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Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Any feedback for exercises in the main thread belongs here. You can also use this thread to ask for clarification, discussion tangentially related things, et cetera.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
@MasonJarGuzzi , @betaband , @Steve24833 , @breezy134 , @DerpBacon , @jamescoker1226 , @Digit , @At_Your_Throat , @Kiel_Farren , @mizal , @Wigglewigglewiggle , @ISentinelPenguinI , @Tim36D , @NightBirdBlue , @nmelssx

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Aww... come on! One more entry for a lottery drawing!

Someone write one... quick!! XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Would you draw CYS R34? I'd like to see your rendition of #Kieller with tight leather :3

Edit:: I read the OP and it said nothing explicit but can this be an exception if requested? xD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
...I am almost terrified to ask, but CYS R34? What on earth is that?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Porn of CYS. In a literal interpretation, probably involving the mascot in the top left.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

...what. No. Seriously. What.

No. There will be no Rule 34 artwork, Ford. Especially not of...just, no.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Obviously you need some time to think about it so I'll give you a bit of time to consider before you make any major decisions...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Damn. I like leather.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Kiel. No. Don't give anyone any ideas.
Magical blue hands work for me..

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yes, I've got that magic touch. ;D

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

So, do we start writing?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Well the prompt has been posted.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

So, yeah? I guess I'll procrastinate work on it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

I'm not very good at writing those I need sleep ;_;

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

You don't need sleep. quiller doesn't sleep a lot.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

I'm on like, 17 hours a day! And God, I've never seen Quiller off D:

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
That's because I leave my desktop on and logged in overnight, haha. I do, in fact, sleep. (...about four hours each day)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
I'll add you to the taglist, Zag

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Don't you mean the Zaglist?!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

That wasn't punny. -_-

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
That was terrible. Get out. XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

That is one depressed sounding airhorn.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

It's MLG m8. D0 y0u kn0w wh4t MLG 1s?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Does a Maori man hate fried bread?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago


1 d0nt g3t 1t.


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

The answer is no. Maori men LOVE fried bread, and i don't know what MLG is.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago


You. Don't. Know. What. MLG IS???????

This video explains everything, my friend.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

1. I only looked at the title of the video. 2. You meant Major League Gaming??? I had heard of it but i completely forgot about it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

MLG is comprised of little links and vines.

For example, Smoke weed every day, John Cena, Oh Baby a triple!, Illuminati, and etcetera.

PM me if you want to know how to stop Operation New Order. Every person counts........

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Mason the derailer strikes again! This has gone waaaaaaay off track.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

No, I'm stopping this nonsense.

But I'm serious about Operation New Order..........

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Yeah. MLG is an very real thing. But, there's a lot of jokes and memes about it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
On rereading my submission, I realized my character is actually leaving again after a long journey, the journey of her marriage. I hope it still counts...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
It was an excellent entry. It's not a traditional happy ending, sure, but it definitely works as a dark subversion of how the usual 'married and have kids' romantic endings go. I'll award you the bonus for it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Well, now anyone who was curious as to what became of Nikki at the end of TOW has an answer. You're welcome. :D

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
...*screaming internally. just a little*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

xD I take it you were one of the people wondering, then?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Unfortunately, I never did get the hidden epilogue. Really not sure what I'm missing but I haven't had time to replay it (it's quite a lengthy game!).

Great prompt by the way. Curious to see who this Aria is (aside from the obvious hints), and what the how the epilogue actually ended.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

xD I said don't read it if you haven't finished the game...! *Kermit flail* 

Thank you for the compliment, though.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Are people still allowed to join the art giveaway writing contest?

if not i will just let myself out..

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Pretty sure, just PM quiller so he knows you joined.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Just added you to the taglist, Matt

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Youre amazing Quillier, ha ha.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Hee. Thanks. You're added to the list of people to be tagged, by the way.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Neat, thanks. Glad to see youre back to doinh crazy shit man, ha ha

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Wow, this thread went completely off topic amazingly fast.

Here, I'll give some feedback on the actual entries: Got to say, I'm impressed and intimidated (intimipressed?) by the number and quality of the entries so far. Bilbo's miiiight be my favorite, all the attention to detail really sets the scene and it really does hit hard with that 'coming home after a long journey, story is winding down' feeling even in the first paragraph.

They're all so good though, and the two prompts work great together. You're going to have to make us work a little harder at combining them next time, quiller. :P 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Sadly, I think it started off topic and slid downhill from there.

I was very impressed by the level of writing in all the entries. I was expecting maybe a paragraph or two describing a character's thoughts, but everyone wrote these super impressive scenes, complete with dialogue and character interaction. It makes me wish I could go and read the stories that led up to them. And also making me wonder if I should raise the bar for what's considered 'outstanding participation', or kill myself awarding everyone who's earned a participation prize. I just may be forced to do the latter if this quality keeps up, haha.

And I'm just being nice and giving you guys an easy pitch to start off with. They'll get harder for those of you who like challenges ;)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

I think the reason they're all so long is because absolutely everyone is combining the prompts and that adds a lot of dialogue.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Ah, well, I'll just revel in reading all these excellent entries as they keep rolling in.

Yours is excellent, by the way. I may have laughed out loud when she mentioned marrying a bandit lord's son. The sass was on point.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Well... I know it's late(and I already posted it), but could I be added to the taglist as well, please?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Yep, absolutely. Welcome aboard.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago


Wow... humanity ended with a lie. Anyway, great ending, though I'm not sure I'd like to read the entire story, considering I have just seen the ending.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Thanks. Well, at least humanity went grinning and partying rather than terrified, waiting for the end.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Yes, holy shit, that one was depressing. :D  Can we hit the Go Back button a few times and get a happier ending?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Well, maybe five minutes after that the aliens just died because Deus Ex Microbes like War of the Worlds.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Headcanon accepted. Holy bejeezus, that was the most depressing thing I've read all day. *slow clap*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Surely I'm not the only spiteful SOB who wants to reply to everyone of the WIP stories like a massive troll? No? Just me?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Nope, it's definitely not just you. But please resist the urge all the same. ^^

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Oh, I will. There's a debate on religion AND Trump that should distract me.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

With the number of responses the thread has gotten (and the number of people responding to the wrong post...) he might need a new one for every prompt, at this rate. Can you imagine what that thing will look like a few days from now?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
The thought kinda scares me, in the best of ways XD I'd better tally up everyone's points as they post instead of just doing it all in one batch at the end of the week like I originally planned.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

I think we need to just be grown up enough to admit that iavatus kicked all our asses here.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

I admit to nothing. :P I am happy with what I wrote.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

He can write the greatest piece known to man, he's still a filth, filth newbie.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago


The quiller should make a rule saying anyone who hasn't been a member at least a month is automatically disqualified. Last thing we need is a newbie in there, newbing the place up with his confused newbish ways. Pfft.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

All in favor say aye! 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Well, some n00bs are pretty competent.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Competence has nothing to do with it. They could be the greatest writer in human history, but still, fuck them, because they're newbies.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

newbies aren't even real people

I say we build a wall.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

No. No walls. Only fences.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Or maybe a laser barrier?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Or a fence.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Or maybe a magical force feild?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Or a fence. ^_^

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Or perhaps a giant mound of zombie Trump clones that encircle the area? :P

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Or a fence. I like fences.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

"You gotta remember something - It's not a fence to keep me out, but a fence to keep you in"

-Rorschach, the emo poet years.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Mizal: The quiller, should make, a, rule saying, anyone who, hasn't, been a member, at, least a, month, is automatically, disqualified.

You were missing a few commas.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Commas are your thing.

May'be MY th'ing will be the com'ma's mir'ror im'age.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Holy shit, @iavatus . That was an epic read, and a story in and of itself. I'm adding you to the taglist because I want to read more of the amazing crap you write, so shut up and participate XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

I wrote the worst piece of shit... >.>

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

You wrote way better than my crap ^_^

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

It's not bad, dude. I've seen WAY worse. Trust me.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
It was great. This is the kind of ending that would make me scream and throw the book across the room when I finished reading.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Nah, yours was good. Got the sense it really was the ending to a much longer story, and one I'd like to read.

'Edna' is always going to be first and foremost the name of a tiny tiny Texas town for me though, so I had to laugh at picturing the elf queen or whatever called that.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

I know I'm hella late, but do you mind adding me to the taglist?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
You're not late! Late would be joining up in the eleventh hour on the last day :)

Added you to the list.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Reading over mine... aw, pretty rushed piece of shite ;-;

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Most writers (myself included) read over what they wrote and think 'wow, I wrote a piece of crap'. But other writers read it and think 'this is freaking great, I wish I could write like that.' If at least one person thinks that, what you've written was worthwhile.

I thought your entry was well-written. It had a lot of raw pain, and a very relatable struggle.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Draw a rock wearing a redsocks cap !

Edit : 70 or so hours with no sleep for the win!

Edit Edit : and a lot of redbull .

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Yours was a complete short story in itself, pretty much. If that's what you consider rushed I'd like to see what you can do when you take your time...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago


That was a lot more serious than I intended.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
You described an entire epic adventure that I wish I could have read (and it's only book one!). It leaves me feeling kinda like I played through an entire Tales game, which I love XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Thanks, Quiller!

