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The 4th Reich Has Failed!

10 years ago

Well folks, I've finally gotten Part 1 done and finished.

It's my first ever online adventure game. It's pretty bare-bones with no pictures, just text. I'll be adding bits to it though. The links all work and it reads pretty good.  It's about escaping a prison-town successfully to try and flee away into the Mountains where your base is.!_Part_1.aspx

Good Luck

To get you in the mood here's a little video I made earlier. :)

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

10 years ago

It looks interesting. Maybe I'll try it.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

10 years ago

I haven't even read this yet, and having seen your rate of literacy (and the amount of effort that you've been putting into your writing,) I know that there's no plausible way that I will be disappointed. You have countered some of the horrors brought on by a sea of bad new games, and for that, I thank you. 

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

10 years ago

Thanks IS and others.

It's not my premium-grade work, some slight typos are present, need to add pictures. But it reads well. Semi-complex actions, requiring dice-rolls (links for a dice-roller provided. Risk-reward dynamic, plus user-interaction.

As it's part one it's just a test-bed as well so isn't as long as I hoped. Yet the following two parts will cover the middle and end of the adventure to the Mountain Hold itself!

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

10 years ago

Thank you for your contributions, Mr. Danann. The game looks good so far, I'll be sure to read it completely when I have the time.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

10 years ago


The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Uh...I don't really want to necro, but...I'm pretty sure that this guy is a racist.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Damn, I'm surprised Tan or myself didn't stumble onto this gem. Nice find coins.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago


I am proud of my European culture and people, just like an Asian is, just like an African is. If that is racist. Then you might as well lobby for me to be removed from this forum. I post about my work on ALL types of forums so back off with the 'racist' BS. We get enough of that from the media idiots on TV.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

I've read some of your writing on Stormfront, and that stuff is just toxic. I don't really want for you to get removed, but writing a scene where a guy shoots at a bunch of refugees is pretty racist in my opinion.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Man, the story was shitty enough without knowing that the writer was a White Supremacist. 

OP, go suck a cactus. 

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

That was in another book entirely and if your country had been invaded would you want everyone to just roll over? The scene where a guy shoots refugees comes from that fact that his sister has been gang-raped by them. So you obviously either chose to forget or ignore that to make me look bad.

Well done.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Uh, no, his sister gets raped by a couple of refugees, and then the guy takes it upon himself to massacre people who had nothing to do with it. And then the people he runs away to act like giving him sanctuary is somehow the right thing to do, even though he just killed a bunch of innocents.

And writing about how the Tsars were "beneficial" isn't exactly true, and World War 2 wasn't mainly because of "Communism threatening central and western Europe", it also because of fascism threatening those areas.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

You necroed a year-old thread, & yet OP appeared within the hour to reply. 

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago
I'm pretty sure he updated this past week.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

The timing would be crazy, but I think this guy has been PMing people recently to replay his game. (He PMed me, anyway.)

To The MRA Hold Is Laughed at!

8 years ago

Got dragged away from his bitches and bling, by a little ping. So why not advertise while here amongst the sheeple/blue pills/SJW/whatever term they use while sitting around the campfire, flexing, posing and crying.

To The MRA Hold Is Laughed at!

8 years ago

... There's something oddly poetic about this comment, not sure if it was intended. 

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Yep, that's not against the rules is it?

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

If it was, I would've said so. I'm pointing it out because it shows you were already active, therefore, the timing was not purely coincidental.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

So in light of this delightful reveal, it was recently suggested by someone that I should go advertise Eternal and Paradise Violated over at Stormfront.

I had to explain that while both stories certainly celebrate fascism and all that entails, they don’t do a very good job of celebrating white supremacy. The captain in PV has a relationship with a blue skinned alien for example.

And the Eternal? He can fuck a hawt dark elf girl with black skin.

