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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
First of all I can't use this information against you or anything (unless you have some name like Snowflake) so chill out.
Second of all, my name is Harris but you probabaly all know that.
Betaband's name is Ezekiel

What is your first name?

12 years ago
I'm Norwegian, and my name is Mats.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
Is Mats a common name in Norway?

What is your first name?

12 years ago
I did not know that at all. Nothing posessed me to learn your name, or pay attention to half of your posts that may include your name in it.

Anyway, guess my name.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
James... John.... Richard

I'm kidding obviously it's Bo...ring Okay Boring, see you later.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
Oh yeah by the way this is Cysid2 on Experiment (the group account)
Check out my account page and you'll understand. =)

What is your first name?

12 years ago
Actually, It's Robert. Muahahaha, Bo is just a nickname, foolish mortal!

What is your first name?

12 years ago

meh. oh by the way Harris IS NOT short for Harrison. I just wanted to clear that up. Oh and thx to whoever gave me an avatar photo.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
Legion? Very fitting for a group account

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Meh, also Awjones's real name is Austin. 

What is your first name?

12 years ago
I didn't even know we had a user named Awjones

What is your first name?

12 years ago

He co-authored a few of Betaband's story games. There's this guy named kmartin. He logged on twice.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Kmartin's real name is Keeton. It's a fact

What is your first name?

12 years ago
I'm starting to think you made them all

What is your first name?

12 years ago
I have 3 accounts (if you count this one) they aren't awjones and kmartin.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My name is Joseph, but I go by Joey.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
Sindri. Fairly common Icelandic name.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
If you look for it you will find it.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Oh yeah, Betaband's real name isn't Ezekiel, but it's similar. I (cysid2) will tell you at about 5 o'clock (Pacific Time)

What is your first name?

12 years ago

We don't care.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My name is Nick but I go by BB since apparently I'm into beastiality .

What is your first name?

12 years ago
You are just sick.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

You're a troll.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My first name is Goh!

What is your first name?

12 years ago

What is your first name?

12 years ago
Why is that so unbelievable?

What is your first name?

12 years ago

He lives in America (I assume) and is 12 years old.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
And is unaware of the facts that:

A. Some foreign names actually are foreign.


B. That this is an international site.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Couldn't have stated it better myself.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
oh yeah I forgot that harris and ezra aren't common names anywhere (except Ezra is a girl's name in Turkey)

What is your first name?

12 years ago

I've met quite a few people named Harris and a few people named Ezra.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
Really, in my whole life I've met 6 other people named Harris. It's a commoner in California than every where else I've been.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

In my whole life I've only met 5 people named NIck. Does that make it not common? No, it means I just haven't meant too many people with that name.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
There are 5 people named Nick at my school! Where do you live? Narnia?

What is your first name?

12 years ago
You have a nack for not getting people's points.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Or does he have a NICK for it?

(I'll see myself out)

What is your first name?

12 years ago


What you did there, I see it.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
Okay wait for it...Betaband's name is Ezra.

And yes I live in Menlo Park, California in the U.S.A.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
Wait don't you live in Singapore? Is Goh a common name there?

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Yes, I live in singapore and I'm not sure whether if Goh is a common name here.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Wow, you live in Singapore? Me too!

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Me 7th!

What is your first name?

12 years ago
My name is Nick.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My name is Racecar.  The last name is Level. 

What is your first name?

12 years ago

The name is Zach.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
My name is Tons Snot

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My full real name is Alexandru Liviu Valentin Serban Matei Avram Grigorescu.

It's unusual for someone in Romania to have more than 4 names, but my dad was proud he was the last direct descendant of some big-ass war general. 

What is your first name?

12 years ago
That's long 0_0

ok but you have to guess mine

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My first name is Hailey, which is extremely common in America. Well, at least I know it's common in my city in America. 

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Hailey is also popular where I live in America in both the states I have lived in.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

I know one Hailey at my school. Though she spells it Haley lol

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My name is Marissa :)

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My name's Snowflake. How you gonna use that against me? cheeky

What is your first name?

12 years ago

That's one ugly name Briar.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Yeah, I know... But that's one hell of an ugly MUSTACHELESS face! ... Oh snap! cool

What is your first name?

12 years ago

You did not say that.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My first name is Emperor... Or Macaroni....

What is your first name?

12 years ago

I dont think youre either BZ.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

He's an EMPEROR.... Penguin! Gasp!

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Oh no I didn't! Oh yes I did! cheeky

What is your first name?

12 years ago

OHHHHH she went there!!!!

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Look at the forum games I play.  One of the characters' names have got to be mine.  (But the one that does isn't one of my characters.)

What is your first name?

12 years ago

You're real name is Amy? :P

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Did you read the text in the parentheses?

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Ha, I was being facisious. Sorry, forgot about Internet sarcasm rules. 

What is your first name?

12 years ago

No he didn't.


Ha! (sarcasm)    ^_^

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Did not realized this was necromanced...


What is your first name?

12 years ago

I made the same mistake. I was confused as to how experiment got his password back.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My first name is Gloria :)

What is your first name?

12 years ago


One of the greatest names ever.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

I beg to differ. 

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Is that so?

Why is that?

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Michael is simply a losers name. And I have proof!

What is your first name?

12 years ago


What is your first name?

12 years ago


What is your first name?

12 years ago

My name is Quentin. 

What is your first name?

12 years ago

I'm Isaac.


What is your first name?

12 years ago

My first post in like a month and it's less than 15 characters long.  Feels oddly like a cop out. haha 

But I'll be back haha

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Wait, is your name really spelled that way?

