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I think I want to make a story.

one month ago
I want to make my first story but I don't know what to start. Can y'all give me some tips on what to do? Please and thank you.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago
Start at the beginning.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago

Words.  Start with words.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago

Well, what's something you're passionate about? Try there. Or if you feel stuck, look up idea generators. I find that once I have a theme in mind, and I research said theme, (example I'm currently in the process of writing short stories centered around Sorrow, Rage, and Jealousy, as well as one themed around the Ides of February) the pieces for a story fall into place by itself, with some modifications. Another example, the short on sorrow (SPOILERS) is about a girl who losses her best friend suddenly and is over come with grief, only coming to a point of starting to heal through a video of her friend's last word for her from her hospital bed, before she died, is sent to her from her friend's parents, reminding her that her friend isn't fully gone if she has memories of her. I got this entire plot just from Googling common things that cause sorrow, lose of someone close being in the top. I then put myself in the shoes of sorrow and thought what would make me the saddest. And that was the death of a friend. 

I hope this helps. :)

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago
It feels like you used to be better at English.

And needing to generate a plot imo would be a pretty big hint that someone doesn't have any ideas they're interested in and thus no pressing need to write.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago

Ouch, but noted. (I did wake up at 5 this morning to make it to work by 6, so I AM a bit tired, plus I'm not a morning person.)

Also, I don't use generators often. I was only suggesting it as a last resort or if you're brain dead or something. 

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago
Thanks, I hate your story already.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago

If you can't even start a story, it's because your imagination isn't rich enough. You need to read books, especially long and difficult ones, to develop a rich inner world. 

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago
A real answer is what Malk said, but also you can always put up regular short stories for feedback on the forums. I wouldn't mess with a storygame just yet.

If you look up the parts of a story, they all go something like: Characters and Setting, Conflict, Rising Tension, Climax, and Denouement.

But that's so ingrained in us as a thing humans find satisfying mirrored in every story you experience (in any medium) that if you read enough you'll likely do basically the same with your plots without it being a conscious thing.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago
Actually I have some sympathy with this as I have spent the last few days writing 25 pages of a story that I've just decided is a dud :) We have a whole category in the Help and Info section about Story Writing but the first thing you need is an idea of what to write about. This can come from an experience of yours or something you've seen, played or read. Once you have the idea you need to think about how to present it. And don't worry if you haven't got any inspiration at the moment: you don't have to write and can focus on doing other stuff until a writing idea comes to you.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago

Hi hi! Y'know, I have absolutely never had this problem. I have far, far too many ideas swimming about in my head.

I usually start with characters, because people are fascinating. What would a stubborn person do if holding on to their beliefs causes them physical pain? What if it hurts the people they care about the most, or if one idea they've held their whole life conflicts with something else they believe to be true?

What if an altruistic person has to deal with an irl trolley problem? What happens when a little boy with a vivid imagination suddenly finds that all of his dreams are true and it's the real world that's fake?

The possibilities, they're endless.

But if that's not your jam, settings are also a good place to start. Imagine the best world you can, then think of the problems that would logically arise in such a scenario. Ruin paradise. Or what if one small thing about the world was different? How would that change lives?

Don't write because you want to have any story. Write because you want a specific story. It's already hard enough to finish something you're truly passionate about, let alone something that you couldn't care less about.

Or you can write about yourself. Write a journal entry in narrative form just to get the hang of writing and work on/develop/create your skills.

If all else fails, scroll through writing prompts and write a short story. Then think about what you've written and ask questions. How did they get to that point? What happens next? How would those characters react in an entirely different scenario?

Mess around a bit until something really strikes your fancy.

And... feel free to message me with any story/site related questions or comments. Bounce story ideas off of me. Please don't abuse that, though. While I'm happy to encourage productivity and growth in your writing ability, I am not signing up to be your therapist. Putting that out there now, just in case.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago
I've always had the settings come to me first. I can't get very deep into fleshing out a character until I know the circumstances that shaped them.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago
I like uncommon narrators. For my first storygame on this site I thought of the situation first, but most things I write start with an idea for a main character that fascinates me. I then think of a setting that would make them that way while also challenging their morals, beliefs, or other motivations.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago
I'll also say that malk and Mizal are completely right: reading other people's writing stretches your imagination. Writing is probably a lot more difficult for people who don't love to read.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago
I'd advise you to start small. Bigger stories require a lot of commitment and will power to complete. You could try centering the story around a situation.

E.g.: A dragon has announced that it will burn down the village unless a suitable sacrifice is prepared! How will the village chief handle this?

This story would basically end as soon as the dragon is dealt with one way or the other. Once you've gotten the hang of writing branching paths and have established a writing process, you can use that experience to write larger stories.

I think I want to make a story.

one month ago

go 2 skool. dunt drop owt. pay attenshun to yur ing lish teechur.

That's all there is to it!