If anything, Eternal would be a celebration of the Zionist agenda what with the multi-racial Empire and all.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

A little sample of our good friend's work. I claim no rights to this, belongs to Tenacious or Tyler Dannan or whatever else he calls himself.

EDIT: On second thought I'll just post the link. I don't want to get sued or anything.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Get an archive link before this fuckface deletes it. 

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Oh I see 'fuckface'? So it's insults is it? Looks like someone with an avatar of Putin is being very hypocritical given he's a pretty 'nationalist' kinda guy.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

It's a joke avatar. 

EDIT: And yes, you deserve to be insulted. 

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Now now Malky, let's not be a genocidal anti-white racist here.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago
Aw, that's adorable. It thinks it's people are being oppressed. Quick, go give it a hug. *Sarcasm

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago
I like the bit where he posts the entire bloody books on his little forum. If that doesn't warn you away from them (and the forum) then there's little enough hope for you.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago
Hey now, it stopped after Chapter 8. That's how long it takes to hook a reader after all, right?

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."
Call of Cthulhu, HP Lovecraft

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
1984, George Orwell.

"What's it going to be then, eh?"
There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim. Dim being really dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar making up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening, a flip dark chill winter bastard though dry.

A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess

“Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita."
Lolita, Vladimir Nabakov

"MOON. GLORIOUS MOON. FULL, FAT, REDDISH moon, the night as light as day, the moonlight flooding down across the land and bringing joy, joy, joy. Bringing too the full-throated call of the tropical night, the soft and wild voice of the wind roaring through the hairs on your arm, the hollow wail of starlight, the teeth-grinding bellow of the moonlight off the water." Darkly Dreaming Dexter, Jeff Lindsay.

"McCarthy, keep down!"
"Yes, sir."
"—and shut up."
I shut. There were five of us climbing up the slope of a sparsely wooded ridge. We angled diagonally through high yellow grass so dry it crunched. July had not been kind to Colorado. A spark would turn these mountains into an inferno.
Just before each man reached the top he sprawled flat against the slope, then inched slowly forward. Duke was in the lead, wriggling through the tall weeds like a snake. We'd topped five hills this way today and the heat was getting to me. I thought about ice water and the Jeep we'd left back on the road.

A Matter for Men, David Gerrold.

Ten and a half hours before a mounted knight with a machine gun tried to kill her, tech journalist Miriam Beckstein lost her job. Before the day was out, her pink slip would set in train a chain of events that would topple governments, trigger civil wars, and kill thousands. It would be the biggest scoop in her career, in any journalist's career—bigger than Watergate, bigger than 9/11—and it would be Miriam's story. But as of seven o'clock in the morning, the story lay in her future: All she knew was that it was a rainy Monday morning in October, she had a job to do and copy to write, and there was an editorial meeting scheduled for ten.

The sky was the color of a dead laptop display, silver-gray and full of rain. Miriam yawned and came awake to the Monday morning babble of the anchorman on her alarm radio.

Family Trade, Charles Stross. Bonus points for being a twofer, having a nod to the Neuromancer, William Gibson entry sentence, The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

So yeah. 8 chapters, a sentence, or a paragraph, or at most a few paragraphs. What's the difference, eh?

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

The entire book isn't posted on a forum.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Thank you. For the links, keep them coming folks. :)

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

These are just a few of the other forums I posted it on, not just one nationalist forum that seems to agitate some of you delicate darlings. Survivalist forums, gun forums, game forums, prepper forums, zombie forums:*M-o-u-n-t-a-i-n-H-o-l-d*&highlight=!-guns-galore!/msg388366/#msg388366

I guess that must mean I'm a zombie, spree-killer, gamer-mad supremacist just because I post about my stuff there?

To those saying I'm 'racist' or supremacist or whatever the liberals etc claim I am, you can just kiss my ass folks. I tell it like it is, no doubt about it and I don't sugar coat my words nor will back down.  That's part of the reason I came onto this place, because if there's an adventure to be told it's by us not by what a publisher or big company tells it's writers to come up with.

