Player Comments on Braak the Briton (Redux Edition)
First off, I loved the humour in this storygame. The description for the Detox Potion was hilarious ("This will be handy when attending a Frat Party.") and I love puns so naturally "If you want to look at the vases, you got to urn that privilege." actually made me chuckle out loud a little.
I enjoyed the unexpected endings. Lighting an entire town on fire and killing the princess in the process earns you the title of Prince; this was something that caught me off guard and was a pleasant change from the majority of storygames here (where the unexpected consequences are always negative). The way you portrayed the city made me feel like I was there. I also loved how there were multiple ways to achieve your end goal.
There's not much wrong with this - it's humorous, detailed, fun to play, but it's missing the emotional depth of some other stories on this site. The characters are not developed and it's more of a light-hearted read than a serious story. I wouldn't rate this one of the best storygames on the site but it was certainly entertaining.
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on 2/27/2013 10:42:57 AM with a score of 0
Yay, that was fun. I enjoyed the challenge and thought the difficulty was pitched about right.
Braak's character doesn't come across very strongly except as an uncultured 'barbarian' resenting the Roman occupation.
It's a little jarring where you swap between "Braak" and "you".
Well written descriptions and action.
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on 2/5/2025 2:06:24 PM with a score of 0
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— Rulerzreachf4n on 2/18/2024 5:56:11 PM with a score of 0
Yoooo this is bad
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— Changgo on 11/17/2023 3:22:54 AM with a score of 0
This storygame was pretty good. I got the drinking party ending and it was great. Would recommend this story!
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on 2/15/2023 8:09:19 PM with a score of 0
Could be far worse, setting is unique enough to leave memories.
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on 12/5/2022 3:21:29 PM with a score of 0
arbitrary death.
I went to a pub, was ignored by some farmers, took a couple of wrong turns... and got stabbed to death.
Not a single NPC interaction before I was shanked.
Also, how common is Braak as a given name, in Roman Britain?
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— no yet a member... on 8/20/2022 8:07:20 AM with a score of 0
This story is actually pretty good! I really liked the humor, and the branching was good too with multiple ways to win. However, I didn't feel much for the character, and I felt like the backstory was a little rushed.
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on 2/4/2021 2:58:10 PM with a score of 0
It was funny. Good light-hearted entertainment
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on 10/3/2017 1:48:36 AM with a score of 0
It's actually quite fun to play, and the quick way to end the game is to find where General's wine is hidden, tell him the location, and you get away with the Princess without even killing anyone. cool! :)
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on 8/31/2017 2:33:07 AM with a score of 0
LOL, all the whores were bitchy ones. I WANTED TO SEE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I CHOSE A SWEET ONE... I cry.
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on 2/18/2016 7:08:54 PM with a score of 0
Very nice story with good humour.just wish it was a bit longer
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on 11/6/2015 1:23:49 AM with a score of 0
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— Johndoe Number 9 on 5/22/2015 3:34:56 AM with a score of 0
Definitely one of the best games I have played in a long time.
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on 3/17/2015 8:55:55 PM with a score of 0
It was alright. You swtiched point of view too often though within paragraphs. Without that the writing would have been better. Other than that is was a fairly interesting ten minute ride
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— RugMuncher on 1/14/2015 1:49:39 PM with a score of 0
Now that's better...
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— Kitty on 11/28/2014 8:04:46 PM with a score of 0
7/8 Very entertaining! And the humor fits perfectly with the world, which is also fully fleshed out.
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on 11/24/2014 11:53:50 AM with a score of 0
relatively fast-paced. This is a story I´ll go through more than once
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on 7/21/2014 3:17:56 PM with a score of 0
It was okay....short with a good plot and grammar but nothing special.
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on 6/26/2014 10:06:37 PM with a score of 0
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on 3/19/2014 1:56:00 PM with a score of 0
Fun and full of humour! :)
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— CardinalSynn on 2/20/2014 12:15:16 AM with a score of 0
Really funny and enjoyable! More please!
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on 9/8/2013 4:48:39 AM with a score of 0
Nice one!
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on 9/3/2013 10:28:47 AM with a score of 0
Very cool story, with an interesting concept and pretty well written too! I especially like the humor you inserted into various scenes, and the way you brought Roman Britannia to life. This deserves a good solid 6 in my opinion!
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on 7/2/2013 1:08:45 AM with a score of 0
Great game.
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on 6/13/2013 10:10:47 AM with a score of 0
I rarely rate games 8 but this game is way awesome and I can't wait for the next game.
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on 5/26/2013 7:15:27 AM with a score of 0
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on 4/26/2013 5:21:11 AM with a score of 0
Okay, felt a bit random at times. I did like the flavor texts though.
