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EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
12/25 UPDATE: Ciara's Game by simplesabely was the winner. Jump to here for more details. --M

Last contest of the year and last chance to get out of the SHAME pit before it ends. As usual it’s free so there’s no reason not to do it. And don’t give me that shit about spending time with friends and family for the holidays either. None of you have any friends and your families hate you.

The genre as mentioned in the title is fanfic. As everyone knows, I’m not really into fanfic, but hopefully at least one of you produces something that isn’t entirely retarded.

Also we could use better quality stories in the fanfic section, though “better quality” in the fanfic section is basically like being the 30 year old guy who “only” had sex with his wayward 15 year old girlfriend while everyone else on the cell block was raping babies. You’re still a sex offender.

Anyway, you can pick anything you want to make fanfic about. Keep in mind if you make anime fanfic, I’m probably not even going know what the fuck the original was about, so I’m going to go in like I’m reading a regular weeb story which probably isn’t a good thing.

Hedging your bets by picking something that I might be interested in is a good idea, but not necessarily an automatic win, mainly because most of you don’t do a good job at it when you attempt it. If anything I might get more annoyed if you fuck it up. So do whatever you want, you’re all doomed anyway.

As usual, don’t take this opportunity to write your degenerate slash porn fiction.

Now I know some of you won’t be able to resist writing something like She-Hulk and Wonder Woman scissoring each other in some sapphic embrace, which is fine, just don’t go overboard with it. At least make their scissoring part of the plot some how. (I believe in you)

All participants currently in the SHAME pit that turn in something decent will be let out. Winner will get some more pointless points and I’ll probably replace some of the old top fanfic with the best ones of this contest assuming there are any worthy enough.

Remember to post links to your stories here if you make one for the contest.

Deadline is December 25th, good luck.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Arg, this's the busiest time of the year for me right now, but... fanfiction... I have so many I could write. Ah, screw it. I'm gonna make something awesome. This time, it won't be anime though.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Any betting? :^)

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago


EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
in for 500

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
I would like to bet 5 points:

If Chanbot submits a story, 5 points go to the Ford Soul Transference Fund. If Chanbot does not submit a story, I lose 5 points.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
not really a bet if you lose 5 points in both situations. (bump it to 25 and you'll have more than just a cameo)

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
I'll go for 25. But if you submit a story, I shouldn't lose the 25 points, they should just go to the fund out of thin air (basically take my winnings and put them in the fund). The bet is if you don't submit anything, only then do I lose points.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

So... Potentially... Can you write a fanfic of a fanfic? surprise

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Isn't that how 50 Shades of Gray happened?

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Nah, nah, 50 Shades of Gray was a fanfic of Twilight... But, I guess if someone wrote a fanfic of 50 Shades of Gray, then that would be a fanfic of a fanfic. ^_^

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

In it to get the fuck outta the SHAME pit.

I promise, it won't be another story about the Question.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

I look forward to your Rorschach fanfic story.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Fuckdammit how'd you know that's what I was gonna go with?

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

I lied.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Put me down for 2,120 points please. Also, could you ban me if I don't submit anything by the deadline? Thanks!

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago


EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
A respectable bet.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Another one? Just so you know, I can only support one soul transference fund at a time...

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
I'm sure he'll come through, no worries :)

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
I almost forgot to actually enter this contest lol. Anyway I've got a fanfic in the works for it.

I'll bet 100 points.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
I still bet more than you.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Ah, but my shameless pandering to End in my story will beat you. :P

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago


EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

I am very tempted to enter the contest, just to completely and utterly take the piss by paying homage to such literary fan-fiction masterpieces as "My Immortal" "Legolas by Laura" and "Ta Gost of U"... But that would require me to put actual important writing on hold. cheeky

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
"important writing" quite the mismatched pair of words

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
I don't know nearly enough about emo bands to be able to parody "My Immortal". (RIP Raven)

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Don't worry Leora. Ultimately, there's only one emo band that matters... Volxlemort and da Death Dealers! ^_^

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Could I still join to write a fan fic. I realize its Dec 1 and I am a sucky ass writer but I would like to contribute. 


EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
hold him to this even though he changed his mind. he entered - the shame pit awaits new blood.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

^ Yeah same, I just saw this, why wasn't it on the front page?

I'm going to assume there's no "say you are going to join" deadline, I'm participating in this

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Actually on second thought I’m going to be an editor. So if you guys have need of one I’ll look over it and give you a second, third, and possibly a fourth opinion on your stories. No charge, the only thing I could use is a little more recognition as an ok editor/ asshole

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

You should just write a story.  Worst case, the story might flop, but you'll be at least a little bit better with writing than you were before.

Of course, you can also just read stories and see who would like a proofreader, as you are, nothing wrong with that.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

What's the judge line up?

