Hello, I'm EndMaster. You may have remembered me from such organizations as Cannibals for Christ and the Adopt a Hound of Tindalos Foundation.
Did you know there are thousands of CYStian children that are slaveless? Yes, these underprivledged children like Stargirl here come from modest first world homes that make just enough to be comfortable, but lack the means to make their lives even easier.
For just a dollar a day you can help these children have a slave of their own. A dollar a day, that's less than an over priced cup of coffee. You don't have anything better to spend it on, you cheap bastards. You got enough money to still buy your degenerate anime porn.
When you sponser a child you will get an update of how their lives are improving due to owning a slave that they can now afford thanks to your help. And when you see the smiles on these childrens' faces as they order their miserable slaves what to do, you will know that you've done a good thing in this world.
The list of slaveless CYStian children is endless, but with your help and your money, especially with your money, the situation is not hopeless and YOU can be that change for the better.