I think I need to even out the "serious :  funny" ratio with my second prompt, though.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Anything I could improve on? (Also, could you tag me?)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
I really enjoyed how you did your world-building through details. The gas masks, the supply drops, the six-legged cows - all of those little things came together and painted a post-apocalyptic setting in a great example of 'show, not tell'. The dialogue was just enough to convey both characters' personalities and general demeanor without feeling forced.

If I had to pick one thing to nitpick about, it would only be because this is a single scene and not a whole story, so it leaves a lot of my questions unanswered. Why did she follow him if she already knew where the supply drop was in order to set the ambush? Who is 'me and mine'? Why kill him in a way that wastes bullets and gets his blood over all the supplies?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Thanks, dude. I'll definitely take that into consideration for the next prompt.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

One sort of interesting thing about this prompt is finding a balance between treating it like the true ending of a story, but also having to introduce characters and concepts to readers seeing them for the first time. Ideally we'd avoid exposition and recaps, because theoretical readers would already know all this from following along with our theoretical story, but at the same time it's a lot to throw people into the middle of for the sake of the prompt.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Oh my god Malk! Why u no cute, devilish hamster? :o

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

I'm sorry?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Who the hell is that guy on your pic? His stomach.......god, it reminds me of the fat kid on Tuck Frump.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

My drunken uncle Sergei. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

So a couple of comments on some of the work (good job, everyone)--

@bilbo This is a strong piece. I am interested in reading what you write in the future.

@breezy134 Pretty dark. I like it, although it seems somewhat rushed at times and I think you should improve your transitioning.

@wigglewigglewiggle Interesting idea I guess, but I was somewhat confused at several points (why did she bother going on a journey in the first place? How did she hallucinate the people she met on her travels and yet realize no one was at her town?)... And you shouldn't have had to clarify your story. I suggest writing maybe the last few entries of the protagonist's journal in order to show her adventurers in a more detailed light, and from here perhaps hinting at things being not all they seem, and perhaps leaving it up to the reader's interpretation. And of course making sure not to leave plot holes.

@Malkalack Nice work. I'm getting a serious Fallout vibe from it. I really wish I could read more haha.

@Timeless_Sakura Kind of confusing to follow. Just a tip, you create a new paragraph every time a different character speaks.

@Claw2k11 Interesting concept. A hero who isn't all that he seems huh?

@Aman Piques my interest, wish you wrote more.

@iavatus Awesome. Please write more!!

@DerpBacon Nice. From what I understand, Guillermo is a demon hired to kill demons, except he made a pact with the devil to save them?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

What about mine? I know it's crappy, just want to see how crappy.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Thank you! I noticed how long it was getting, is the reason it seems rushed at the end... oops!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

...Basically. He was supposed the kill the demons by the orders of the king, but he couldn't considering he made a pact with the Devil years earlier.

That's...exactly it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

As I have already mentioned, it's no use if the story is something too predictable, it'll have little to no impact on the reader if they get the general gist of the story. In a story(at least in my opinion) you need to surprise the reader at what's happening so that he'll stay hooked to said story. And having a hero who actually values his own life and not the lives of others is one of the things that would surprise the reader.

?The character is also from a offsite RP I have created if it interests you in any bit.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

I'm never automatic-writing for a prompt again, unless I find some way to keep my improv on track. That became a worldbuild rather than a story's ending. It was nearly inscrutable without a good 20 minutes trying to piece it together into a sense-making plot.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

I feel the same about mine. More of a plot summary than a final page, I feel.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
That's perfectly fine. Worldbuilding and plot summaries are just as much a part of writing (and just fun to read, personally) as actual scenes.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

My new prompt is more of a joke than a story :(

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Congrats Sent and Iavatus!

And good job to the rest of you ;)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Not sure how I feel about mine.

On the one hand, I feel like I did a good job with the story and writing.

On the other, I feel like I've skewed the "Serious : Funny" Ratio from a 2:1 to a 4:1.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Holy hell, I think I just wrote a whole chapter for your next prompts. I will post it momentarily. Lol.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Yeah... I'm going to stay out of this prompt, I'm not that good at combining funny things and tragedies as for the second prompt I have a general idea, but I'm not sure how I'm going to put in a post. So yeah, sorry, but staying out of these two Prompts. Don't forget to tag me for the next Prompts though.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
I don't blame you. Rereading my response, I don't know if the humor is actually fitting or even funny... It's actually kind of morbid in hindsight, lol. Oh well.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

In the first prompt I wouldn't really have a problem if it would tell me to make either a tragedy or a funny situation separate from one another, but I really have no idea how to combine the two...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Well, if you don't mind graphic, dark stories, feel free to read mine. I would like some feedback. I dunno if I did good with my combination at all....

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

It's quite a nice story and I enjoyed reading it, but I would make the sexual parts more ambiguous or the posts might get deleted. I also hope that you don't mind me saying this, but I fail to see the either of the two from the first prompt, but I assume(I'm not sure) that the ending is supposed to highlight that it was tragedy that became funny in hindsight(but I could be wrong). The second prompt was well done, congratulations on it!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
So, I guess the joke fell flat like I thought? Oops. Yeah, the end was supposed to be for the first prompt. Making the situation funny. See you were right... it is very hard to make a tragic situation funny.

And yeah, I took it down to be reviewed by a mod first... Hopefully, it gets approved. My bad.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Don't feel bad, as a short story it was a great one(better than a lot of things I came up with anyway :P).

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
You did a good job so I'll award the points even if the mods don't approve of it.

Though, yes, please keep things rated T since we've definitely got some younger members (who have probably already been corrupted since they're on the internet, but let's at least make a token effort to preserve their innocence, yeah?)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
Oh, good. You saw it. Even if the joke fell flat... lol.

And yes, I didn't know how graphic we can be on the forums. I apologize and won't do it again.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Hey, mine is probably the most cliche out of all of them. Don't feel bad. even though that means i suck at writing

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
I'll keep tagging everyone unless they specifically ask to be removed from the taglist, no worries. Some prompts will be harder than others (and this one is hard, since I can't write humor to save my own life either)

You can choose to write just a single prompt, or both prompts separately though - and the latter will still net you 3 points. Combining prompts is entirely optional and I'm impressed as hell that so many people are going for it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Just woke up, and I'm a little confused both as to why people (Mason) are still posting non-story comments in the other thread (seriously let's shoot Mason), and why people are grabbing spots with 'WIPs'. Is space suddenly at a premium over there?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Theres only been like 2 for today. (Me and Malk, I believe?) (WIP's i mean)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago

Thats like 2 more then needed, ha ha. Esp if your WIP is a paragraph long. Like, if it was any longer, then maybe you could explain it as needing vritiquing or help as to where it should go now. But it gives us nothing.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

9 years ago
I figure that he's still not completely familiar with how these writing prompt threads work, and since replying to him there only compounds the issue, I've let it slide. (Besides, a kind and helpful mod has come through and deleted his first few mis-posts).

And some people like to update their post as they write, which I'm fine with - as long as they follow through. No point in cluttering up the thread more than it already has to be by necessity. I need to read everyone's submissions in order to tally up points, so please make my life easier, haha.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Think @Steve24833 just threw down the gauntlet.

That was pretty great. I love it when people manage to turn these into complete short stories. Love to see if anyone manages to top it.


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I agree.

That story was fucking savage, man. Amazing job, Steve.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Humor at its blackest. It's fantastic.

It seems like everyone's writing is skewed towards the dark and twisted side of things, and I couldn't be happier to read them all.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Mine was too dark, though... :/

(But you did say SADISTIC...) *whines*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I did, didn't I? *evil laughter*

I was expecting more people to write 'Take a third option' with heroic resolve and happy endings though.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Well, happy endings(in my opinion at least) are too predictable. If it has a sad or twisted ending the it'll that more impactful towards the reader.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thank you, Mizal, quiller and Tim. I'm glad you appreciated the puns threw in.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I posted one! Please critique! I'll try to get one for the other prompt done...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

My only qualm was that I didn't really know how or why she was so great at deduction, or where she got these skills from. There was no way of verifying these facts other than hearsay. For all I knew, she could have been completely insane and got him to falsely admit to killing her brother just to save his eyes, and that seems more likely than not, judging by the fact that he's suddenly tied up over a canyon. Somehow I feel more inclined to believe the guy tied up in the chair about to get his ass murdered than the girl with a sharp object and a symbolic recorded message that she listens to over and over again...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

A double post 23 minutes apart.

This is what happens when you click "Open link in new tab" on the post message button, and then forget that you posted it when you see the editor open.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Wheeeew. That was dark. And yet very, very satisfying to read. Does that make me a bad person? (Because he totally had it coming and I would have dropped him too, probably).

I like how you made the sadistic choice a moral dilemma, because the way you set it up just rang true. The whole running theme of 'left/right' worked for me as well, as did the twist on the 'your loved one is tied to the railroad tracks, what do you do' hypothetical question.

The only downside was that the dialogue was a little info-dump heavy, but I guess that couldn't be helped because you essentially packed the entire plot of a murder mystery/revenge quest into a single short story.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

My story is real *******************************.

