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Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago

Remember when this site had a sudden influx of storygames based on the Warrior Cats series? I remember joining in on the fun and making a Warrior Cats fan fic and it got deleted sometime throughout the years.


That was an iconic phase. Can we bring back Warrior Cats please? 

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago
Fuck Warrior Cats.
I bet you'd like that though.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago

You got me there

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago

Maybe you should write one and stop being so fucking retarded

Even tho if you write one you will still be retarded so its lose lose for you

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago

Do you think a retarded person can truly appreciate and comprehend the literary masterpiece that is Warrior Cats, with such endearing characters such as Firestar and Leafpool!? 

I think not! 

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago

Um, ew. 

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago

Why does everyone think I'm serious do I just come off as a furry or something sad

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago
It's because we've had threads similar to this that are serious.

And yes.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago

While we're at it, we might as well bring back the reign of Pedo Mod Kiel and Con Mod Seth to make it an unbridled orgy of fucktarded faggotry.

Right, and one day the average CoGite might embrace heterosexuality.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago
Is the aptly named WC still a thing? :) I wouldn't worry, fads come and go on forums. WC was relatively benign I'm sure they'll be some edgier or weirder thing coming along every now and then to get people riled up :)

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago
Honestly if anything I'm sure the remaining fans are worse now that they've hit adulthood or at least puberty. Anyone still into it at that age is going to be unhealthily, disturbingly into it. It's probably not as bad with books as with cartoons, but characters of popular children's entertainment are reliably some of the most frightening things to do an unfiltered search for.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago

The "Brave little Toaster" was pretty frightening just as it was, but I'm certain it's in a completely different way than what you're talking about.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago
Yeah, I think Ryder is one of the strangest people I've ever encountered (I can't remember, was he a fan of WC or just cats in general?) Haha it's not as bad as one date my stepsister went on with a guy who spent the whole time complaining about his ex-wife and then at the end casually mentioned "But it's ok, I got my own back on her. The other day I went round, let myself into our old home and sodomized the poodle. She loves that dog and now can't figure out while it won't stop whimpering. Care for dessert?"

I think anime fans actually can perhaps be the weirdest because some of the sexual aspects of Japanese culture are straight-up bizarre. There's a place just down the road from where I live in China that is a kind of club for middle-aged and elderly Japanese business types where all the bar girls dress as schoolgirls and look as young as possible... I agree with you with the creepier aspects of children's stories and entertainment when adapted by adults into weird ways. :) And an internet forum is one of the places where a person is mostly likely to encounter said bizarre individual. They seem to crop up with regularity every now and then...

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago

Just cats in general. He had sex with his cat.

Though he's only gotten worse as the years have gone on.

A LOT worse.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago
What the hell could be worse than raping your cat? :/

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago
Probably best not to dwell on these things.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago

Guess it was the only way he could get any pussy.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

5 years ago

Let's just say most people don't wish to bring that era back and leave it at that.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago

So...someone on Choice of Games is making a Warrior Cats game. Seems the WC Renaissance has reached the lands of the CoGites.

Edit: Laguz managed to get a post of his flagged within 30 minutes on the thread. 

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago

We were just talking about this in the Discord since Gower brought it up.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago

Lol, I'd like to see how CoG handles this.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago

"Running Warrior cat RPs to introduce people to transgenderism."

Why am I not surprised? Lol

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago

I'm confused and a little bit frightened, but not surprised.

I never read the books, so can someone please tell me how these things even relate to transgenderism?

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago

How do you even indoctrinate people into transgenderism? What boons or pros could you present in such a predicament?

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago

You indoctrinate people into transgenderism with WCRP, of course! yes

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago
First: Be an adult intensely into children's fiction
Second: be an autistic furry
Third: live with parents
Fourth: make everything in your life about transgenderism

And finally, the difficult one: find other people who are willing to tolerate you.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago
Awh, bless! I love how this kid plans on contacting the actual owners of the franchise to say, "Hey, mind if I take your property and publish a game based on it, using all of your themes, characters and settings, whilst at the same time taking all the financial profit for myself?" I foresee absolutely no problems with this plan. >.<

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago
I mean, we already know CoG supports plagiarism. I'd love to see them widen their scope to those who possess actual lawyers.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago

me neither, much genius

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago

Shouldn't CoG be shutting this down like immediately? I mean they made a big fucking deal about Price of Freedom under "another copyright" so it seems like outright fanfic would be a big no from the get go.

EDIT: Well I suppose Mizal already added to what I said.

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago
let's not

Remember the Warrior Cat era?

4 years ago
The OP of this thread btw despite being incredibly cringy at a glance actually did publish a pretty decent storygame recently that got buried under the succubus games and basically ignored. There's been a definite review shortage in the last few months with basically only a few people carrying everyone else. Even Berka's quiz hasn't had a review yet. I can see I really need to get back in the game here...I bet banning everyone from the Discord would remove a few distractions...