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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago
@mizal @Bill_Ingersoll @Cricket @Shadowdrake27 @TheChef @MicroPen @ghost11 @DarkSpawn @Gower @Avery_Moore I was cleaning the other day, and I rediscovered the CYS Book Club kicked and left for dead behind a dresser. After a quick spit polish, here it is, bright and shiny like the very first posting. Instead of leaving it on the street corner (next to Coins' mom) with a giant "Free" sign, I think I'll leave it here. Going in order, DarkSpawn is next to pick the storygame. While there was a lengthy discussion on the last post, overall reviews were minimal. To put it into perspective, at this time I have 50% of the reviews on Woban Island. Now that everyone's done with their contest stories, let's sit back, read Dark's selection, and try to be less of a disappointment.

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago

Darn, I only have 25% of the reviews... 

If I can make a recommendation, Dark, there are a few contest games for the choose your own prompt or best of 2019 contests that would be good to feature here. Something that doesn't already have a lot of reviews (like the first and second place stories in the choose your own prompt contest) would be a well timed choice. Plus, they are on my reading list anyway.

Also, I might tag some suggested additions to this group, if that is allowed. I want to ask these people first, but there are a few good reviewers that would be an asset to this team (should they want to join). If they show interest, then I will tag them so Ninja can tie them up and torture them ask them nicely until they agree to participate.

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago
This isn't IS. You don't need to ask permission.

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago

Haha, true.

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago

@Reader82 did you want to join us?

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago
Sure, this seems like it could be fun.

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago
Dark, if I may, allow me to recommend that you choose Necromancer. It's a good story. I want to read it.

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago

You're a good reviewer. And you aren't possibly fast enough to run away.

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago

I'll join, thanks for the invite! (You didn't need to mention my speed D; I'm sensitive.) 

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago
And damn, there really are only reviews from two people. I thought the game was getting a lot of discussion the last time I glanced in.

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago

Well, it was from the few people that read it. Bill also weighed in, which was cool, but didn't help increase the review count...

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago
Since Dark never responded, I'm taking over. Random storygame search gives The Exploits of Fail-Man by @RoyalGhost_007 as what we'll be reading.

If you wanted something handpicked, too bad, you shouldn't have all sat around for ten days.

@Bill_Ingersoll @Cricket @Shadowdrake27 @TheChef @MicroPen @ghost11 @DarkSpawn @Gower @Reader82 @Camelon @Ogre11 @snailsforsale @corgi213 @Victim

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago
I like the title

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago

Guess I'm in the reading club now

I think I have read failman before 

Edit: Yes I've already rated and reviewed 

Keep up slobs

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago
Your comment is almost as long as your "review." Shots fired. Pew pew.

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago

Just went and reviewed it! It was certainly something. I didn't mention it in my review, but I'm kind of disappointed with the main ending. I don't know, I guess I was hoping that Reggie'd live happily ever after. 'Tis life. Other than that, the story was pretty good.

What are your thoughts? 

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago
Lol, I found the story hilarious over the top. But the protagonist is the lamest pathetic man over the earth. Seriously, Fail man is an understatement, Nigga man the cuckold makes more justice to a character so clueless. I really think that with more polish and branches could have been one of most hilarants over the top stories on the site. Still, the 3d person and the tense used are a big probl of the story same the fact of having only two endings.

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago

I got that ending to, and I agree. I think it was more that it was just shoe-horned in. The page just before was like a decent ending in itself - with some things resolved and others not, and almost a sequel to a future final showdown between the Witch/Knight and Reggie. But then the last page comes in and just sort of randomly ends it all, with a bit of fourth wall breaking as well. It felt like it cheapened the time spent reading the storygame.

The game itself got better as it went along, I think. I didn't really like the first half which was more just everything bad happening to Reggie and the author making choices for him that got him into trouble, but the second half showed some promise as Reggie developed more as an observant and thoughtful character than his rash pre-prison self.

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago

I pretty much had the same experience you both had.  With a little more time and thought, this could've been a really compelling story.  

CYS Book Club: Book Ten

5 years ago
Commended by mizal on 2/29/2020 6:44:22 AM

His life was a giant train wreck. He had lost his job, his wife, his ability to fly. Everything.

Then (soon enough) he gets thrown in prison. Then you get the roll credits scene.

Jokes aside, the way the opening is structured is pretty good. Getting our hero to their lowest point is a classic. The opening pages all have a good pacing to them too, which is pretty important, or maybe I'm just deceived by the blank space (i.e. paragraph breaks). Regardless, I like the way the story is set up, with things happening AND information being delivered, which I find preferable to text walls in which nothing happens other than the world exposition.

The tone is interesting too, since there is obviously humour, but then also some more serious scenes. Making sure the humour doesn't disarm the threat or whatever present elsewhere is pretty important, so it is interesting to see how that plays out. As an early example, the hostage situation doesn't feel undercut by the humour, and the threat is only made more real when our hero ends up hurt.

The meta jab when the protagonist's name is introduced also didn't make my eyes roll into the back of my head, so I consider it successfully implemented. I can't say the same for calling out a pun with: (AHA! Did you see what I did there?!).

The writing itself does boast some mistakes, but it is still decipherable. However, polishing it up a bit more wouldn't be a bad idea, as it would help readers engage with the story to a greater extent.

I think this article would be worth reading. Dialogue Punctuation!

Mixing up their/there/they're tends to stick out to me, and I feel spending some time to figure out how to quickly tell them apart is worthwhile.

I definitely think the story is still worth reading, as the positives outweigh the negatives.

I will say that it is rather linear, which is somewhat expected when there are only two real endings.

This being a contest entry does explain this, but it doesn't mean I am not sad about outright being told: 'Unfortuantely, this story can't go like that. Sorry. So Reggie's choices are...'

I suppose having choices restricted in this manner isn't the worst thing ever, as there can be meaning to not having a choice, but the storygame having stretches of linearity does make this not feel that impactful (it feels like more of the same, I suppose), but maybe that's just me.

Skipping over the golem fight is fine, but just one paragraph still felt a little too short to me. Maybe just one description of the team working together to quickly crack the head of a golem? I don't know. In fact, that page in general felt like it might've moved a little too fast, or maybe I just had different expectations for a page titled 'the bitter-sweet conclusion'.

Cannon Ending #1 is... interesting.

I didn't read everything, but did click around, and I can say that it seems that the linearity will be effected by the path you end up taking. This is a good thing, as it means overall the story is not as linear as I may have been expecting.

It's good.