Have fun guessing what word it is XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I tried to make something that was tragic funny with time, and then make something funny tragic with time/fridge horror.

Did that work, or was it a bit too undercooked?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I enjoyed it, ha ha

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I liked it.

My headcanon is that the two Davids are the same one, and Sigmund was the guy breaking into his house.

or is that actually canon

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

That's the actual story I was going for. I probably should've made that more clear in the prompt transition, but I'm going to blame you so I look smart.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

It's ok, man. I'll take the bullet on this one.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

The only issue I had was yours was that it didn't really sound too much like two elderly men talking to each other in a nursing home, calling each other 'bro' and so on.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

My initial idea was that they were old people from our time, but then I swapped out that idea for modern octogenarians because I didn't feel like the sci-fi details were necessary, and it was more difficult to remember that they were, in fact, old dudes. So I guess Sigmund and Dave have just spent a lot of time on the internet when they didn't have much else to do.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I laughed, then felt terrible for laughing, then laughed again anyway. I'd say it was perfectly well done. (Or medium rare, which is how I prefer my steaks anyway).

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

When are you drawing the cards or whatever you use?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Right before the 9 PM deadline, for everyone that has a completed entry. One lotto pick, and one personal pick again, since you guys went above and beyond today as well.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I bet you'll choose Sent for personal?

Damn't Sent! I just ruined your chance. Sorry.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I did like his entry, but I'm going to try picking people who haven't already gotten a sketch for my personal pick. He's still got a fair shot at the lotto though (although I call Penguinite magical shenanigans if he manages to win twice in a row, haha).

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I wish I will be chosen :P

I am of need for a background pic for my secret, hidden game. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Tired and not feeling well, but dammit, I wrote a thing now gimme my point.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Heh heh, that is what I was like about my crap.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I love it! You kind of built an entire sci-fi backdrop just for this entry, haha, and the food descriptions sound like they came right off a cooking show except for being, well, horrible and repulsive. Definite kudos for making a truly sadistic choice that doesn't involve a moral dilemma or people dying (well, I guess the poor narrator might die depending on what he chooses to eat or not eat).

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thanks! Yeah I was too wiped out when I got home for an attempt at putting any characters through serious emotional trauma, and that was ground everyone else had already covered anyway.

Only did prompt 2 but I'm making it canon now that the tragedy part comes in months later when crewmembers start randomly disappearing, because it turns out giant lizards are more palatable than anything they serve in their cafeteria. :P

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
*cough* Look what you did, you made me choke on my tea. Haha, but I love the twist that the narrator gets so hungry he decides to take a third option. XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Awwww! I will never be picked :(

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
It's hard to pick just a single one out of all the excellent entries, but hey, there's five days left! I'll give out a personal pick if there are entries that I really enjoyed, and a lotto if there are more than ten entries.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I just made a good story! Hope you like the plot twist ;)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Here's your prize! Hope it turned out somewhat like what you imagined!

Sorry for the questionable horse-drawing skills. I tried. ^_^;;

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Questionable? That was so good, I wet my pants. XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Lmao, I know right! I so need him to fix my Site 59 drawing... (i suck at people, grrrr...)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

That was excellent my friend!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

ahahaha! Thats awesome!

Gonna print it off and frame it. Not even kidding. We both squeed, loudly and proudly, when we saw it.

Especially the pretty star sparkles. And the unichorse is great too. Horses are hard, but you got it.

Thanks again!





Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

oh my god

I can't get over this. That is the cutest freaking thing.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Godamn I cant write this for the life of me. Been sitting hear for a few hours unable to even write the first paragraph. XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Voila! Not my best work, but I thought it was kind of neat. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Holy hell steve how do you crank these out. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thank you, Aman.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

This one was as amazing as the last one, if not even better, good job! Especially with that nice twist ending!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I'm not sure what happened there.

I really, really like writing about superheroes, apparently.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Actually I'm kind of annoyed at myself now because I've been writing all these words, but not for the thing I'm supposed to be writing, and meanwhile there are all these new stories piling up on the main page I've barely looked at. 

the_quiller, what are you doing to me man

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
#sorrynotsorry :P

I'm purely selfish and you write things that are so much fun to read, so I'm not about to stop now.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Congrats for your 1,000th point quill!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

We're all part of the Quiller hivemind now, paid in praise and pictures. It's a good deal.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I think what just happened there was you absolutely destroying everything this round. Amazing work Mizal.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thanks! :)

I was pretty happy with this one, actually, but it was just so long. I was just sitting there looking at it like, 'I'm not really going to dump this entire thing in the thread like this, am I?'

....but then I went in and a lot of the others were pretty long too so then I felt better. Can you imagine if we all wrote this much every week?

I'm even kind of tempted to tack on some choices and stick this one on the main page. Doesn't help that I have the character's whole backstory and relationship with the shady SHIELD wannabes in my head now. Might have to expand this one some day.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago



Your mind is a strange place. (I am very okay with this :3 )

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I thought of the word confrontation, and was reminded of a quote about villains behaving uncharacteristically.

"The twinkies are in aisle 4" Voldemort pointed out helpfully.

And a 'modern' confrontation, is generally small - a car spot, cutting in line, etc.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I know you did it as a joke, but is there a trope (and I'm sure there must be, everything has a trope) for when enemies in a comic book or TV show or some other kind of series have these random accidental encounters or cameos and they're both just like 'whoops, hey not in the mood today' 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
This may be the trope you're looking for: Villains Out Shopping

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Here's some more prize artwork:

@mattstat716 's request for fan art of a blaze mob from Minecraft (colored because I can't shade fire for the life of me):

And @ISentinelPenguinI 's request for an interpretation of Sir Ricard and his tentacle steed. This is going to be that one drawing I come across years later and wonder 'What was I smoking when I drew this???'

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Wow. Just, wow. That's also excellent. I don't even wanna know how a squid bridle would work.

Done it again, you scribbler of pictures!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

"The Quiller 2016" This should go in a museum XD

I wonder, how did you come up with that name? And also, I don't think I can respond for a while because I am suffering eye damage at the moment. Probably should be normal by tomorrow lol.


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I want to just sort of... set that squidmount down, in random forums, with no explanation.


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


That was some of the funniest shit I've ever read.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Ugh. So many amazing submissions. Picking just one is going to be hella hard

How on earth do you people wrote so much good stuff so quickly, I'll never know

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Pick more than one and just resign yourself to doing absolutely nothing but drawing from now on. :P

I've really been enjoying this though, I just wish I could keep up this kind of word count as a regular thing. I basically only work on my own stuff first thing in the morning, by the time I get in from work my brain needs a rest, but I'm proving to myself now that I can, with a little motivation.

I keep wanting to expand these and turn them into full stories now too. It's going to be a bad bad temptation when I'm trying to focus on my actual WIP...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

*bops you with newspaper* Bad Mizal, don't suggest that. Quiller has stories to finish...!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Quiller is pretending those stories don't exist in favor of rolling around in all these glorious, glorious short stories everyone is writing.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I don't think I did very well, but I wasn't sure I'd actually get around this this today, soo... *shrug* success, I suppose. Hope you enjoy it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

If that's your not "very well", I fear what you can do at your best. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
^what bilbo said. How much more are you going to use these characters to leave me an emotional wreck? XD

(On that note, due to reincarnation shenanigans and whatnot, I am very confused about who I want Melissa to end up with...why can't everyone just live happily ever after?)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

:P Depends, we'll see how Devil's Chess and Temple of Fate end up--though, I'm probably not going to do any more prompts. It was fun, though. 

(Haha... truth be told, it bothers me, too. Layne, Nikki, Darren/Selene, and Gabe/Hannah are all technically viable options if you look at the two games as a whole, but here's what got me to reconcile this: Nikki and Darren / Selene were never supposed to meet Fate in the first place. TOW, as I've said before, is not a canon event. It's a spin-off, a tragic timeline that only happens if Gabe/Han or Layne fail in the first game. I couldn't even tell you if the love interests of TOW would ever exist otherwise, or what kind of people they'd be in the normal timeline. And if Vidia is stopped, why would Fate become Jace / Kyra at all? Maybe Melissa is the last of her kind, and... maybe she should be. If that's the case, we're back to two main characters, and in that event, I'd probably pick Layne due to the third romanceable character of GOLAD. Sooo... there ya go. Problem solved. xD No Nikki. ... >_> I'm not sure I actually made anything better.)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

No, no you did not. ;_;

Although my main problem is that I pretty much want every single possible pairing within the trio of Layne, Melissa, and Gabriel/Hannah to live happily ever after with each other...but I also want Nikki from TOW to have a happy ending. But then, in canon reality, Nikki never even meets Kyra/Jace because they never existed (and, in fact, would have died a thousand years before Nikki was even born, IF Nikki was even born at all...owww, my heart), but the alternative if TOW happens is that Layne watches Kyra/Jace die, then murder-suicides Gabriel to save Aria. No. Nonononono. None of these are okay, dammit.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

How do we write so much? It's simple: caffeine.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
...really? Because I chug the stuff like water (actually, I probably drink more coffee than I do water), and I still eke out maybe 100 words on a good day XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

To be fair, you also draw like a boss. I'm fairly sure most of us are one-trick ponies. It also doesn't hurt that in this case we get a prize while most of the time when we write the prize is just whatever you wrote. To be perfectly honest, I'm lucky if a write two pages most weeks:)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I am still in the drafting stage of my story. I am currently reading articles and Stephen King's suggestions to try and make the horror in my game.


