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The Mandalorian

5 years ago

So far this is about the only good thing that's come out of the Disney owned era of the franchise.

It really feels like a video game when watching it though. All his actions feel like something out of a RPG. He even had to do some side quests, along with an escort quest.

Then in true RPG power gaming fashion, rather than making the "good karma" decision immediately, he instead collects the reward from the quest giver, goes and upgrades his armor fully, THEN goes back to the quest giver and takes back the bounty, completely turning that faction against him and killing them all for maximum experience points.

Anyway, it's a pretty cool show. (So far)

The Mandalorian

5 years ago
Glad you're enjoying it. I hope it stays that way

The Mandalorian

5 years ago


Baby Yoda is the very essence of adorablenes.

The Mandalorian

5 years ago
Just looked it up, and results did not disappoint. BABY YODA

The Mandalorian

5 years ago


The Mandalorian

5 years ago

I don't like how he's still all ridgely and has scraggly gray hair and stuff. I thought Real Yoda just looked like that because he was old.

The Mandalorian

5 years ago
Could you imagine him SMOOTH though?

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

It’s the eyes

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

  I caught it after revisiting 'The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly with me pepaw. This was purely coincidental. You can tell they're trying to make MC some kind of space Clint Eastwood with that strained, manly cowboy voice. Oh, and the soundtrack. I'm a real sucker for spaghetti westerns. I dont remember them copying that Sergio Leone shot composition, though.

I like baby yoda even though I know it's just a marketing tactic

The Mandalorian

5 years ago
Chris just watched that TGTBTU too. Is Chris your pepaw?

I hope everyone is subscribing to wherever to watch these and not just stealing them. Disney can be trained to make good Star Wars things, but it will require rewarding good behavior with your wallet.

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

It already is getting a second season.

Hopefully it just doesn't start sucking badly.

The Mandalorian

5 years ago
I am secretly puddlebunni's pepaw. I have fooled all of you.

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

It definitely is a western- Even down to the lasers!

The Mandalorian

5 years ago
I gave Disney my credit card info to watch this show and would gladly do it again. The show was great and, yeah, pretty video game-y in its presentation. Hell, the Mando even faced a boss in episode 2 when he fought that mudhorn or whatever it was called. Can't wait for the next episode, and then the one after that and so on until the season ends and I'm itching for the second season to come.

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

I was going to say that I thought it was kind of weird how mandalorians never take off their helmets, because other mandalorians have totally removed their helmets before, Like Jango and Kid Boba Fett.

Then I looked it up and apparently the canon was changed to say Jango and Boba aren't even mandalorian, because Jango allegedly just stole some armor from them. At that point, I found it ironic that one of their most popular characters and arguably the one that allowed the TV show to exist isn't even mandalorian.

And then I found other mandalorians who took off their helmets and was completely justified. Then again, this was during the Clone Wars and the original trilogy, so I dunno it might be a single clan thing or a new mandalorian thing rather than a complete retcon, but whatever, the show is pretty cool.

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

That's some really hard ret con. They did the same thing with the back story during the SOLO movie. They'll keep doing that. Most of Disney is fanfiction or Mickey Mouse. They still come out with good stories.

The Mandalorian

3 years ago

@DerPrussen answer for your reckless words, fool 

The Mandalorian

3 years ago

Are you telling me that the Solo movie depicted a young Imperial Officer/Pilot who betrayed the Empire and released Chewbacca from slavery gaining a Wookie life debt and lifetime companion? Cause that was the old story.

The Mandalorian

3 years ago

In season 2, seems like it WAS a single clan thing.

Good job, past me. Pretty smart.

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

Still love the show, but episode 4 was kind of a downer for me



Seven Samurai is one of my favorite movies of all time.  This episode was clearly a wink to that.  However, Seven Samurai was a long movie as in like 4 hours I'm pretty sure.  If you havne't seen Samurai Seven, which is the anime version, even longer with episodes covering the story.  To have a mission to save a village from bandits play out in a 37 or 40 minute time frame felt super rushed.  It was still cool, I liked it, I would have just done it in maybe 2-3 episodes minimum.  But then again, I'm not a director or writer making bank so I know nothing.


