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Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

4 months ago

Hello to all who read this! I am currently piecing together my very first storygame on here and needed inspiration and ideas. I know where I want to go with most of the plot, but I wanted to hear other ideas that I could maybe add. This is going to be a well thought out story set in a medieval fantasy world, so it will take some time to actually complete, but I'm determined to finish! I love the idea so far and want to role with it. Also, this is for EndMaster's August 1st 2024 Crisis Contest, which is why I have to finish it lol. Otherwise, it's the SHAME pit for me! Lol. XD Help....! :,) Anyway, here is the title and the plot:

Title: I'll Send You A Postcard From The Other World

Plot: A girl named (Name WIP), is on vacation in Florida when she stumbles upon an under water cave. In this cave she finds a magical artifact that transports her into a fantasy world set in a medieval era. Upon arriving, she meets the royal prince of one of the three major kingdoms of that world. When she realizes that the artifact didn't travel with her, thus leaving her stuck in that world, she humbly askes if his majesty would help her return home, which he does. However, it seems that the entire world is against her wishes to return home. Can (Name WIP) make it back to her world? Or will she chose to give in to the pull of the world around her?

Basically, lining up with the challenge specifications (I hope), the large, huge, gigantic problem the protagonist will face is, not only finding a way home, but the people. No one will want her to leave and her goal is to navigate the world around her and not only escape the world itself but also the people who are around her. She will have to be smart and cunning while using her feminin tallents to find a way home.

What I need are name ideas for basically everyone in the book. If you what to come up with a character, with a full on backstory and personality who will appear (depending on how detailed the backstory is will determine if they are met once or more than once. Also if they fit well with what I have going for the story. Example: Say you come up with a maid or butler. Depending how detailed you made them, they could be just a onetime appearance or they couls become one of the people who the MC interacts with often.), I will mention you if you want me to. If you want to remain anonymous, let me know and I will add an Anonymous section. Just names will be a great help too! The names I need the most right now are the mc's and the three princes mentioned. They are key figures as of now. 

Other Things That Need Names:

The three kingdoms
The artifact
Nitty gritty things like inns, bars, side characters, places

(Note: This is set in a made-up world, apart from the brief time in Florida at the beginning. Thus, if you want to give a character suggestion or idea, that character doesn't have to be human. You want to see elves? Go ahead. Maybe some dragons? What's stopping you? "I wanna pet cat names Mr Snuggleton Von Snickers the Third!", hey, I won't judge! All ideas are welcome! If your character doesn't make it in this story idea, it might in a future one!)

Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! :D



Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

4 months ago
Thanks, I was having trouble coming up with an idea for the contest myself.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

4 months ago
I'd say the idea fits the contest theme -- protagonist dealing with a crisis is a pretty broad one. I'll add it depends on how you write it, since when I hear 'crisis' I expect more immediate threat, and you didn't specify how / why the people don't want her going back. As long as you put in the effort I wouldn't worry about it tho.

For coming up with names, I like using google translate (romance languages generally work easiest -- but you can always swap letters and change things around for any language). Plenty of actual name generators around as well. In your case, if the three kingdoms are sufficiently different, I'd use a different language for each group of people. Boom, now they have distinct name groups!

Writing wise, the artifact might not need a name. Heck, the Kingdoms too! Could just be the First Kingdom, the Second Kingdom, etc. Alternatively, going with colours is also popular enough: Red Kingdom, Blue Kingdom, etc.

I bring this up because your pitch currently reads as very ambitious. General advice is to start small, because boy does branching allow for a ballooning of scope. The reason I say these big setting elements don't necessarily need names is because you might want to focus on the characters instead, while relegating the world to the background.

That's not to say you can't do both, just that fleshing out a setting with three kingdoms AND working in a bunch of community characters (if people end up submitting any) might lead to a bit of a . . . mishmash. Writing varied character interactions will be hard enough, after all, even without trying to tie it all into a well-defined world. But, again, I'm sure it can be done, I just worry if it'll be too hard to accomplish for a first storygame.