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
My secret is RedBull.... it gives me wings!! :P

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Haha! got mine done with an hour to spare! Didn't know if I could turn one in today.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


How many "days" will there be?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
*in a scary voice* 7 days...

The contest officially ends on Monday, March 21st, 11:59 PM EST. I'll tally up the points then and run the lottery, and the winner gets a properly line-arted and colored picture, rather than these quick sketches.

BerkaZerka also agreed to award the top participants with EXP points.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I better come up with a good story. Mine are pretty bad so far.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
They don't have to be anything super fancy. I thought what you wrote worked perfectly fine. The whole point of marathoning a bunch of prompts like this is to stretch your writing muscles and get better, after all.

(And I guess free art this time, but most people are writing for the sake of writing)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Hmm.....okay. But I do need to step up on my game. And if not art, I mean, my writing skills are pretty below average compared to other CYS members. I will try a new attempt.........

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Wait, so I won the lottery pick? Nice. But, I get to request a drawing?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Yep. Either tell me here or PM me your request, and I'll sketch it as soon as I'm able.


Also, it would help if you could tell me which account I should tag, so I can stop tagging all the alts.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Oh, heh. Sorry about that, my ZagHero account was being problematic. But thanks to the Mods, it's all good now. Hmm. What to request... How about a buff looking and heroic version of my pencil-wielding avatar? Thanks buddy.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Haha, sure. Any, uh, other details that should be added? Or should I just keep him a nondescript white outline?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yeah, just keep him pale and heroic. :)

Edit: Or maybe a cape? That would be nice.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Hey Quill, so only the final lot will have color?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
More like the amount of time and effort that goes into it will be much more substantial. I mean, technically mattstat716's 'sketch' is colored, but you can tell how half-assed and cartoony it looks because I didn't have time to actually paint in different opacities to make a realistic fire effect ^^ For reference, something closer to this quality compared to the sketches.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I like the sketchy and cartoony feel.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

But quill, then what is the point of doing these prompts if the best is at the end? We would just spoil our chance at something better, right?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Every prompt you write increases your chances at winning the lottery at the end. The sketches are just bonuses I hand out for everyone's participation - they don't affect your chances of winning whatsoever.

(Or, to clarify, the current lottery only draws from the people that posted a prompt on that day. The final lottery tallies up every prompt that each person has written, and assigns a certain number of lottery tickets based on how many they did.)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Oh, so you are saying the prompts we write help the end one? Oh, that makes a lot more sense. So basically the ones we are winning now is just for "lot and likes"?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Or I can do that too, as per request. The customer is king! XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Ahhh, that is insanely good.

Right now I'm excited enough just about my sketch. :D I'll need to think over what I want a little longer, I'll probably request a one I can use for cover art for a story I'm working on, just need to figure out which.  

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Okay i won't be participating for a while because of schoolwork. Probably be able to again in like 3 days.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I won't be participating till after spring break due to my family going on a vacation. (I also can't see the image till I get home, so gimme a sec quiller)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


I thought it was going to be another 'assassinate Hitler' time travel cliche, and then I thought he was going to wind up back home but in the past and wind up being the skeleton he found, but what actually happened, that was fucked up. :D

You might want to give it a quick proofread though, looked like you might have typed it up in a hurry. For instance in the last sentence, Alan is referred to as John.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I love it.

This is the best Hitler story ever.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Meh. Sorry, feelin' lazy.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Well, it made me chuckle a fair bit. It was really funny.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thanks. I guess I shouldn't be so down on it, it's starting to grow on me a little. I'd planned more of an actiony story about getting recruited by time cops, but it was getting too complicated so I just came home and sat down and wrote this one instead.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
An IRL commitment is running overtime today, so the prompt and announcement may be an hour or two late.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Aw, okay.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Darn, I think iavatus was trying to hustle and get something out since he had the extra time with the delay.

My theoretical possibility at getting a lottery pic, noooo....

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Here's my profile picture just for reference, Quilly.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

The moral of the story?

Don't litter.

It could save your life.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

What!? Why aren't we doing the lot?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Not enough entries, m8.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

1v1 m3 for FaZe Clan Leadership m8.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I do the daily lotteries as a way to thank everyone as a whole, when there are so many entries that I feel just picking ONE favorite isn't enough ^^

Not counting the WIPs, yesterday's prompts had 9 entries, which is just one short of the ten submissions to run a daily lotto


I also try not to pick the same person twice for a prize, just so that as many people as possible get chances at sketches

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I choose to believe that means I won every one I entered in, and you're just being nice and giving pity sketches to others.

But seriously, there's been some amazing works done, and hopefully everyone is getting a lot out of it, by having these 'deadlines' thingies that I keep hearing of.


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I don't kniw about anyone else, but I love having an excuse to write more stories. I am even starting a new game based off my entry for one of the prompts...

...and don't worry guys, this one is not graphic like the others! This one will be fun and made especially for the teens on the site! But it will be awhile maybe 2 months or so...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

So, question on the new prompt: is it enough if the character just realized that their lives and events thereof are being manipulated or controlled by a higher being and that they have no real agency, or do I literally have to make them (at least moderately) aware that they aren't real?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Heheh, I see what you're going for. Yes, an existential mental breakdown would indeed count.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Any thoughts on the end result?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Check out the announcement update ;)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

.... >///> I didn't think to check it because I expected to not get picked.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Augh, three prompts. This is going to be rough. But I'm getting those extra points one way or another, dang it...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Does it give you three lots for two prompts as usual? What does three prompts give you? I am assuming three as well.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

It's explained in the same post he gives the prompts in.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Wow this prompt is crazy ha ha. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yeah, these were freakin brutal.

The hardest for me to figure out how to work in was the one for being aware they're in a story. Seems like others are having difficulties with the 'Tomato in the Mirror' bit though, or maybe just not a very clear understanding of it. Unless it can be used in a much vaguer way than I thought.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Please don't read my shit. Lol.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I linked the trope page, though I'll allow for slightly broader interpretations of the prompt. I realize that combining all three prompts is a very difficult thing to ask (and hence the high point reward for doing so).

I did make it so that prompt #2 and #3 can go together, just to make it a little bit easier.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Alright, I feel sick for writing a yu-gi-oh fan fic, but fine. Damn you Quillier! And your art contest!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
*steeples fingers* All according to plan. *maniacal laughter*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Quill, you gonna answer my question?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Which question?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Does it give you three lots for two prompts as usual? What does three prompts give you? I am assuming three as well.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
It's already been answered ^^ As mizal said above in reply to your original post where you tagged me, I explained the rewards for writing more prompts in the same post I put the prompts in, over in the main contest thread.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

So how many lots did we get for three? Sorry, I'm a little fazed right now.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

No problem.

Just in case I wasn't clear enough in the post:

**Writing just one prompt - 1 point
**Writing two separate prompts, or writing two prompts combined into one entry - 3 points
**Writing three separate prompts, or combining two prompts into one entry and writing the third prompt separately - 5 points
**Writing all three prompts combined into a single entry - 10 points

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Ah, thanks Quill. Just to make sure, I got "10 points"?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Actually, I can see how you used the first two prompts, but not how you used the Tomato in the Mirror trope. So as it stands, you have 3 points right now.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

But isn't tomato the one where everyone is acting all weird? I'm confused.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
No. Tomato in the Mirror is the trope where the viewpoint character thinks everyone is acting weird, but in reality, they are the ones that are not who they think themselves to be. The revelation is often as much of a surprise to the reader as it is to the character, but not always. --edit-- An example would be a man's confusion about why there are strangers wandering in an out of his house, only to realize that these people are actually his family and friends, and he's actually a clone replacement with incomplete memories about who he's supposed to be.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Oh, okay. I'm really confused at the moment. Probably sleep loss.


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Okay, I think I made it stick to the tomato thingy.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yes, Batman realizing that he's been the villain all along would technically count as a tomato in the mirror moment.

I'm giving you the points on technicality in the name of being fair, although, in the future, please try to minimize using asterisks (like this: *actions*) to tell a story. I'm not bothered at all by the different levels of writing ability everyone has, but I am bothered when there's a clear disparity in the amount of effort people put into these prompts. Participation is optional for a reason, and if you're really not in the mood to write, then please don't submit something just for the sake of increasing your lottery points.

I'm saying this only because I know you can write better than that. The art is just bonus motivation and a personal thank you to everyone for their time and effort, and the lottery system is my way of being impartial as to who gets the final prize (since, as much as I'd love to draw something for everyone who participated, attempting to do so would probably kill me); the real point of these prompts is the exercise your writing ability.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Sorry, I have run out of ideas and I tried to make something creative. Sorry.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
No problem. Like I said, the only problem I really have is the use of *emotes*. I don't have any problem with the idea itself, or your writing. I really did enjoy reading your previous submissions, and the idea of Batman as the unwitting villain of a mega crossover sounds like a lot of un to both write and to read.

