11/2/2024 4:45:12 PM with a score of 1850
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— CB on 11/2/2024 4:34:22 PM with a score of 1250
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— Amelia on 10/8/2024 8:17:31 PM with a score of 1050
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— Reneara on 10/2/2024 7:04:47 PM with a score of 2199
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— Silmariel on 5/15/2024 1:32:59 PM with a score of 2799
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— Mackenzie Brown on 5/5/2024 9:24:03 PM with a score of 1699
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— CWA on 4/17/2024 11:53:53 AM with a score of 1350
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— Dusan on 12/11/2023 4:27:37 PM with a score of 850
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Yummyfood on 5/15/2023 3:52:00 PM with a score of 450
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Suranna on 5/2/2023 1:49:23 PM with a score of 250
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Abgeofriends on 3/13/2023 12:56:48 PM with a score of 350
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goodnight_a on 1/24/2023 3:28:24 PM with a score of 450
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— ryan on 10/27/2022 3:26:15 PM with a score of 1450
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Candleshoe on 9/15/2022 9:46:16 PM with a score of 450
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LightSaber15 on 5/11/2022 2:45:49 PM with a score of 1050
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— Ney on 10/26/2021 11:05:48 AM with a score of 1799
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Drakon on 10/25/2021 1:23:30 PM with a score of 50
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— Bryce Godfrey on 8/30/2021 5:14:46 PM with a score of 1850
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— sam on 8/30/2021 5:14:42 PM with a score of 1850
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— MrDaoYi on 6/16/2021 3:24:21 AM with a score of 200
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Digit on 3/21/2021 1:34:25 PM with a score of 450
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fluttershypegasus on 7/29/2020 5:18:15 PM with a score of 2399
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Avery_Moore on 7/24/2020 2:54:19 PM with a score of 1850
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— Pippin on 10/28/2019 10:28:53 PM with a score of 1050
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— iamme on 6/30/2019 8:14:35 AM with a score of 2399
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— Balrog on 2/6/2019 6:06:30 AM with a score of 1699
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— Victoria on 11/21/2018 6:49:38 PM with a score of 1850
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— Bubub on 6/17/2018 8:04:52 PM with a score of 750
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— Booboo on 6/17/2018 8:01:48 PM with a score of 900
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— Thia on 1/28/2018 12:17:45 PM with a score of 2799
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Fanfer_64 on 8/11/2017 2:48:04 PM with a score of 1900
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— Audra on 8/5/2017 5:52:21 PM with a score of 2399
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— Theo on 6/5/2017 9:40:32 AM with a score of 701
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— Anonymous on 5/1/2017 9:37:46 AM with a score of 2199
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— Lol on 5/1/2017 6:27:38 AM with a score of 1550
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— Jeric on 4/28/2017 12:20:03 PM with a score of 2499
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— jv on 4/28/2017 12:14:56 PM with a score of 1850
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— Sheerly on 4/28/2017 9:10:42 AM with a score of 1550
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— Precious on 4/12/2017 9:37:25 AM with a score of 2399
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— jason purdy on 4/3/2017 3:47:20 PM with a score of 1250
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— Gandalf on 4/2/2017 8:04:44 AM with a score of 1550
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— Alejandro Downing on 12/26/2016 11:03:49 PM with a score of 2199
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— HappyDestroyer on 12/26/2016 3:53:16 PM with a score of 1299
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— yoftahe on 12/16/2016 1:50:21 AM with a score of 601
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— Jake on 12/13/2016 8:16:52 PM with a score of 701
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— Bobby D on 12/9/2016 12:46:52 AM with a score of 1050
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— Bailey on 12/8/2016 9:58:35 AM with a score of 1450
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MisterMeep5 on 11/29/2016 9:39:33 PM with a score of 1699
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— jmovation on 8/16/2016 3:44:33 PM with a score of 2399
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— Anna on 8/7/2016 1:56:26 PM with a score of 2599
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— Michael on 8/5/2016 12:09:50 PM with a score of 1650
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Seto on 6/23/2016 3:12:12 PM with a score of 950
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— Durin's Bane on 5/17/2016 5:35:23 AM with a score of 2499
