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Dark magic hate

8 years ago

You know, it's weird. In every bit of writing I read, dark magic is considered an ultimate evil. I mean, fire and water is all good and all, but when you start raising the dead, everyone gets all uppity about it. Look, I mean, just because someone raises your dead grandpa doesn't mean they want to take over the world. I mean, they might, but why couldn't characters who use 'white magic' do the same thing? To be honest, those dead bodies aren't going to do anything else, might as well use them to fight your battles.

I just think people in fiction are too prudish to really accept all the devil summoning junk. Never see a 'good' necromancer in stories, do you? Such dark magic hate, it's so messed up.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago
I would think of it as "good vs. evil." Yes, all things are not equal. And, in fact, if they were, there would be no stories because there would never be any conflict. And that would be quite a boring story.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

I dunno though, I feel like stories could really miss out on having a character in a magic based universe only work with a 'certain' type of magic. Dark magic is some of the coolest shit i've ever read about, and I feel like it's a shame that almost no protagonist ever uses them. I mean, there could be evil characters who use it, but, I feel like it's such a waste of an idea. Of course, EndMaster's Necromancer is probably the best case of a character using Dark Magic for an actually fun result. Who needs that wimpy ass fire and water crap.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Yeah, I have the same feelings! My OC uses dark magic to summon zombies to play baseball! Necromancy and dark magic don't have to be bad, except usually summoning demons and stuff can corrupt the person, and there are other things you can do in magic, that could be evil.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

I agree with you, Blood. I don't get why people have to be hating on the Dark Magic. If anything, it's kinda magic racist.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

"Watch your back around the Blacks!... Black mages, that is, not a racial thing..."

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

The undead can be used for dangerous manual labor, trap detection, and conflict resolution.

Dark magic saves lives.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Hah, now that's what I call dead humour!

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

I mean, who needs to fight, when you can make the dead fight for you.

New Campaign: Dark Magic Acceptance

Dark magic hate

8 years ago
Personally, I think you can barbeque a guy and eat him or dump hundreds of litres of boiling hot water on him just as well as you can bring his dead sister back to stab him one-hundred times with a kitchen knife or whatever sharp thing she happens to have. In case you couldn't tell, I don't think there's anything so bad about dark magic, it's how you use it.
edit: Unless you have to sacrifice a little girl or her pet puppy or whatever.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago


Dark magic hate

8 years ago

So, uh, I guess your okay if someone uses your dead mom or dead little brother for whatever he wants? That's like, cool by you? No moral implications of desecrating dead carcasses you don't 'own' to any degree?

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Nope, no moral problem.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Welp, your answer's right there. Most people aren't sociopaths.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

As long as it's consensual.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

See that's a bit more normal-- but that's from a legal, disassociated aspect. Necromancy is usually a taboo because of religious/moral convictions of the society, and you'll indeed find that nearly all religions believe that corpses are sacred in some way. In fantasy worlds this is prolly more prevalent since it's a much more, well, fantastical universe, and tbh nearly all religions are fantastical to some extent so they're more believable in such a setting. It's not 'Oh no, he's gonna take over the world' it's more like, 'This dude is playing God, and it ain't cool bro.'

Think Frankenstein.

In a more developed Fantasy World I can see there being death contracts (like End mentioned) and the like, but that doesn't seem like the universe the OP is imagining.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Yeah, but Frankenstein was more than just the sum of his parts. (Pun both intended and unintended.) He was an entirely new being as opposed to just being resurrected as who he used to be. The same thing goes with Zombies. If the subject is willing, they'll be brought back, but that zombie certainly isn't mommy anymore. In a more developed fantasy world, I can see there being undead rights activists and necromancer cults dedicated to spreading "New, divine life to all creatures" and shit like that.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Dunno, I think that depends on the Necromancy-rules of the universe. Could see bringing back someone as a zombie being just as bad a making a Frankenstein, cuz bottom line you're using someone else's corpse.

Problem is with determining if someone allows it. Speaking with the dead means taking their soul out of wherever it's kept (I think?), causing distress to the person. Really does get complicated though.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Yeah, I guess that also depends on how death, the afterlife, (or lack thereof) where souls are stored and how they're connected to us/the world, and countless other variables work in the universe. However, I was talking more along the lines of saying it was okay while you were still alive. Obviously it would be wrong to just walk unauthorized into a graveyard and start raising corpses and skellies just because you think a voice in your head said it's okay.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

A few years ago on IS there was an attempt at collaborative fantasy story. A lot of neat ideas, but it never got past the world building stage. For my part of it, I came up with a heavily industrialized society where the government used contract necromancy.