I'll also say you might find more success harvesting community ideas once you've established yourself in the community. New user + ambitious pitch + asking for ideas = I'm not expecting a high response rate. Happy to be proven wrong tho!

Depending on how you structure the story, I strongly encourage the use of early endings (deaths even) to both make the threat of escape clearer (tying into the immediate threat I mentioned at the start -- that I associate with 'crisis') but also to help keep the story scope from ballooning out of hand. But that's just my advice.

Good luck and have fun writing!

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

4 months ago

This was super helpful feedback! Sadly, it's too late to turn back now seeing as I am fully committed to doing this. Lol. Is it too much for a newbie? Yes. Am I a newbie when it comes to writing stories? No. Am I confident I'll finish before the deadline? Ok, not really, but if this turns out to be a really good read, then who cares if I get tossed into the SHAME pit? The whole purpose of writing to me is to create something people will enjoy and will want to reread later. Something so thrilling, breathtaking, and full of twists that it will leave them on the edge of their seat waiting to see what's next. 

As for the deaths, I was planning on having plenty of those along the way. Not just main character deaths, but also deaths of other characters you as the reader will come across. I'm going to make it fairly hard to survive while also dropping in some epic endings, rare endings, uncommon endings, common endings, and unseen/dramatic endings. I want to make it hard to survive, so there won't be many good endings. The bad endings are you either die, you are forced to stay, or, in slightly rarer cases, you comit suicide. (I do need to know how mature to rate it at the end for that, but I'll get there later.) 

I really appreciate your advise and will do a smaller story next time! :D

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

For the love of god, please let your first story game be short and complete. You're not Endmaster and you don't have the time to put together an epic. Use your time and word count towards crisis and developed characters. Ambition is a noob-killer. I get it, you want to put together something awesome and maybe people will stop calling you a fag but you don't have the time for a huge world expanding story. Develop your characters, have a decent plot line with REALISTIC choices and you'll do fine. My first WIP has been under development for like 5+ years and 20K+ words because I was way too ambitious at the time and it is EASY to blow a choose your own adventure game out of proportion. My only published story game (besides my short stories) is sitting at ~15k words and was rushed and missing alot. Its sitting at a 5.5/8 rating. Don't focus on entire word building, but important details relevant to what the MC is experiencing. 

TLDR; Dire is drunk and you need to focus on the basic before you become to ambitious.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Forgot to mention:
Fuck you, you're a fag.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Love you too, Dire.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

And take some pain killers for that hang-over you're gonna undoubtedly get. 

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Also, thanks for the advice. :)

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago


I have changed my story idea for the contest to something else. HOWEVER! I am still planning on writing this one eventually, so ideas are still appreciated! :D

I would also appreciate ideas for my new story! I started it and you can view the description on my profile for a better understanding of what it is! :)

Can't wait for more amazing feed back! (Even Dire's drunk ones. Lol XD)

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Scope seems much more manageable, but it still won't write itself, so be sure to put in the time.

It can be interesting to see how folk interpret site lore -- and it is ironic that the people who didn't give character ideas freely will now become story characters instead -- I say, have fun with it!

One page is not much to judge, but even this early I can say that the writing itself is not making me want to die, so if you finish the story I imagine you'll avoid the SHAME pit. (Let's pretend matching Malk is totally optional).

I do question if you picked the best starting point, since the description mentions AshenArc (should this be two words?), but instead you're starting with [Order] and [Chaos]. I'm just worried you'll go on introducing all these Gods and it'll come across like heavy handed exposition (getting the reader invested first tends to work best for making exposition interesting).

If you're just introducing the two it's probably fine. That's enough judging for only one page.

Oh, do consider reading some of End Master's stories (if you've got the time). Being his contest, it isn't a horrible idea to see what he wrote, even if writing to a judge's taste is not mandatory (but even then, it can still give you ideas, and the stories are worth reading regardless).

Good luck!