Just don't force yourself to write something you know doesn't do your own ideas justice.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Okay. I probably should've put more thought into it. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Don't give me 10 points then. Only 3.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Alternatively, you still have six hours to revise it. Just replace all the emotes with actual sentences, and I'll gladly award you 10.

It's not like I'm a professor after all. You can totally edit your essay even after you've 'turned it in'.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Really? The only problems you had were the asterisks?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Asterisks and emotes are where I draw the line between creative writing and sub-literate forum RP. Beyond that, I understand that every writer has days when they can write awesome stuff, and days when nothing seems to jive no matter how hard they try.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Okay I changed it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Much improved, thank you.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Only 5 people have wrote this time.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

He didn't say anything about your creativity, I think the point was the whole thing was written more like a post for a low effort forum RP (*turns off the camera* and so on) than any kind of attempt at a story. And you do know the difference, your other pieces were legit attempts.

e: which he's already clarified above. Missed that one, whoops.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Translation: *smashes the computer, throws things, takes three Valiums and has a little lie down, comes back and types a very nice and polite trademark quiller post*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I'm sure there's plenty of other examples in fiction, but there's a scene in John Dies at the End that personifies that trope for me.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

... @Aman

I wasn't aware you were a Yu-Gi-Oh fan. (Or was I? Hm.)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yugioh was the shit back in the day, ha ha. Had ALL the cards.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I never got what that was.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I still have mine somewhere...

*Checks boxes in corner*

EDIT: Found them! I remember this fucking card: I summon Victory Draaaaagooon!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I actually agree, lol. I was a huge pokemon and yu-gi-oh! fan at one point in time... wow, did I just admit that

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yes you did.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Hey, Pokemon bridges the age gap. And I can admit I still like Yu-Gi-Oh. There are a lot of good memories I associate with that series... (and YGO:TAS was the best abridged anything ever.)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
^Absolutely agreed. Although DBZAbridged is a close second.

I never did figure out the rules to Yu-Gi-Oh. I did run a cost-benefit mathematical analysis on all the legal cards in Standard for Magic back in 2007. We took our card-gaming very seriously.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

The cool kids true nerds played M:tG, sorry.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I have a set of those.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

"Back in the day" ... xD *still kind of a fan*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


....there are no words. (except a polite request to bring enough drugs for everybody, next time)

Nice seeing the continuing adventures of Steve. :D 

....I'm sure he'll get better.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

There's only enough drugs in the world to channel Steve for a limited time.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Beast mode! Or as the fat man says, Feast Mode!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


'And a flea flees, donating a brightly coloured sewing tomato to the mirrored sunglasses as a final confusion.'

Give this man ten points. :P

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
...what. What is this INCREDIBLE madness I have just read?

Take these 10 points, dammit, take them and hand over a joint of whatever you're smoking please?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Hehe, iavatus is a very funny writer =D

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I'm high on life. Or maybe coffee. Coffee is the good shit.

Steve's a fun char to write for. Bloody difficult, but just turn things a bit sideways, use a lot of alliteration and other obvious literary tricks and have him bounce around doing stuff. Needs a few revisions before I'll be happier with it, but I'm always happy to take him out for a drive.

And cheers, that was just a cheap joke that got thrown in last minute. But hey, fits the letter of the trope, if not the meaning.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
By the way, I'm going to go ahead and post today's prompts, but since yesterday's prompts were posted late, you guys still have an hour and a half to submit if you want.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

So we are not doing the lots?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
We are if we hit 10 entries - I'm just going to wait a full 24 hours until I posted the last batch of prompts in case anyone wants to submit something last minute.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

So, tomorrow it all ends, huh? So sad, Sally the Cow never got her cheese.......

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
There's still one more day after tomorrow! Day 7 (Monday Mar 21) is the last day of the contest. So there will be at least one more personal pick sketch handed out for tomorrow, and something special for the last day ;). I'll announce the final winner of the overall lottery, and the EXP prizes for the top participants at 12:00AM Tuesday Mar 22

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

God, we need a ninth person D=

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

yew caaain't take the skyyye from mheeeee

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

God Iavatus, how are you so funny and good with codes?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Oh, these are nice ones.

I was expecting something truly impossible, after today's. :P


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Haha, I'm cruel, but not unreasonable! Or I just might be trying to lull you guys into a false sense of security before unleashing my worst on Day 7

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

My story will be about the notorious Teletubbies dangerously messing with the Barney gang in a world controlled by Squidward. Yep. I am out of ideas xD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
As amazingly hilarious and terrifying as that sounds, a cross-over between different shows is not necessarily a crossover between genres. Unless you consider Teletubbies and Barney to be of the horror genre and SpongeBob to be comedy.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Actually, I would have the Teletubbies as space-faring plundering pirates and the Barney Gang to be a modern moffia. And yes, the spongebob shit will be comedy. Does that count as Sci-fi, Modern, and Comedy combined?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Absolutely! Write that, because it sounds absurdly amusing even to imagine (...and actually, surprisingly believable, given the shows in question).

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

And basically it is a world of villains, which is why Squidward, the Teletubbies, and Barney will be in it. Also, a cast of characters will have a guest appearance, such as General Zod, Curious George, Ronald McDonald, Evil Star Trek, and others!?

Does that count as a world where villains win? Cause that will be the intro, the villains win and the world is now a dirty, dirty place called New Earth.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Ahaha! That'd be perfect.

"Yarrr, first mate Tinky Winky, launch grapples and lets get this pinata open"

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I'm sure you can come up with something funnier though. At least I found a funny idea xD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Monday:  Prompt 1: Write an autobiographical piece, as told by a 14th century wainwright.  Prompt 2: Write a scene in which your character expounds on the benefits of flossing twice a day, in iambic pentameter. Prompt 3: Do not use the letter E.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Please no. Why did you give him ideas?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

And so in passion do I loudly cry:

"Was living naught but flossing day and night?

Bright mouths cry words that sigh all wrongs to right!"

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

What is with Quillers these days! My aunt owns one, and she says he is being more naggy then usual. I think it's Quiller Mating Season or something. Then again, their water bowl is replaced by a coffee bowl and the only thing they have to entertain themselves is a pencil and paper.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago mean that kind old lady who feeds me when I'm too broke to afford my own groceries is your aunt?!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

It may be, or it may be a different Quiller. They are getting more common these days.


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Quill, it will be chosen at what time? I suppose 11:10? I'm not really keeping track.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

And here's another sketch request completed, for @ZagHero , who asked for buff and heroic version of his avatar sketched in a sketchy and cartoony way:

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Haha! Lol! It's somewhat majestic.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Oh, nice! It's different than I imagined it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
How did you imagine it? It's pretty easy for me to change up these sketches if you had something very different in mind.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Oh no, it's cool. I thought of something more.. dramatic.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
So more like, an actual heroic scene instead of just a pose?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Y'know what, you did really good! Just noticed how you copied the stance of the dude. :P

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
^_^;; Well you did give me the reference picture. So I just did the lazy thing and redrew it, basically. No need to be polite if you wanted something different though - it IS a prize, which means that I want you get the sketch you wanted.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Haha! Thanks though.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

The slenderman as a romantic comedy? ... Somebody make this a thing. I want it to be a thing.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

In case anyone needs inspiration whoops, my hand slipped and this abomination came into being:

I ship it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

xD Who's the lady? (0.o Did I just accidentally use my sketch request? ;_; Nuuuuu....! Though it is adorable.)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
LOL, no, consider this a bonus.

The girl is Sadako from a rather famous Japanese horror movie called The Ring

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

O.o The girl from the ring and Slenderman. xD I like it. 

... And that gives me an idea. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Noice. Just needs a laugh track now.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Sketch of the character Eidolon for @mizal , with fancy lettering as requested. Thanks for sending me very well-written character description, and let me know if there are any details I overlooked or got wrong.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

That's beautiful...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Thanks! There are things that I'm better at drawing than others. I've definitely had more practice with female mages and male sky pirates at that than giant mounted squids XD

It doesn't hurt that mizal sent me a really great description either.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Haha... noted. :D How good are you with wings?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Depends what kind? Feathery bird wings, no problem. Leathery bat wings, also fine. Bony skeleton wings, not so great. Robotic sci-fi wings...uh, only with a lot of last minute practice, some youtube tutorials, and a lot of prayer.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Oh, feathery. Considering its me asking... any guesses as to what I might request that would involve wings? :3

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
:O GoLaD secret ending love interest? please say yes

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yes, please. :D

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

@the_quiller - Hey, just a reminder in case you forgot. Sorry if you're busy.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


It's perfect! You just made my morning. :D

I'm...just gonna sit over here squeeing awhile, and be even more insanely jealous of your talent.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Great job Quill!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I'm glad to hear that! I had a blast doodling in all the details (and I almost wish this was a fully colored piece, because I had to resist the urge to add in all sorts of details like making her rune tattoos glow, putting a runic design on her robes or adding texture to her sash, or a bunch of extra braids in her hair, etc etc)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Man, @BerkaZerka could destroy this round of he wrote a cowboy bebop story where the villains win. Just sayin'


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
...can this happen? I'll trade in my birthday wish for the next five years to make this happen.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

*looks at iavatus's story, looks at WIP on screen, tearfully rage-deletes*

I didn't want any more stupid art anyway. :[

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Don't you dare. Post it, please? Even if iavatus clearly sold his soul to a dark god for his writing ability.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Don't judge him. That's how you got your drawing ability.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Nonsense, I sold my firstborn, not my soul.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Haha, nah I'm still working on it. Just need a few more minutes.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Quill, when are you drawing the lots?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
With eight entries, I'm not. Even with mizal's, that still puts us at nine.

