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Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

to not want the Jews entirely genocided, or for a democratic country where women are considered human and the LGBT are allowed to exist to be replaced by a fanatical theocracy.

Why would you not want any of these things?

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Well since we're bumping this thread, I'd say for the same reason very darkly complected people like you should also not be dehumanized in places where you'd be a minority. (At least not until they get to know you as an individual to realize it's deserved, and maybe take a vote.)

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
And you wonder why women don't want to fuck you...

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

I have literally never wondered such a thing. Stop projecting, tranny.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
You 'literally' never wondered? Hmm. Sounds like you do wonder. The only women that would fuck you either have a non-existent sense of self-worth (this is dependent on a lack of white trash) or think they could fix you (again, dependent on the lack of white trash).

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Before you wade into this, I will do my duty and point out that you gave out a lot of personal info at varying levels of cringe during your time on the Discord, that Lux and others are still able to reference.

I mean, sure, so did Darius, but he can't be embarassed by any searches for his name connected to femboys the way certain other people might be.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
A lot of personal info? Sure. Related to wondering about women's decisions and it correlating to femboys? I don't recall such a thing.

You don't need to wonder anything about such creatures, for they cannot be understood. The answer to anything perplexing you about them is simply "women ☕".

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Is this a quote? Lack of insight is not an insight

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
You can't logically understand what isn't logical.

Your people, for all their failings, can at least be understood.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
*our people

We multiracial folks have to stick together

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
I can confirm Cel has a fetish for femboys amongst other, more disgusting/disturbing, fetishes.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Commended by mizal on 1/14/2024 3:37:00 PM

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Motherfucker you know what I look like, you can stop drawing me as Edward.

Also, if that's an actual song, I don't know it, sorry.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hellfire, sung by Claude Frollo.

It seems very fitting, the Celf hatred, the weird sniffing, the hairdo.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
is the daki me?

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

The based Serbian sees a picture of himself serenading an anime catboy pillow, and his singular complaint is that the artist whitewashed him.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

There were no little girls or femboys in that movie, so it's a futile hope for him to understand the reference.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
You have very nice handwriting.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

That's actually kinda funny Darius. Your humor has improved

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Hey look, it's Cel!

Hi Cel!

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Hey look, it's ogre!

Hi Ogre! There's that pleasant smell of farts again.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

Cel, consider this, after they have genocided the LGBTQ+ folks, Jews and tied all women on leashes, don't you think they wouldn't come after Eastern Europeans and the mentally disabled? 

The old school Nazis certainly did.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Excellent, now we just need Ford to arrive and then it's time for the return of Sherb's meme.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Which one? I found one in my gallery the other day, something about the 3 paths a 4channer can take or something. Can't find it now though, so if anyone's got a collection I'd love to see all those.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Commended by mizal on 1/14/2024 3:39:00 PM
Rare zombie edition (note that Ford isn't a zombie he's just naturally green)

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
That means we won't even be able to tell if he gets bitten some day.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

Adding this one to the mix.

Rin is best girl, indeed.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

Lol, it's adorable you think neo nazis would accept an alt-right, weeb serbfag like you. Even the kind of autism you threw Darius in is less delusional than yours. But it's great that you acknowledge Ford's autism is vastly superior to your own. That's progress, and there might be the tiniest sliver of hope for you yet. The next step is therapy. :)

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

It's adorable you're so obsessed with me that you keep trying to get my attention with shit tier insults whenever I show up, but I'm never going to fuck a tranny, so you can calm down :)

Arguably the only one worse than you at bants is Canary, and he's (as he said) a literal faggot, so it's expected of him to suck cock.

You'd think being a tranny would make you more adept at mimicking others, as you attempt to mimic the other gender, but so far it ain't going well.

And that's not my meme, either. Not sure who posted it originally. I just had it saved.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
It was very thoughtful of you to edit this to include Canary, I'm sure he was feeling left out.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Oh, sweetheart, I obviously have your full, undivided attention since you just can't stop replying. My insults may be shit-tier, but they get under your skin. Why is that? See, I don't think you're as uninterested as you claim to be. But repeated rejection hurts and you just can't take no for an answer, can you? Here's the problem with you, Cel, you aren't a real man. You'll never be a real man, and I'm not suggesting you're trans. You'll never be a real man because of your crippling insecurity over your masculinity. All any woman in a relationship will see when they look at you is a broken little boy needing to be fixed. Of course you'll just abuse them since you have no one else to take your insecurity and self-hatred out on except yourself. Quite frankly, I'm just neither interested in fixing pitiful excuses for life nor being abused because said pitiful excuses can't deal with their issues. I'm not sorry it had to come to this, but I can see why you have to cradle rob. (It's more than a personality issue.)

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

The only real accomplishment that Cel has to his name is Cum Mountain. But we don't talk about that too much. 

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

I don't know if you know what a tranny is if you think Lux is one. But you always did have a habit of being pretty funny when it comes to reading comprehension and interpretation of statements.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
Pretty sure most of the degenerates wanting to heil it up with the old school Nazis today would be put right up against the wall by them the second anyone caught a glimpse of their search histories.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

Many of the card-carrying Nazis were fat old men, scammers and lawyers in their old civilian lives, who were probably degenerate as well by their own standards. It isn't about the ideology, that's just the cope. The religious conviction of the Nazis doesn't actually make sense, but the mechanics of it do- Things really snap into place if you think about these kinds of organization more like a pyramid scheme for pure political power rather than whatever they tell you it's for. The things they say to pretend to be logically consistent are more just justification to normies and themselves. That's why you can have so many officers after the war coming out writing biographies like "I didn't even think it was the Jews! That was just crazy Hitler stuff" and saying they just liked Germany or they just wanted to participate in the military or whatever. In their minds, maybe that was even true, but that's the grift. The buck never stops with just being the right "kind" of guy. The top of the pyramid becomes infinitely narrow and the bottom becomes infinitely wide as they all inevitably turn the gun on each other squabbling for prestige positions relative to each other. Whoever can pretend to be the platonic ideal of the chivalrous war aristocrat the best, for the longest, wins. The dick-waving is more important than actual effectiveness in the war, just ask Kurt Knipsel and all the other literally normal dudes outperforming the SS.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago


Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago


Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

You are 100x more of a fag than I am and I'm openly gay, stfu 

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
mogami river

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

Well looks like we got Israel vs Hamas at home after all.

Good work everyone.

EDIT: Actually it looks more like we got WW2 at home.

Still, good work everyone.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
All the gay insults that have been thrown around aside, I’m glad to see Cel standing up for his brothers and sisters.

Turkey and Palestine stand together.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

So that was it for this? Was sort of hoping for a few more amusing posts. Malk didn't even come in and air strike the thread. Though we'll just assume he was plotting all this from behind the scenes being a Jew and all.

Well with the Reichstag in ruins due to the mongrel hordes of trannys, sodomites, femoids and mud races (Not necessarily in that order), I guess the only thing we can do now is play Cel a song.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

I've been digging fucking replacement tunnels for a week now, give me a break man 

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

I was actually hoping he'd drop by, he at least knows how to be funny.

Dark's one was nice, too.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago
He's busy.
Anything related to law is seriously the worst profession, we have such a list of causalities of anyone who even dabbles.

Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!)

one year ago

CYS always has the best musical guests!