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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Let us get into the festive mood for Christmas! Or Hanukkah, for all the Jews out there.

My winter break just started, how about you guys?

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago


Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

How long is it? Mine goes until mid-January.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Beginning of January for me... lucky bastard. :P

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Ho ho ho! That's my reward for suffering through school in August!

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

How old are you, coins?

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Ho ho ho! None of your fucking business! Merry Christmas!

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

So you don't deny being coins, then?

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

No! Have a very Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Here's a poem to get the holiday mood going!

'Twas the night before Chanukwanzmas,
And all through the city,
Every hobo was brawling,
Every forum was shitty.

The stockings were hung, as was the tradition,
to be filled with sw33t lootz by a man on a mission.
The children lie snugly asleep in their beds,
As Rick fucking Astley sang and danced in their heads.

Angela straightened her fur, knowing sleep would come next.
She and I just finished our hot sandwich sex.
And then with the speed of the Caped Crusader,
I rose from the bed, hearing a home invader.

Over to the window I flew like a flash,
Threw a tomahawk out there, ready to make some guts mash.
The tomahawk flew, straight into the snow.
Just missed the legs of a pimp and his hoes.

I was busy saying sorry, so I failed to hear,
The sound of a fat man and his overworked deer.
So I closed the window, said "fuck it" and went straight to bed.
Didn't know what went on in the sky over my head.

I didn't pay attention, which was really a shame,
But I could've sworn I heard him call his deer all by name.
"Now Daniel! now Manuel! now Jose and Vixen!
On Vomit! On Stupid, Combover, and Shitzen!"
They flew over porches, and up over walls.
The man had a voice like he was kicked in the balls.
And without turbulence nor obstacle, Santa Claus flew.
Left a hole in my roof though, fat fuck lost his shoe!

And then, with a twinkling, I heard on my roof,
His diabetic wheezing, like this was some sort of bad spoof.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot.
Covered with snow bits and a crap ton of soot.

A bundle of loot he had swung on his back,
He had a sit down while he fingered his sack,
To be honest, rather than a santa, he looked more like a Gary,
But he was still red as an apple and his face was all hairy.
He had a mouth I'm sure, but it was covered in beard.
Aman would be proud, but children would be afeared.
The stump of a joint he held tight in his teeth.
He had a Candy-Cane sword in its own little sheath.

He was a fat old stoner, and he dressed like an Elf.
I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself.
I calmly asked if he gave me a deadringer,
He whipped right around and he gave me the finger.
He spoke not a word, and went back to his work,
Gave my wife a vibrator, that promiscuous jerk.

And giving a disapproving look to the pimp and his hoes,
Taking a hit on his joint, up the chimney he rose.
And just when I thought I had good behaviour mastered,
I still found coal in my sock! Fat judgemental bastard!

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

And that was Shitty Poetry with Sentinel, everybody! Merry Christmas!

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

My Christmas break starts after school ends today. COME ON ALREADY MOVE FASTER TIME!

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago
I read that as "my winter leak just started".

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Well, the damn ceiling always leaks.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Bet that's not the only thing that leaks....

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Your water just broke!? Congratulations, Sent! I didn't know you got knocked up! 

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Nah, I don't have the will, or the organs to do that.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Every time I hear people talk about Winter Break, it makes me feel old.  Don't tell me I'm the only 23 year old on this site...

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Maybe now you are. You used to be in good company with me and Quiller, but we're both older than you at this point.

Also, you are not old. I specialize in geriatrics these days. :P Give it about 60 years.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago
Yeah, sadly, the Quiller's been gone for a while.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Just really busy with life, I expect. I'm sure Quills will be back.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago
Yeah, hopefully he won't pull a Brad. :(

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago


Season's Greetings!

10 years ago
Brad has been gone for a while too. Last time he was here, I asked him what was going on, and he said that he has gotten bored of CYS and probably won't be much of an active member anymore.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Lol... bored? After what, 6-7 months? (*Been here almost 2 and 1/2 years*)

I actually hadn't noticed his absence ... granted, I've been busy.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago
I tried not to heckle him about it. He may change his mind. Afterall, I've wanted to leave this site no less than four times, but something always draws me back.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Mmhm. Well, if he comes back, cool. If he says away, cool. I wouldn't really heckle him either. Life happens, boredom happens, people move on, and I respect that. I will say that he contributed a lot, and I appreciated that, though I think TeV is doing a good job filling one of the voids he left. (Helping Seth clean up the site, I mean.) 

