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If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago
Commended by MadHattersDaughter on 9/21/2023 7:28:46 PM

Admin. Bonus - Give me a drawing and I won''t take back these points. The catch: you don''t know who I am ^-^

It's you right, MHD? 

Mod guess

11 months ago

MHD if she were trans.

Mod guess

11 months ago

The reference picture was a woman, don't know how I fumbled so badly.

Mod guess

11 months ago

Well when all your points are specialized in Twinkcore, you're going to critically fail 99% of the time when drawing anything remotely heterosexual.

Mod guess

11 months ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 9/24/2023 3:03:44 PM

Second guess: it's Avery right?

Admin. Penalty - Wrong guess. Try again? Hint: I may not be a mod :^)

I drew my favorite character of POF, Gerda hehehe. I hope I capture the feel of that little psycho.


Mod guess

11 months ago

This one also looks like a boy in drag.

You've fumbled again.

Mod guess

11 months ago
Commended by mizal on 10/13/2023 4:44:47 PM

Yup, surely this one is also a man in disguise. 

Honestly little girls and boys don't look that different from each other before puberty.

Mod guess

11 months ago

What a kindly looking young man. 

Mod guess

11 months ago

Yeah this one still doesn't convince me.

Though everyone should keep in mind, I haven't said Darius is a bad artist, his art is just hilariously homosexual.

Still better than Quiller's bullshit.

Mod guess

11 months ago

Someday I will draw a very busty pin up model and make you all question everything.

Is there a link of quiller's art to jog my memory?

Mod guess

11 months ago

You'll probably end up drawing a trap.

Anyway, this is all I could bother with digging up on Quiller

There might be links to his artwork somewhere in there, if not then clicking on his profile link probably has some. His avatar is an example. Basically he just drew shitty anime inspired crap that everyone went nuts over for some fucking reason.

Mod guess

11 months ago

Best that I can do, I already feel terrible drawing this. 

Fun fact: when I was trying to draw realistic portraits, I found that I was pretty good at drawing old ugly male politicians, but very terrible at drawing young women.

Mod guess

11 months ago

Not detailed enough to tell if man in drag or buxom woman.

Mod guess

11 months ago
Probably just hard for you to draw things you aren't into.

Mod guess

11 months ago

Nigga got muscular man arms and big ass Yaoi hands.

Mod guess

11 months ago

My smiley faces go like ^_^ not ^-^, but I absolutely love it! ... Why the fuck is she slitting her own wrist though? Gerda gets her lady boners from cutting other people, not herself. :p

Mod guess

11 months ago

I think it's the dr seuss philtrum

Mod guess

11 months ago
Cute but my smiley signature is obviously the better ":~)" not "^_^"

Mod guess

11 months ago
you're a fake cystian and a noob for not getting the ^-^ face

Mod guess

11 months ago

I wonder if ^-^ is any different from the ^_^ face

Mod guess

11 months ago

My guess is not, but I could be wrong o_O

Mod guess

11 months ago
^-^ is Avery

^_^ is Briar

Mod guess

11 months ago

I have never ^-^d in my life!

Mod guess

11 months ago

Oh, good, another first post for a future Funny Comments thread.

Mod guess

11 months ago

It is. ^_^

Mod guess

11 months ago

^-^ is more cute and small and innocent. I quite like it

Looks like a baby bird, maybe a penguin

Mod guess

11 months ago

Foolish girl! A penguin smile is clearly ^v^

Mod guess

11 months ago

How would you describe the ^V^ smile?

Mod guess

11 months ago

Down syndrome penguin?

Mod guess

11 months ago
I go with :V for a kappa and :v for a duck

Mod guess

11 months ago

| _ |

and yet, my most used is still :p

Mod guess

11 months ago

You're right, I guess it looks more like a cat

I know it's you Avery

11 months ago
darius can draw females, it's one of the first things he drew by request.

I know it's you Avery

11 months ago

Females (Male).

I know it's you Avery

11 months ago

So far all the examples I've seen haven't convinced me and the one you mentioned that's NSFW is locked up in your server so it doesn't count.

He'll have to try again.

I know it's you Avery

11 months ago
Commended by TharaApples on 9/23/2023 3:02:52 PM


Ford, I hate that you reminded me that I drew plenty of women in the past. I accidentally digged up this one from the site's picture files. Looking at it, I think I really liked elf ears at the time. Wait, how much skin can I actually show in drawings? Don't really want a repeat of my first drawing requests.

I know it's you Avery

11 months ago

Nice boobs.

I know it's you Avery

11 months ago

I like how Darius gets actively upset from drawing women. Lol

I know it's you Avery

11 months ago

Women are gross and icky after all.