Here's a link to the actual word 'racist' and you'll be surprised who thought it up...

If I've crossed the line, please start a complaint and we'll take it up with the moderators. As of yet none has a problem with me as I don't start stirring trouble unlike a certain poster who takes many things out of context.

Education session over, now lets get back to writing our stories and enjoying our adventures. :)

Nah, you're definitely a racist.

8 years ago
First, I want to throw out that I'm not a fan of censorship. Banning an idea just because you don't agree with it or because it's unbelievably stupid is a very slippery slope.

Second, I think it's important to be honest with yourself about who you are and what you stand for. Otherwise, you're playing pretend like a little boy in his box fort.

And after reading a few snippets of that magical piece of rainbow poop, it doesn't take a Social Justice Warrior to understand that you're definitely a racist. But, hey, be proud of who you are and what you believe in. Too many other folks won't.

I read all of Chapter 4 because it was just so darn awful it was funny - the thinly veiled white supremacist ideology made me laugh. Was that supposed to be subtle? The mandatory course on THE DEATH OF WESTERN EUROPEAN TRADITION and whatever was great too. It was so very much realistic, I can actually see them forcing it on students in the western world! *Sarcasm

You really kept the realism rolling from there. A world where it's a criminal act to say anything that upsets a minority in any way is just so reflective of modern society. *Sarcasm* Tell me, do they force the pretty blond girl to have sex with the mud-bloods later on in the story? Because institutional mandated rape in western society is very believable. *Sarcasm

The irrelevant tangents you split off on did wonders for the pacing and plot. Your written craft is exceptional. *Sarcasm

This was terribly hilarious; it would have worked great as a work of satire/parody, mocking the misguided and morphed perceptions of reality that oh so many of the poor downtrodden white supremacists hold. It's like a rude gesture in the face of its own "cause." In short, a great joke.

Of course, you deserve the right to express those views... just as everyone else deserves the right to mock them in turn. But you should stop being a coward and embrace who/what you really are. Lying to yourself is unhealthy.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Stand back kids. Mansplaining by a pro here. Pro what, well. Leave to the imagination, but lets just say he was seen leaving those forums smacking his lips and with dollar bills stuffed in his underwear

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Do you honest-to-god think that that image macro qualifies as a legitimate source? 

Yeah, you're a fucking racist, regardless of how you sugarcoat it. You write stories on a Neo-Nazi website about murdering people to keep your bloodlines clear, and obviously condone those views. 

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

As Bucky said, you are so definitely, obviously a white supremacist I don't know why you're even pretending to be anything else. It's not about 'being proud of your heritage, just like anyone of any other race would be' when what you're writing about is how great and pure people of the White race are (that capital letter is important!) and how awful and degenerate everyone else is in comparison.

When you introduce your protagonist as 'pro-White, conservative' and make sure to make it a point that the character with all the unpleasant characteristics is Iranian, hammer home that 'pro-White, conservative' girl is being persecuted by the evil mudbloods and brainwashed liberals, and this is a pattern that repeats itself over and over, you're being dishonest in claiming you're writing an adventure story.

When all the characters are one dimensional and exist either to be good and correct mouthpieces for your beliefs, or demonized caricatures of those who don't share them, and everything that happens happens only to 'prove' some 'fact' in the real world by its existence in your fake constructed one, what that is is naked propaganda, and it's one of the more disgusting and dishonest things any writer can do, no matter what agenda they're pushing.     

And even though it's your kneejerk reaction to call everyone who calls you out on this a 'liberal' in a way that shows you don't even really know what the word means, you are really not as skilled or subtle as you think you are at hammering this propaganda into literally every paragraph of your writing, and believe it or not one does not have to be a 'fanatical liberal' (whatever that term means to you personally) to detect the snakeoil and overpowering odor of shit.   

