And so, the final chapter begins.
Things opened with Liam and Carmichael returning to the house, after presumably being at the hospital last night due to the whole suicide thing. They agreed to keep this whole situation on the down-low, before Carmichael told Liam that Farah still loved him despite him being a complete failure as a husband and that he ought to not screw things up (again).

But of course, we couldn’t just open on a TOTALLY positive note. The scene then transitioned into a flashback, where I learned exactly why Thomas disappeared; he left to look for his father in Aaru and never came back. By this point, it sounded like Aaru itself had become a dead project.

Lorraine scolded him and told him that it was his responsibility to find Thomas, which I don’t think ended up happening, unfortunately. This is pretty sad to think about, because assuming Thomas made it to Aaru at all, he likely ended up baking in Death Valley or something.
After watching all that, it was finally time for me to stretch my legs, maybe work off some of this weight that everyone keeps talking about.
I walked in on Liam in the kitchen staring at his bandaged wrists, and then he immediately hid them from me as if I’m not literally a cat. Plus, I was the one who found him bleeding out last night! You're not fooling me, dude!

Lorraine walked in and the two of them shared a nice and peaceful scene together while I licked my own leg.

That was sweet and all, but clearly, I needed some exercise, so I left the two of them in the kitchen and headed out the window to do some cardiovascular.

After that, I threw up on the roof, where the humans will never be able to clean it, to lose even more weight. I feel so much lighter already!
From there I was able to slip into the study where I got to watch as a desperate Bernard attempted to find his missing son. There were multiple flashbacks here that showcased that this went on for quite a long time, with a lot of people turning in bad information to try and steal the monetary reward.

It wasn’t easy to watch Bernard spiral again, but it eventually lead to an unfortunate scene, with a guy who was trying to turn in Thomas, but got the wrong kid. The kid was also in on it, and let me just say, this seems like a pretty mean trick to try and play on a dude with a missing child.
The flashback rightfully ended with Bernard lunging to beat the dude senseless, and I really can’t disagree with that action.

I then got into Carmichael and Shannon’s room and knocked a phone off the end table. This woke up Shannon and lead to a talk between the two of them. I thought it was gonna be nice and wholesome, but it only seemed to further the idea that a mutual divorce was imminent for these two. Darn!

Out in the hallway, Lorraine was back to her old self, which is a shame. I then witnessed the memory of a phone call where she was informed, in the kindest way possible, that Thomas had not been found and probably wouldn’t be anytime soon, if ever. This was after multiple months of searching, too, that kid really just dropped off the face of the earth.

Lorraine started to rip her hair out, and I guess this is where she lost her mind, because she then proceeded to dial Madame Leonora’s Psychic Counseling. She’s been going on about this Madame throughout the story, and if you thought Lorraine wasn’t a sad enough character, she’s also been getting scammed by a phone psychic trying to get ahold of her son for like, forty years!

I decided to put an end to all this by stealing Madame Leonora’s flyer with her phone number on it, running downstairs, and burning it up in the creepy animal head room. I guess somehow Lorraine hasn’t memorized the phone number after all these years, because she got pretty upset by this. But really, I think this is what’s best for her.

My theory was immediately proven right as she peacefully fell asleep about ten seconds later. Freed from the world of phone scams and (probably) dead sons! And to think, I did her this favor after all those times she tried to chase and/or eat me.
I headed into the hall after that and comforted Shannon a bit, who looked a bit worse for wear given her rapidly approaching divorce. She was sounding a bit crazy and insane, but oh well, at least she was nice to me this time. This was a really nice scene, and a sad one too.

Uh, Shannon, don’t say that. We’ve still got like, most of this chapter to get through.
Oh, god, and then she called to see if that author guy was still wanting to buy the place. I thought I'd successfully killed his interest in the last chapter! And if HE shows up again, that means the lawyer probably will, too!
Karl overheard this and hurried downstairs to find Dawn, not liking that decision from Shannon. Hey man, I'm on your side, I live here!

Dawn accepted it, having not really cared about whether the house gets sold or not up to this point, but Karl insisted that it was a bad idea. Dawn was like ‘dude I’m barely even part of this, don't you realize how adopted I am,’ but after a bit more pushing she relented a bit, then left.

This dude really loved my dead owner.

I knew there was something gay going on there!
There wasn’t much I could do but leave him to his grieving after that, so I went to the kitchen where this snotty rascal ambushed me from behind. He declared himself an investigator and began following me around, which I imagine is going to be a real issue if I decide to head onto the roof or into the plumbing system again.