Basically if you worked in one of the many factories (which were hazardous to work in anyway) you could sign a death contract which meant you gave consent for your corpse to be raised after you died so it could continue working in the factory. You'd get more money while still alive and your family would still get a little money after you died.

Most necromancers (who had to be licensed) themselves were basically just foremen in these factories.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

What happened to this story idea? Did you scrap it? It sounds awesome.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Well like I said, it was one of collaborative story ideas that someone else (DEP or donteatpoop as he's known on here) came up with and tried to organize. All I did was come up with a couple of major societies and one character from each of them. It was all mostly background and lore, there was never was any real story stuff that went with it. 

There might be notes on all the stuff still on the IS forums when we were talking about it again, I'd have to sift through it. The concept was a bit before I wrote Necromancer though so I suppose in some minor way the necromancy idea stuck with me.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Awh man, oh well.

Also, are you ever returning to writing the fantasy stories like Necromancer and Eternal? Those are my favorite and I'd love it if you went back to that genre.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Fantasy settings probably if I ever have the time again. Eternal and Necromancer are pretty much done though. I wrapped everything up that needed to be wrapped up.

Anyway here's the notes I found. (LONG)

The Xolan Kingdom Statistics 
Geography and Economy 

The Xolan Kingdom is a cold almost barren place. Mountains and rough terrain are the norm, though long stretches of flat plains do exist for farming. Farming is difficult and food is almost always supplemented by hunting. Not learning how to hunt is usually a sure way to face starvation in the harsh winters. Rozloks are always in supply; small furry creatures that live in burrows and breed at a respectable rate. They taste terrible, but the Xolan favor survival over comfort any day. 

Forests are present, but becoming increasing smaller as the productive Xolans cut them down in the name of progress. 

The Xolan Kingdom is rich in natural resources and its economy is mainly driven by its factories that now dot its landscape though mining is still a major contributor. Its trading is usually with the small Dwarf clans living in the nearby mountains, though it does sometimes trade with the “friendlier” barbarian tribes to the east and there has been contact made with small fiefdoms located on another piece of land across the Sea of Ice to the north east. Trade with the Empire is limited. No major trading is done, though a few traveling merchants here and there may do some minor business. 

One thing the Xolans will never trade in to anyone are weapons, particularly their own. 

Pollution which is practically an unknown problem in most places is very much a problem here. Even the much larger Empire does not produce as much. This is due to the factories that continue to belch out black smoke through the day and night, making the Xolan Kingdom an even grayer place than it already is. (Though the forges are said to be a relief from the cold) One river, The Serpent’s Tail is completely polluted and discolored from toxins dumped in it, though much to the chagrin of the Empire this river flows downstream, causing more problems for them than it does for the Xolans. The Xolans of course have no intention of stopping their activity let alone for the likes of the Empire. 

Another landmark of Xolan landscape are the large craters in parts of the ground. Some of these can range from small, to nearly the size of a village. Weapon testing is a dangerous endeavor. 

The Xolan Kingdom is nowhere near as big as the Empire, but it’s a respectable size for its population. Most of its population is human, but is starting to include a number of Dwarves as well. The Kingdom is congruent geographically speaking though there is one small island off the coast of their territory where yet another new factory of the largest size has set up production. 

It is unknown what exactly is being built there. 


The Dwarf Clans 

When nearby Dwarf clans first discovered the Xolans finding one of their long forgotten ancestors’ factories, they were alarmed. If they’d had records of such a place existing they would’ve moved in long before the Xolans could. They thought about launching an attack, but by then it was too late, the Xolans were already using the Dwarf cannons they found on the barbarians and monsters that harassed them and were beginning to make more of their own. The Dwarves were not in the numbers they once were and the humans were abundant and growing more so every day, they could not hope to defeat the Xolans in a victorious war. So they made contact instead, to determine their intentions. As it turned out the Dwarves found they had much in common with the industrious and practical Xolans. They were relieved that the Xolans didn’t seem too interested in conquest (Which surprised the Dwarves given what they knew of humans) so much as they were interested in defending themselves. In time a friendship and was struck up and still exists to this day. 