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Zake, you are way too kind. Tbh I don't think that this person will finish any story.


Btw. I think that Sherbet is also one of the judges!

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago


...I feel so loved.... :,)

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

It is all about variety. This way, failure will bring the sting of disappointment alongside the expected ridicule!

Link to Sherb's profile for additional reading.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

True true.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Thanks for such positive feedback! :D I greatly appreciate it! 

AshenArc's name is spelled that way because I wanted to do something that seemed like a username while also being like a normal name. For example, a lot of people usually do something like User_Name, Us3r N4m3, username1234, UserName, ex. Stuff like that. So I joined the two words to make his name for a username feel. I'm planning on doing similar names for other characters you come across. 

As for the start, I wanted to have some kind of intro that was set outside of The SHAME Pit that would lead up to the pit itself. I wanted to start with Order and Chaos because Chaos is the creator of the game. I'm currently not finished with the Prelude. I still have a bit that I wanted to add. I don't know if you can tell where the begining is going, but it is basicly going to be me inserting semi real events that took place recently. *cough* By the end of the Prelude it should be set up to transition to Ashen's POV because Chaos will turn the conversation the two will have towards the Arena. The start of chapter one will go into Ash's POV and will talk for a little bit about how he got to where he is currently. From there the story will go into full swing. 

And I will just give y'all a heads up now, I'm a very descriptive writer and I will usually try and use big words or words that mean the same thing if I have the exact same word in one sentence to try and spice it up. Give it more flavor. 

ALSO! How did you read the Prelude? :o I didn't post anything yet. :O So how was it acceptable? *O*

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I look forward to reading it. As for how people are reading it already, you can read any storygame on the site (including unpublished stories) as long as you know the name simply by typing the name of the story at the end of this url:

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Oh! That's so cool! I had no idea! :o

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

When a game has sneak peak enabled, anyone can read it. Default site behaviour is that there is no direct link, but because story titles make up the link, you can just write it out.'s%20Game

If you turned off sneak peak I couldn't access it.

As for the rest of the post, name explanation makes sense, and the prelude plan alleviates my concerns (mostly). Just be sure to write!

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
  • female
  • nineteen
  • gay
  • likes to draw
  • writes a CYS fanfiction as a first storygame

I didn't realize they made women like me in an assembly line. 

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
I was the first gay 19yo female on here, I laid the foundation of all of you gay 19yo females

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

*Takes deep breath....* Please..., don't call me gay. Or a homo, or a lesbian. I am none of those things. But now that you two have said something, I'm gonna add it to my list on my profile page. (I kinda think that's why people keep calling me that, just to annoy me)

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
I thought it had been confirmed in that other thread that you were a gay homo lesbian, but the jury was still out on whether you were a retard

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

._. *puts down '12' on profile. Scratch that, puts down '14'*

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Yes. Especially since you are keeping count, folks will continue to try to drive that count up higher. 

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Which is why I put it up. Something for the community to have fun with. You're welcome. :P

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Honestly, I don't really care enough to go looking at folks profiles.  Seems like too much work.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I look at people's profiles all the time to get to know them better. It's what profiles are for. 

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Sounds like something someone gay might say...

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

No, it just sounds like someone who is lonely and wants to make friends but can't because she made a fool of herself and her low self esteem issues from real life, that are little to none, have found their way on to an online website, causing her to try and prove herself so that, maybe, just maybe, people will like her and will be her friend cause life irl sucks rn and she tries to do everything she can to make it better, and she thinks that online friends will help her with that. *breaths*

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Who could this mysterious person be?

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago


Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Okay, 3 letters...

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Actually, the '...' was just me choosing to stay quiet.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Making a post is the exact opposite of staying quiet

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago


Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Alien? dang

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

No, not Alien. Besides, Alien is on a trip irl. 

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

the elipses is a dead giveaway.  Im guessing you are aliens alt

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
But 3 letters? Aln?

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

three letters   g a y

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
I was thinking it might be!