I can’t get away from him!

He sounds INSANE!
He chased me further, nearly cornering me, but luckily Addy showed up for the rescue. Apparently something was going on with crazy grandma.
I went into the other room and the family was super weirded out by the fact that Lorraine was taking a nap. She didn’t really sleep at all while she was in her schizophrenic telephone psychic arc, which is kind of horrifying, but I’m glad I healed her. Maybe now she’ll stop chasing me- speaking of which, I’m worried that runs in the family now after that scene with Will.

God, I am so good at this cat thing, it is unreal.
Back out in the hall the TURD known as Will was still trying to investigate me, even though I saved his grandma from her lifetime of torment. Nothing in this house goes appreciated!
I managed to get outside where Addy and Shannon bonded over some memes, which was really nice, even though Shannon was huffing cigarettes. I don’t know what it is with the adults of the Mason family and smoking cigarettes around Addy in this specific spot.

I looked at Addy’s phone after that and it turns out they were laughing at that video of me chasing around the post-it note stuck to my butt. I am seriously the only source of joy for these people.

It then suddenly dawned on Will that my fate as the house cat is going to be up in the air once that allergic lawyer officially buys the place. He asked his mom what was going to happen to me and she just vaguely said ‘we’ll sort it out.’
Maybe that lawyer was right and I’ll have to just become a fat street bum.

Someone was finally fixing that leak that’s been there the entire game! Nice one, Liam. The game gave me no option to knock over his ladder- not that I wanted to, it just seemed like it would be a cat thing to do.
The house was crawling with movers now, and they blocked the staircase, so I had to go into the vents again and up to the study, where I encountered a bug most foul and noisy!

I failed to squash this bug, and it ultimately just led to me accidentally pulling out one of the nearby drawers. This drawer contained a Bernard recording about Dawn.

Their relationship hadn’t been seen much up to now, so I was pretty curious. Naturally, I had to deliver it to her. Half the house was packed up at this point too, making for some depressing visuals, these movers work ridiculously fast.
The movers also got in my way when I was trying to deliver the recording to Dawn, so I had to sneak it into a box instead.

Despite the movers’ best efforts to keep me away, I still managed to get into a box and slip past-

Oh, come on!
Whatever, I got into the other room regardless. Take that, stupid movers! And I got Dawn to notice the recording, too! I am the undisputed MVP of this household.
I tried to follow her but ended up collapsing and sleeping on the floor here instead. Between this, me being an old cat, and the random puking on the roof earlier, I have a pretty bad feeling about this.

Despite the random nap, I got into the dining room just as Dawn started the recording. With headphones on, but I’m a cat so I heard it anyway.
The recording went into detail- maybe too much detail, with multiple mentions of bodily fluids- about how Dawn was brought into this world during a summer with a woman Bernard met while he was still with Lorraine, so that's another layer of depressing for grandma's character right there. So Dawn wasn’t adopted all along! Take that, flashback Shannon from Chapter 1!
Oh, and Dawn’s mom also died of cancer. That sucks.

Despite that, Bernard went on to talk about how much he loved Dawn, and it was probably the sweetest and most impactful scene in the entire game so far. I’m glad Dawn got that, she’s consistently been the coolest one.

Elsewhere, I learned that Liam and Farah are still okay despite that drunken fury from last night, so that’s cool. Liam hasn’t been drinking at all since he tried to kill himself, and this is also the first time I’d actually seen him interact with his baby at all.

Then I went to see Murray and remembered that he’s like, royally screwed. The new owner probably wouldn’t put up with how little work he gets done around the manor. Luckily, he doesn’t seem troubled by that, instead choosing to wonder what the heck a Dungeon and Dragon is. I don’t think he’s a big fan.

At least, not at first. Then he got curious and I got to see Dawn’s character, Cassandra Blackwell. Nunez and Murray seemed a bit confused by the nerdy explanations, but then it turns out Murray was actually super into it. Good for him, I suppose!

Oh boy. Murray getting the true DnD experience there.
Dawn gave him another chance and I swatted at the dice until it landed on 20. I am so forgiving to these people, remember when Murray kicked me across an entire room and chased me up a vent? Then, he decided he wanted me to keep interfering in his dice rolls to decide his race and class, and I can’t say I blame him, I’m a very lucky and talented cat.
Murray then told the background story of his character in such a way that you could kind of tell it was a reflection of himself.