A mutual respect for each other is what keeps the alliance going, the dwarves simply ask that their territory not be encroached on, which the Xolans abide by (The Dwarven territory doesn’t cover much anyway). Other than being a trading partner the Xolans don’t really ask anything in return for the Dwarves. Even when Dwarves offered to help them in their war with the Empire, the Xolans declined and said they’d take care of the problem themselves…and they did. The Dwarves couldn’t ask for a better neighbor that placed a high regard for self-reliance. 

Lately though the Dwarves are somewhat restless about the increased weapon testing and all the new invention designs that the Xolans have been engaging in ever since their war with the Empire, particularly the designs that the Dwarves once abandoned because they were thought to be too dangerous. This might be the reason for the recent number of Dwarves migrating to the Kingdom to help as engineers. They can’t stop the Xolans from doing what they want, but they at least want to try to guide the Xolans in a direction that won’t cause THEM trouble in the future.

Barbarian Tribes 

In the past these were very much a problem for the Xolan, but nowadays they are merely a nuisance. In fact barbarian raids are becoming rarer against the Xolan Kingdom mainly because of the strong military presence and increasingly bleak landscape. Raiding the Empire to the south is a much more attractive and lucrative option. Still that doesn’t mean the tribes are friendly and they will attack the occasional merchant caravan if they think they have good odds. 

Lately one particularly large barbarian tribe called Grishrak’s Horde is attempting to unify ALL the tribes in the area under the rule their Warlord Grishrak. This inevitably involves wiping out half of the tribe and then wiping out the other half if they don’t surrender and swear loyalty to Grishrak. 

Grishrak is a half-orc of the largest size and seems to be trying to build a Kingdom of his own. Besides the Empire they see this Horde as the next biggest threat to their security, however despite his brutality Grishrak seems to have a sense of honor and has no love for the Empire either. 

Steps have been made to discuss this matter further with him. 


There are a few beasts that lurk deep within the mountains, but those are rare. The only monster threat comes from the northern reaches of the Kingdom when the occasional group of ice trolls come wandering down in search of food, on the really rare occasions, a Frost Giant appears. When either of these events occur, no effort is spared to eliminate these threats immediately. 


The Xolan Kingdom spends a lot on defense though it can afford to. Training is often harsh, but creates very disciplined soldiers. Swords, axes or maces are standard issue. When recruits master the art of melee only then are they allowed to practice with firearms. The Xolan military wants their soldiers to be able to defend themselves properly not overly rely on a “wonder weapon”. Arquebuses are common, but high powered repeating crossbows are still used, in fact the better the shooters get those instead as it takes some time to reload an arquebus. Whereas a sharp shooter with a repeating crossbow can do a lot more damage within the same amount of time. Regular bows aren’t used at all anymore. 

The Xolan military of course also use their cannons whenever possible, but other siege engines like catapults and ballista are still in use, they’ve just been improved upon. 

Xolan Calvary is small mainly due to the lack of horses in their land, but the Xolan prefer to rely on foot troops armed with crossbows and arquebuses shooting from afar rather than foolishly charging into the enemy anyway. (A favorite tactic of the Xolan when the enemy charges at them with cavalry, is to aim for the horses) Generals and officers are usually mounted on horses since they need to move quickly to give various orders their troops. 

Xolan Navy is also small, but powerful. Experimentation with building ships completely of metal has already begun and their existing wooden ships usually have reinforced hulls with metal plating on the inside. Naturally cannons are mounted in the ships, probably making them most the powerful in the known seas. Only monstrous sea creatures like Krakens and Megalodons usually dare attack such ships. The navy is mainly assigned to defending Xolan shores and the trade ships to the Northeastern fiefdoms. 

Other inventions used to serve the military are flying balloons, but these are mainly for lookout purposes, though rumors of other “airborn” designs are being studied and researched. The newest Xolan “weapons” are probably the clockwork golems which have now become a familiar sight in Xolan factories and cities. These metal giants are difficult to manufacture, so for now only a few have been made for important location defense.

