Have you read 'The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost' yet?
What makes you think I'm not a 40 year old, fedora wearing manchild?
Best birthday ever! ^_^
Optimism :)
Also, in your YouTube videos you sound like a female Brit, not a male Indiana Jones cosplayer recording in his parents' basement. Kinda clinches it for me.
The acoustics in my parents basement make my voice sound unusually feminine... And British.
Absolutely false. Eternal could be a best-selling novel if EndMaster had the inclination.
Mercer Gang!
In the litter box with all the other abortions.
I know he isn't as active as he used to be, but calling BerkaZerka an edgelord is going a bit too far.
I think he might've been referring to EndMaster.
EDIT: oh you meant the 15 year old comment. Yeah, I think he meant Bezro with that one.