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

I'm not going to attack your stupid white-pride, racist and other shitty beliefs because the others did a pretty good job of it, but why do you keep going back to Forum rules and censorship? "It's not against the rules, is it?" "We'll take it up with the moderators." "You might as well lobby for me to be removed from the Forums." No one here has said you're breaking the rules or you should be banned. They're saying your views are shitty and atrocious, not that you should be banned for them.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago


When did you change your avatar? Did you escape the basement? I've been so out of the loop this week!

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Mizal, he's running for president.

As am I.

You should vote for me, though.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

I'm running for president. I'm still stuck in the basement, though. Stockholm Syndrome has made me want to run for president to help this glorious site. Vote Steve, Mizal!

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago
Who are you running against? Mason? Please, tell me it's Mason.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

I think mason was a voter.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

I'd vote for Mason. It would amuse me far too much to not to, and horrify me if mine was the deciding vote too much to not do so either.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Should be noted that Mason left a praising comment on Tyler’s story AFTER he was discovered to be a stormtrooper.

Coins’ discovery:

To The Mountain Hold Is Launched! on 4/9/2016 5:52:54 PM
Uh...I don't really want to necro, but...I'm pretty sure that this guy is a racist.

Mason’s comment:

This is great!
-- MasonJarGuzzi on 4/9/2016 8:55:12 PM

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Can I change my vote, into two votes for Mason then? Sink those costs!

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

A good story's a good story no matter the author. Although To The Mountain Hold isn't a great game in General.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago
I noticed that, and it made me laugh. From what I read, it was sub mediocre at best, so that just makes me laugh more.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Zag, Chris, Tim, Sent, a few others.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

You would be surprised to hear that I am the GM mizal.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

You should probably pick a cooler title. Like the Decider or Kingmaker.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Sure, let's do executive moderator.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago
Just flip the "M" upside down. In honor of Tyler, you're the Grand Wizard, magical overlord of whatever-the-hell-it-is you're doing. If someone disobeys, turn them into a Mason Jar and then start shoving other Mason Jars inside of him.

And to wrap this nice derailment up with a pretty little bow, racism is bad, M'kay.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

But, I am not white! (-o-;)

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago
Tropes can cover that.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Meh, I’m too apathetic to care what your politics are.

I will say though, if you want to get some more writing communities interested in your work, you should post some links to it over at this place too:

You might get some feedback there.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

And this is why I love you man.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Tehehe. Thanks to EndMaster for showing me the link to this thread, I appreciate the lulz.

Got to say, I particularly giggle when people try to justify racism by saying they're "proud of their race." ... Why should anybody (of any ethnicity btw) be "proud of their race" ... It isn't an achievement. It's not something they've done. It's like the lazy person's way of trying to give themselves a sense of self-worth when they haven't earned any.

After all, why bother to achieve or accomplish anything with your life when you can just feel automatically superior based on your inability to catch a tan? I mean you could be an out of work 30 year old living in your parent's trailer park with your 11 inbred siblings eating possum for breakfast every morning, but hey, at least you're not a nigger. ^_^

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

Yeah, I'd wanted to say something like this, but then the guy slunk off. Long dead people who were not you doing things you didn't contribute to in the slightest isn't anything to be 'proud of'.

I mean, you can be interested in history, that's great. But with real history involving real people and all it rarely wraps itself up in a tidy little package you can just stamp PROUD [WHATEVER] RACE on, unless you're doing some serious projecting of elaborate personal fantasies on it and editing and ignoring any actual facts that don't line up with with the narrative you're constructing.

And even then, the PROUD MANLY MEN OF YORE who GOT SHIT DONE would likely think some guy writing bad propaganda 'inspired' by these fantasies today was a whiny self entitled little bitch trying to pat himself on the back for their achievements while understanding nothing about the reality of their actual lives and not caring to learn.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

All this talk about master races and such, made me wonder if there was a mixed race supremacist group out there trying to back up their claims of being the true future face of humanity by using the “hybrid vigor” argument.

