tmanaking's Experience Points

tmanaking has a total of 231 Experience Points. Following is recent point activity.
9/3/20245Win Duel Toggle
11/8/2023-112Admin. Penalty - Automated tax adjustment for birthday welfare. Send feedback to _IRS
9/21/2023-112Admin. Penalty - CYS IRS tax adjustment for illegal birthday welfare. Good day.
6/29/202315Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
4/20/20233Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
4/13/20231Rate Game Hell Girl: The Shattered Mirror
6/16/20225Win Duel RPS
11/27/202150Admin. Bonus - Achievement Unlocked: Frog Baseball
11/27/20213Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
11/25/20213Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
11/25/20211Rate Game Escape the Room
11/25/20211Rate Game Surviving Research Proposal
11/23/2021-1Admin. Penalty - Autist on Autist violence
10/30/202110Admin. Bonus - Most Commended!
10/29/20213Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
9/8/20211Rate Game The Pure, the Vile and the Deadly
6/29/202115Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
6/12/202110Admin. Bonus - Most Commended!
6/11/20213Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
4/5/20213Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
3/31/20211Rate Game Vincha
3/30/20211Rate Game Rise of Vollund II: Koregian
3/24/20213Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
3/24/20211Rate Game A Jornada...
3/24/20211Rate Game You'd better hide...
3/24/20211Rate Game The Gauntlet II: Returning Home
3/24/20211Rate Game The Tale of the Foolish Princess
1/20/20213Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
1/2/2021100Admin. Bonus - Achievement Unlocked: Lethal Perscription
1/2/202110Admin. Bonus - Triggering far above your weight class, wow!
12/30/20201Rate Game The Elf Princess
12/30/20201Rate Game Biscuits and Ghosts
12/30/20201Rate Game Wolf's Story
12/30/20201Rate Game Broken Chains: Blood on the Marble
12/30/20201Rate Game Z is for Zombies
12/30/20201Rate Game America: Made Apocalyptic
12/29/202020Admin. Bonus - Achievement Unlocked: Lone Wolf Crusader
11/19/20201Rate Game Short-cut
11/19/20201Rate Game Aloe's Disappearance
11/19/20201Rate Game Spoonboy must die!
11/18/20201Rate Game The Cliff
11/18/20201Rate Game The Quick Dating Game
11/18/20201Rate Game The Lost Island
11/18/20201Rate Game Attack of the Grue
11/18/20201Rate Game You're the Bachelor
11/18/20201Rate Game What Magic Ability Would You Have?
11/18/20201Rate Game Forgotten Rose
11/18/20201Rate Game I As a Character
11/18/20201Rate Game Forest of Past Voices
11/18/20201Rate Game ENG4U1 Seminar Game
11/18/20201Rate Game Bacon Wars
11/18/20201Rate Game The Cat and the Crow
11/18/20201Rate Game The Ramayana
11/18/20201Rate Game The Matching CHAPTER 0NE
11/18/20201Rate Game The Labyrinth of Mizero
11/18/20201Rate Game A Treatise on Heartly Manners
11/18/20201Rate Game The Lottery
7/6/202060Admin. Bonus - Contest refund for completed story + bet bonus.
7/5/202010Publish Game
6/29/202015Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
6/2/20203Create Game
6/2/2020-50Admin. Penalty - Welcome to the Jungle entry fee and bet
3/5/20203Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
6/29/201915Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
9/3/20181Rate Game Snot
8/30/20181Rate Game Rogues
7/5/20182Win Duel Rock Paper Scissors
6/29/201815Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
6/24/20181Rate Game Finding the Muse
5/20/20181Rate Game Dark Nights
12/20/20175Duel Refund Rock Paper Scissors
12/16/2017-5Duel Escrow Rock Paper Scissors
6/29/201715Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
4/5/20173Create Game Love and Hate
6/29/201615Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
3/20/201610Publish Game
6/29/201515Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
4/7/20151Daily Point
4/7/20151Rate Game De Milite Inprudenti
4/4/20151Daily Point
4/2/20153Create Game
4/2/201515Create Account