The Mandalorian

5 years ago

Well I mean there were only 2 "samurai" in this scenario anyway.

But 7 samurai was also the first thing that came to mind when the plot got going.

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

Surprised to see comedian Bill Burr playing a merc in the latest episode. Wasn't sure if it was actually him at first. Also glad to see Clancy Brown still playing brutish villains as usual.

One thing I really like about this show is there really isn't some major arc going on. (Other than keeping Baby Yoda safe I suppose) The Mandalorian is this faceless protagonist that just keeps wandering from planet to space station taking random missions for profit and killing a bunch of people.

It really is like watching a video game.

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

I don't really understand why people keep betraying him.

I mean, if everyone who's betrayed him so far DIDN'T, they'd all be in a better position than they were before, instead of being like "haha if we betray the mandalorian we'll be in an even BETTER position".

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

Speaking of no major arc, there was a review out wheee a guy was bashing it as cashing in on action figures and nostalgia. Similar to how Ready Player One movie was bashed as just a fan service for people to find all the little Easter eggs and references. I personally really enjoy the show and there is a major arc it’s just not in everyone’s face yet. Kinda cool how the episodes each feel a little dofferent and like he’s working a new job each time. 

The Mandalorian

5 years ago
The 90s were the golden age of sci fi shows and they understood it was ok to just have fun. Glad somebody in charge of the something cool finally remembered.

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

I like the episodic style with the overarching plot hanging over head

And yeah, Im glad theyre having fun with it instead of making everything emo and depressing as everyone seems to like, constantly

The thing about Star Wars, is like when they were making the originals George Lucas openly admitted that he wanted to use it to sell toys in addition to making a pretty cool film

Its just the nature of star wars to cash in on OMG CUTE BABBY YODA

The Mandalorian is kick ass and anyone who hates it is a faggot from what Ive seen so far. 

The Mandalorian

5 years ago

The past few episodes I've enjoyed and thought to myself "That's a man that knows how to walk off getting shot in the chest."

The Mandalorian

4 years ago

Well time to cancel Disney plus until the next season of The Mandolorian I guess.

Last episode was still cool even if the Moff was holding the idiot ball by stalling as much as he did.

Funniest part is when the troopers punched baby Yoda.

The Mandalorian

4 years ago

Same.  Since the next season won't come out till fall 2020 I relaly don't need those months of subcription charges.  Feel like Disney Plus kinda screwed themselves here.  I mean, maybe I haven't looked through everything avaiable enough, but there should be more original series like Mandalorian, or offering access to Marvel movies sooner or something.  The other night I tried to pull up the second Ant Man with Wasp because I hadn't seen it yet. and it was on the app.  And what do you know.  Not avaialble.  

The Mandalorian

4 years ago
Corgi found this this morning, it amused. Thought Baby Yoda getting punched once was funny? Well now you can celebrate New Years by watching it happen 2020 times!

The Mandalorian

4 years ago

So far the second season has been just as good as the first even though it's only two episodes in so far.

Also going to just say this, if you're getting bent out shape about Baby Yoda eating some frog lady's eggs, you're a massive faggot.

These people whining about it were probably the same ones that wouldn't shut the fuck up about how cute the green bugger was.

Hey, he also rips out a spider alien baby right out of its shell and eats it too, don't hear anyone get upset about that one though. Why? Oh, because they aren't as "cute" as the frog lady who keeps going on about how the eggs are the last of her line.

Last of her line. Didn't say last of her fucking species, so he's not even the "genocidal monster" people are going on about.

I just hope all the faggots bitching about it don't fuck up the show causing the writers to back peddle or some other stupid shit.

The Mandalorian

4 years ago
I hope this was the writers trolling the people who were all upset their cute innocent baby got punched in the face.

Interesting to think about though, I guess you really would have to keep carnivorous baby aliens away from the rest, even if the species all otherwise got along. You can't blame a baby for eating your frog spawn any more than a cat that gets left alone with the precious gerbil that may or may not have came from your womb.