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Two letters. n o

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Ok, so the mysterious person described above is not gay.

That's a hint, right?

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago


Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Can't be Ford, as he's a gay lesbian...

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

And a guy. I kept saying 'she'

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
And no one in this thread is making a fool of themselves, so it can't be any of us...

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

*face palm*

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Gotta tell ya, I'm stumped

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

but we know it is someone gay... or using the proper term lesbian

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

she's not gay/a homo/ lesbian. 


Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Oh not gay then... my bad

soooooo is this person a retard?

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Well are we completely, 100% sure not gay? I mean, not even like a little bit?

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I dont know.  Newb said it was in a long rant.  Long rants are gay

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Now I KNOW the rat is toying with me. 

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Ogre is not a rat, he is an ogre

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

YOU are who I'm calling Rat. It is your new nickname from yours truly. 

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Its not very catchy.  I think you can do better.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Ok Remi

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

You have a brain denser than lead. That's not even the right franchise.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Aha! A clue!

The mystery person can't be YOU because the mystery person is trying to make friends, and surely someone who is trying to make friends wouldn't call other nice people rats!

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

You two calling someone gay/a homo/lesbian who doesn’t want to be called gay/a homo/lesbian isn't nice. It's mean and almost like bullying. :(

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Werent you keeping count just so that the "community" could get some entertainment/enjoyment?

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Are you not entertained with my acting? :P

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
The only person I called gay was Ford and that's because he's gay and he said so

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Then I am sorry for accusing you of something you did not do. I kinda wrapped you and DBNB together and I apologize. :(

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

And I have called a bunch of you POSTs gay, which is not the same thing.  In fact, I think that was actually specified.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

My posts and I are a group cause it is what I have written. Thus, you basically call me gay.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Untrue and faulty logic.

Many highly intelligent people have said and written stupid things.  That does not make them stupid nor does identifying what they wrote/said as stupid constitute calling them that.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Also, many people who have written stupid things have been gay

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I have the strangest feeling you two are toying with me. -_-

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
As for me, I'm just trying to solve this mystery

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Yeah, i didnt read your rant, so Im just trying to solve a mystery

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
C'mon, DB, let's take the van!

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

As long as I get scooby snacks

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Ooo! Can I be Daphne? :o

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Do you have red hair?

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I do actually

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

You're in.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Ummm.  Weirdly in the new iteration of Scooby Do I think Daphne is gay

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I'm old school Daphne.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

well, thats not suspect

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Im actually unsure of the question at this point.  

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

The question that Ogre was asking was "who is the person I am refering to"

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Referring to as what?

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

In that long rant up there. ^

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Oh.  tl;dr

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

The only alt I had was Eevee_Sweetie and I promised Master I wouldn't use it ever.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
What's going on in this thread? There's no way I'm reading all this, someone just tl;dr me.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Nothing happened

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Ogre and DB have been having fun with Raven who has been desperately defending her heterosexuality. So the usual tradition of tormenting retarded noobs.

Oh and Suranna sucks. (Also as is tradition)

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

And the annoying thing is that I'm too scared to go all out on my comments (as in sharper comments) cause they are long time members and I'm pretty sure mods and I don't want to get kicked... :,)

In other news... I left not long before these posts cause I was helping a lady with yard work with my sister. So that was a good break from all of the above and calmed me down cause I was feeling anxious for some reason after my conversation with those two... So yeah.... Good times. :)

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

You wouldn't get banned for insulting someone, the bigger danger is one of them being motivated enough to mock you in a more ruthless way (not the nice way they're doing right now) so you just have to grow a thicker skin.

Normally I wouldn't advise you look to either of these two as a good example, but MrAce and Suranna are pretty much punching bags around here and they just sort of roll with it. They're still around (for now) and you haven't even reached their level of disgust yet so there's still time to turn everything around.

Of course the best way to escape is to just start writing enjoyable stories or worthwhile comments on stories. Still keep in mind, this isn't a fool proof plan against mockery as Darius or Cel might tell you. So you still need to armor up and you'll be fine.