Magic and Religion 

Even before they embraced technology the Xolan were never a magic loving people, indeed they never really seemed to be particularly inclined to it. Mages in general are becoming a rarer sight in the Xolan Kingdom. However there was one branch that their ancestors embraced once strongly, the art of Necromancy. Records of the time before the founding of Xol are sketchy at best, but tales tell of a Xolan necromancer named Zalin the Black who saved the future of the Xolan from a cult of Elven druids that lived in a nearby forest who were stealing Xolan women and children to sacrifice to their gods and all efforts to send people into the forest to root them out ended in failure. Angered by seeing his people slaughtered, Zalin announced that he would take care of this problem once and for all, and told the Xolan not to come out their homes until daybreak. Xolan traveled to the forest alone and summoned the spirits of the victims back to this world so that they could avenge their own deaths, but that wasn’t enough, he also cast a strong wither spell turning the murderous elves’ beloved forest into dust as the spirits of their victims wrought their terrible revenge. After it was all said and done, nothing was left, but the price Zalin payed for such a powerful spell was high, and he wandered off in the wilderness somewhere to die. His body was never found; presumably he was eaten by a wandering beast. Though obviously the Xolan think of him as a hero 

Because of this tale, Necromancy has never been seen as an “evil” branch of magic by the Xolans. It is merely a tool nothing more, though one that they do recognize that it can be abused, as such all Necromancers are required to register their right to practice it and only then in the service of the Kingdom. This mainly includes working in the factories or mines to supervise the workers that have chosen to sign the “death contract”. This agreement involves the worker allowing the necromancer to raise him from the dead so that he may continue to serve the Kingdom and if he has a family to still provide for them. (Family receives half the pay that they normally would get if the worker was still alive) Of course the worker is now a zombie and merely a shell, but many workers will sign such an agreement, though there is a limit, since the necromancers can only hold control over so many dead at a time. (It is a tiring business after all) 

Other branches of magic are practically non-existent in the Kingdom though a few Elementalist specializing in Earth or Fire are welcomed due to the large amount of work done in the mountains. 

Healing magic has largely been replaced by natural medicine, though the Xolans might benefit a little more from it since the health rate isn’t exactly the best due to the pollution. 

Illusions are considered to be a waste of time (Why trick your opponent when you can blow a big hole in him?) and Natural magic is shunned altogether, presumably the memory of murderous elves lurking in forests still lies in the minds of the Xolan. 

As for religious practices, most Xolan have even less use for them than magic. This is probably due to their acceptance of necromancy (Which manipulates life after death) and now science and technology (Which operate on natural law rather than some other worldly source). 

However there is no law against those that wish to practice their own private worship of whatever god or gods they may believe in, as long as it does not harm the Kingdom in anyway.

Society and Culture 

The Xolan are a serious minded people and while they did come to power through the help of old Dwarf inventions since that time they have made improvements and created their own designs in every effort to “make it their own”. As a general rule the Xolan are accepting of most races provide that they aren’t trying to kill or eat them. Though of course they still harbor suspicion in elves (Another reason why Dwarves are fond of the Xolan) Villages and Towns are usually simple and have only what the people need though walls of some sort are always erected around them. Cities resemble small fortresses rather than cities. (Especially the capital) Slavery has never been institutionalized in the Kingdom mainly due to their “do it yourself” outlook on life, plus it seemed much more costly to keep slaves and a risk to security. (And after visiting the Empire, their position on it has only been reinforced) 

Things like art, music and other humanities are not actively pursued on a large level; even the King’s palace isn’t very ornate looking. Not that they aren’t creative, the Xolan just see little reason to decorate things with jewels or pave them in gold. Precious gems and metals are meant for trading not to uselessly wallow in one’s own opulence. The closest the Xolan have to “art” are their inventions. Architecture is valued, but only so it functions, not so it looks “nice”. The Xolan would rather have an ugly looking building that never falls than a nice one that will collapse at the slightest touch. Arguing over philosophical things like “If a tree falls down in the woods, what color is it?” is just the height of pointlessness to the Xolan, they’d much rather argue over more important things like “If I put this much gun powder in the cannon will I still kill the enemy without blowing myself up?” History is still important to them though and they try to keep records of ever important event that goes on in the Kingdom. Most books are dedicated to more practical subjects, but some fiction exists. Usually these involve tales of dedication and self-sacrifice for the greater good of the Xolan Kingdom. Learning about one’s enemies and how they think is a worthwhile endeavor, so strategy and tactics always rank highly, because of this, some “games” have been created to fuel this interest. (But mainly for learning rather than entertainment purposes) 

The Xolan seem like joyless people to most, but that actually isn’t true, they just experience joy in simpler pleasures. Indeed with the coming of the Empire they’ve seen what overindulgence can do to a civilization, and they vow to never become like them.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

In some literature you have to sacrifice to resurrect... that probably gave it a bad name. I mean, come on, you have to cut the head off a goat EVERY time you wanted your little bro's body back?

