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Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Not sure how long it’s been out, so I may be behind the times as usual, but I’ve been playing this game called Sheltered.

If you’re not aware of it, it’s basically a cross between The Sims and Fallout Shelter and a whole lot more of an oppressive atmosphere. (So I guess it has elements of This War of Mine as well)

You design a family of four (plus a pet) and then set them loose in their underground bunker where they proceed to live out their lives.

It’s pretty challenging or at least it is starting out. Don’t know if it gets any easier because I’ve only played it once so far and my entire family died by day 13.

First problem was realizing that this wasn’t some Vault-Tec shelter with all the basic life necessities. It’s a bare bones shelter and if you want fancy stuff like a toilet so you don’t shit on the floor or a shower because your family is covered in filth from not realizing the shelter didn’t come with a pre-designed toilet, you’ll have to build it all first.

Fortunately, you do have enough supplies to build some of the basics and even upgrade a few of the things, but eventually you’ll have to start going on the surface and search for more stuff. Going up top means hazmat suits, gas masks, and anti-rad pills. You can get into turn based combat encounters, but I never encountered anything in my family’s short survival so I didn’t get to experience that yet.

There are quite a few things you can craft. You’ll have to upgrade the workbench to access them all.

The main problem I had was finding food. All my family members eventually starved to death, except for the daughter who went into catatonia when her mom died. (Which I assume she probably starved soon afterwards, either way the game was over)

Dead family members laying around as you might expect have an ongoing traumatic effect on the living ones as they see them slowly rot away. So you’re going to need to bury them as soon as possible. Hope you have the supplies for that, otherwise you’re going to be stuck with a corpse unless you got an ice box instead.

When the dog died, I tried harvesting it for food, but you need to have an ice box to store meat in. Same thing for family members that die. Apparently you can’t just start eating someone as soon as they die.

Water is surprisingly easy to come by. As long as you keep your water filtration system repaired the rain usually provides you with enough.

There are other people that will come to your shelter every now and then to trade or ask to come in. I never let anyone else inside since I was having a hard enough time with all the people I started with, but the traders come in handy. There are less friendly folks as well, but I didn’t get far enough to suffer any raider type attacks.

Anyway, it’s pretty fun if you’re into the whole sim survival genre.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

I think you're the only person I know who would play a game like this and your mind automatically goes, "Hey look, the dog died... Let's eat it!" ^_^

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Hey, survival is survival. Also, I've heard dog tastes pretty good. >.>

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Yeah, that's what my brother tells me.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Heard its juicy, You have to go really down south into Mexico To try it though.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

I've had it. It's really really good, kinda like deer but less gamey.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

I was literally about to say that.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Sounds awesome!

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

A game that is totally okay with eating pets and people, but only if you're going to store them hygienically. Alrighty, then.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

I didn’t think about it before, but this is probably one of the few games that not only has kids dying, but encourages child labor and child soldiers since they can fight and work right along side the adults.

The only thing they don’t seem to do is harvest or bury dead family members. That’s still a bit too much for them to handle.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

It doesn't take much strength to jam a bladed weapon into someone, but it does take backbreaking physical labor to  dig a hole and drag a rigid corpse in. 

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

I don't think that's at all realistic.  If anything, kids should be more okay with harvesting, since they don't have as much understanding of death or social ritual.  Or empathy for others. 


Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Well, you heard it here, folks. Seth recommends children for all your corpse harvesting needs.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

It depends on the age of the child and their developmental rate. Children can understand death as well as adults, and they can also possess empathy. 

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

The kids in the game look about the age where they would have already developed an emotional attachment to their parents (and pet) and they might be hesitant to just start chopping up their corpses and eating them, so I didn’t find it unrealistic. (They should still be able to do it to strangers though)

Malk of course is right about the burying thing too. Even if the kid is able to handle digging a hole and burying their parent, carrying an adult body up a ladder wouldn’t be easy for a child (or even most people) so you don’t get the option with them.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Makes sense to me.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Well, I guess I'm getting that game. 

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Never heard of it, but sounds a lot more dark than 60 Seconds.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Doing a lot better this time, I didn’t realize you could go to previously explored locations to find stuff. Though the longer you wait, the more likely new stuff will spawn. It’s still random though and you could potentially encounter people even if there weren’t any there before.

So far the son has killed three people, once in actual self defense. The dog helps a lot in combat, so it’s best to always take it with you. Plus you don’t have to feed the dog if he’s not in the shelter.

Still having a hard time finding food. Already got traps for animals, just need the freezer. The biggest problem currently is I can’t find a hinge to build a freezer so I can start storing meat.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Well, that seems kind of... dumb.

Couldn't one just make a freezer without hinges?

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

The kid is a killer.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago


Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

".....Let's eat the dog!"

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago
It's a decent game so far. Lack of food is really weird, and the lack of normally plentiful things (like nails).

Not to mention things break REALLY fast. I'm not sure how a decently constructed bed can be close to breaking after only being used for a week. Taking a weapon out with me means the weapon mysteriously disappears when I return.

Also interacting with people is really awkward. So you're saying I can walk up and beat a guy to death, but if they first ask to join my group, I'm not allowed? I'm not allowed to undercut them in a trade?

Oh, and high strength is needed for everything.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Sounds like something that would cripple what would've been a fairly good game.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Sim game? Check!

Survival? Check!

Post-apocalyptic? Check!

Have Steam funds? Check!

Yeah, it sounds pretty cool, but I'll see what it's like via YouTube and Steam before I purchase it.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

This does look to be something I'd be extremely into. I'll add it to the 'One day, when I have a non-shit computer' list.

Well that was grim (Sheltered)

7 years ago

Well according to Wikipedia Shelter was made in 2013 by Might and Delight for Windows and Mac. So apparently it is only a pc game, and it's rating is a 3/5, and a 3.8/5. So a little bit better than 55%, so overall not that bad.