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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

What's your favorite type of storygame?

I like modern adventure (like cryptode), horror (zombies), and fantasy.

Sadly, no storygame features a more advanced weaponry and weapon modifications. Usually, it's just unnamed pistol, uzi, shotgun, etc.

Some storygame shows M16 and AK47 rifles but no further weapon modifications.

That's why i'm trying to create a storygame with advanced weaponry and weapon modifications that most people don't know.

How about you?

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I like Fantasy and Mystery/Puzzle

... And I honestly can't tell an anti-tank rifle from a water pistol.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
Briar, that made my morning.

And as far as your question Raven, I enjoy most genres that fall under the umbrella of speculative fiction.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
Fantasy all the way. I'm in the same boat as Briar, though. The only knowledge I have about firearms is what little I needed to pass Hunter's Ed.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I don't have much interest in rifles or shotguns. I do have some interest in handguns, but my appreciation for the fantasy genre means I tend to geek out more over bladed / magic weaponry rather than modern arms.

Favorite categories? Fantasy, horror, and mystery/puzzle. Every other genre has a few gems, and I do enjoy sci-fi from time to time (though not as much here,) but still.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Storygames that make me question my existence and also my mental state.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
I'm pretty sure your the only one who needs a storygame for that. Most of us are pretty good at questioning your mental state on our own

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

There's nothing wrong with my mental health. I just enjoy the occasional rape or putting a butt plug into another person without consent.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Hmm... So if people gave you consent to put the plugs in their butts, would that put you off? ^_^

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Why would you even suggest that you sick fuck! XD

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

It could be a good strategy to use against rapists. If the girls like, "Awh! Is that a rampant rabbit? That looks like fun!" Then the guy might go, "Uh... They're not usually into it... This is creepy, I'm gonna find another girl." ... That said, it could backfire horribly. cheeky

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
They say if you smile, you'll actually start to feel happier. So the solution to enduring a horrible assault must be... smiling? I think science is letting us down.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
The best thing to do when getting raped is shout "yes! Finally!"

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
Rapes happen outside of comic con too you know.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
I don't know what you mean by that, but I think my joke backfired, anyway. I was implying that anybody would be repulsed by someone that desperate.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
I was countering with the virgin comic nerd stereotype.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
I...didn't know how to interpret that. I don't think there are that many comic book nerds left in the world.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
Comics are still a huge thing, especially comic con. People get really into it, too.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Never tried it myself, but my theory is that the best thing to do when a guy tries to rape you is yell out. "I am the lizard Queen!" Then run around in circles going "Nee-naw-nee-naw-nee-naw... I'm gonna eat you!" And just continue to act like a crazy person until the guy gets freaked out and slowly backs away. ^_^

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
Or tell them that you are wearing an anti-rape device and that if he rapes you, the two of you are going to have to crab walk to the nearest hospital to get it out.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Doesn't matter had sex.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

"I think he might've been a rapist." "Doesn't matter, had sex!" "He knocked me out with chloroform." "Still counts!" ^_^

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

That depends if you're a good actor or not. 

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
If you convince him that you're kegel-ing a miniature bear trap, he'll probably back down.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Just noticed this, and the concept is kind of hilarious.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I just had seEEeex...

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Oddly some girl I know said she got out of being raped (Or at least what she felt was a "rapey" situation) by acting a little crazy.

She kept laughing, being loud and generally acting chaotic until the black guy she was with sort of just let her out of his apartment because she was causing so much trouble.

Not sure if acting crazy would work on every rapist though, I mean if I was going to rape someone I don't think that tactic would work on me, but then I'm no quitter.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Good for you! It's nice to know that in this day and age, some people don't discriminate and are willing to rape everyone equally. ^_^

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
I read a little of everything, but I always come back to fantasy.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

For me, sci-fi is not bad

Fantasy is awesome

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
Personally, I think I like to read fantasy, but write sci-fi and modern.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Me too

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I am a total mark for ontological mysteries with occult overtones set in a school.  Throw in a complex romance subplot and I'm yours forever. ^_^


Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Did you like secret of Daphne then? No romance, but otherwise fits perfectly. ^_^

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Nah. I mean, I did like Daphne, but it's a gothic mystery, not ontological. XD 

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
Well, I learned a new word today.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago


Sorry, i don't like mystery and romance stories much.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

@Raven47 why are you sorry? I might as well tell you "sorry, I'm completely uninterested in guns."

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

You said to "throw in a romance thingy like storygames" right? That's why I'm sorry. I don't think i could create a mystery and romance storygames.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Uh, I wasn't asking you to do that. XD  

Oh, is this not really a "what's your favorite type of game" thread, but an "I'm going to make a game and I want you to tell me you'll like it" thread? 

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I like the romance and dating personally.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Really? You necro a ten day old thread, AND you don't even reply in the right place? I hate you more than I used to, and I wanted to cut your head off and mount it on a stick before.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Sounds like a great story. (Considering you wrote what is arguably the most talked about Love & Dating story on the site, I'm not surprised a good romance thrown into a game would make you happy, hehe... hell, makes me happy, too. Romance is so often written poorly. >_>')

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Bitch, please. Seth can't even rival the awesome romances written by...


Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Hey, if wolf-sex is what you're into, fuzzball, I won't judge. Feel free to jack it to whatever your little capy heart desires.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Well you're crass.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

D'aw. No witty retort for me? I am saddened.