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— suzgbsmom on 4/17/2016 11:27:24 PM with a score of 900
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— Asphodel on 3/10/2016 6:48:15 PM with a score of 800
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lolitup4 on 3/9/2016 12:15:00 PM with a score of 1650
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— Dd on 3/6/2016 10:16:01 PM with a score of 1399
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Claudi on 2/15/2016 10:45:24 PM with a score of 1500
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Claudi on 2/15/2016 7:08:14 PM with a score of 1500
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— Geoff on 1/26/2016 7:08:38 PM with a score of 750
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— Samantha on 1/12/2016 9:08:17 PM with a score of 1650
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— carson on 1/4/2016 1:19:24 AM with a score of 1750
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— LOTR FANNIE on 12/20/2015 12:34:44 AM with a score of 2299
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— Armros on 11/6/2015 5:50:55 PM with a score of 801
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— Supriya on 10/29/2015 10:04:24 PM with a score of 1400
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Toralas on 8/30/2015 11:14:09 PM with a score of 2599
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Romulus on 8/6/2015 8:31:56 AM with a score of 2599
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— Findarato on 6/30/2015 10:38:04 PM with a score of 2250
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Beardon87 on 6/4/2015 5:04:13 PM with a score of 1950
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13Swellendam on 5/31/2015 10:51:31 AM with a score of 950
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— Ariel on 3/5/2015 11:51:56 PM with a score of 1699
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Xenoturtleman on 3/1/2015 1:17:33 AM with a score of 750
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Ogre11 on 2/12/2015 7:38:38 AM with a score of 1050
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Romulus on 1/22/2015 5:01:20 PM with a score of 850
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— andrew on 1/22/2015 11:09:33 AM with a score of 350
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— eric on 1/19/2015 10:09:57 PM with a score of 850
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— sean thornton on 12/14/2014 9:03:40 PM with a score of 2150
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— Tob on 11/22/2014 6:51:55 PM with a score of 2599
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Will11 on 11/6/2014 5:47:13 AM with a score of 2100
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— max on 10/14/2014 12:06:32 PM with a score of 1499
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— Ray on 9/25/2014 6:20:21 PM with a score of 650
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— Sam Marty on 8/14/2014 7:58:03 AM with a score of 1699
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Zikara on 7/6/2014 10:52:37 AM with a score of 750
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Madbrad200 on 7/6/2014 10:24:17 AM with a score of 250
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— Anna on 6/23/2014 3:02:02 PM with a score of 1599
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— fiona on 3/14/2014 12:49:14 AM with a score of 601
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— & on 3/6/2014 3:30:26 PM with a score of 2199
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Luna on 3/1/2014 9:28:36 AM with a score of 2199
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— Wingfoot on 2/13/2014 3:02:39 PM with a score of 2699
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— Wingfoot on 2/13/2014 2:57:37 PM with a score of 2499
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— Wingfoot on 2/13/2014 2:51:48 PM with a score of 2599
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— nf on 2/6/2014 2:34:02 PM with a score of 2299
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— T Wood II on 1/5/2014 8:06:17 PM with a score of 1600
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— Mr. on 12/3/2013 7:01:48 PM with a score of 1100
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— Lalo on 11/28/2013 4:51:18 PM with a score of 1899
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— noodle on 10/30/2013 5:08:39 AM with a score of 2699
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— tolkienaddict on 10/1/2013 7:05:26 PM with a score of 1599
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— Veblod Halfruin on 9/16/2013 4:27:20 PM with a score of 850
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Jather on 8/31/2013 11:32:33 AM with a score of 2199
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Jather on 8/31/2013 10:45:08 AM with a score of 1550
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HaruhiSuzumiya on 6/19/2013 2:43:26 AM with a score of 201
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TolkienGirl052 on 5/27/2013 3:10:35 PM with a score of 1750
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— Rohan on 5/26/2013 3:55:45 PM with a score of 1300
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galobtter on 4/17/2013 1:51:22 AM with a score of 400
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— Alex on 4/11/2013 7:40:53 PM with a score of 1999