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Never understood why those folks that practice all those charm and mind control type spells aren't considered to be practicing "dark magic" 

As bad as someone raising an undead army is, it's at least upfront about its intent. The guy that's saying a few incantations to gain control over someone's mind or actions is a lot more insidious and potentially more damaging if they're controlling a leader of some sort.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

I mean, it's kinda hard to say what black magic is anyways. Would the summoning of demons be considered a black magic? I personally have claimed black magic/ dark magic as anything relating to the conjuring and manipulation of life. I mean, in reality, wouldn't even Druids be consider black mages, as they bring back life to a forest and to dead animals?

Dark magic love

8 years ago

I don't have that problem because, actually, one version of my favorite RP persona IS a heroic necromancer. I dance around the subject a bit by often making him unaware that his powers are partially fueled by the souls of the people / monsters he's destroyed, but hey... even when he IS aware, his attitude is usually "hey, I'm using them for the good of humanity." 

Also, in my upcoming game, you are totally allowed to practice "dark" magic as a good or benign individual.

Besides, what about Yu-Gi-Oh? Yami's a hero and he uses all kinds of horrible torture magic (on bad guys) all the damn time in season 0. Even in the tamer later seasons, he mind crushes people and all that stuff. The bad guys are using the same kind of magic, too, if you want to get technical, and part of it is mind control / worse. The difference is how he's using it and why. Sure, you occasionally get an episode where someone's like "hmm, you're kinda sketchy for a good guy, man..." but then life goes on. 

Demonology: The Truth

8 years ago

I would like to shift the focus from necromancy to demonology, which I'm surprised nobody has brought up. When a demonologist sumons a creature, they aren't usually summoning a demon lord or archdevil. No, they are generally conjuring lesser demons and damned souls.

Let us consider the climate of the demonic planes. People who have done bad (perhaps only by the strictures of prudish gods) are tormented ceaselessly. Lesser demons struggle to compete with their more powerful and vicious brethren; lower devils are disposed of in horrible, ceaselessly agonizing ways to prevent them from competing with their elders.

The demonologist is giving these parties a temporary furlough and an opportunity to escape the paranoia and disdain of their more powerful kin, respectively. Why can't we respect that? Why must we treat these refugees like a threat when they often only come here to escape literal Hell? It is always a possibility that a hellspawn may break from their controller, but this is not a threat that cannot be mitigated, if every community has a plan for retreat to hallowed ground and for the subduing of escaped hellspawn, which they already should, given how much they fear the damned. Also, this problem is almost completely restrained to demons, who often have difficulties controlling their ingrained destruction drives; devils and damned souls are usually just happy to be somewhere where they aren't having to look over their shoulders every given second. Most demonologists understand the physical and emotional needs of their wards and strive to prevent conflict; abuse of hellspawn is generally caused by novices and should be prevented through education and strategy, not fearmongering.

Demonology: The Truth

8 years ago

^ Also something I was considering tapping into with my game...

Demonology: The Truth

8 years ago

Well, that was an unexpected and thoroughly pleasant remark. I was expecting everyone to immediately come to the conclusion that whole mess was just an allegory for BSL or exotic pet ownership. Though, I didn't notice any parallels myself until after I posted it.

Demonology: The Truth

8 years ago

... Well, traditionally speaking, witches allied with demons. :P Familiars were animals, sure, but it was suggested that they were demons in animal form / animals with demonic power, exc, exc... so "exotic pet" might really be appropriate here, haha.

That said, it wouldn't be the first time I've introduced a "good" demon or allowed a protagonist to remove / rescue them from an undesirable circumstance. Prince Raijin? :P Albino demon from TOW? 

Edit: If you want another game that has you be a good guy and show compassion toward demons? Choice of The Deathless does it admirably, making you an ambassador to their realm. I considered this as a career path for graduates from the Academy from my game, though no, it will not be the MC's job.

Demonology: The Truth

8 years ago

If we are going to talk about "traditional" witchcraft and the Christian perception of witchcraft, then I have to ask if you've read the Malleus Maleficarum. I laughed when I read about the things that witches could and couldn't do. The writers of the book apparently thought that witch's couldn't turn people into other animals. I find that humorous, as in pop culture, transfiguration of self or others into pets or wild animals is a skill all witches seem to possess. But, no, according to the Malleus Maleficarum witches can't do that. They can magically kill all of your livestock, ruin every last bit of food in your larder, and make your penis vanish into thin air, but they can't turn you into a toad. Weird, right?

