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How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago
As many of you know, today was a federal holiday in the US, celebrating Martin Luther King Junior's contribution to the civil rights movement. It honors the man himself and his legacy, and symbolically paves the way for February's Black History Month, in much the same way he paved the way for Obama to be elected as the first half black president, to bring balance to the Force. Wow, it's hard to believe MLK's iconic "I Have a Dream" speech was nearly sixty years ago. I just thought this would be a nice moment to share how each of us celebrated today. (Cricket may have a unique perspective, as I know due to a typographical error, MLK day is commonly still known in North Dakota as MILK day.) Anyway, I was supposed to be off today. Not because it's MLK day, it's just that I'm usually off on Mondays. Although I did end up having to go in a few hours early in the morning. I hadn't been able to get a straight answer on how long I'd have to stay since it depended on a few factors, but it didn't end up being too bad. Sent mentioned that it was MLK day in the Discord, at which point I said out loud to one of the two black people I regularly interact with, something like, "Hey, I forgot today was Martin Luther King day, I guess I can't go to the bank after this." He said something like, "Oh, yeah?" but to tell the truth I'm not sure if he heard me, my voice doesn't always project as well as I'd like and he's one of those guys that's an expert on making non-commital noises that make it seem like he's paying attention when he's not. Anyway, then I went home and started playing Minecraft. I mentioned in the Discord thread that Ford had gone and rented us a server the other day. I haven't played seriously since 2016 and there is sooo much new content now I feel like we're playing with mods even though it's all vanilla. I got really into Minecraft when it was still in alpha, back when creative mode was all there was and we were restricted to little square islands. My interest would wax and wane the way it does with most games, but I kept up with the major releases for a long while. Then at some point it just exploded in popularity and the community became too toxic to put up with. And Minecraft is one of very few games I prefer multiplayer to single player on. Oh, every so often after I basically quit the game I'd get the urge to play again and go try out new map seeds to tool around in my own worlds, but single player just felt so lonely. Ultimately I'd always come to realize that no one was ever going to see any of the giant empty mansions I build, and it would get to me a little and I'd lose interest. Obviously I had some doubts at first about a server run by Ford, but something about this game apparently just brings out his wholesome side. Or at least he seems to actively enjoy playing too much to excessively fuck with anyone. There was a turtle he'd spawned in near the original spawn point base. His name was 30. I don't know why, that was just on the nametag when I logged in and found him there. 30 had been there a couple of days and seemed a little listless. Every so often he'd float up in the air and try to swim a few feet, but I could tell his heart wasn't in it. Probably the lack of water. I built a little containing area around him out of stone bricks and was planning to try and turn it into a pond, and have Sentinel plant kelp in it, when Ford logged in. He was able to upgrade it all to a glass tank and spawn in some fish friends/food. But to me it looked pretty overcrowded, which is something I'm knowledgeable about based on the research I did when I briefly got into keeping an aquarium IRL, before all my fish got itch and died. So it was suggested he install a new tank in place of DarkSpawn's substandard house, but Dark had a dog there that Ford refused to drown. So a hill right next to spawn point was the next area chosen. He dug a very nice turtle mansion, basically a gigantic, deep swimming pool lined with some of that pretty aquamarine tile from ocean monuments, with glass up above where people would be viewing from. Spawned in all kinds of fish to keep 30 company, and also 30 had babies so I guess he was actually a she. All of us who were online went over to look at the new aquarium, and he gave us eight minute water breathing buffs so that we could dive down in the tank and swim with the fishies. I was expecting he'd deactivate the buff or let us be killed by some of the more aggressive fish, or otherwise get us killed in there, but no, it was just a lot of swimming around listening to happy dolphin sounds and admiring the aquarium residents. In fact I'm marking 1/20/2020 down as the day of the most wholesome and whimsical Minecraft experience I ever had. While in the pool we kept hearing zombie groans, and while clearing out the cave of them directly below the tank, Ford realized there had been a spawner literally right on our spawn point, close enough that he was the only one who could actually destroy the spawner block. I went back to my room to collect my things after the swim and feed Sabley (my chicken), while I guess TheChef and TheCanary went to mess with the spawner. All I know is Chef came running over the hill a couple of minutes later, chased by an entire horde of zombies, and they were all on fire and also catching him on fire. There were several explosions not long after that and Chef and Canary were running in and out a lot, idk, I was safe inside and got sidetracked IRL putting some laundry away around then. Actually, I just realized I didn't celebrate MLK day at all. Whoops. But I did finally finish building the second floor of my inn and then write 800 words about vampire hunters. I'm sure if MLK were alive today he'd be...well he'd probably be another Cosby if I'm being completely honest, but also I'm sure he'd otherwise be a great guy and someone who can appreciate a really nice pixel aquarium.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago
I celebrated MILK day by drinking chocolate milk in addition to my usual. I also watched a movie with my kid brother, got to say hi to the reanimated corpse of Briar, engaged in some arson, enjoyed the view of a burning cross in someone's yard, and managed to resist all the temptations to curse my finance professor for giving literally no course material except a question and answer worksheet.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago

I helped move a fridge and went under a house.