What is your first name?

12 years ago


What is your first name?

12 years ago

This was 7 months ago? It feels just like yesterday.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

The internet will do that to you...

What is your first name?

12 years ago


What is your first name?

12 years ago

My first name is Seth I've always liked Hugo and usually I get called by my last name in English it means "pig mountain" my great grandfather changed it during World War 1.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Why would you NECRO THIS THING?!  WHY?!

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Jessica.  Or Jess, for short.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

my real first name is nathan but chase is my middle name

What is your first name?

12 years ago



Black Pox

Dr. Atomic

End Master




Lich Master

Lurking Death

Mad Max

Mad Maxine


Mr. Handy


Necro Master

Road Warrior


Sub Rosa



What is your first name?

12 years ago

Can I have one of your autographs then? ;)

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My name is Natalie (obviously) but I REALLY prefer to be called Natalo.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My first name sounds Italian, my last name sounds Spanish.

And i'm a Filipina. Go figure it out.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

I an in the us of a and yes my name an hailey is common up in the oh my god is my ass frozen off north west in fact my sisters name is Haley spelt like that though

What is your first name?

12 years ago

at least you won't be having any problems remembering her name....

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My Con. (no not really, but just call me that :)

What is your first name?

12 years ago

"Con" is like a shortened name for "Concepcion" [a Spanish/Mexican sort of type of name] that it?

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Could also be short for Constance, but I don't think a lot of people have that name anymore.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

or Connie. 

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Or Constantinople.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Shhhh its called Istanbul now...

What is your first name?

12 years ago


What is your first name?

12 years ago

You guys don't see it. It's con, for the con-artist she is! Tread warily around her, people! 

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My name is Con. Just Con. Not short for anything, but just Con. Con, the evil 3-yr-old genius that has plans for world domination and the worldwide extermination of staches (a certain type only). And yes, I'm also a con-artist ^_^

What is your first name?

12 years ago


Ironically it's a scotch-irish name meaning bad omen or bad luck. Usually it's a last name. I think my parents didn't look up the meaning before naming me xD

What is your first name?

12 years ago

or they want you to have a last name first name.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Yep my parents really should have looked up my name it's Jewish. It means hope light and dazzle and trust me I am anything but  I'm basically show no reaction to anything and have scalding sarcasm

What is your first name?

12 years ago

*Hugs sabley cuz she hasn't been on since 4evR!

C'mon people, join me in a group hug! :D

What is your first name?

12 years ago

We don't hug witches, we burn them.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Only your heretic mustaches would do such a deed!  Crusaders, we must take back the land of CYS!

What is your first name?

12 years ago

She's a witch! This is not related to the mustache/penguin war (which I will win in, of course) but a threat to all. 

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Pfft, in the other thread I said I was neutral.  I lead my own (nonexistent) legion of hooded extremists, and we (I) will shave that monstrosity right off if you aren't going to repent!

On a side note, to the new ppl here... this is roleplaying in its purest form.  No organized scenarios, nothing.  Just happens as it goes.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Have you even met your minions? They are loyal servants of the mustache, mascarading as hoods to fool the populous. 

Always has been. Nothing has ever been planned for these scenes.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

If you have ears, you'd ought to hear...

I don't have minions, it's just me against the Mustache world.  Wait, I feel peachfuzz on my lips...


What is your first name?

12 years ago


What is your first name?

12 years ago

Mom says my name came from the Bible. I've been reading it for quite some time, but I really couldn't find it. Also, knowing that it's derived from an Italian name....of a queen.....

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Huh, I wish could dazzle in any way...

What is your first name?

12 years ago

like, what way?

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My name is Tyron, it's a variation from Tyrone and it means  ''Owen's County''.

But i haven't got a single clue what owen's county is.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Nice and I mean be really good at anything like sports, writing or well anything.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Okay, hugo, as a note, when you reply to someone, reply to thier post, instead of the most recent one. It makes everyone know what you are talking about. :)

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Sorry Aman not everyone can be as smart as you and your mustache ( wondering what type is it? Handlebar, pencil, suspicious plumber man that fights evil and saves a princess named after a hairy fruit?)

What is your first name?

12 years ago

My first name is Kris. Technically my full name is Kristopher Daniel Benton but I like to add the names of two of my ancestors making me Kristopher Daniel Christmas Valentine Benton. Which I like. I might just start going by Daniel Valentine.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP NECRO-ing THIS THING?! But you're new, so I can't blame you.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Because we are all necromancers planning to destroy the world MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

What is your first name?

12 years ago

So now I feel bad and I don't know why... What exactly is NECROing. I've picked up that its a reference to necromancy but I'm confused as to what I did. O.o

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Don't feel bad.

Necro-ing is when someone takes a post that is months or sometimes years old, and posts in it. Since threads that have been posted in rise to the top, it looks as if it's a new thread when it's not.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Oh... I can see how that would be annoying. O.O

Sorry, I just saw it on the first page of the Forums so I went to it on instinct. Woops. Heh.

What is your first name?

12 years ago
Necro-ing is nothing (you have just given the meaning and name). Fuck you Amy!

What is your first name?

12 years ago

NO NO NO!!! Violence language and aggressive posts should not be allowed in this lounge it is for relaxation.

What is your first name?

12 years ago


Really hugo23? What does swearing have to do with relaxation? Besides, if you look in some of the threads in the lounge you will find plenty of hate-posts and swearing. Just saying.

What is your first name?

12 years ago

Probably I just been having a sucky day kinda depressed :(