I'm still trying to get to that point in TOW, so I really don't know who Raijin is (though, apparently, he's an albino demon (nice spoiler dodging, Kiel :p)).

I don't like buying things over the internet, so I have only played the demo version of the game.

Demonology: The Truth

8 years ago

*rolls eyes* A lot of what society believes is "how it's always been" is laughably (or disturbingly) inaccurate. I've never had the pleasure to read it, no, but it sounds amusing. (I'd love to know how their "disappearing dick" rumor got started. What, did someone get frisky with a guillotine and felt too embarrassed to tell his buddies what really happened?)

Bah. The fact that supernatural things exist in that world is made pretty clear from the very beginning, and the first game makes it clear that demons are among those things.

Demonology: The Truth

8 years ago

Why are you rolling your eyes at me? Or are you rolling your eyes at society?

Yeah, I wondered about that too. They had an entire chapter for it, titled "How, as it were, they Deprive Man of his Virile Member".

Here is an online version of the book, if you are interested. Who knows, it may help spark your creativity.

You leave a lot to assumption. Don't blame me for not following your train of thought exactly. There was nothing, aside from a brief appearance of a demon child in GoLaD, to suggest that there would be demons in TOW.

Demonology: The Truth

8 years ago

At society.

xD I forget sometimes that our ancestors were even more dick obsessed than people today.

Sure, why not? Thanks.

Demon child? o.0 What demon child? ... And I'm gonna assume you didn't explore the basement much.

Demonology: The Truth

8 years ago

Perhaps I didn't, but I recall a demon child in one of the mirror worlds.

Demonology: The Truth

8 years ago

... xD So you don't remember an entire mirror world filled with demons?

Demonology: The Truth

8 years ago

I guess I zoned out a little. XD

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

I've never really classified magic on a morality scale, because honestly, you can use different kinds of magics for different purposes, both good and bad. White or Light magic can still be used in cruel justice, and likewise Dark magic can be used for merciful destruction. Magic can be stereotyped to specific characters and such, yet it's not limited to those types of people. As people have mentioned, having heroic necromancers or black mages aren't completely out of the question. In fact, I've had some myself! Same goes for evil white magic users. 

It all comes down to the world and characters the writer is trying to create. 

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Light magic doesn't even have to be associated with Justice, you could just be an asshole who runs around blinding people and causing nasty burns. Or just healing everyone who's dangerous and murder-y, then pointing them in the direction of someone you put on your shit list earlier. Dark Magic doesn't have to be used for destruction either. You could use shadows to hide innocents from a tyrant's death squads or undead monsters to build farms and then fertilize the fields.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

And so the Mad Human Disease came about like so...

That'd actually be a cool concept to combine with EndMaster's industrial corpse labor-force...

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Well, obviously they wouldn't use human zombies. That would work against the Lawful Good Necromancer vibe. They would be ogres or orcs or some shit that the humans are currently at war with.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

They were just some examples that I was throwing out that could be related to as both good and bad :P 

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Yeah, but cruel justice is still good. Batman's cruel, and he's still considered a good guy. Merciful Destruction is still bad. Ra's Al Ghul was destroying Gotham as an act of mercy, and he's still considered the bad guy.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

And vice-verse, Seryu from Akame ga Kill is considered a bad guy who is "just", and Tatsumi is mercifully destructive and good. I guess you could pin it on the mental state of each, though. 

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Pretty sure it's something to do with the morality of resurrecting dead people. Traditionally, I think most people wanted their dead to rest in peace and dark magic might have been connected with not letting their sprits be able to attain that peace. Plus, people are also influence by those myths and legends of creatures who died and never could be able to rest in peace, and therefore haunt the earth forevermore (ghosts and other things).

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

1) Darkness is just an absence of light, it hides you from the monsters of the night.

2) Look up 'Moon of the Wolf Spider.' and I believe you'll find a story with the main character as a necromancer and a good guy.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

1)You've been listening to Baryon too much.

2)I couldn't find anything that wasn't related to Batman.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

1) The last time I read Homo Perfectus was around 6 months ago.


^There you go.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

So, your long-term memory ends at 6 months? Are you getting some sort of lupine dementia?

Ooh, Diablo.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

I dunno. I just might be. 