I searched the internet, but all I can find are the plain old supremacist sites complaining about race mixing.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago

You do have a way with trendsetting...

Mountain Derp Is Derp!

8 years ago

There's more then a casual correlation between 'pride' in race, and an overly intertwined family tree. Hey, saves a lot of time meeting SO's family, or splitting christmas and such.

Only one I can think of that enforces a blending of races, is the Buro in Feng Shui ( ), with the express aim of stamping out racism. If fuckboy here had a smidge of subtlety or nous, he'd have taken a message from this - intra-racial marriages, are illegal, inter are the norm. And he could've made a link between that, and the hideous blending of sorcery and tech, enslaving of demons and then forcibly jamming tech and explosive leashes into em, and all the other 1984 dystopia trappings it rolls with.

But nope, wimmenz in fridges. Who needs subtlety, when you can goose-step?

(Also, the writing is terrible and boring, even allowing for the propaganda)

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

8 years ago
Maybe he's proud of his Neanderthal DNA. People whose ancestors come from sub Saharan Africa, if I recall correctly, are the only humans that are 100% homo sapien. I believe most people of Asian descent have Denisovan DNA, another human sub-species.

So, technically speaking, our storm trooper here isn't even pure as a species.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago

This is very true, and is kind of the perfect argument to show the absurdity of it. Imagine feeling pride over what isaac Newton discovered, and due to a more likely resemblance claiming his positive virtues as your own. It never stops at race either, it's always based on lazy convenience. People will say the same shit about their family name, and then they will also cling to any form of previous national glory to put their nation above others to feel some sort of pride. 

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago

Might as well necro this one since we've been watching reruns lately and this topic came up.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago

And now I can't read "Stormfront" without thinking of Super Nazi from The Boys.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago

Jesus. Don't get me wrong, there's some racist shit in my stories, but it's over-the-top stereotypical racism. It's cartoonish and unrealistic. And it still caught a lot of heat. 

The dude talks about the Fourth Reich and then says he's not a racist. Yes, he is.

I will say though: good call not banning him. That just allows them to think they're being oppressed. Better to have all ideas, even the ignorant ones, in the public forum, so they can be roundly mocked.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago

Someone did apparently ban him, but it wasn't until many years later since he wasn't really active anymore and he'd run off to Argentina anyway.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago
This guy probably would've pissed me off a lot less if he'd just been up front about being a Nazi lol.

But I had actually gone and read his stuff on the other forum, and it was a high school romance full of conniving brown guys who wanted the pure Aryan white girl, and only the pure Aryan white boy could save her from open sexual assault on campus. The teachers and staff were all too afraid of seeming racist to do anything but chide her about it. "Proud of her White heritage" also obviously a completely normal establishing trait for a teenage girl.

And at that point it was just like, who was he trying to fool with the rest of this stuff.

Anyway, the only story he ever published here was more like a demo ending in a teaser to shill one of his self published books on Amazon, nothing of value was lost.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago

Lol I actually didn't know about his high school romance story. 

It's even funnier if you think of it as bad fanfic with Dark and Petros playing the parts of the conniving brown dudes, Cricket as the Aryan girl and Cel as the aryan guy trying to rescue her. Lol.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago

Dressed in full SS garb, of course.

Better yet, have Steve play the part of the conniving brown guy like Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago
The worst thing about these old threads being necroed is my realization that I was using the RTE during this period. Just shameful. Dirty, bad, my apostrophes are an embarassment.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago

Take a cold shower. You'll feel better.

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago

Truly shameful! The most regrettable of decisions. 

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago

Eh. Better than writing shitty romcoms on a Nazi site

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

5 months ago

But Nazis need shitty romcoms too! ^_^

The 4th Reich Has Failed!

4 months ago

Another real one banned by the overbearing SJW mods :(