I know it's you Avery

11 months ago

Why is she trying to draw with a stylus in her mouth?

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago

There could be only one of these three people messing with me. Based on the messages and the fact that they told me that they were in the CYS discord I deduce that it's either a woman or Petros. Since Petros isn't able to dole out points, it's either Thara, Cricket or Mystic. 

Out of all the three personalities, the one who is the least out of character to type this stuff is Cricket. If she isn't, then I'll be seething.

So, cricket what kind of drawing would you like? 

Btw. I'll be only doing one more drawing for the foreseeable future, so if my current guess is wrong and you still won't reveal yourself, then feel free to take the 15 points back. However, you won't get a drawing from me anymore anytime soon, your choice :p. 

Admin. Penalty - Wrong again. These faces are just here to distract you, lol. Another hint: I''m on the CYS discord :V

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago

Btw. If in some way the anonymous messenger ended up being Ford, then screw you. You won't ever get a drawing from me again. You disgust me.

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago

I was wondering what the hell this was all about since you seemed to be playing some guessing game with yourself and it looked like you wanted us to guess who you were drawing but were answering your own questions.

Whoever this person is, they must be keeping it a tightly wrapped secret because this is the first I'm hearing of someone messaging you with random shit. I'm guessing they must also be using an alt account otherwise it would be real easy to guess who it is.

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago

Someone was anonymously giving me 25 points for a drawing and I was initially guessing that it might be MHD. (The entire exchange for everyone to see if you look at my points history.) It brought me out of my drawing slump, so win-win.

Well, That's a relief. I really thought that everyone was in on the joke except me.




If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago

They're leaving these messages in his points log!

They gave him 25 points originally, but with a kind of twist- he has to guess who the person is or all the points slowly bleed away!

It's all quite fun.

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago

Shows how much attention I typically pay to Darius, though that's probably why I never got annoyed with him like most others did since I wasn't reading his posts most of the time.

I got most of the channels muted in the Discord anyway, so it's quite possible everyone in there is actually in on it and I don't know since it's in a channel that doesn't generally interest me.

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago
Yeah I was also in the dark on this one, I thought Darius just liked drawing vaguely mod themed men.

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago
not me. dont care. I already have my art from you.

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago

There are many people that can dole and take away points now.

I think they're called mini-mods, or mod-minis. 

Even I do not know all of them. That's top liquor shelf information apparently.

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago

It might be really Ford based on all your reactions. Glad that I won't feel that guilty anymore. 

It's not Cricket, lol.

11 months ago

Alright, this has gone on for long enough, time to reveal myself as the anonymous point giver!

I thought I made it really obvious by only posting a lot in the forums whenever I messed with your points. Then I had to use CYS while logged out so that if you were to have checked my 'last active' post, it would've been a bit helpful. Also, I left a subtle hint (maybe too subtle) by alluding to the difference between ^-^ and ^_^.

Didn't want to make it too easy, so I framed Avery, then Ford. But then I realized it might be too difficult to guess, so the part about the faces being a distraction was meant to impliedly counteract the previous message and eliminate Ford (through the kappa). The review competition and various post commendations was, in part, there to demonstrate I could give out points.

Your next hint would have been:

Two more guesses left. Hint: I've posted in the forums everytime I've played with your points :/

And the last one was going to be:

Alright, I'll make it obvious. Last hint: you've analysed my writing style in detail :)

(The use of 'analysed' as opposed to the Americanized 'analyzed' was going to be a very minor hint too). 

Anyway, I wanted to practice doing some light trolling, sorry if it made you seethe. But thanks for trying to guess the "mod". This thread made me laugh so much more than I expected.

It's not Cricket, lol.

11 months ago
literally nobody would get this. you have less than 500 posts - even a high tier autist like me wouldn't think of you for any of this

It's not Cricket, lol.

11 months ago
None of those messages were identifiable as you, they were all under 100k words.

It's not Cricket, lol.

11 months ago

You don't have a personality.

It's not Cricket, lol.

11 months ago

Those were tricky hints, doubt I would've gotten it. But it all did bring quite a laugh! Thank you for this.

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago
I would like a drawing of me in a happy park drinking milk and being happy.

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago

If there could be milk dripping down her mouth, I'm sure that would make the picture look really cute and whimsical and in no way suggestive ^_^

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago

I would like a drawing for 25 points plz. Cannibal Miku in your style. 
I'm sure the mods can figure out the point exchange.

If it's you Cricket, then I'm going to be mad

11 months ago

I'll give you 100 if you ever get round to drawing my chibi Hitler. ^_^