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Judges List:

1. Endmaster.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
2. The talkative members on the site

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
These unofficial contests are always just Endmaster.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

I see. That's very interesting.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Can you put me in for 30 points

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

I'm in for 10 points.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Bonus reward: I'll give detailed feedback for the winner in addition to End's pointless points.

Maybe @mizal will too.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Leave me out of this. Besides when it comes to contests I give detailed reviews to winner and loser alike, all at the same vague, unspecified point somewhere in the future.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Well, it should be well known that I'm a busy man and a review from me nowadays is either a special treat or a recognition of potential talent.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
So who's actually expecting to finish this thing?

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

I'm wondering why some of you bet anything since I never actually said you were winning anything extra for doing so.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

I just bet because everyone else was doing it.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

I made a bet to try and hold myself accountable, so I would actually finish this contest, but it seems to be wasted points at this point 

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

No surprise here, but I am considering dropping out and just focusing on reviews until I can improve my writing style enough for the site.  I have everything thought out, but I can't write it down right. I will continue trying the next 4 days but if nothing works out then I will drop out

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
It's important to set realistic goals for yourself.

(Although reviews do add more value to the site than rushed mediocre stories so it's a good decision from any standpoint...)

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

It has been 5 days and I can't get anywhere, guess its time to drop out

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Sounds about right. Wasn't expecting anything from you anyway.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

You can’t get anywhere like you have a creative block?

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
All scripting, items, and links are ready to go AFAIK. Just gotta replace bullet points with paragraphs. I think some pages will be lacking in word count but overall the game will probably get finished on time for the deadline. I do want to play through at least 3-5 times to check scripts and make sure everything works but I don't know if I'll manage to do a thorough bug check before I submit because the 24th is a busy day for me. Might just have to live with a bug or two if I don't find the time to do enough QA before the 25th.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Here is my entry.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

What time zone is the deadline in?

(Because I need to know to go for that 11:59 submission)


EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Eastern Standard Time of course.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Well, I'm not going to make the deadline. I'm not going to rush it and have a repeat of my last contest entry.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

The SHAME pit is a dark, horrible place. I suggest rushing something instead of being thrown in there.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

If it is that bad I guess I'll work twice as hard.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

You could wait until an hour before the deadline to write a thousand-word story about failing at contests.

Just a suggestion.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Well today's the last day. Got until midnight.

List of people who claimed they were going to get off their asses and submit something:









Karstark has unsurprisingly already failed. Samy and Chris will probably do likewise.

Ford for some reason thinks I give a shit if he turns something in at all, but if he does, fine. It'll be a lot more than expected.

I guess Jodie might turn something in.

Going to laugh if Wibbons fails to turn in anything given that he foolishly bet all of his points.

So far only Sabley has managed to make herself worthy and I haven't even bothered to read her story yet.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

I will probably just publish what I have right now before I go to sleep tonight. Even if it turns out horribly rushed/shortened as a result.

(And by the way there is no "e". "Jodi")

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Well you’ve just successfully assured that I’ll always add the “e” now.

Might think of some more fun things later, who knows. Guess it’ll depend on your story. (or lack thereof) Stay tuned!

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

^ My entry. Also first published storygame.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

With how it's spelled I thought it was going to be some parody of teenagers running through a cornfield. Or maybe it is?

Actually a Children of the Corn-Maze Runner crossover might have made for some interesting fanfic. Oh well maybe next time.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Here's my entry. I rushed it out because I slacked off until the end of the deadline so it's pretty not good.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Gah, despite my efforts, I couldn't create a storygame, much less fanfic, in 2 days! Well, I will keep an eye out for any future contests, and as for this one...

Well, I already started. If you can find me through the mountain of Monster Energies and Little Ceaser's Pizza boxes, I will be working overtime on my story. Wish me luck! I will turn in my story by midnight.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

I'm sorry, EndMaster.

   I can't make a brand new submission in such a low timeframe. I plan on participating in whatever future contests there may be, but fanfic on the spot just isn't one of my skills.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
There there young noob, it's ok, crushing failure and disappointment is an important part of the CYS experience.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Tick tock.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
End Master, can I get a one hour extention? The story is done, but CYS won't fucking recognize my word document italics, so I'm manually typing in the italics code. It's taking a while, and I don't think I can make it in time by 12 your time.
If not, you'll just get a shittily formated piece of crap instead of a well-formated piece of polished crap.
What is my excuse? My phone broke and my phone acts as a hotspot for my computer. From Thursday night until today, I had no internet connection. Plus, I had a fuckton of horrible things that fucked me over for the past few days too.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago




Your deadline has been extended to 1:00 AM EST.

Though there may still be repercussions. Stay tuned!