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— sil on 3/28/2013 9:44:45 PM with a score of 2499
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Briar_Rose on 3/13/2013 4:39:56 PM with a score of 1550
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EragonMax490 on 2/20/2013 11:41:43 AM with a score of 50
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Aman on 1/18/2013 3:32:14 AM with a score of 200
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EragonMax490 on 12/4/2012 12:23:05 PM with a score of 150
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— Michael on 11/14/2012 5:27:13 PM with a score of 1450
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Kiel_Farren on 9/8/2012 10:49:32 AM with a score of 400
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— howza on 5/28/2012 8:37:11 PM with a score of 2699
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— Zack on 5/24/2012 7:16:31 PM with a score of 1799
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NeverMind on 2/28/2012 7:59:02 PM with a score of 1899
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estelwen on 1/28/2012 11:13:20 PM with a score of 2599
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Killer999 on 9/20/2011 2:46:04 PM with a score of 350
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cool74 on 6/12/2011 10:24:31 PM with a score of 50
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— kalynx on 6/10/2011 6:20:17 AM with a score of 1600
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— kalynx on 6/10/2011 6:18:52 AM with a score of 1799
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dogbox10 on 4/17/2011 8:20:25 PM with a score of 850
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demonstar31 on 12/7/2009 1:38:55 PM with a score of 1350
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demonstar31 on 2/15/2009 6:24:23 PM with a score of 900
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— Melike on 1/2/2009 1:37:00 AM with a score of 750
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RoadToEmmaus on 12/10/2008 6:23:38 PM with a score of 2599
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demonstar31 on 10/6/2008 6:39:41 PM with a score of 550
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12herda on 12/8/2007 2:58:42 PM with a score of 350
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emma101rox on 11/27/2007 10:44:05 PM with a score of 700
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weedy on 10/15/2007 10:52:03 PM with a score of 250
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march5th00 on 6/18/2007 1:43:07 PM with a score of 1350
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Rommel on 4/14/2007 11:07:59 PM with a score of 2200
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Sir_Lancegalawain on 1/3/2007 6:45:26 PM with a score of 2799
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Rodney on 12/29/2006 8:21:20 PM with a score of 1300
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tsmpaul on 12/23/2006 9:27:23 PM with a score of 650
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SirJustinian on 12/15/2006 9:58:02 PM with a score of 350
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October on 12/10/2006 6:26:08 AM with a score of 700
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GodsSlayer on 12/5/2006 8:50:14 PM with a score of 250
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madglee on 12/5/2006 1:36:03 AM with a score of 2599
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— DieDaily on 12/4/2006 4:57:34 PM with a score of 500
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Sir_Lancegalawain on 12/4/2006 3:55:08 PM with a score of 2799
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madglee on 12/3/2006 7:18:12 PM with a score of 2699
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— Sir_Lancegalawain (logged off) on 12/2/2006 9:27:48 PM with a score of 2799
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Sir_Lancegalawain on 12/2/2006 8:58:13 PM with a score of 2699
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mwan14 on 12/1/2006 11:12:08 PM with a score of 900
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Sir_Lancegalawain on 12/1/2006 10:23:57 PM with a score of 2799
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— Yourself! on 12/1/2006 10:17:52 PM with a score of 2699
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Sethaniel on 12/1/2006 8:54:05 PM with a score of 1050
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JJJ-thebanisher on 12/1/2006 5:25:15 PM with a score of 1199
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Anubis on 12/1/2006 4:59:56 PM with a score of 301
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Fleshnblood_78 on 12/1/2006 4:31:11 PM with a score of 2599
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PrinceOProvidence on 12/1/2006 4:29:29 PM with a score of 1950
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Sir_Lancegalawain on 12/1/2006 3:56:05 PM with a score of 2699
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Sir_Lancegalawain on 12/1/2006 3:47:46 PM with a score of 2699
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Sir_Lancegalawain on 11/30/2006 6:25:54 PM with a score of 501
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Sir_Lancegalawain on 11/30/2006 6:07:09 PM with a score of 1100
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Sir_Lancegalawain on 11/30/2006 6:00:44 PM with a score of 1100
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