Alright, this has gone on for long enough, time to reveal myself as the anonymous point giver!
I thought I made it really obvious by only posting a lot in the forums whenever I messed with your points. Then I had to use CYS while logged out so that if you were to have checked my 'last active' post, it would've been a bit helpful. Also, I left a subtle hint (maybe too subtle) by alluding to the difference between ^-^ and ^_^.
Didn't want to make it too easy, so I framed Avery, then Ford. But then I realized it might be too difficult to guess, so the part about the faces being a distraction was meant to impliedly counteract the previous message and eliminate Ford (through the kappa). The review competition and various post commendations was, in part, there to demonstrate I could give out points.
Your next hint would have been:
Two more guesses left. Hint: I've posted in the forums everytime I've played with your points :/
And the last one was going to be:
Alright, I'll make it obvious. Last hint: you've analysed my writing style in detail :)
(The use of 'analysed' as opposed to the Americanized 'analyzed' was going to be a very minor hint too).
Anyway, I wanted to practice doing some light trolling, sorry if it made you seethe. But thanks for trying to guess the "mod". This thread made me laugh so much more than I expected.