Besides, you started it. :P

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
*Inaccurate wolf-sex

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Mainly Sci-Fi (Ground Zero. Need I say more?) and some Modern Adventure games.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago
I can tell an M-16A1 from an M-16A2. I love Sci-fi of apocalypse type games.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Apocalyptic games are the best :D

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Agreed. I love zombies.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I quite like Edutainment... it's too easy to get lost in fantasy worlds and forget how really awesome this world can be :) Having said that I like a good Puzzle, a gripping Horror and any story if it is well written :)

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I'm not a romance guy: I like action. I generally like all branches, however specifically modern and fantasy.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I like gore. 

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Play Brutal Doom, I think you'll like it.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Same as Fazz, I ain't a romance dude. I'm into action. Modern, fantasy, sci-fi, or zombies. With guns if possible.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

High fantasy with realistic situations, (No getting shot with a bullet and walking away just fine without reasonable explanations.), adventure with extreme yet slow character developments, and that blur between 'good' and 'evil'.

Also, what briar said about my knowledge of the guns. Except I don't even know what the heck she's talking about either.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I think you'll like my next story game a lot :)

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Dying instantly from a bullet is equally, if not much more, unrealistic. I've seen people walk away from a bullet. Not "just fine," but they walked, even ran. You can also be shot in the head and live. Many people have. Hell, you can have entire limbs blown off and live ... provided you have something to help you stop the bleeding in time. (And provided you get a lot of medical care within a certain time frame.)

My point: Killing someone is a lot harder than most fiction leads you to believe.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

You're a medical type, and I was meaning to ask you something.

 Can someone survive being run through with a sword without modern medicine?

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

My guess is, it depends where you run them through.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Well, lemme get one thing out of the way first: There was more to ancient medicine than most people realize. (I'll give you an example if you like, but suffice it to say, they were a hell of a lot smarter -- and in some cases, a hell of a lot dumber -- than you might think.)

Following that up, yes, it's absolutely possible to survive ... and Briar is fairly on track with the details. Obviously, if you slice through specific areas on the body properly, you're going to die instantly at best and an agonizingly painful, unavoidable, slow death at worst-- which is true of modern day, too, you understand. Stabbing a person in the right spot is the same as shooting them in the right spot. There are just some injuries modern medicine cannot fix.

Best case scenario? Get run through with a relatively small (by width and thickness, not length) blade, get it out quickly (while hoping to God it's not poison-covered or barbed in some way), stop the bleeding promptly, wrap it up, and keep the wound and dressing pressed against it as clean as possible. "Amount of trauma" and "to what" is your biggest issue, followed closely by loss of blood and how much, and rather distantly by cleanliness, because ... being perfectly honest, being more 'hardcore' then meant that people could handle some extra germs. Women have been giving birth in the dirt for millennia, several successful surgeries were performed in incredibly nasty environments, and depending on the era, people were already competent in the concept of cleaning war wounds. :P Actually, on that note, ever see Gladiator?

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I think in Fantasy it's easier to kill people because you have creatures with all sorts of attacks and poisons and also there's magic, I agree with the hard-to-kill idea though. 50 Cent didn't let getting shot seven times get in the way of his music career and the bank robber Emmett Dalton survived 23 separate buckshot and gunshot wounds. My favorite is Michael Malloy, a homeless alcoholic who survived drinking antifreeze, turpentine, horse liniment and rat poison, eating raw oysters, spoiled sardines mixed with rat poison and metal staples, spending a night in -26C snow and getting hit by a car before being gassed, all by his "friends"!

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Ronald Reagen motherfuckers. Though the Michael Malloy sounds terrible. Oof. XD 

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Haha I love the irony with Reagan that the assassin's bullet bounced off the president's bullet-proof car door to hit him :D

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

For firearms, it depends on the gun itself, the person who got shot, penetration, armor, etc.


9mm is a joke for stopping power. Don't expect a one hit kill to the body.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I thought The Last of Us nailed the 9mm weapon, as you had to actually hit a throat or head to insta-kill someone.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

What if a hold a 9mm gun to someone's face?

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

If you shoot the vital parts of the body (head, etc), they'll die.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Sounds like this Michael Malloy was some sort of long lost relative of Rasputin.

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Just looked him up. At first I thought, "How they hell could anybody survive drinking all that?" Then I read the top and thought, "Oh! He was Irish!" cheeky

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

When I was at uni I had an Irish friend called Tommy who when he was drinking became practically oblivious to danger. Frequently if a massive fight was kicking off or two guys were screaming death threats at each other he'd wander placidly in and say things like "Why are you guys so angry? You could just be friends you know." He'd get caught up in fights so much that one night I phoned him up to invite him out and he said "I hate coming out with you guys, I always seem to get my nose knocked in" :D I think Ireland was voted one of the happiest country in Europe in a poll a few years ago :D

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Ireland is too drunk to be happy. 

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

I think alcohol accelerates things. If you're having a wild night it makes it even more wild, if you're having a depressing night it makes you even more depressed and if you're having a romantic night drinking with your partner... well. That's how the miracle of creation happens :D

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Haven't you ever seen a happy drunk before?

Favorite type of storygame?

9 years ago

Finally published my story game. Y'all might want to check it out.