And for the record, Ogre and DB aren't mods anyway and they don't have any extra protection so feel free to goes nuts on them if you want, I'm sure we'd all be entertained. Though your safer choice would probably be Ogre, he's lazier and probably has already tired himself out with that unusual display of energy so he might not retort back making it a fairer fight.

The most important thing is to not keep apologizing. That tends to annoy everyone here more than anything else.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

>:) Now I have permission to not hold back...Prepared to be entertained next time.... >:)

Apologizing is annoying? :o Huh...

Also, I will take your advice, Master! Speaking of stories tho, how does the one I'm working on sound so far to you? :o

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I dunno, I typically don't read anything except my own stories.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

._. oh...

ok then

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Ah, don't be scared to come back at me with comments.  First, I'm not that scary.  But I think as End mentioned everyone would respect it more if you hit back hard.  I'm pretty sure it would be funny and nobody will ban you for trying to tell me off.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Then I'll hit back hard!  And remember, you asked for it, Remi! >:) Lol

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago


Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I didn't know the franchise so I went with the one I did.

But what franchise is it anyway?

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I am really sorry about the excessive chatting. In my defense, I was writing more to my story while simultaneously doing... all that up there.

I do really apologize tho. :(

I know I am annoying you and I'm trying really hard not to annoy anyone and failing. :(

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Every time you say "Master", more points will be docked.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

But...I told him I'd call him that until I earned the right to call him what everyone else calls him. We agreed to it. :(

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Stop listening to the lies of the sodomites. Onward Christian soldier.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

It was you who sent me those points! T^T Thank you so much! And I will! 

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Prelude To Chaos's Game Is Now Complete!

If you'd like to check it out, I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback!

Here is the link to the sneak peak! 

Chaos's Game

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Is it a gay story?

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

You'll have to read it to find out :P 

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I dont understand that word "read".  What does that mean?

Ogre, do you know what that means??

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

The Rat doesn't know how Hmm...? Shame. Guess it's back to Kindergarten for you, Remi.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
I dunno, sounds kinda gay

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Ah, that explains it.  Thanks.

Looks like Darius is helping her out.  He's smart and probably understands this "read" thing

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

...Means I'm smart cause I understand 'read'. :P

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
Or gay, however you want to interpret things

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

According to the old English definition of the word 'gay', the word used to mean 'happy'. So then, yes, you are technically right. I am the old English definition of gay; happy.

(I was actually thinking about this fact today)

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

You win Ogre,  you got her to admit she is an old English gay person.  Nicely done. 

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Yes, gay as in happy, not gay as in I am in love with women. I'm into guys. 

I also gave that to him. :P

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Since Endmaster has taken you under his wing, I'll refrain from point docking for now no matter how cringy your comments are. However, if you fail to turn anything in by the end of the contest's deadline, there's a nice surprise waiting for you :) just like when Ace failed to submit anything.

Well, since you've actually written the first page, I'll take a look at it.

The first paragraph is fine, but I'm the second paragraph I already feel a bit pained while reading it. You almost had something like a defining character moment, but then chose to forgo that after the first sentence. I think here you could do a lot more showing than telling. Instead of saying that she thinks they got scared of her because she was nasty to the mortal. Why not show a bit of action by beginning the scene with smiting the mortal to hell? You then could show her most defining character trait and introduce the main conflict she has.

(To add to that, it would feel funnier if you would IMPLY that her servants got scared of her because of her previous actions instead of just telling us in her narration. It would be much more interesting if the goddess was more of an unreliable narrator and thus be unaware of the reasons why they all of a sudden are scared of her now)

With physical descriptions, often less is more. If it doesn't add anything to the character, then don't write it. Things like the colors of her dress, her eye and her hair color; I glanced right over them. Plus, don't try to use things like aqua green eyes or crimson colored cushions; it sounds like it is from a bad fanfic. What often helps, is to sprinkle these physical descriptors whenever they are relevant. In this paragraph where she admitted that she is vain; let her boast only about her best features like her long braided hair.