Kinda bummed that I missed happy minecraft day.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago
These sound much more Chad-like and manly than the rest of us stacking our pretend blocks, gotta admit.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago

I can assure you that my body would hurt a lot less if I was remodeling a pretend home.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago

I ate at Bon Me with my wife, bought double-sided tape at CVS, dropped my kid off at a play date, and then saw a movie. 

Then I prepared for the start of the new semester tomorrow.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago
It took me a moment to realize that wasn't a misspelling of bahn mi.

The way they spell their name is dangerously close to being a request we always take seriously around these parts, so please don't ever mention that place when drunk or tired.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago

Well, you detailed pretty vividly how I spent my morning.  I spent the rest of the day eating shitty food, writing about [REDACTED}, and creating a shitty dirt hut in another MC server Canary and I are both in.  All in all, a pretty chill day.  I don't think MLK would be proud, but I don't think he'd be particularly peeved either.

I'd like to note for the history books that I survived this zombie horde encounter.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago

I buried my bone then forgot where I put it :(

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago
Either Vain or Coins' mom might remember, I'm guessing.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago
I fired up a particle accelerator that shot a laser horizontally through a very large portion of the world and proceeded to burn everything it came into contact with along the way. I also released some sort of biological thing into the wilderness - it did some stuff that may or may not be good.

I also upgraded the server way beyond vanilla minecraft now. It's got stacks of commands for days and an economy we can use for buying/selling stuff to each other. CYSCraft now has a GDP. You'll see when you get on, it's pretty crazy now.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago

Being the good, god-loving boy I am, I spent the day participating in a city clean up. I went with a group from the Boys and Girls Club, and despite being only 18 people, we made up 90% of all of the white people there. We went in and helped clean a senior living center, and then we walked around a couple of parks in the area and picked up trash. It was a little boring, but I was with friends, and still had a good time.

The guy from the Boys and Girls club that brought us there said that we were going to go eat at a place that he used to work. He was being really cryptic about where we were going while he was driving us there, and so everyone was pestering him to tell us where he was taking us. He eventually told us that we were visiting the slippery noodle. He said that the building was used during the Underground Railroad, and it was haunted by two ghosts. One of the ghosts was ‘Big Jon’, who was a slave that died there, and the other ghost’s name is Sarah, who was a ‘working woman’ when the place used to be a hotel. They gave us a tour of the place, and most of it isn’t renovated, so the basement floor was still mainly dirt/gravel but they still used it for storage.

They mainly sold burgers, so almost everyone got one. The food tasted alright, but the buns smelled really weird, and we were trying to place the smell. One girl said that they smelled like her dog, but we all agreed that the buns smell like that because Big Jon stuck his ‘Slippery Noodle’ between the buns. It was kind of weird though because nobody else at the other tables had any problem with their food.

All in all it was a pretty productive day for me, and I had a good time.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago

I went job hunting in my area. BILLS gotta get paid, ya know!

I did drop by the Half-Price to pick up some pretentious shmoozy Herman Hesse book about a sad art student with Edgar Allen Poe hair for a buck-o-five, and then I visited a cute boba joint. The girl there is super cute. It's hiring, too! She says she'll wait for me! (^v^) I can't wait to be judged by old asian ladies, but also, it's fast paced and I can show off my cute outfits!

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago

I spent six hours learning keyframing and animating an illustration in Adobe After Effects, then another three hours trying to export the illustration and all I have to show for it is a lousy gif. :~)

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago

That's extremely charming, Hatter. Or Hatty. I like the way that sounds.

There's a lot of detail and the colors are fun and friendly. I can see this doing well in children's illustration or something.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago
Thank you! I hope to become an animator for children's cartoons someday. :~)

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago
That is so freakin cute!

I want to play a point and click adventure set there.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago
Thanks! I really like that idea. . .

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago
I read about mutual funds and the commodities market. I also pet two dogs.

How did you spend MLK day?

4 years ago

Watched movies with friends while trying to play wingman.

Ended up spending more time with the girl than the guy I was supposed to back.  Fuck.