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The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

Lemme say this again here so it would go to the ear of the admins. Recently there are so many newbies popping around with terrible names that I started a post about it. In this site can we add a separate place where the active members hang out, and another place were newbies make monkey noises and hang out together.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
I decree that this weird thread (pt 2) made by a newbie be the place newbies with terrible names hang out. Enjoy.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

Well, everyone has to start somewhere, right? But some of us rise above the noise and make an impact. Underestimate me at your own risk. We were all newbies once, after all.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago


The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

I like this one. :D

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
He's dead, Ravenic. Sheriff Mizal shot him between his eyes on the spot for playing dumb with alt accounts.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

You’re an admin, right? If you don’t agree with the idea, why not just say so instead of trying to put me down?

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
Where do you even get the "trying to put you down" part from?

Such an odd individual.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
I can't believe you shot an innocent kid in the face like that

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

That double-barrel shotgun on her back is used for more than just hunting down degenerate cultists and cyborgs

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

Because your idea is not worth discussing. You are are newb who has done nothing except get offended that someone "put you down" (oh no, someone was not super nice to me on the internet). Considering your "name" is equally as stupid if not more so than other new folks.  Who cares what someone's user name is? Worrying about that is just plain stupid.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

The weirdest username I used to go by on the internet was definitely themilfslayer69 I'd use that on almost everything game related, except for things requiring more professional handles. Still makes me laugh. 

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago


The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

I'm still proud of Naziferatu and Molestopheles.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago


It's subtle enough to where I'd be second guessing myself too 

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

Oh, just looked at your profile.  Since you know EndMaster how about you @ tag him 3 times in a post and let him sort it out. (3 times gets his immediate attention)

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

Let's say I’m wrong. How about we settle this with a simple game of rock, paper, scissors—no special abilities or anything, just a normal duel between me and Mizal (if he accepts)? If I lose, you all can say whatever you want about me. If I win, then I’d like to ask mizal to agree to be more respectful and fair in his comments about me.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

You have not earned any respect. Around here we give respect based upon what you do, not your stupid name. Right now you are a worthless retard until you prove otherwise, which if we evaluate based upon your idiotic suggestion of rock paper scissors demonstrates that you most likely lack any intelligence of note. 

edit: oh btw, we already are saying you are wrong. How is that not clear?

and we will of course say what we want about you whether you like it or not 

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
Well you decided to ignore my question, so in absence of any reasonable explanation I have no choice but to assume you're just shitstirring here.

And so I furthermore have no choice but to go from neutral to showing you exactly the amount of respect you've proven you deserve, retard.

This thread is still the designated zone you very much belong in. Most of the current noobs are actually savvy enough they probably won't end up sharing bananas with you in your dog house though.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

Mizal gets mad when you assume his gender. ^_^

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

You are wrong. How about we settle this by throwing you into the gorilla enclosure?

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
holy fuckin triple post

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

The new guy hates new people? What in the world? 

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
Who the fuck are you? Seriously dude, you're a nobody.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
no lore > sexual piss cult lore >> schizopost lore

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
*monkey noises*

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
*miku coomfap noises*

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
So in your mind, what exactly dictates what an 'active' member is? A newbie who just signed up is technically an active member since they are using the site, so why would they choose to post in monkey quarantine instead of the top-secret cool kids club?

The only people who wouldn't have access to an 'active members' forum would be people who aren't logged in or don't have an account, who wouldn't be able to post on the forums anyway.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

As a noob. I think we should have more noobs if anything, not less. It's always good to have more readers. 


Segregating based on percieved length of valuable contribution just feels like a weird and uncessarily divisive and alienating thing to do lol


We already kind of do it in a cool and competitive but inclusive way with points anyways. 


PURGE the lower PEONS WE are the higher race

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

Preach it. 

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
The top secret cool kids club is called BHB

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
Brother you are a newb with a terrible name. And you're making monkey noises. We have a place like the one you're describing, just ping EndMaster using the @ symbol 3 times and you'll go there

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
lol fag

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
Your prose is masterful as always, [peng]. This post itself is dense with thoughtful content, and it's so entertaining through to the very end. I couldn't help but be impressed with all of the possible bants and in-jokes that are so neatly and wonderfully placed in this post.

I have to say that I enjoyed every minute of this post. I'm tempted to say that you have outdone yourself, but your writing is always consistent in just how good it is. Thanks for yet another wonderful read, I eagerly anticipate the next forum post that you may create. Be it some inspired sequel to this post, or something completely different altogether.

At this point I think that it is safe to say that it is only right for me to look toward to your next post. The level of care and attention to detail that you place into each of your forum posts is always a treat to read and enjoy.

Thank you once again, for writing this wonderful and enthralling post.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

This is mine.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

Dude shut the fuck up and be The_One hanging from a fucking tree.

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago
Why is this guy going around DMing everyone now?


3 months ago



3 months ago
Playing dumb was a bad call.


3 months ago

Welp, well i cant say that i didnt see that as a possibility. He was messaging me quite a bit in DM's too, he struck me as very young. He got me to help co - author on his monster hunter story. Its a pretty cool concept so maybe ill finish it off one day lol

I think he was just a young kid lacking a bit in self awareness, lets just hope he grows from it. 



3 months ago
He was messaging people with an alt too (including Endmaster and Sherbet) which was what really did him in.

And yes, it had a stupid name.


3 months ago



Edit: can you read my DM's? or do you have to ban someone first to be able to do that? i dont really care either way, if anything, if you can, i implore you to read my DM's to see how wholesome i truly am (jk jk, kinda). 


3 months ago

J-just asking for a friend.



3 months ago


3 months ago
If someone is 1) banned, and 2) known to be in possession of a vault of horrors on the level of Pedo Mod Kiel's, there's a convoluted way to do this. But it's not an issue for regular site members or even regular banned fucktards.

In the case of The One Retard, his alt was sending stupid DMs to multiple people who talk to each other frequently, some of whom could check IPs.


3 months ago

What are the rules and regulations around depicting ex CYS members in a  story game? Ie I was thinking it would be pretty funny to make a to catch a predator story game one day. except Dexter or comedyesque version.  I don't think I ever would feature a CYS ex member in a story game like that even if it's allowed, a bit much for me, but just curious. 

I'll probably almost certainly never make this sort of story game, just not my style, but Its one that is a concept which Ive thought about quite a bit. 

I remember around a year ago I watched a Vitaliy Livestream where he had little pump come and give the predator a live venue. Very psychedelic.



3 months ago

He was Fried_Chicken!!! He messaged me on that account too, and it got me thinking, then i saw it was banned as well, welp. lol 

The One newb pooping around

3 months ago

I'm wondering if there's like... A world record for whatever noob on the site got banned the quickest. Not an alt account of a noob that was already banned of course, an original noob. Like... From time joined to time banned. Kind of assumed that this guy would be a contender, since he got banned the same day he started posting, but looks like he didn't start posting until he'd already been around for over a month, so not even close to getting the record there. I am disappoint.

The One newb pooping around

2 months ago
Wow, a forum for newbie’s with terrible names, yet all the admins and ‘important’ people are the one commenting.


The One newb pooping around

2 months ago

Wow, continuing to be a whining faggot over nothing after you were given several chances to turn shit around AND after claiming you were "done".

Seriously, you could have been working on a story, commenting on stories or just about anything other than bitching about the forums constantly.

Well see you next alt I guess.

The One newb pooping around

2 months ago