Okay, I really, really feel bad about knocking that statue over earlier and calling it poopy now. Dang.
I went outside and- HEY!

That’s MY arch-enemy you’re talking about, you blue-wearing fattie! Get away from him!
I couldn’t believe nor accept this, so I chased the rat further outside and away from all the disgusting humans. He got covered in mud out by the gate to the point of complete immobility, so I licked the rodent clean as any good cat friend would do. Really, I always figured this was more of a Tom and Jerry situation than anything.

And then, off he went.
Then I watched a flashback to when Bernard and Murray met, and it was further confirmed that old lazy repair guy’s son did, in fact, die. Bernard, realizing they both had long-gone sons, invented a position for Murray on the spot so he could work in the Mason Manor. It was bittersweet.
Back inside I learned that Addy was also feeling pretty bad about this whole decision to pack up the house and let that sneezing author move in. I’m really not on board with the idea of selling the manor either- I’d have to leave, Murray and Nunez would be out of work, and half the family doesn’t even want it to happen in the first place.

Oh, come on! Again!? More chasing!?
Luckily he actually proved useful this time, and together we discovered an old drawing that a young Shannon made in Bernard’s room. But this punk wouldn’t let me see it, why can’t anyone just be NICE to me?

I pulled a cat move and made him fall into the chest to the left of the room, but sadly I didn’t get the option to then close it. So instead I just sniffed the drawing.

The drawing then got swept up by a gust of wind and went out the window, into the yard! I had to go down there and get it. Once I made it into the yard though, the wind got even more annoying and blew the drawing all around!

I was this close, just THIS close to snatching it up, when… a NET appeared from the other side of the wall and captured me! This is madness!!

Oh, come on! Of course, I got captured by some nerd! Just what I needed! The final chapter was going so well, too!
His friend reminded him that he couldn’t be doing all that on private property, to which he snorted and pushed his glasses up and pulled out a rulebook and went ACKSHUALLY, I CAN DO THAT!

Naturally, I pulled a cat move and escaped their vehicle with ease. But what wasn’t easy was the chase scene that followed- it was a long and harsh one, and these guys had GUNS, but I still managed to escape their evil grasp and make it back to the Mason household. Who’s fat now!?

Back inside, I was a bit too weak after all that running to inform the family I was back. As it turns out, Shannon loves me a whole lot, because she was on the phone and informed animal control that she was prepared to drain every penny of her savings to sue if they couldn’t find me.
And then Dawn made a harmless offhanded comment, which Shannon seemed to misunderstand, because tensions in the dining room immediately rose. Uh oh.

Liam and Karl attempted to be reasonable, but these two are ready to rip each other's heads off. You see? I’m gone for literally like, two minutes and this family just implodes!

Dawn threw a glass pitcher across the room, and despite how weak and old I felt, I managed to meow until I got everyone’s attention, which immediately diffused the situation.

Suddenly, as Shannon sobbed away, a flashback came up where it was revealed that she’d encouraged Thomas to leave to try and find Bernard when he was off in Aaru, the leave that Thomas never returned from, and Shannon had held onto the guilt ever since. She then totally broke down and confessed to what had happened.

Those two were literally five seconds from actually beating each other to death with silverware just a few seconds ago! Oh well, it’s nice that they didn’t end up doing that, but seriously, I can only carry the family’s collective emotional health on my back for so long.

And with that, the final chapter came to an end. But, there was still an epilogue to walk through!
And here, I got to see all kinds of nice things. Farah working on her painting…

Murray and Liam working on the old treehouse, and I reunited with my rat friend!

Those three cats from the other chapter were even hanging out in the windows. I guess they didn’t end up getting taken by animal control, thank goodness.

Then I went to visit with the kids in that creepy animal head room. Addy locked me outside like ten times and Will tried to investigate me over and over during this story, but in the end, those two were pretty alright.

And then, I headed back to the study to take one last cat nap- in pleasant company- to close out the story.

In conclusion, wow, what a great game! I thoroughly enjoyed every chapter, but Chapter 3 was just in a league of its own. The characters, the story, the rich lore, everything about Cats and the Other Lives was phenomenal. Even if you’ve been following along with this thread, I’d still recommend you get it for yourself, it’s an amazing experience and lots of fun. That’s not even mentioning that you get to be a cat, and an orange one at that, everyone knows those ones are the funniest.