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Some whining incest baby

one month ago

what about game love sick that is pretty doing it with your sister 

Some whining incest baby

one month ago

You are a retard.

The game Love Sick is a timeless literary classic that is as different from the smut that is being referenced in the OP as the Renaissance era nudes hanging in the Louvre are from snuff porn.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago

the incest is very inappropriate and also with the incest with little kids on the his that are makeing those "fan fics" would get bad ideas? retard

Some whining incest baby

one month ago

If "little kids" are too stupid and retarded to read the warning and advisories about the content then that is their problem.  Or perhaps their parents and guardians should not just let them wander all over the internet without supervision.  Your follow-up statement is even more retarded than your initial post. You are a moron, and are too dumb to be online without training wheels.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
lol, never thought I'd see Randall from Monsters Inc. fighting with the Brain, this is great.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago

that fact that your fight a battle that you were even involed in the first place is pathatic your a prob a grown man how about u get a job you stupid little retard no wife no bitches

Some whining incest baby

one month ago

How about you learn how to write a coherent sentence.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago

how about you  find a job

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
how about you find a belt

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
All those guys his mom was blowing for crack money the other day were actually quite forgetful! He's got his pick of used belts even if some are a little sticky.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
Given what DB's job is, I sure can dream of some funny things that could happen to someone like you if he just had a Joker-style one bad day.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago

Lol wtf are you even saying here. Fag.

1: Love SICK is all written with actual skill, as opposed to the porn shit that people write with one hand over the course of like, a half hour.

2: The point of the story isn't fantasizing about fucking your sister, it's the inherent humor found in the shock factor there. It wasn't written for degenerates who actually want to nail a sibling, it was written for normal people to read and be delightfully disgusted by.

It's satire, and if you can't understand that then please keep yourself out of the gene pool (not that this was ever a concern).

And you won't understand any of that, but I wanted to try.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
That was definitely one of the fastest bans I've ever seen lol. And he played the part of Randall to perfection.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
Well, he was an idiot. But at least anyone else with a similarly dumb question (or one of his upcoming alts) can see a kind of explanation if they scroll through this, assuming they can read.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
even though my account got banned i made a new one because that fact that so many pppl are fight battles that werent involed in is sad like should all be a at work isted if fighting with 16 year old its actully sad how you can mind your own bis and that you cant even spot how incest is wrong and little kids will get ideas you guy don t even know and with the amount of kids under 12 on the internet is crazy i wouldet be suprised if your a little kid

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
and talking shit is really old you should be at your jobs andm im sick at home so i have nothing better to do i will make multi act to tell you off you pll are wrong incest is so bad

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
If you have nothing better to do, and you've already been banned once just leave in peace. You're only making yourself look bad right now and setting yourself up for more trolling.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago

What are you talking about? Incest is an extremely wholesome family activity. This guy must be one of those religious nut jobs. Next he'll be telling us that bestiality is wrong.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
If your account was banned, and you make another one then that account will also be banned. Why did you make an alt? And why do you assume that people here don't have actual jobs?

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
well why arent the at them it the middle of the day inseted of actully working the are on this site arugeing of thigs that arent even that imporent i littley didnt even talk to them in was talking to end master about his game and the inorney oof what he posted and what he made so you fighting me is sad

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
and if i said this in public i bet that would wouldent even be fighting beceuse only inselts that you come up with has to be behind a screen

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
What the fuck is an inselt? I'm not in the mood for this kind of grunting slope-browed jabber today. Absolutely wild the kind of deevolution of the human race taking place right before our eyes.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago

I believe an inselt is an insult made by an incel. I understand the confusion. It's actually spelled incelt.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
How about speaking ENGLISH? No one gives a shit about any opinion you have when you're too obnoxiously illiterate to even communicate it.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
I cannot even decipher this

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
The story has the maximum maturity level available on the site and the front page gives a pretty thorough warning about the kind of content you're getting yourself into. It isn't being sneakily marketed toward children, so I really don't know why you're complaining about that.

You're also acting like the game is an endorsement of incest- the involved characters are clearly portrayed as very dysfunctional and twisted. If you read the story and you think 'WAIT a second, this is trying to make incest sound APPEALING!' then that's your problem, man.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
I hadn't bothered explaining this because I figured this was Blingbus again, or that guy from a couple of weeks ago that made a thread about edgy virgin mods. (Who might also have been Blimgbus.)

And also because it shouldn't need explaining to anyone older than 12 who isn't afraid of acoustic Satanists hiding in every bush that matute content isn't the same as fetish or pornographic material. That's always been the distinction between the 7/8 maturity rating and the notably unavailable 8/8.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago

Not sure why he's complaining about incest, judging by his lack of reading comprehension, basic spelling and sentence structure, it's pretty obvious he's a product of it. Lol

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
Why do all the jokers only show up when I'm asleep? :[

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
You're just on the wrong side of the globe.

Some whining incest baby

one month ago
They always end up getting banned before I can say anything too. Y'all are too quick with it. XD

Some whining incest baby

8 days ago
Don't you see.He was going for double ban%,and he did amazing.