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do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

Some parents think that electronics is bad for the kids they say to much of electronics could damage the brain but I don't believe that at all.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

Some parents think that electronics is are bad for the kids.  They say that to too much of electronics could can damage the brain, but I don't believe that at all.  (Punctuation and grammar fixed.)

As long as they don't neglect their education and other responsibilities (chores, exercise, etc.), I don't see a problem.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

It varies from person to person, but you do sound a bit damaged yourself...

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

I have autism

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

... And you felt like sharing this?

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

Pretty sure most people don't tell people who have autism that autism's a bad thing or something to be insecure about.  Besides, autism is kinda the reason why our person X is sharing this.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago
I have a mild sunburn.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago


I can't stop laughing!

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

You felt like necroing this why?

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

I don't think it's up to the parents to abritrarily decide something's "damaging the brain" because their child spends too much time dicking around on beige messsageboards.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

Well the problem with kids nowadays are they are too impatient and their attention span is very low because of electronics. i have notice a few kids playing games in tablet that switches games very often. also electronics became their nanny which may inhibits their social kids. though it is still a case to case basis. and everything in moderation is ok and good. 

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

"Well the problem with kids nowadays are they are too impatient and their attention span is very low because of electronics."
Your entire basis for that statement was anecdotal. Long term study with thousands of children, please.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

I think you discounted the fact that like half the games have wait times that forces them to find something else for their entertainment.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

well it may also count for that. however, loading times of games is now faster compared to the 199x. it is just a common observation compared when we were kids well i do sure know that there are a lot of studies/research now.

Also we do also play electronics during those my preteens but the time consumed by kids on games today is much higher than before. tablet has become their virtual nanny now. 

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

Is that really a bad thing? With the way the world is now, I can understand how many kids (myself included) would want to escape the clutches of reality for a glimpse of their true fantasy. Video games (or electronic in general) allow children to explore deeper chasms of their imaginations, and, with the ever-increasing advance in technology, wouldn't it be the wise thing to prepare the future generation for a life that might be even more technologically complex?

It's a common theme that every generation comes to grow to hate the last, and I'm, in fact, one of those haters (fuckin' twelvies). However, I can at least understand their reasoning. It's not like we're getting less technology...

On a side note, what does loading times have to do with anything? Swift was talking about how many games have delays in-game that restrict players from doing much on that game and forcing them to wait out a timer. Assuming a child has numerous similar games, it becomes understandable why they're forced to switch so much. In most instances, they're forced to wait hours, or even days, for things like a simple upgrade. If anything, I would be focusing my attention on the gaming industry, rather than innocent pre-teens who were raised a different way than planned.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

You and I are in the same generation as the "twelvies".

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

Hence why I hate everyone in my generation. :P

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

If you're thinking about loading screens and the like, that's not what I'm talking about.  You're way off the mark on that.

I was talking about the "energy" economy those games use that cuts short a kid's playing time on a certain game, leaving their experience unfulfilled and hungry for more.  Since most kids are relatively smart enough to realize that dumping money into something they can play for free makes no sense, they have multiple games to help them on their "fun time" without having to pay a dime.  Otherwise, well, we'd still be talking about Farmville or some other game that would be insanely more popular without the "energy" economy.  This explains why kids switch to multiple games at once, do other apps in their spare time, get disinterested quickly, etc.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

A certain kind of energy comes to mind. :P

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

At least they patched out the wait time part out.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

It's funny, but some of the most hilarious parts of that game were begging for CE in the streets.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago


do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

"Well the problem with kids nowadays are they are too impatient and their attention span is very low because of electronics."

Oh, really now? ... This reminds me of the "vaccines cause autism" rumor. More than a decade of debunking with studies on over 25 million children and somehow people still believe that crap. Look, the reason people think that ADHD is rampant among kids today is because we're actually bothering to diagnose them with it. ADHD didn't exist as a label until 1987 and for a very long time, parents just ignored the symptoms or wrote it off as kids being kids, and sent them outside where they didn't have to put up with the behaviors.

Scientists believe ADD and ADHD are GENETICALLY related disorders, due to the fact that parents / siblings having it significantly increases your chances of having it. Playing on electronic devices has precisely nothing to do with it on the grounds that ADHD has been an issue long, long before electronics were a thing, but we had no idea what to call it until recently. (At a certain point in history, instead of drugs, your parents might get you a lobotomy for having it... so yeah, we've come a long way.)

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

You only got a lobotomy if your parents were wiling to spend the money. Everyone else just got smacked around a bit. 

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

Good point, not everyone had the cash to scramble their kid's brains like an egg.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

Scientific studies have found benefits to games as forms of therapy and learning. Like all technology, it's not inherently bad or good, you just need to use it responsibly.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago
Absolutely. Everything in moderation.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

Heh, I remember one time I was on the computer pretty much all the time, and my parents thought I was addicted to it. *Sigh* Good times.

Buy anyway, I spend a lot of time on my computer to get away from reality (See Delta's post), because why be a regular kid when I can be a badass in a post-apocalyptic world (Fallout), a badass in a fantasy world (The Elder Scrolls), or just go on a bunch of forums to waste my time (CYS and various other forums)?

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago
Times sure have changed.  When I was a kid, I spent my free time exploring.  I knew every inch of the country for about a five mile radius outside of every town where we moved.  Of course, it wasn't that easy to lose yourself in a game of Pac-Man, Combat, etc on the ol' Atari 2600.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

My pet theory is that less time is spent exploring because parenting has changed; people are more likely to become overprotective cautious with their children, and exploring with a supervisor is no damn fun; hence the "Indoorsmanship" that happens.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago
People have fewer children nowadays, too.  Back then, most people had backups in case something happened to one or more of 'em.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

"I knew every inch of the country for about a five mile radius outside of every town where we moved."

These days letting your kid explore like that can actually get you arrested for things like 'child endangerment' or 'criminal negligence.' Malk is sadly right, parenting has changed--mainly because the world and its rules have changed.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

The funny thing is the world is probably safer for a kid to explore today than it was back then. There are security cameras in various places, and just about everyone has a cell phone/camera/gps nowadays.

Even without the over protection of parents/guardians/etc. it's a lot easier to call or get help if you need it and keep track of people.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago


do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

Damn it, I hate it when he's right.

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago
There were a lot of the laws in place then, too, though they were rarely enforced.  I had friends that were taken by CPS who weren't nearly as "free" as I was and had a much safer home environment.  I was safer while exploring than I was at home, but that was me...

Edit:  Come to think of it, it was the kids who were punished back then.  They were ripped from everything they knew and were thrown into uncertainty.  The state took care of all of their expenses, so the parents didn't even have to pay for the basic necessities.  I wonder how much things have really changed...

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

NO! That stuff was made up by idiots who don't understand technology and thus, fear it.

Electronics don't harm kids any more than they harm adults.

In fact, the internet is a good tool for learning if people would spend three seconds to teach their kids how to use it properly.



do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

I disagree. 

do kids play electronics all the time?

9 years ago

1. You just necroed a month old thread.

2. I have decided to disagree, just to prove to you that I CAN TRY TO DISAGREE!