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Thank you! I published it. Hurray!
It's an Avatar: the Last Airbender fanfiction named Azula and Zuko. If Berka Zerka asks, there's absolutely no incest at all. NONE. Not a bit.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Holy shit, you do not understand how to play to your market.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Berka isn't judging this you fool!

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Alright with Wibbon's last entry, calling this one now. Contest is over, now comes the thankless task of reading these damn things.

Oh and I'll be posting something else contest related soon.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Alright done with these. Sabley won.

I guess I'm supposed to elaborate. Uh, let's see...

Well this one was somewhat based on the sort of fanfic you lot picked. None of you really picked anything that I'm really into. Sabley came the closest with Saw, but even then there are other horror franchises I vastly prefer.

Starting with Jodie's, this one was just sort of dull to me since I wasn't particularly interested in Maze Runner in the first place. I remember seeing the movie on tv, but wasn't really memorable. Hell, I would have preferred Hunger Games fanfic, if one of those teenage dystopias had to be chosen since I actually remembered everything in that one.

Anyway, yeah I didn't care for it, but at least Jodie tried more than the people that failed hard at turning something in at all.

Chris has written multiple Question fanfics now. The dude should just go get a job at DC at this point since I know more about The Question thanks to these stories than anything else. As usual though the story is pretty short since he waited until the last moment again. Plus he's written better Question fanfic already. Still, I liked the fact I could beat up on junkies seeing as I just play the Question like I'm playing as Rorschach anyway.

Anyway, Chris has put out better work and he's done this fanfic already.

So I've never seen the Avatar cartoon and don't really know much about it other than some boy with cancer fights a bunch of pyromaniacs and brings balance to the force or something. Mizal and the rest tell me how great it is, but I just really can't be motivated to watch it for whatever reason.

I've seen the movie which I didn't mind mainly because i wasn't a fanatic of the cartoon, but it wasn't anything I gave a shit about. I've also seen Legend of Korra's 1st season and I didn't mind that one due to the blood bending shit in it. Then I lost interest due to the other seasons not being available on Netflix at the time. Later when I found out they ended the show with a big lesbo lovefest, I saw no reason to ever bother to go back to it.

Finally there's the fact that it's anime. Yeah, yeah it's not "proper" anime, but it's close enough for me to not want to bother with it.

With all that being the case, Wibbons had an uphill battle of me giving a shit about his story.

Still, Wibbons put a bunch of effort into it, and I'm guessing I'd probably appreciate this more if I was all into Avatar like a big nerd like Mizal is. And he might have even won, except he DIDN'T MEET THE FUCKING DEADLINE.

(You didn't really expect to win after getting SHAMED did you?)

So that leaves Sabley who actually captured the whole feel of the Saw movies. I particularly liked scene after scene of torture porn. I figured the protagonist was going to die if I picked all the revenge choices, but that hardly mattered.

Much like the Saw movies, I'm not there for any deeper psychological reasons Jigsaw has or the struggles of the victim's shitty lives, I'm there to see people die horribly. Sabley accomplished that wonderfully.

Anyway as I said Sabley won and successfully redeemed herself.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Oof. Fuck you, Sabley... I mean, um, congradulations! I didn't read your story yet, but it has people dying and stuff so it'll be great!

If anyone does give me shit about not meating the deadline (Ebon), I'll be more than happy to list a hillariously unfortunate string of events that sounds more like a 10 yo making up crap than actual irl stuff. Still, I had more fun writing this storygame than any other one I've done so far. Also, congrats to Chris for writing more Question stuff.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Congratulations to Sabley for winning, and to all the participants (including myself. And technically EndMaster for judging.) for finding the time/waiting until the last minute (a few steps down) to enter. 

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Congratulations Sabley, you deserved it! And good work Jodie, Chris and Wibn for publishing something. This contest wasn't as successful as I thought it'd be, but then again, that's true for basically any contest on here.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Contrats to End for reading a bunch of fanfiction on Christmas day.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Is it too late to ask for a Christmas present? This one being that Wibn gets the punishment they asked for and gets banned for her his failure. 

Only because they wanted to be of course.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Actually already briefly banned Wibbons and then unbanned him so it was already done.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
First I asked to be banned only if I don't submit by the deadline. Since EM moved the deadline by one hour, I submitted by the deadline. A technicality, but it did sorta save my ass.

Aren't you throwing a lot of stones when your house is made of fucking glass? You're the fucktard who got double SHAMED because you were too busy jacking off to your reflection (since watching porn is a sin) and spending your money on steaks instead of laptops. You are essentially Steve #2 at this point (and I apologize to Steve for being degraded through association with you). You came out swinging full force with your storygames and quickly got two storygames featured, including one in the coveted Fantasy category. Then, you basically stopped doing anything productive. At all. You failed to write anything for Killa's contest while acting like a smug asshole the entire time. Then, you entered into a THREE MONTH LONG contest and did fuck all except act more narcissistic than Narcissus himself. So... yeah, I may have been an hour later than the original deadline, but I didn't fail to the utterly pathetic proportions that you sunk too. Plus, I never had much of a reputation to begin with. You were supposed to be our up-and-coming guy until you fucking imploded like a whinny faggot.