But I'll be handing out a personal pick in about fifteen minutes.


Correction. With bilbo's entry, and if mizal posts, that brings the total submissions up to TEN, which means I WILL be drawing lots after all.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Awesome, glad bilbo managed to get one in too!

Mine's up, finally. Sorry for the delays, seems to be a difficult day for keeping my butt in a chair in front of the computer.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Sorry for the quality. I've been traveling the past two days. I should be able to invest some actual effort into tomorrow's prompt.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I don't think I have been able to keep up either.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I always enjoy your writing, bilbo, and just glad you came through at the last there so that the_quiller gets to do twice as much work now. :D

Mason, yours was a big improvement over yesterday's, I could tell you spent some time on it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
You guys have actually all been fantastic. I have no idea how everyone manages to write such great stuff, and it's really the highlight of my day to get home from work and read what everyone's written (even if it's agony trying to pick just one personal favorite, so the lottery's a blessing, really! Takes some of the pressure off XD)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Ah, here comes the final lot. *Crosses fingers*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Congrats on winning a sketch, bilbo. :D

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

And Tim! (He will get the reference)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


I was looking over my second prompt, and I found some mistakes:

"Suddenly, out of nowhere, a fucking BLACK HOLE came Out of nowhere"

Damn it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

No one blames you. We all make mistakes. Good to know you care for grammar and punctuation, though.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I also made a pun, subconsciously:

"He tried holding on to a dead tree, but it was a Fruitless endeavor"

*buh dum tssss*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
That was terrible, get out.

(Translation: It was brilliant, please never stop.)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Almost as bad as the puns in my first game.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Ah, Quill, you are having fun aren't you? What if I manage all of them, put into three stories? That would be one crappy post xD

I'm probably going for at least five.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
You're only allowed one entry ;)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I mean prompt. Or is that a joke? Quiller, you have me confused XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
You can use as many prompts as you want, but they have to be combined into ONE story.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I can see how to write a story with eight, maybe nine. But I can't see how to write it in under 3000 words, and anything bigger in a forum post would just be obnoxious...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
You can write an excerpt and PM me the rest, if that's what you want to do.

But honestly, I think I'm expecting about 6 prompts combined at the most (since some are easier to incorporate than others). 8 is insane, 9 is excessive. If anyone manages all 13, and the result is still coherent and well-written, I think I owe them a special prize.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

*Sees post >_>*

*Is already planning to do all 13*

*Currently eating midnight breakfast*

*Table flip*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I already know that i could combine three of them into the story really easily.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I already have mine. I just need to write it.


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
hmm...I do enjoy special prizes... though I feel I might be starting too late - there's only like 7 more hours to go.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


You evil, evil bastard.

How long were you planning this? :P

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

From the start, of course.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

*Slow clap*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I see this.

I've already thought of the outline for all of them.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Well, I couldn't mix them all in and I know someone will surpass me and I know that I probably won't even win(probably thanks to some grammar errors I missed) but honestly, I'm proud of this little piece of fiction that I have just created.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Let's see if I can squeeze this in...(haven't had time for all the other prompts. That, or I forgot about it since I also forgot to ask to be included in the tag list. >_> ) 

I'm gonna attempt to include all the prompts. Already got 3 of them down. 

(...this is possibly going to turn out to be a hidious mess.)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

For this prompt:

Prompt #12: What if the heroes failed, and the villain succeeded? Write what would happen following a villainous victory, to either the characters or to the world around them.

What if there's three parties? 1 hero, 2 villain. Hero is dispatched quickly, so it's villain vs villain. Does it matter which side wins then, since the hero fails and one of the two villain parties succeed? Or is this strictly a 2-party prompt, 1 hero and 1 villain?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I interpreted it as just the worst thing happening. Whatever the worst case scenario is, happens - and thus the hero has failed against whatever the villain(s) may be.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
You can have as many parties involved as you want, as long as a villainous party ultimately triumphs over the heroes. It can end in a villainous civil war, but one of the villainous parties needs to succeed in their plans.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Quiller, you are in my story xD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I...noticed. And I have a lot of unanswered questions, but the one I really want to know is: ...why is my son an anthropomorphic tomato?


Also, I'm personally fine with it, but in the future, ask someone for permission before you use them in a story, yeah?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

'cause you kidnapped adopted Bob from VegiTales and did hideous experiments to give him arms/legs?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I like that idea.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Nonsense, why would I kidnap Bob when I could clearly kidnap Larry instead?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Even better.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

You kidnapped both of them, then got a case of the midnight munchies about the time Larry mysteriously disappeared?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

There goes my childhood. No, it died years ago, my bad.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Sorry, just I thought it was a good, funny change. Will consult you in the future.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

So. That happened. All 13 prompts. It was awful. Why did you make me do that? xD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


I....I surrender oh m-mighty Kiel, d-do what ever y-you want with m-my money and house. T-take it great one. I s-surrender, l-lord.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Who, me? *innocently bats eyelashes* I never said you had to use all thirteen! That was entirely your own choice, right?

I may have suspected that certain people would probably half kill themselves because of their obsessive perfectionist tendencies, but you can't prove anything!

That being said, I read your entry with slack-jawed awe, both at how creative and coherent the final result was! Fantastic job, man.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

HAHAHAHAHA! But, don't get me wrong Quiller said a special prize for those who did all 13, eh? What is that special prize, huh? Eh, Quilly quilly quilly? Oh, don't run away ol' pal. LETS PLAY HAYAYAYAHAYAYahahahagaHAHAHhahahahahahaahahahahah,

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
It's a secret. ^^

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Did you like my crazy fit :)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

xD I'm surprised it was coherent, since I started planning it as soon as I woke up, and I barely remembered how to spell my own damn name at the time... (I know because I had to make a phone call minutes later and struggled with it, lol.) I'm glad you liked it, either way.

Oh, yes I can. You know me too well not to realize I'd be one of those people... :P

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

You are a God! And I am a mere mortal... please I beg of you, teach me your Godly ways. :p

But seriously.... that was awesome!!!

Mine is terrible and already 4000 words and I'm probably not even gonna finish in time. *face palms*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Your stories aren't bad, they are above average. Just saying.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Aww... thank you. *blushes* :P

But seriously... damn it, Kiel. That stupid song is stuck in my head now!!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Well, it's a true fact. And you get bonus, because you are a writer.

Basically I said that if you are striped of your ability as a writer you would be crap. Just kidding lol.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

xD It was most definitely not awesome, but thank you for thinking so, and doubly so for saying it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I deeed eeet

Is it gud

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Depends, m8. 

I tagged you for a new RPG if you want to play......?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I'll play if there's more people. I like post, beeteedubs.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Haha, I loved it, you crazy bastard.

You people are blowing me away with your ridiculous ability to cram so many prompts into such a short story!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thanks! I told you I was gonna do it!

Personally, for me, I had the outline already for each prompt.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

You really did do a fantastic job, Tim. Congrats.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

You as well, Kiel, for what you had to work with. I was laughing the entire time!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

xD Yay! That was the intent. I couldn't think of a plot I'd take very seriously, so I figured I'd just enjoy myself.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

To be honest, you had me at "dastardly bath". XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

What about, Dastard!

Dun Dun Tis!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Because not everything can be pure evil--but most things! xD

(It may have helped that it was proceeded by something as silly as my horror/romance.)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

The fourth wall breaking was even better, for me. The cheat codes and commentary were too much for me to handle!

I like to imagine that the Masked Dark Lord person was actually a parallel for Kylo Ren.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Well there's no way I'm finishing this, and what I have is too much to just throw into a thread.

I guess I can make a temporary storygame just so I can split it up over a few pages and post the link?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Just post it in the thread, mizal! It can't be THAT long... right?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yeah, I think that will work.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
It doesn't have to be finished, just dump whatever you have all into one post. The main contest thread is already an abomination in terms of length anyway, one more super long post won't hurt!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Um! *Raises hand*.  Can I somehow steal all of their points? No?, okay fine.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

It's a little over 4500 words, so I did the merciful thing and linked it.

And now iavatus apparently did something amazing again so I better go check it out.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


And then fucking Iavatus walks in, smug grin on his face and the writers sobbing in doubt. He just twirls his pencil, blows it out like a western six gun, then slides it into his pocket like some western cowboy. Quiller, experiencing terrible surgery to stop his jaw from falling to the floor, just puts his head in his hands. Iavatus made a fucking prompt again.

And it was fucking good.


