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Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

I don't mean this in a we are going to be extinct eventually kind of way or so sort of religion bullshit. I mean is the human race actually able to get along enough so we don't blow each other up, or do some kind of stupid Shit. I mean I here people every day talk about how the world is going to Shit and even the religious ones believe something like judgement day is upon us. I just feel like everyone is so ready for the end their not even trying fix it. So my question stands are humans screwed?

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Supposedly the 21st century is the most important one in human history, as it's essentially make or break for us, however that could be just bullshit.

I dunno. At this point, I'm prepared for humanity to finally fuck itself over. God knows we need it - it'd hopefully kill off all the idiots. But at the same time, I also feel like something could be done about it, if I could get my apathetic ass to do something about it. 

... But yeah, I think we're screwed eventually.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

I have faith that one of us, neither you nor me, will survive the impending shitstorms.  The Plague couldn't kill us, Hiroshima had a few survivors who died much later, Chernobyl is inhabited by wildlife that already adapted within a 30 year time span, and there are still living people in China.

We have a much larger gene pool and land coverage than most other animals, so I sincerely doubt humanity will collapse entirely.  There's almost always something, somewhere, to rebuild society to a more familiar level.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

I think humans would be able to survive for a while, depending on how things go. Even if we go into a full out war and kill each other, there will always be at least a few people still alive and able to continue on. I mean, there are still tribes in the Amazon who haven't made contact with the world at all, so there's some hope.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Soz to burst your bubble, but the "Amazon" in a few decades will be nothing but some razed ground and farmland.

Just several humans will not be able to recreate the human race, haha.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

No, of course not. I'm sure we could temporarily screw things up for ourselves -- though I'm not convinced that we will -- but not only would humanity survive, I think civilization would get back on track in relatively short order. It is literally impossible for us to bomb ourselves back to the stone age -- let alone to extinction.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago


Are humans screwed?

8 years ago
Is that you, Mr. Trump?

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Thank you Vault-Tec :D

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago
I think about this quite often.  I have my own theory and I'll try to explain it the way I see it.

When I was a kid there were only half the number of people that there are now.  I didn't mind meeting new people or seeing old friends when they dropped in.  When someone pulled into our drive, I was one of the first to rush out and greet them, whoever they happened to be.  Of course, I was raised in a more rural environment and we had a visitor approximately once every two to three weeks.  Everyone knew their neighbors and even the ones that you didn't agree with on some issues were tolerable in small doses.  Now, it seems that they are everywhere and I can't shake them for more than a few minutes at a time.  It really gets on my nerves as I'm sure it does the vast majority of people, even if they are not conscious of it.

I still enjoy meeting new people and hearing their viewpoints, but on my own terms not when they have an agenda and I'm still reeling from the last bit of difference that I don't fully agree with having been shoved down my throat without my having even asked.  Don't get me wrong, I love how different we all are, but why try to impose your way on the rest of the world?  Do you really want to be in a room full of mirrors and listen to your own voice drone on and on about subjects that only you were interested in ten years ago, in the same mindset you were then?

The key to humans accepting one another and actually thriving is a balance of cultural homogenization and fresh new ideas, so long as they aren't packed like sardines and the wills of some shoved down the throats of the rest.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

I always thought aliens landing on earth would unite humanity.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago
Aliens? Already here and helping. According to some guy who walked on the moon, that is...

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago
Hmm...well eventually it'll get to a point where the probability is so high that the answer would be yes. However that's probably not for another 1-5 thousand years at least. So no, I doubt it. Humanity never has been and probably never will be screwed simply because of our collective belief that humans are the best and cannot lose - even to other humans. It's the belief that we will win regardless of what stands in our way and however low the odds are. Maybe not everyone has this ideal - but everyone is capable of it. It's probably evolutionary that continuation of our species is a built in mentality. That's what I think, anyways.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Good question. I'm sure nukes will drop eventually. If Earth is lucky, the people launching the nukes won't be too thorough in the interests of conquering the surviving population (after all, it's my Civ 5 strategy...). On the other hand, there's a chance that the technology to disable nukes will be a priority to acquire since it's becoming more of an issue.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Disable nukes?

Do you mean heading to from where they're launching them and disable them, or shooting them down when they are launched?

Both exist, lols.

Anyway I don't think nukes will kill us.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

I mean rendering them inert in the air. Even without nukes, one also has to consider other methods of war. For example, a biological weapon could be quite dangerous if it spreads quietly and has a long dormant stage.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

That's probably possible, but I don't think one would be able to disable the actual explosion meaning it would fall and detonate anyway (since the explosion uses atomic power, not technology which can be manipulated).

Furthermore, I don't think a country will capture a territory it has nuked. In the modern age wars are usually fought over resources, not land; the country would probably be nuked back; plus you'd be taking irradiated land. Which has bo use (can't farm, can't settle, etc)

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

It might someday be possible to manipulate atomic power, who knows what the future holds?


Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

This question can be answered if we look back in our history. Religions always claim that the judgment is upon us regardless of the times. If we take as an example the Judeo Christian religion the Judgment day(s) are upon us since its creation and yet we are still here. Every day new "signs" appear, but always have been proven to be nothing more than people finding what their seeking regardless of the truth. The same can be said for non religious ideologies and beliefs. The "Doomsayer" profession has always been a powerful and, at times, a profitable one.