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— Kiko on 1/22/2013 6:56:25 PM with a score of 0
I remember loving this story when I was younger but it definitely isn't quite as I remember. For one thing, the writing isn't of a particularly high quality. It's not poor but it's definitely nothing to note. Additionally, lots of it felt contrived and sometimes the author contradicts himself. The tavern is meant to be Roman-free (this information is given) but yet, every second option there gets you killed by Roman soldiers. The advanced editor features were not used to their maximum capability and they were often more present than they needed to be; a little ingenuity could have hidden them from sight while still maintaining their function. That being said, Braak isn't bad, it's just not special.
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on 11/15/2012 6:06:08 PM with a score of 0
Seth says between YES and MEH! I can't decide if it was ok or great!
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on 10/29/2012 9:19:50 PM with a score of 0
I love this game! Can't wait for more!
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on 10/21/2012 7:42:15 AM with a score of 0
What to say?
I'm thinking....wait,
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Oh, shit I forgot!
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on 6/2/2012 5:16:00 AM with a score of 0
kind of confusing but good writing. 5/8
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on 5/19/2012 11:28:41 AM with a score of 0
yum, bagels.
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on 3/4/2012 7:33:07 PM with a score of 0
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on 10/7/2011 1:04:54 PM with a score of 0
this is one of the best i have seen on here. nice and long the items were used threw out and had a good story line. keep up the good work. took me awhile to reach the ending which was still cool.
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on 9/26/2011 9:38:27 PM with a score of 0
it was ok. i hated the ending though if i was a prince i would feast not leave!
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on 9/9/2011 8:39:45 AM with a score of 0
I liked it, but it was far too confusing for my tastes. 4/8
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on 7/4/2011 9:04:37 PM with a score of 0
I think it could have been better but it was a solid 6.
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on 6/8/2011 1:08:15 AM with a score of 0
I was entertained, few mistakes were made as far as grammar and mechanics go.
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on 5/27/2011 6:45:14 PM with a score of 0
Bo approves, great sense of humor too
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on 5/10/2011 6:25:47 PM with a score of 0
Very very nice. I'm sure I had something to say against it, but now that I'm through with this game, I can't think of what it was, if anything, so I suppose that's a good thing. I'll be looking out for your next Brakk adventure, if it really is true about its forthcoming.
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on 4/24/2011 9:38:20 PM with a score of 0
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on 4/6/2010 11:31:20 PM with a score of 0
That was pretty short...
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— Sarah on 3/31/2010 7:43:05 PM with a score of 0
very good lengh
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on 9/2/2009 6:30:40 AM with a score of 0
Historical details
Well organized plotline
Different ways to achieve objective
Not proofread thoroughly
Some situations didn't make sense- like not being able to use Wine Information while interrogated in the dungeon and the game telling me this item cannot be used here when I tried to use the Wine Information while talking to Cicero about the Negotiation plan
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on 7/25/2009 4:30:38 PM with a score of 0
Very nice, I wish I could figure out what to do with the wine, My first idea was to attempt to drop the poison lol, still got a good ending, atleast I think so.
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on 6/3/2008 7:37:09 PM with a score of 0
I haven't read this in a while. It's surreal to experience it as a reader after so long.
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— Redstorm on 12/21/2007 10:37:49 PM with a score of 0
Redstorm has utilised his array of writing skills to really bring Roman Britannia to life. Its great to see a fairly historically correct version of Post-Roman invasion portrayed so well. There were a few historical inconsistencies but nothing truly glaring. I wasn't completely in tune with your writing style but I commend you for working well with a difficult setting. 6/8
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on 12/10/2007 2:25:43 AM with a score of 0
not bad
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on 8/20/2007 12:24:58 AM with a score of 0
Great scott!
What a game!
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on 5/17/2007 9:06:38 PM with a score of 0
Very good. Change the diologue to be right
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on 3/3/2007 11:03:19 AM with a score of 0
Great writing! If it had had fewer spelling mistakes I would have given it an 8! Excellent!
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on 2/17/2007 11:48:24 AM with a score of 0
It was better than I thought.
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on 1/19/2007 1:57:53 PM with a score of 0
A very worthy story! I was a bit confused, though, over whether it was supposed to be in second-person or third.
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on 11/25/2006 8:16:57 PM with a score of 0
That was really cool, I loved it.
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on 11/21/2006 1:04:21 AM with a score of 0
I looove it!
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— Stephen on 11/13/2006 11:43:21 AM with a score of 0
Fun and well thought out. I like how if you make a bad decision it just doesn't say,"you suck too bad." and how there are very differnet ways to get to a good ending.