There are no bad cannibal babies, only bad cannibal baby guardians.

The Mandalorian

4 years ago

Is it really cannibalism if they're different species?

The Mandalorian

4 years ago

It isn't, but no one ever taught me the word that means I eat other Sapients that aren't of my species.

The Mandalorian

4 years ago
Okay, so looking it up 'cannibal' evolved from the name of the one of the tribes Columbus encountered.
But the fancy scientific word is 'anthropophagite'. So it would maybe be something like xenophagite?

The Mandalorian

4 years ago

Lol, phag

The Mandalorian

4 years ago

Most recent episode was pretty solid. The train heist was well done, I liked how the villain dude was an actual true believer and not just a bumbling retard like his subordinates. 

They also resolved the contradiction of why Mando doesn't take his helmet off when they do in the cartoons, in a way that kinda makes sense. Coins will be pleased to learn that his people are like the Salafists of the mandalorian world 

The Mandalorian

4 years ago

Caught up on recent episodes 3 and 4 for this season, liked them both. I don't think I've seen a bad episode yet.

In other news of faggotry trying to ruin everything that's good:

I guess Anita is desperately trying to stay relevant by bitching about the female Mandalorians having a little extra armor padding in the chest area. For fuck's sake they aren't wearing chainmail binkinis, the armor is still covering them like warriors and not even really drawing attention to their boobs. Hell, the camera action angles are going so quick, you wouldn't be focusing on them anyway.

It's just retarded.

And as usual not to be outdone, the tranny folk (and their cuck allies) have once again bitched about their fee fees, trying to get people canceled.

The main action chick who is a less traditional figured gal got calls for getting fired due to some shit she said on twitter which was supposed to be "transphobic."

What the fuck? Shouldn't we be supporting more of the ladies that have the less "Hollywood" figure (that apparently creates body image problems in little girls) in these sorts of roles instead of a tiny percentage of the mentally ill population trying to normalize their mental illness? There's more chubby people than trannies after all.

Also Rosario Dawson who is supposed to portray a Jedi character in the show also is getting shit by the trannies for percieved "transphobia."

At this point it just seems like the tranny folk won't be happy until they replace all the real women.

The Mandalorian

4 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 11/22/2020 10:09:03 AM
Transwomen being bitchy about real women are just yet another case of the penis people getting angry that there are people

1) without penises
2) who won't fuck them

Same old thing, just reskinned to be more pointless and confusing for our new modern world.

The Mandalorian

4 years ago


^That's all it took to trigger them.

I don't know if I should laugh or take an arsenic tablet.

The Mandalorian

4 years ago
Finally looked up what the complaint against Rosario Dawson was, and it's a pretty lol and over the top ridiculous accusation that has since been mostly withdrawn despite the fact that there would've been a ton of physical evidence if it actually happened.

The lawyer fucking off from the case is a good indicator that there is no case anyway, and the accuser is probably so obviously wacko in person that no one wants to work with them.

Unfortunately even if everything is completely dismissed, just the simple act of being accused is going to mar Dawson's reputation and possibly damage her career. Even being a bisexual woman of color can't protect from the machinations of a higher tier of snowflake these days.

The Mandalorian

4 years ago
I watched the first season all at once. I'm trying to do the same with this one but it's hard, show is so good and I'm already getting so many spoilers everywhere. I want to see it keep making people who shouldn't be watching in the first place mind meltingly angry.

The Mandalorian

4 years ago

Finally saw the season finale and once again I'd say Season 2 had no bad episodes same as season 1. So far batting 1000 with this show.

If they ended the show right now (like there's rumors going around about it) it wouldn't be a bad thing.

The Mandalorian

3 years ago

(Just finished watching the final episode of season 2)

But... If they end the show now, then that means... ... ... Kylo Ren killed Baby Yoda!!! O.O

The Mandalorian

3 years ago

Would it be blasphemy to say that I prefer The Mandalorian to the original Star Wars films? ^_^

The Mandalorian

3 years ago

Not at this point.

The Mandalorian

3 years ago
Gina's friendship has ended with Lucasfilm, now Ben Shapiro is Gina's best friend.