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Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
These are great and are available to play on the phone, as mentioned. Had a lot of fun with them.

The art is included. Would genuinely recommend playing through, and all the "manual" work of tracking your stats and stuff is taken care of for you.

If anyone wants the APKs I should still have them somewhere.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
I recommend the games too, but it's always been the case that we don't let people use the forums to openly steal even CoG games let alone stuff by decent people.

Anyway piracy is for flamboyantly dressed men that like sleeping in cramped spaces with other men crawling over them in the night. You guys who are into that, I mean follow your hearts and be yourselves but you should still probably all just find a closet somewhere and not use End's thread for this kind of degeneracy.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Piracy, they say, is like wanking: The wise do not do it in public.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure bragging about piracy is the third-world equivalent to dick measuring contests. This also confirms my suspicions that Cel is so deep in the closet he can't bend over to let another man pull the stick out of his ass.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
You guys rag on Darius for being a turbo homo while simultaneously managing to take something 100% unrelated into the realm of homoerotica?

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Well now you're making homoerotica sound like a magical place full of gnomes

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
"Homoerotica" and "full of gnomes" should be in the same sentence as little as possible

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

The alternative was "Full of Elves" which is surely worse

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
That is much worse

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
Christ, man, find a woman that'll pull it out if you're going to be that anal retentive about it.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Fellas is it gay to pirate digital media?

I mean it's not always ethical, particularly when it's a single author rather than a corporation. But I'm also wondering how we got from "CYS as a platform probably shouldn't be spreading around stolen games" to "piracy = gay(derogatory)".

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Well I'm no Gower, but reading between the lines here I'm not sure it's the piracy itself associated with gay(derogatory) so much as Cel himself.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
Committing piracy by necessity confines what was once a fine, upstanding straight fellow into a boat with other men (Women can't sail). Some men can't go a full voyage without sating their lascivious urges. This forces them to turn to faggotry to sate their lust

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

There was actually a small, but notable, number of female pirates because pirates didn't care about the gender of others as long as they acquired booty and shot at the Royal Navy

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
...did you really go and do the WELL ACKSHUALLY thing, without a trace of awareness?

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
I mean you gave me a copy of that dragon's pass game a long time ago. Wish I still had that lol.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
Well my personal reasoning for that is that it's a twenty year old game, and I've bought five copies, one of which was packaged as a sharable .exe.

But it's also $12 and you're not 14 anymore, so get a job, fatty.

The new Six Ages is really good but brutally hard btw for anyone into the setting. I don't think I've ever seen an in progress fantasy apocalypse get the "reality itself is breaking apart" vibes down quite so well. The onslaught starts immediately and the plot seems much more focused than previous games, although I've played it just long enough for the tribe to spiral into poverty and insignificance while having to keep all my focus on not starving.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

There, now this isn't cluttering up my thread.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
That is fair, but the piracy wasn't really the main point of my post.

I wonder why the CYStians must ravenously descend on my comments and turn me gay.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
Commended by TharaApples on 9/23/2023 2:56:58 PM

Straightest thing I've drawn in a while. I hope that this balances out the homoerotic tension.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago


Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
bruh you broke the goon sesh wtf

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Nice tits, Darius.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Is Sherb also gay?

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
No, I just haven't seen One Piece.
(Oh hey, topic circled back to pirates!)

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Also never heard of Jessica Rabbit?


Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
It seems like it's pretty obvious to most that you're gay, you being the exception of course. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm sorry if I personally made you feel like you should be ashamed of your sexual preferences. It wasn't my intention, so please accept my heartfelt apology. :(

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
Shut it tranny (derogatory).

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
Suck a dick faggot (derogatory).

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Always glad to see the spirit of this place continuing to be kept alive by based users of all backgrounds rather than it turning into another faggy writing site run by CoGites (derogatory).

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Yeah I know you weren't focused on piracy but the problem is you're a hatesink and when you brought it up even in passing, it resulted in a mass beat down and I just removed the whole derail.

I dunno, better luck next time I guess 

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
I really wasn't expecting this level of derail. If I'd known there was an incoming trainwreck I would've thrown additional fuel on it by pointing out that Cel not only steals games on the regular, but he also downloads hacks to make it appear as though he has 100% achievements on Steam so that he doesn't have to play them.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
is this a bot?

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

This whole thread is like a snapshot of the old days when Cel and Darius were still in the Discord.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

There's no need to act so nostalgic about these dark ages

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

Well it was hilarious how you and Cel annoyed almost everyone by your mere presence and there were daily beatings, so it was all entertainment for me. The closest someone came to that was Mara. Seems to be a Euro thing.

Granted Suranna's in there now for daily beatings (mostly by me), but she doesn't really generate genuine hatred so there's a minor loss in entertainment value.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago
I saw how the post count on this blew up, and so I was holding off on clicking it until I had time to read and respond to everyone's thoughtful points.

No, I don't know why I was expecting those either.

Anyway, people who habitually pirate games always are ready to give their personal reasoning of why they need to have X or Y particular title but also not pay money for it. But besides most people in a community like this being against ripping off other writers or indie devs, and those of us who have read the Bible knowing that stealing is wrong, it's also possible it could create legal issues for Alex.

With the way people come and go it's good to have a reminder now and then, which was worth derailing End's thread over. Although I only remember it coming up a couple of times in the past, and both times we deleted links when CoG refugees were trying to encourage people to use some site for downloading pirated games. Which is just...I mean playing CoG games at all is obviously a deeply homosexual act (derogatory), but someone going to those lengths because [insert pronoun] NEEDs to play CoG games just that desperately is pitiful and deranged.

Piracy Discussion

10 months ago

An example of someone who habitually pirates games and is ready to give personal reasons for it