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— Jason on 11/10/2006 12:15:12 AM with a score of 0
wow- well written, clearly a lot of effort went into this game!
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on 10/13/2006 5:28:41 PM with a score of 0
It was a lot of fun :)
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— tsmpaul on 8/16/2006 2:11:41 AM with a score of 0
Obviously an amazing amount of effort was put into this. Well done.
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on 8/15/2006 2:57:55 AM with a score of 0
Great game! Involved and full of intrigue. Good use of items. I would have liked it to be a little longer, but I was satisfied by the end. Excellent job.
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— madglee on 7/29/2006 8:57:38 PM with a score of 0
Wonderful game. I died though. I'll beat it at a later time. Dang prostitutes. lol
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— Havacoman on 6/28/2006 2:47:44 AM with a score of 0
EXELENT. i realy enjoyed that.
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— aden on 6/23/2006 8:34:03 PM with a score of 0
good enough
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— weedy on 5/7/2006 1:33:26 PM with a score of 0
I enjoyed it.
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— weedy on 5/7/2006 11:08:15 AM with a score of 0
I LOVE THIS GAME! I can't believe it was rated 5! It should be 6 or 7! This game have a lot of options and very good descriptive words with an excellent storyline! I love this GAME! I give you 8/8, just wait for it to update.
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— GodsSlayer on 4/5/2006 8:56:32 PM with a score of 0
good game.
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— R1.2 on 3/18/2006 3:54:13 PM with a score of 0
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— cruz ramirez on 3/11/2006 2:42:46 AM with a score of 0
Pretty good.
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— 1.2Man on 3/10/2006 8:56:37 PM with a score of 0
meh.........Okay game.
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— anonymous on 2/24/2006 2:10:43 PM with a score of 0
Great game! in prison, good reference to the Princess Bride!
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— Anon on 1/11/2006 2:58:05 PM with a score of 0
The idea is a good one-a tale set in Roman Britain-but there are just enough spelling and grammatical errors, as well as some illogical moments, to cause the player to shake his/her head.
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— WBK on 1/4/2006 6:54:47 PM with a score of 0
I WIN! and now that you can't just say o yeah.. i have the potion... yup.... its really good!
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— 12345678987654321 on 9/27/2005 4:14:34 PM with a score of 0
it was ok
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— redeye on 9/19/2005 7:32:13 PM with a score of 0
This is now rated...
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— JJJ on 9/2/2005 5:16:48 PM with a score of 0
Nicely done! Well written, good stuff. Now I normally don't feature games, but this one is a real winner, so congrats, you're Featured!
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— alexp on 8/31/2005 11:37:01 PM with a score of 0
Spark 8/8
Excitement 8/8
Creativity 6/8
Advanced Editor Use 7/8
Length 8/8
BEAUTIFULL GAME its as good as Vengeance its amazing....
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— JJJ on 8/26/2005 1:25:47 AM with a score of 0
I Got to rot in prison Hooray!!!
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— Tidus on 8/23/2005 12:08:23 AM with a score of 0
I think I finally got it where I want it. Please email me if you find problems.
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— Redstorm on 8/22/2005 1:05:06 AM with a score of 0
great game still. mistress kitty is the only thing good in the slums.
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— nate on 8/22/2005 12:19:15 AM with a score of 0
excellent game... except for the fact that its soooooooooooooo easy to cheat.... you can say you have things you don't, things that make getting past guards and stuff easier... use objects next time to counter this, and have them actually use the objects so if they don't have them, they can't go through the story saying they do. :)
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— Logan on 7/5/2005 2:19:31 PM with a score of 0
This game is GREAT! the problem is that the items in it should be real items: it needs to be an advanced game. But the story line is fantastic, the game is very well made, there are tons of options. I would definately feature it if it 1) was an advanced game with the objects, 2) had even 2 pictures in it to make it more appealing. Great suggestion to play.
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— march5th00 on 5/3/2005 4:18:52 PM with a score of 0
I WIN! good game
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— gamesguy102 on 12/8/2004 8:57:17 PM with a score of 0
Great game! I had fun.
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— Jay on 6/4/2003 1:17:11 PM with a score of 0
Braak, is that any relation to the Space Ghost Braak? Does this Braak not have a nose either? And I noticed all the girls in this one seem to be redheads. Good call!
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— Tigris on 5/26/2003 4:34:32 PM with a score of 0
What? no parades, champaign, or girls? i die before i even get to see the princess? bummer. +A game. its got my vote for best game. bring on a second one so that i can die... i mean play again.
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— nate on 5/26/2003 2:23:03 AM with a score of 0
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