Generally speaking, people always feel as things are going to hell since we are faced with so many challenges and we end up losing ourselves in our everyday problems and struggles rather than seeing the big picture. Specially today that we leave in an outrage culture were things are taken out of context and hyperbole runs deep within our news media and mentality we get the feeling that things are going to hell when in reality they are getting better. Granted not in every way and not always as fast as we would like them to, but still getting better. 

Its no wonder how these ideas primarily comes from the "first world" since we have forgotten how far we come in such a short amount of time and we don't appreciate the luxuries we enjoy that barely a century ago were, and still are in many parts of the world, only thought of as utopia both technologically and socially. We truly leave in the least violent times the world has ever experienced. I will be the first one to admit we still have a long way to go since there are parts of the world were wars still rages daily, basic human rights don't exist and people suffer, but we most certainly aren't going to shit.

Of course there are other factors as well, but the main point is that its in our nature to always want something more from our lives which is both a blessing and a curse. This is what forces us to progress and achieve new things in all areas of our lives but also what makes us unhappy with what we already have.


P.S. English is only my second language so preemptive apology for any grammatical and spelling mistakes xD

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Um, what about other religions besides just one? Why are you making generalizations about all religions?

Islam for example has never really observed the "signs" of Yawm al-Qiyamah (aka Judgement Day) until this modern age. Afaik there has never been fears of Yawm al-Qiyamah in the past like there is today (Homosexuals, extremists, Middle East in turmoil, etc)

Besides that, I think I can kind of agree with this. However, there are great problems that are arising, not everything is fine and dandy like you think, and by the looks of it it is only getting worse (ISIS, Global Warming, etc)

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Maybe i didn't worded it properly, but i never meant to say that all religions revolve around the "Judgment Day" like Christianity or that everything is great. I was merely pointing out to that one of the big religions, and probably the most dominant in the western civilization for the longest time, literally revolves around that concept from the day it was created.

As for the other point again i believe things are far better than they used to be in the past and we lose sight of that when we are faced with the problems of our time. We shouldn't take them lightly of course and we should definitely address them and try our best to solve them, but i still believe that for the most part we are doing things a lot better than we used to.

I believe for the most part we agree, but it might have been my fault since English is my second language and i haven't expressed my view points correctly.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Humans are inherently broken. Does that mean that they're going to kill each other into extinction? Probably not, but I don't doubt that there'll be a collapse of some sort eventually. Life will find a way, and short of our brains suddenly evolving into a thing that can make civilizations actually, truly work, we'll stuck with the violent stupid ones that we have today.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Well if you're into such things, according to the infamous "Doomsday Clock" we're currently 3 minutes to "Midnight".

Hasn't been that close to armageddon since 1984.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

What does it factor in?

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

It mostly attempts to factor in world tensions, hostilities, wars, government destabilization, tech that could destroy civilization, most notably nukes in that regard, but it also includes severe climate/weather changes nowadays and anything else that we do that could either intentionally or accidentally destroy civilization.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

The suns gunna supernova in 984 years and when that happens the first 4 planits  n orbit around the sun are gunna fry.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

What? It's going to take a hell of a lot longer than that before our sun goes supernova, which it won't anyway since it isn't big enough.

What will happen in several billion years is our sun will grow to be a super red giant and THAT will destroy the earth before it then shrinks into a white dwarf.

I suppose this leads to the question, are we going to have interstellar travel and have colonies elsewhere so we can avoid this definite form of extinction altogether.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago
With any luck, the world powers and scientists will have spent all our resources building a Dyson Sphere long before that.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

What's a dyson sphere?

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

A hypothetical megastructure that encompasses a star and captures most/all of its power output.

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago


Are humans screwed?

8 years ago


Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Their a beast in every man and woman as much as we like to think were better and naturally kind....we're not. 

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Always thought that was overrated. Nobody actually wants to use nukes besides nutbars like Iran and maybe North Korea, and the world powers could crush those in an instant if they wanted to. The crappy Iran deal is a problem, sure, but I figure someone's gonna stop them at some point, certainly before some sort of nuclear armageddon. What religious figures are saying is that we're heading towards the Messiah coming, but they've said that all throughout history so if this turns out to be another fluke then it'll be the same thing as when Rome fell-- humanity picks right back up, give or take several decades.

Still, human is as screwed as any other species. We're bound to die off at some point. Chances are we'll last a while, though.

Anybody's thoughts on Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk's warnings about an army of robot Ahhnold's coming to 'rek us RL' Honor style?

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

I have read literally nothing but the title, so this answer may be a little off, but:


EDIT: Okay, read a little more and i'll change that answer to no. No one will ever use nukes, they're just threats at this point. I feel it could possibly be the final resort of some dictator about to be deposed but little more than that, and that's a fairly ineffective way to get nukes fired.

Environmentally though, we're absolutely screwed. We've been ignoring environmental issues for an extremely long time and continue to do so in terms of air pollution (By far the form of pollution with the farthest reaching and most dangerous effects). Humanity's refusal to deal with the issue will inevitably result in us reaching a point of no return, through which most of us will die off (not everyone, the human race will never go extinct until the sun blows up, we're too good at surviving. However, I do not believe space travel will ever truly be viable, nor the colonization of other planets, so our eventual death is basically to be decreed by the detonation of the sun - in my mind, at least.)

Are humans screwed?

8 years ago

Yeah, unless we get smarter. Currently, there are too many idiots in the world. If one becomes President of a big country like Russia or the USA, and something pisses them off, they might cause nuclear winter.