That said ... I pretty much have to agree with you about Quills. Friendly feelings aside, I'm not really sure anyone can fill that role. Just by reading a couple unfinished stories, I ended up learning a lot, and that was quite a while back. That's a scary amount of talent for a relative newbie. There's only one other member here who's been as helpful to me, in that regard.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Winter what-now? I don't get a break. Hell, I'm working Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Years. :P

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

damn dude.  I'm working Christmas Eve till 10pm but have the rest of the week off.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

My patients don't take holidays off of being sick and this time of year, everyone's immune systems (particularly children and the elderly) are going haywire. *shrug* Nothing I can really do about it. Besides, all of my co-workers have kids and I don't. :P Far as they're concerned, I don't need a holiday.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Oh poor you. 

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

:P I'll live. Probably.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

I'm soo fking bored at work that I'm coloring in the white seagulls on my cup. They're red now bishhes.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Now that is one problem I do not have. I am never bored at work.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Hire me, bro.  I'll be your paper bishh. 

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

xD If it was legal for me to pass on my paperwork to someone else, I'd be delighted, but it's not.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Outsourcing, bro.  All the cool kids are doing it...

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Anyway, back to the holidays! Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas/Eid/Hanukkah! 

Are any of you doing anything special?

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

I'm probably going to kill a turkey with my bare hands.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago
Just opening presents and listening to the Christmas story

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Since working isn't special ... I'll probably be visiting my grandparents' place. They usually hand out two hundred dollar bills and some smaller gifts, plus my family on that side are all damn good cooks, so we'll probably have a big dinner first.

I'm also participating in a "white elephant gift exchange" which I've always loved ... partly because my mother is insane and picks hilarious gifts that freak everyone else out.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago
Well that is awesome

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Eid isn't (at least this year) in December, lawls.

I might go to New York. I have old friends there.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Happy Holidays to anyone who celebrates a holiday for any reason. 

It's nice to be able to spend time with people you love.

Also, presents.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

You forgot about the moneh.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

That's a subset of presents. obvi.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Personally I spent the afternoon decorating a gingerbread house with the four-year-old. Christmas is a lot more fun with a kid around, I have to say. We've also taken her to meet Santa and see the local Christmas lights display. ^_^

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Aw. That's the sort of thing I'm looking forward to, about being a parent. I don't want a kid for quite a while, but... that part of it will be pretty great. They're just so excited about everything.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Yep. She literally has to dance around to express her enthusiasm for things. "This is my FAVORITE THING!" is also a favorite phrase. ;)

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Kids are pretty awesome. (I can't wait for my nephew to be born in Febuary.)

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Aw, congrats! Uncle Malky! Totally gonna call you that now. XD


Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

XD Sounds like a plan.

Season's Greetings!

10 years ago

Wow, my post got deleted. Eh, I'll just say what I said before:

Me and my friend, Kyle, wore those little Jew caps and said "Happy Hanukkah!" to everyone we saw. And as for winter break, mine started yesterday and will end on January 5th.

Season's Greetings!

9 years ago


Season's Greetings!

9 years ago

Oh my god you live in the future!! XD 

Season's Greetings!

9 years ago

...Or Korea. Anyway, I'm so happy!

Season's Greetings!

9 years ago

Hey coins, can you visit North Korea (without getting shot) and tell us what it's like. I want to know how they educate children there; I hear they teach them that the dictator (currently Kim Jong-Un) is some sort of god.

Honestly, the North Korean leader is a joke. There government in general is a joke.

Season's Greetings!

9 years ago

Hey, the government here is only slightly better.

I'm probably going to jail for that.

Season's Greetings!

9 years ago

America is nowhere near as bad a North Korea. We are bad...but not that much.

Season's Greetings!

9 years ago

I'm talking about South Korea.

Season's Greetings!

9 years ago
in that case America is definitely worse

Season's Greetings!

9 years ago

So do you guys have flying cars yet? 

Season's Greetings!

9 years ago

Season's Greetings!

9 years ago

I'm sorry sir, but that mallet can be busted over the pilot's head. I'm going to have to ask you to not bring it onto the thread.