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

He's not even done! Look at him go!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

My God, he is a super mutant!

#Fallout reference

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Cheers, fellas. It was a lot of fun writing it, trying to get a good mix of suspense and horror. Admittedly, writing the penultimate scene first to show the outcome, and the realisation meant the horror started at high octane (hopefully), and could just work the suspense and write the path to it, instead of spending a lot of time building up the slow creeping horror.


Inspiration drawn from Saya no Uta - of a man seeing the world through fucked up glasses.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


You did it again. Holy crap. I am in awe.

This kind of horror should become your new thing. :3

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

@iavatus - prompt example list, plz? (I don't know if Quills cares, but my fried brain wants to see how you did it.)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

@mizal @iavatus


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thanks :D

I can't take any credit though, my phone was the one that made this possible with its heroic sacrifice, dying so that I could write with no internet access or calls or texts distracting me.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

ty, ty. Thought the measuring system was out of 8 for everythign here, but happy to break the scale :D

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Damn, another impressive one! I can't remember if I've mentioned it, but I've loved all of yours so far, and this last one is the best yet.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thanks! I've like your style as well though I haven't read your one for this yet (I'm actually still editing mine, I just wanted to make sure it got in in time). I look forward to all three thousand words though:)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

4500 words :)

Just a fair warning it's probably a little rough, I didn't really have time to proofread and I'm not sure I can bring myself to now, been staring at text on a screen for far too long and my eyes aren't very happy right now.

I'll definitely be cleaning it up and working to finish the second half over the week, figure if I've already done this much I might as well.

Still can't believe you managed all the prompts, wow.

Seeing all these fantastic short stories makes me wish the site had a section for linear stories too...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I liked what was written! I feel like you really know the characters and like the story has a definite direction!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Aye, everyone, every single person who did something for this, or any of these previous prompts, deserves a pat on the back. Short time limit, interesting prompts, and there's been some glorious words words words written.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I'm tallying up points and doing the final lottery now.

But before I announce the final tally and the winner, just wanted to thank you ALL for the amazing writing that happened over the course of this week. Coming home to read what everyone had written was the highlight of my day, and I'm both incredibly flattered and incredibly thrilled that so many insanely talented writers were willing to participate in this silly little contest.

I love you all. <3

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Cool~ looking forward to seeing the results.

It was fun. :D Thanks for hosting it, Quills.

We love you, too. ^_^

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Thanks, Quiller. I had fun as well.


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yeah! Woo! It was good getting to know you Quill, this was a quilly experience. It is a good start for new potential of writers.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

This was lots of fun and got all of us writing. I hadn't heard most of the participants' writing before. Thank you for hosting this, Quiller! 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Now you know how crappy my writing is! Yay!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yes, thanks a ton Quiller. I was amazed at the amount and quality of the responses. And no idea what magic you worked here, but I can't remember the last time I was able to just bulldoze on past my writer's block like that.

I'm going to try to keep a semi-respectable word count going even now that it's over, though I admit it will be strange not having to spend every moment of free time feverishly typing...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago



That was fucking depressing, man.


You have some grammer and spelling mistakes, but other than that, great job.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Eyyyyyy @mizal hi 5


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Come on, don't leave the poor guy hanging!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Ah, another victim of the saddening "no-return high five". So sad. Let us give him a moment of our time. *National Anthem of super crappy <insert enemy nation here>*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

My arm's starting to get tired.

Hard to type with one hand.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Um......but don't you always use one hand? *Points to Gatling arm.*

Well, at least you have hands.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yessss, vindication for all those hours of words words words

when in doubt, just type everyone into submission

I'd return the hi5 but but fingers are frozen into the typing position now.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Still waiting.

Starting to look like I'm a Nazi.



Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Well we can't have that.


hi5 for being awesome

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

*Clapping sound of a virtual high five*


But seriously, your entries were AMAZING!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Damn't! Well......good job guys.......yay. Well, that was very well-written stuff. That's all I have to say.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

But then again I have lost every lot I participate in. Wow, I know right xD

At least I helped my writer's block :[

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thanks again everyone for making this contest so much fun! Since this one went so well, I'd love to do something like this again soon, as long as my real life schedule allows. Although, I'll have to finish all the artwork I owe people now, so excuse me while I handcuff myself to my art tablet for about a week! XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Can I have sugar with that tea?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thanks for having us, Quiller! It was really fun and I hope we can do this again!





Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

You did. So did @Steve24833 , who hasn't sent me a request yet!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


You did the lottery pick, but what about picking a favorite for the day?

You just thought you were free. We'll wring more art out of you yet...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Oh yeah.

Would you kindly?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Haha, this is payback for dumping all 13 prompts on you for the last day, isn't it?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yes. Yes it is. They were pure evil the first time around, and doubled down (or has that been adopted as only applying to Trumpy-ness?) the second time around.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

If you do choose a personal vote, I nominate @iavatus, @bilbo, @mizal, and @Kiel_Farren for The Ice Bucket Challenge consideration. They all did wonderful, not only on the last day, but throughout the week as well.

or mason for a pity vote, if that's your style.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Ah well, I didn't win any art, but I did sort off get past my writer's block with these things and got a few ideas for my storygames, honestly, contests like these should be held more often, even if there isn't a prize(like this).


Well, I'll improve my writing and win this the next time quiller wants to challenge us like this. Cheers to the winners!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Aww. *pat* thanks... If I was a better artist I would offer participation drawings for everyone who didn't win... that way everyone would win something, at least. But my art sucks, unfortunately

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I saw your art and it's amazing(compared to anything I could draw), but not good enough for what drawing I have in mind, only quiller would be able to draw the character I have envisioned in my head...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
That's why I said if my drawings were better lol. Besides, I don't own a drawing tablet, or else I would probably be a good artist, too lol. :)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Congrats Mizal and Tim for doing literally everything! You guys are crazy! Congrats to breezy for the ultimate raffle win though!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Thanks, Aman. I couldn't believe it, even though I didn't finish my last post in time.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thanks, Aman!

This whole contest was really fun!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

For everyone waiting on art that I still owe ( @Aman , @Tim36D , @Kiel_Farren , @bilbo , @breezy134 ) I promise I'm working on them! I'm also working on them all at the same time, so expect a huge art post soon!

And @Steve24833 , if you already sent in your sketch request, I must have accidentally missed it. If you would still like one, would you mind resending that request?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Awesome! :D

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I expected nothing less! Hope they get done soon! :D

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Oh shit I havent actually sent you anything yet ha ha. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Don't worry, I sent it in after I wrote it

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

XD its an amazing btw

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Ty :)

Just sad it can't be full colour (Quillster reciprocates these feelings)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

One day Quillier will do another comp and we'll force him to color it up ha ha

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Sorry that the artwork is taking so long! Real life is curbstomping me right now, hah...ha. Anyway, here's what I have done so far, and the other's are nearly done (except breezy's, which still needs to be colored, asdfghjkl)

Please accept the slightly neater quality as my apology for the delay

@Tim36D , the selfie of our avatars you requested:

And @Aman , the ridiculously epic and elaborate scene you sent me, which I got a teeny tiny bit carried away with (let me know if you want a larger version).

Hope they're close to what you imagined, I'll be back with the other pics as soon as I get done with them!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

OMG Quill, that is beatiful!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Oh dear. That is about the most elaborate and ornate selfie stick that exists.

Nicely drawn, as always!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Thanks. I grabbed a poor unsuspecting friend of mine and forced them to take a selfie with me as a pose reference, haha

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Haha! I really like Tim's reqested picture.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yeah, it's awesome. The other scene is pretty epic as well.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Wow, fantastic work quiller! You put a ton of detail into these.

Aman, I gotta know the story on that scene.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I am also curious. I think it's one of my favorite things Quills has drawn thus far.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Drak wrote it. With permission, I'd love to post the entire except they sent me.

(That being said, I'm going to add 'STAIRS' and 'THRONES' to the list of things that I can't draw without unhealthy amounts of head-desking XD)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I feel you there...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Of course ha ha. 

I'd post it myself, but posting giant blocks of text with a phone farks everything up

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Shadows have souls, yes?

Anton leans back into his arrogant, imperious slouch - his back grinding against the jagged, uncomfortable edges of the obsidian throne, one arm propped up on the right side and resting on his chin, the other stretched out on the left side. His eyes are all black, an unsettling window into the Abyss from which he draws his strength.

The Vampire Prince is not ugly, but a sort of ranchor oozes out of him, a malevolence that chills all who look on him with terrible certainty. The air in the room is freezing, the surface of the throne and the ground near him covered in frost, the life sucked out of the very air in his presence.

The room is near total darkness the Dark Prince of Kronstadt would have it no other way. He finds a beauty in the darkness beyond the serenity of the abyss, he views light and dark inversely, and thus to him dark Obsidian is purest Diamond, each living shadow he conjures into the air is an angelic spectre, a cherub blessing his Lord. The illusion of divinity, to better lie to himself for the horror he has become.

The room is filled with such shadows, drifting through the air like ink clouds in stagnant water. The only other ornaments are those conjured by Anton, shadow hardened into the same jagged obsidian from which his throne is made.

