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Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Newish little word association browser game Ford discovered, it's weirdly addictive.

You start with the four elements and then start combining them to get more and more things. We're guessing it's AI powered because it will add new combinations you discover to the database and knows a lot of names and pop culture things.

....I combined Stephen Hawking and Sheldon Cooper, made their baby Sheldon Hawking, then destroyed the universe in remorse.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
I discovered God.

....Ford created Doctor Hippozilla, and Ogre had a lot of booze and cake.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Pretty sure it's not AI, I remember this website (or something extremely similar) from 7 or 8 years ago. But maybe it's been updated since then.

I too found god, and immediately created an inquisition.

But yeah, lots of fun!

EDIT: Pretty sure this is NOT the same site I remember, it just has an identical layout and starting screen. Maybe the one I used was an early version.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
I have no idea, Ford said it was new. But it's not like he'd remember something from eight years ago. Probably also worth mentioning that the main site, has a collection of other browser dealies made by the same guy. Absurd Trolley Problems ( amused me for a few minutes.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
AI did not exist 7 or 8 years ago. Neither did websites. Certainly, all I remember from back then is the soft voice of my mother lulling me to sleep. That was before the saber-toothed tigers got her. RIP, mom.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

I have created Smells Like Teen Gollum, Bugopolyployopolyopolyopolyopolyopolyopolyopolyopol, Yogi Ninja Yogurt, Boom Boom Gollum, Pirate Zombie Wizard Pirate, Time Ark Raiders, Time Darth Noah's Ark, Buggatitanic, and many more. I like this game. :)

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago


My work here is done.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
Favorites so far: ???, supertrumpulafula, supertrumpbamasquampire, weretrump, super darkest ice megalodon draculhu, super dark supernova snowthulhu.

Penguin-related discoveries so far: penguin, zombie penguin, penguin king, dark penguin king, dark penguin, penguinman, dark penguin pharaoh, werepenguin, mummypenguin, werepenguin shark baby (and a zombie variant).

Edit: Forgot about octopeng.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

I'm the first to discover Gay Dragon Husband so I've won as far as I'm concerned.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
Sorry to hear about the divorce.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Has anyone taken note of new combinations they found and were the first to uncover? I found a bunch of new Air Force number combinations but that's about it so far. Very fun to mess around with.


Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

I was the first to find Godzilla vs. Kong: Surf Paradise.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

I wanted to find Odysseus and I finally did through Homer Simpson. If you combine Homer with poetry you get the odyssey!

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
how did you get poetry

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

alright, that's enough for today

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
Seems like a good place to start

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
Black Sheep + Politician = Baa-rack Obama

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Fanfiction + Zombie Space Hooker = My Life


Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Ooh, I got a first discovery. That's cool. ^_^

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Another one! Apparently I am the discoverer of evil prostitutes ^_^

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Did... Did I just invent... Slave Christmas? O.O

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

... Oh, dear sweet Jesus, what have I done? >.<

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
Did anyone ever figure out birds?

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
Which one? Bird, Firebird, Super Bird, Angry Bird, or Super Angry Hulk Jesus Kong Bird?

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
I have bird after getting eggs via Eastery things.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Bird, Parrot, Jackdaw, werejackdaw

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Birds arent real

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
Well, of course. But what about Super Angry Hulk Jesus Kong Bird?

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Yeah.  He's cool

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
Would you like to hear about my penguin collection?

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Always ^_^

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
*Cracks knuckles and takes a deep breath* Zombie penguin, penguin king, dark penguin king, dark penguin, penguin, pengtopus, Penguinman, octopeng, zombie octopeng, zombie pengtopus, dark penguin pharaoh, werepenguin, mummypenguin, werepenguin shark baby, zombie werepenguin shark baby, pengdra, octopeng Lilith, penguin queen, Happy Feet, octopengu, Batpengu, pengzilla, penguinzilla, taco penguinzilla, Penguasa, Penguincoolthulhu, penguin titan, penguin castle, penguin kingdom, penguin empire, penguin king taco, penguin taco, Penguin 007, James Penguin, James Penguin 007, ice pengzilla, king penguin, Dr. Penguin, prom penguin, prom king penguin, prom queen penguin, prince penguin, princess penguin, baby penguin, penguin princess, penguin prince, penguin King Kong, penguin Godzilla, donkey penguin, Donkey Penguin Kong, Penguin Park, Jurassic Penguin, pengzillazilla, Planet of the Penguins, penguinosaurus, penguinosaurus rex, Frankenpenguin, Penguinosaurus Pooh, Jewpenguinosaurus Pooh, Jewpenguin, Jewpenguasa, Jenguin, penguin butter, pengupig, bacon penguin, Optimus Penguin, Baconimus Penguin, Pengupimus, Jewpenguin Prime, Jewguin, Jewpenguinosaurus Prime, Jewguinimus Prime, Penguinimus, Penguinimus Prime, Jewguinpengupig, Jewguinpengupigimus, Jewguinpengupigimus Prime, Jewguinpengupengupengupengupengupengupengupengup, Baconimus Jewguinpengupigimus Prime, Pepenguin, bacon werepenguin, Jewguinpenguin, Jewguinpenguinimus, Jewguinpenguinimus Prime, Baconimus Penguinimus Prime, Pepenguinimus Prime, Pengupimus Prime, bacon Pengupimus Prime, Planet of the Werepenguins, Jewguinpenguinimus Prime of the Werepenguins, penguin King Kongzilla, penguin Kongzilla, Fallout 4: Planet of the Werepenguins, Penguinstein, Frankenpenguinstein, Frankenpenguinstein Kongzilla, Pengupimus Kongzilla, bacon Werepenguinstein Kongzilla, penguin Kongzilla Prime, Pengupimus Supreme, Pengupimus Kongzilla Supreme, Pengupimus Ultimate, Jurassic Werepenguin, Jurassic Jewguinpengupigimus Prime, Jurassic Pridepenguin, Jewrassic Pridepenguin, Jewpenguinzilla, Jurassic Jewpenguinzilla. And that's my penguin collection so far! :3

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Pfft. Your pathetic collection is no match for my penguin army of doom!

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
Penguin armies unite! image-2024-02-17-123515559

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
I just spent 10 minutes combining all those penguins... and got 17 more combinations, including First Discoveries of "Penguapple Prison Break" and "Frosty the Jesus Penguin"

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
All these penguins and I don't see a single Pingu in sight! :O

Noot Noot appreciated...


(will add accompanying picture later if I feel like it...)

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

Yeah, not sure if Pingu exits in the Infiniteverse. Tried combining Penguin with TV and a bunch of other stuff that might result in a Pingu and I got nothing.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

They're out of control! I can't hold them back! The end is nigh!!!

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
put your first discoveries in an ai image generator

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

... We're doomed.

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

It... Its... Beautiful!!! O.O

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago
Frost the Penguin Jesus ab7af495-43b4-4cce-bacd-c4fc67c3a5ef

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

I have found my new God. ^_^

Infinite Craft - new timewaster

5 months ago

The lack of aesthetic made me turn back to Little Alchemy.