So, why was I an hour late? Let's start on Thursday. When unloading my dad's truck of ladders, tools and shit, my phone broke. Why is that bad? That's my only access to internet. Unlike some bastards who buy $50 steaks, I'm a fucking poor hick, so upgrading to a new phone is out of the question. I still haven't been paid for my work I did almost a year ago, while my parents are still charging me for rent, insurance, and phone bills. I had to buy a copy of my ancient phone from the internet and get it shipped to my house. Oh, and it'd show up on Monday. That means I had a complete storygame just sitting on my computer for quite some time. I also can’t use my home’s wi-fi because we have no wi-fi. We live in bumfuck nowhere in the land of meth heads. Plus, I got banned for a little bit anyway.

Well, why didn’t I get around to completing my storygame earlier on Monday? Well, from when I woke up until 3 EST, I was building a display case for my brother because I’m fucking poor and can’t afford to actually buy shit for anyone. Then, I spent the next for hours being a human being and all because family and stuff like that. I’d like to see you smugly declare that family is for faggots, Ebon.

For the rest of the night, I rushed to add italics because I wrote in word doc for this story (which’s good since I had no internet) and didn’t realize CYS is a shithole that doesn’t recognize word doc italics.

That’s not even mentioned my uni breathing down my neck demanding for me to pay them (as they refuse to give me my financial aid which I should’ve got months ago) or else they kick me out of their programs, my car turning into a smoke bomb whenever I try to run it, and a conglomerate of other problems that hit me recently.

So, what do you think about that, you lazy fucker?

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Aaaaand edit locking.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago


EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
The italics thing was completely your fault. You have rich text turned off like all decent people I imagine, and even if not, why should a site be designed to recognize formatting from another program completely (a program released like 20 years later) when there's already a perfectly simple way to add italics tags as you write?

A++ rant on the Ebon stuff, it's true that ever since he got the Lost Realm featured his pathetic downward spiral has been difficult to watch. Although as for the rest of it, maybe if your parents are going to refuse to pay you for the hundreds of hours of work you've put in they should at least stop charging you for rent. Congrats, you've now reached the point where literal slaves are living in a better and fairer situation than you are. At least they get minimal food and shelter in exchange for their thankless backbreaking labor.

Or maybe this is just some weird hick right of passage thing where your parents are trying to make you grow a spine and stop letting people take advantage of you. It seems like you might be kind of a slow learner here, but it's just tough love and you'll never be ready to survive on the mean streets of Missouri until it sinks in.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago


EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
someone sum up the wibn vs ebon drama for me? I'm on ebon's side until further notice so try to make it sound good for him and subtly make it against wibbons.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Wibbons thinks you're autistic fucktard with no redeeming qualities that beats Leora.

Ebon doesn't think you beat Leora and just rape her in her sleep.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
That's pretty much spot on except Ford is good at math. That's his sole redeeming quality.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
It's mostly consensual

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Nah, he knows better than to try anything physical. I may be an emotional waffle, but if he tried to hit/rape me he knows full well I'd chop off his genitals and feed them to him. (Also it amuses me that y'all think I sleep.)

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Ebon is a good but arrogant writer (much like Steve) but incredibly lazy and will brag and gloat for a month at a time and then fail contests because he didn't even start his entry.

Wibn writes like a drunk alien but writes consistently, almost always completes contest stories through hard work and sacrifice even if they suck (often) but is slowly improving. Classic turtle and hare dynamic.

Ebon buys $50 steaks and looks good in a suit, Wibn is a poor hick with three teeth being charged for basic life necessities by his parents even while putting hundreds of hours of backbreaking labor into their business that they'd otherwise have to hire and pay someone for.

It's an old rivalry but Ebon's sudden reappearance coupled with the reveal he hopes to make Stephanie Myers his goddess wife and birth the children of a new world has reignited it.

I believe the Wibn/Ebon OTP stuff started with a custody battle over Mayana over whose contest story she should proofread. In fact I wrote a story about it.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Hey, I look good in everything I wear. Not just a suit.

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago
Thank you.

I'm looking forward to reading the other entries here in the next couple of days now that the holidays are over.

I'm sure everyone did a good job! And now I can finally write my fantasy story without shame looming over my shoulder!

EndMaster’s Fanfic Story Contest

6 years ago

Normally I'd unpublish my story due to it being a rushed POS, but I think I'm gonna keep it up just to remind myself of my mistakes. Anyway, congrats to Sabley for winning.