I spotted several typos. Delt. enjoied. 

There are some noticeable formatting issues. It is especially egregious when the characters speak to each other. Like, there should be some form of spacing after a ",". This makes the story very hard to read.

All in all. The scene is fine, but I think you could have structured it in a much more exciting way. Lots of things like them talking about the contestants could have been shown in a more interesting way, like these people coming out of the arena and blasting about their skills or some of them being literally captured by the goddess of Order.

Plus, introducing the main conflict is done way waayyyyy too late. I had barely any sense what was going on till I read almost half of the page. Like I said earlier, the main conflict between the two gods could have been so easily introduced by the goddess smiting the mortal and the God bringing the mortal back to life and announcing the contest. Then they both can have a small banter with each other.

It's honestly a bit unexciting to read in general, but good job writing the first page at least.


I just noticed that the God of chaos is based on Endmaster and the Goddess of Order on Mizal. (Tip: Mizal is usually portrayed with red hair.)

You sadly didn't get their speech/writing cadences right, Mizal's dialogue was the most far off from the two. It pains me to say that you made her sound like a valley girl.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Thank you so much for your feedback! I think it was very helpful and was very nice of you to do! :D 

My reasoning for the actions and personalities of Chaos and Order was that I'm trying to give a picture of the gods and goddesses as having human emotions and a soft side, but mortals don't see them like that. Instead they see them as untouchable, powerful, emotionless, and most of the time cold. Think of it as seeing a super star, but from the perspective of seeing them as another human being, with the ability to feel and express emotions like us. I got the idea from a song called 'My Ordinary Life' by The Living Tombstone. The song basicly talks about how the artist has become so popular that "They tell me I'm a god, I'm lost in the facade" and "When you become untouchable, you're unable to touch". See, I have realized that, with alot of people who are either famous, popular, or have a lot of power, they have a hard time making friends who aren't popular like them because the only thing ordinary people see is an icon that they adore. So I wanted to show that, even thought the gods are feared, behind closed doors or in their closed circles, they are people just like you and me. (It is how I try to see them.)

That is actually going to be mentioned (in a way. Don't want to spoil anything.) down one of the paths in the story. There are also going to be more moments of just the gods like in that first bit. So it will be a consistent theme. 

I can see what you mean by 'you added too much detail' and I will go back through when I have time and revise that. Along with the dialogue. I was scratching my brain to think of how to write all of that down and make it eventually turn the subject to Ashen and the other people in The SHAME Pit. I'll have to go back and fix some of that too.

As for the characters themselves, yes, they are based off of Master and Miss Mizal, however, this is still a work of fiction, thus the word 'based' would imply that they are not going to be perfect replicas of their irl counter parts. If the personalities annoy the moderators they are based off of, then I will change it, just let me know. :)

Also, what is a valley girl? :o

(Note, I mean all of this in the nicest way possible and I hope I didn't come across as rude or upset. That was not my intention nor am I upset in anyway with this feedback. I find any and all feedback is good feedback! :D)

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
See: Valley Girl

To echo what Darius said, I think too much physical detail turns readers away more often than not. Every reader will have a mental image of what is being portrayed, and I find it helpful to let them fill in some of the blanks (IMO).

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Oh no.... ._.

I need to fix that IMMEDIATELY!!!! 

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

Actually, I'll fix it after my brain stops spinning from writing my Thunderdome story. @_@


....and after I wake up tomorrow cause I can't think strait rn....

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
I'm more of a channel thinker myself.

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I fixed it...

Phew :o

She sounds much more intimidating and not at all like a valley girl. 

Hallelujah! :o

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago
I didn't read it. If I did, that would be approving of your aggressive, bull dyke, rug munching, homo lifestyle. I also don't want to read it

Storystorming- Any Ideas, Community?

3 months ago

I appreciate you too, Petros.