Anton himself is armoured in the stuff of darkness - the armour is not solid, but rather flows loosely on him, like a simple silk cloak. Shadows flow off the armour like a mortal's chilled breath in the winter. Leaning against the right side of the throne is a jagged obsidian blade, reminiscent of a long hand-and-a-half cavalry sword.

If not souls, shadows certainly have memories then? Each shadow was, after all, created by something real.

His gaze focuses on Joseph, who kneels before the throne. How many centuries of this? Of dread master and remorseful servant? He deserved better, Anton knows, but... Eternity alone is painful, and clearly God meant for Joseph to help him, yes?

The Ashen Lord of Kronstadt's fearsome reputation was rivalled perhaps only by his most faithful servant. Once a Templar and then a pacifist monk, Anton's enemies have taken to calling Joseph "Anton's Angel", for the wings the vampire conjures before entering battle.

Joseph's features are unmemorable - a simple man with closely cut dark hair and a light shadow of a beard, his eyes an unremarkable dark brown and his body one toughened from manual labor. He wears the simple habit of a monk overplayed with protective shadows, much like Anton's own armour. From his back sprout wings that currently gently kiss the floor with their tips as they hover almost protectively, lovingly over Joseph himself. Much of the horrible presence about Anton is also present in Joseph... But there is a difference that one finds immediately. The terror about Joseph seems to come directly from the powers he wields, the wings on his back, the death in his eyes. Anton... were one to strip him of power and leave him to the sun, even his ashes would chill the soul.

Anton's childe carries no weapons, though it would be a fatal presumption to assume it made him vulnerable to any sort of attack.

Perhaps a shadow of a soul then. Yes, that makes sense doesn't it? Everything has its shadow. Even God casts a shadow, for there is the Abyss. I find myself in the shadow of my lord.

The thought leaves him as Joseph speaks, dragging him away from his idle contemplation....

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

*chuckle* Interesting. Reminds me of some of the things I've written in the past, particularly a fanfic character... this sounds like it would make a good foundation for a storygame.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I believe many role-playing sessions would be great for storygames.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Eew no ha ha. Most rps are definitely not fit for literary conversion. Sometimes maybe you'd find a character who's extremely interesting so you could write a short story about, but most (if not all) rps are very much cliched nonsense. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Sure, but that's why I said foundation. I've gotten a lot of ideas via screwing around with silly, informal RPs. I haven't really sifted through your RP on BHB (or any I haven't tried to participate in, to be honest) but these characters do sound like they could be part of a compelling narrative.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

It helps that VTM is generally built around telling a compelling story, and I could (and have, mentally), written such stories and keep them in mind when I GM the game so that I can try and steer the players towards the desired outcome (and it usually works out).

It helps when you've got an awesome crew too. Seth, Berka, Aman, D and Forge have all been amazing.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Fair enough.

Mmhm, nothing can replace a good RP partner. You can have the best plot in the world, but if the other person isn't or can't make a good effort, it'll still turn out to be garbage.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

An VTM game run by Drak with nearly all of the best writer RPers?

...I would like to announce that all further artwork will be delayed indefinitely until I'm done binge reading those RP logs over on BHB

I'm kidding. About the delay. Not about the binge reading.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Holy shit sweet. That is awesome. Thanks so much quillier, ha ha. Now I gotta go show it off to everyone on bhb ha ha. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Wait, there's an entire RP with these characters?

?!?!? You mean I could have read their character sheets and obsessively sifted through all the RP posts for more character details instead of making stuff up ?!?!?!!


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I say it's better when you make up the details. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

XD please, as if any of my posts are detailed. But yeah, duh. XD Not a finished RP, (we haven't even gone through our first century), but we've been going strong for the past year and a half. How else would Drak and I have such a detailed character we'd both be fangirling about, ha ha. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

... And now I've pictured you and Drak fangirling. This has been an odd day. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Yes it has.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Wow that's beautiful quiller :o

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

It's... amazing. It's even better than I imagined!

I will cherish this always. Thank you, Quiller.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
You're welcome. I'm thrilled to hear that, and I had a ton of fun drawing it too. It's been years since I had any kind of excuse to draw my own avatar -- that's not Ford's disturbing Rule 34 proposal, ahem -- so thank you for giving me the request!

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

You sure you don't want to change your mind on that?  It is a very cool avatar.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

For some reason, (probably because we can't see each other under the cloak of the internet) I pretty much base your personalities in your avatar.

I imagine as Quiller as some very nice gentlemen, Tim as some cod fan, and Kiel as some clever Mage who beats up people.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

COD? Really, Mason? Just because I speak write with an accent, I automatically love the Call of Duty franchise? I feel offended.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

You should be.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I know, right? Look at this CLOWN!

No offense, man.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

None taken.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
...only because it's you doing asking, Kiel...and because you DO look good in black leather. XD XD XD

Stay out kiddos

Okay, now I REALLY need to get some goddamn sleep before I make more bad life decisions

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

*flex* Damn right, I do. ;)

Enjoy your rest. ^^

(Nice trolli--wait, that link actually... goes somewhere...?)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Whoops, my hand slipped :P

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

... You actually made me blush. Congratulations, I didn't think anyone on here could manage that anymore. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I blame two hours of sleep and in the last twenty four hours and two cans of Red Bull in the last two hours. Luckily, I'm still sane enough to put it somewhere I can delete when I wake up tomorrow morning and regret everything.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Nooo... no regrets. :P But yeah, initially, it just took me to your test game page, so I thought you were purely joking. When I clicked  it again to actually play your game... xD well. (You're welcome, @Ford )

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Aaand, that's my cue to hide all the evidence, or I'll never hear the end of it XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Too late. I saved it.

:3 Just kidding ... or am I? :P 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Damn it, Kiel, I was getting ready to blackmail him for more art.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I would like to invoke plausible deniability.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Oh, we still can.. *Rubs hands together mischievously*

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Careful, Zag. Quiller could just as easily draw you and Tim doing it. (Or any other combination.)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

But then again that would be absolutely horrible for quiller seeing as he would have to draw it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I know I'm going to regret this. *Shrugs* Oh well.

Let him do it. In fact, I dare him to do it.

I dare you @the_quiller 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I sat there for a while trying to figure out what I was looking at exactly.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

At first, I saw a black square and thought:

"Oh, Quill! I get the joke! It's supposed to be censored! Bravo!"

But then it loaded I misclicked, apparently:

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I'm pretty sure someone will click on the link hoping for some real pr0n

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Well, it basically is, just a smaaaaaaaaaaaall portion of it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Hey, for all you know, they're just... ... playing Twister. On a bed. Without the mat. And Quiller's avatar lost. >_>


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Wait, you mean it wasn't obvious? You can even see Kiel's left hand on blue...>_>

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

It might be more clear if it was a whole picture.  (xD Sorry, I'll behave now. Edit: nope, nope I lied. Now I'll behave.)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
That was the original joke, yes. Then I, why not traumatize anyone foolish enough to click the schmuck bait?

I'm sorry, I will regret everything and apologize in the morning when I'm no longer suffering from caffeine induced insanity.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

It's okay Quill. I forgive you..For trolling me so hard. XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I forgive you, fuggedaboutit... *maniacal laughter*...

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
I came.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I saw. ;)

Veni, vidi, veni. ;)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I... conquered?

Oh, I see the fine print now. Damn it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Not where I was planning on taking this, but good to see you were thinking along the same lines. My plot to make CYS into my very own hive-mind is almost complete, muwahah.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I'm looking forward to it.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
Bad Quiller! Bad Kiel! *punches both of them and escapes* Gosh I have to tell the townspeople to help me replace my eyes with artificial ones now! All because of those two people! Quiller was the one who made the mess. I will have to murder him when he sleeps, hehe.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Why stop there? ;)

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

I don't think you wanna come by while we're 'sleeping' ... ;) you might burn out your new eyes, too. Even if we're actually sleeping. I don't do pjs.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

That's a Kieller combo. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Lol. Best pun I've heard all week.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

If that's the best, I'd hate to see what is the worst. XD

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Then don't ever meet my family. 

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Thanks for thanking me. This was even grander than I dreamed. I know what my new phone background is going to be...

To be honest, I've never really received art before. Well, except for an amazing rendition of my epic sunglasses face by @DerpBacon... and @Morgan_R still owes me some! GODDAMN YOU, MORGAN! (jk, Morgan, i luv u <3) But besides that, this is a first for me.

Pretty cool idea, though, amirite? My second choice was gonna be a Falcon Punch, beeteedubs.

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago

Absolutely stunning. Can I have a selfie too?

Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago


Yep, the description was based off Anton Petrov Veranin and Joseph, Anton being Aman's character in my VTM game on Bountyhead and Joseph being his primary servant and ghoul (and future childe). Neither of the two characters are anywhere near this level, of course, but assuming they survive that's around where they'll end up.


I wrote it for Anton specifically because Aman wanted one of his character, and it was pretty easy to write since the shadow imagery for that clan and their powers is already so evocative.


Amazing pic Quill, thanks for all the effort you've put into this!




Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback

8 years ago
You're more than welcome! I'm glad it at least came close to doing that epic description justice, and I can't wait to see how the RP develops.