What's so special about Diablo?

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Just checkin'

It's a classic rpg videogame from the 90s. Much like Fallout, Diablo was an iconic game which inspired numerous other game makers to mimic its style, resulting a unique subgenre. Sadly, the 2d isometric style has been relegated largely to Flash games.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Can you link it?

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Diablo information

The game is not free, so I can't give you a link to the actual game. There is an open-source game called FLARE, however, which is a lot like Diablo in a lot of respects. It isn't quite complete, though, and it has a lot of immersion-breaking quirks. There are also quite a few Diablo-esque games on sites like Armor Games, but the only one I can find is Vilesteel.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Comparing information on the wikipedia page and the story, well, the story seems to leave out the whole 16 floors thing. 

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Ah, I remember playing vilesteel way back when... The thing I most remember about it, though, is how wildly overpowered the Barbarian class was. By the time I was actually taking serious damage, I had 200+ health potions from the earlier dungeons...

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Yeah, I usually liked playing as a dark priest.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Isn't it less that dark magic is evil and more that evil prefers dark magic?

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Actually had a Lich Necromancer teacher in my magic school rp. Really liked him. Lots of fun.

Generaly view Mind magic as being the worst kind of magic. Mind control, mind reading, Erasing Memories, etc etc, are generally what I view as evil, ha ha. I mean, the idea that a person is controlled by anoter is just terrible. One book I read, about this guy who had his mind wiped while trying to save his sister, and then found out about it and returned to try again. End of the book was about how the mind wiper is actually a good guy trying to make a new tech thatll allow people to download others memories, and used fhe mindwipe so that no one would know about it until he releases it, so that no monopolies happened. Ends dont justify means in that case though. It's equivalent to slavery with mind control, and memory erasing is even worse. Its no coincedence that most of my villanous characters all ended up getting those powers. 

Necromancy isnt the only form of dark magic, though. Death spells, (life drain, etc), which are evil due to stealing from other people to fuel your own life, demon summoning (which strengthens the underworld=bad) are also in the mix. 

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

"Mind magic as being the worst kind of magic"

Always found it interesting that the Jedi routinely use the mind trick and they're still considered "good guys."

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Ehh, imho, it's easy to see that the Jedi are really just self-righteous assholes.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

....does this mean you're a Jedi? I mean, making text look like a link but isn't is a very ass-hole-ish behavior.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

It was a link, the HTML was just broken.
Yes, and I'm also a dovahkim. That's two asshole magic users in one!
But here's text that is the link but isn't a hyperlink, just because I'm an asshole!


Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Here's the culprit, Sen:

<a href:"http:="""" episodes="" 0074.html"="">It's readily apparent!</a>

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Odd, I remember putting in only one set of quotations...

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Actually, the problem is that you used a colon after href instead of an equals sign.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

But I used an equals sign!

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

The source seems to disagree.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Could RTE have screwed it up?

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

No clue, but I wouldn't put it past it.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago


<a href="">Link</a>

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Well the Jedi did seem to be more accepting of furries.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Monkey-poodles and Octopeople aren't furries, in the firmest definition of the word, but I assume they're pretty progressive. I mean, they recruited the only Black man in the galaxy and gave him the only purple lightsaber they had.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Of course, most knight/paladin characters are.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Eh, most players in rps of paladins are assholes. Properly played knights should be good people, its just that a great deal of them are looked upon that they can do whatever they want if theyre given power. Genuinely hate the constant stereotype thats around that all paladins are just jerks with ego. 

Imo, captain america is a pretty good symbol of a good knight. 

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

I guess I just have an inclination towards chaotic characters.

I've always had mixed thoughts about Cap and his usefulness, but there are very few instances in which he isn't a genuinely nice guy.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Cap is completely useless. When has the ability to push bulldozers down a football field in 30 seconds ever come in handy? Never!

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Damn it, Penguin, I don't sarcasm.

Dark magic hate

8 years ago

Ends justify the means probably. Hate that thinking. 

Dark magic lives on

8 years ago

Pssh 'white magic'...anyways, there are some works of fiction that don't follow the usual rules like basically every Rick Riordan book, the Nick Gautier series, some sort of long-forgotten romance movie about a...guy being resurrected as a zombie with the power of love? ('Not sure if my memory is correct with that last one. It's been awhile) What I'm trying to say is, I bet there are good necromancers out there if you look hard enough. There is faith for humanity yet!