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where do you get ideas for writing?

one year ago
what are your usual methods to come up with new ideas?

where do you get ideas for writing?

one year ago
I spend a lot of time dumpster diving

where do you get ideas for writing?

one year ago

Luckily for you, there's an answer to this exact question: Link.

where do you get ideas for writing?

one year ago

Lol, I was going to write an answer for this, but apparently I already did!

In addition to what was said in that other post: ideas will come when they come. The trick is to write them down. Any time you get a thought for a story, add it to your ideas document. Then, when you have the time to write, but can't think of anything, you can go through your ideas document and start combining and reviewing your different ideas. This is also useful for getting un-stuck when you have writer's block.

Eventually your ideas documents will become so lengthy that you need five or more of them organized by idea type, but that's another problem.

where do you get ideas for writing?

one year ago
If Bossman says write, I write.

where do you get ideas for writing?

one year ago
Once in awhile the voices tell me to do something besides kicking noobs around.

where do you get ideas for writing?

one year ago

Usually I sacrifice a goat to the Dark Gods and bathe in the blood of the innocent. But lately, I google writing prompts and brainstorm ideas related to the prompt, which is NOT as fun.

where do you get ideas for writing?

one year ago
Eating 36lbs of horseradish and dancing nude under a full moon

where do you get ideas for writing?

one year ago
I have 100 monkeys and 100 typewriters

where do you get ideas for writing?

one year ago
I just have one cat but she does the same job.

where do you get ideas for writing?

one year ago

Sleep deprivation works for me.

where do you get ideas for writing?

10 months ago
Listening to music