Ode to the protagonist of Hollow Knight
You small and nail-armed beetle in the air,
You hollow knight with leap and dash and charms--
Your fruitless journey through the Deepnest lair
I guide. Without a light, through buggy harms.
What acid pools will melt your stoic shell?
How will you find the guy who sells the map?
What bullshit bosses lurk here in this hell?
Oh, great, you died again, that's total crap.
A lunge, retreat, a leap: you take a hit
and die. You wake up on a bench. You run
back the place you died, and die, you shit.
You try again, and die and die. How fun.
The night is long; the dawn begins to lighten,
And while I rage, you stand, a bug serene,
Heroic in your armor made of chitin,
Prepared to die again upon my screen.
It hurts when he gets hit more than a hit should.
I ask the forums: "get a clue, you n00b."
"Yo learn2play." "Why don't you git gud."
"Just watch the ending sequences on Youtube."
Admitted, there are times I long to rage quit.
But there, O bug, you stand strong. And then I
know this is a war. I'm here to wage it.
Lead forth the way with your long antennae.